*Authors Note*

Hey! I'm back with another Dark Bloom Story. I hope you guys like it and if you do leave a review and tell me what you liked or hated in this chapter.

"People will believe a big lie sooner than a little one, and if you repeat it frequently enough, people will sooner or later believe it."

- Walter Langer

She fell to the ground as she tried to back away from me only to trip on a root. Her Amber eyes looking up at me in fear, her hands clutched the ground her nails digging deep into the dirt and sinking into it like the claws of a cat on a perch. "P-please don't hurt me." She cried out. I ignored her screams. I grabbed at her throat and forced all my strength into my arm to pick her up. Once she was no more than a foot above the ground her feet dangling in the absence of earth I leaned back and pulled her with me as I lurched forward and sent her flying through the tree a few feet in front of me.

She landed with a thud. I quickly raced over to her to check her pulse. Her breathing was shaky and I was sure that I had punctured a lung somewhere in her rib-cage. I sat my hand on her ribs to make sure that I had. My hand fell on an indented part of her skin. She cringed as I pushed a little to make sure it was truly broken. I whispered my apologizes to her. I was about to pick her up and carry her back to her prison, my home, but before I could a twig snapped from behind me. I turned around to quickly tell them off only to find myself facing a lustrous blond with dark brown eyes her mouth opened and let a loud scream escaped.

I snapped my eyes open sweat drenched my forehead as I lay in bed breathing heavy. "Are you okay Bloom?" A small voice whispered from the dark it took me a while to figure out who it was before I answered.

"I'm fine Flora just another nightmare. Nothing to really worry about." I mumble to her before turning back onto my side and closing my eyes. I was about to drift off into a more peaceful slumber when her loud grunting made me question her. "Are you getting sick Flo?"

"No." She said blankly I could hear the hurt in her voice as she continued, "I'm worried about you. You have been having these nightmares for weeks and whenever anyone asks you what they are about you just say you can't remember."

"I can't remember Flo I promise."

"You can't or you won't Bloom." She sighed sitting on the edge of my bed. I moved further away from her not daring to look her in the eyes... or where her eyes must have been I couldn't see anything in the dark."I'm here for you Bloom sweetie so please just tell me about it. It will make you feel better" She said to me. Even through the darkness I could feel her cold eyes penetrating into my soul.

"I can't Flo I just can't. You just wouldn't understand." I whispered to her fresh tears threatening to fall from my eyes. Flora grunted and got up from my bed I heard her walk over to her bed and get in it. Even in the dark I bet she had her back turned away from me. "Flo?" I questioned and when I got no response I got up and walked over to the door that led to the hall. Before I walked out of it I heard her mutter, "How can you not trust me I thought we were friends?"

I kept walking. I left the dorm and entered the hallway I had to get away from all those questions and confused looks I got when I tried to explain the dreams to my friends or the teachers but, there really was nothing anyone could do to stop them unless... No I couldn't... But then again she might be able to help.

I walked briskly through the halls and left out the front door by now the sun was just barely peaking over the horizon shedding a small ray of light over the forest. I started to run the suns warm glow following me as I raced towards the darkened tower my hopes raised high when I found the woman I had been looking for since all of this had begun.

I approached the green-skinned woman who stood in a gentle stance on the edge of the staircase that rims around the Cloud Tower. As I approached she looked up from her position and turned her head towards me.

"I was wondering when you were going to come see me Bloom." Headmistress Griffin said as I walked over to her my eyes not leaving her the whole time.

"There not just nightmares are they? Is this your doing?" I asked as I got close to her deciding to not beat around the invisible bush. She was a full head taller than I was and the air that surrounded her had the stench of decay. The headmistress was one that no witch or person in that matter would ever want to confront. Her whole body sent dark energy around the air that she stood near anyone in their right mind would have stayed clear of her but, I needed answers and I needed them now.

"I don't know Bloom, and why don't you tell me." Griffin said folding her arms one over the other in an attempt to cross them.

"I have been having them ever since we visited Cloud Tower to protect your piece of the codex so what gives?" I asked her as She shifted her body weight. It was a long silence that followed before Griffin let go of her pursed lips and spoke.

"Your know I can't answer your questions Bloom. In fact I should not even be talking to you right now because this is something you should be asking your own headmistress." she said not an ounce of emotion in her voice. Her face was as stiff as the lake around Alfea in the morning haze.

"Fine but, answer me this one question. How long have I been evil?" I asked her looking into her eyes for the answer that I knew would not be there.

Headmistress Griffin just shook her head, "You already know the answer."

And in that moment I looked deep inside myself and realized why she could not answer me because I had already known I was turning into a monster and for now this monster was alone. My eyes went wide as I realized what I truly was, of course I must have known, how could I have not? I know who I am now. I am Dark Bloom and I'm going to set my master free.

Hoped you liked it and if you want you can leave any hints, tips, comments, or what you want to see happen in the story. Leave them in the reviews or P.M. me!