Everyone started talking over the top of each other and it got so loud Coulson had to whistle to resume order.

"Ward. What happened when you went into the shop?"

"Nadia saw me and she had clearly heard me and May. I dragged her to the bathroom to try and explain and then there was a gunshot."


"We were in the diner eating probably the most disgusting burger ever when we saw the subjects. They made the exchange and one of them answered a phone call and shot the other. He shouted something about it being a set up."

Kain nodded in agreement.


"Son a bitch recognised me didn't he."


"One of those locals."

"What happened?"

"Well they hit me from behind with a tazer and I saw him make a phone call. I then remember getting tazed and tazed and tazed. I don't even know how I got into the SUV."

"Ward and Kain dragged you." Amber offered.

"Did we get it?" Coulson asked his agents.

Kain reached into his pocket and threw a small medallion looking object onto the hollotable.

"Who are you people?" Nadia asked again. SHe was getting frustrated with the lack of answers.

Coulson pressed a button on the hollotable and a S.H.I.E.L.D logo appeared in the centre revolving around and around.

"No FREAKING Way! You left the Rising Tide for THIS?" Nadia said looking from Skye to Ward and then taking in the rest of them in turn.

"We are an elite team of agents dealing with the weird and wacky." Coulson told her.

"And that in no way reflects on the fact that we are weird and wacky." Fitz stated.

"IS THAT A BULLET HOLE?" Skye yelled at Ward as May, still feeling the effects of being tazed sunk to the floor.

Nadia didn't know where to look. She chose to look at Ward as Skye inspected his side. That's when Nadia noticed his white t-shirt was stained red with blood.

"When did you get shot?" Nadia asked.

"When they were shooting at us." Ward replied sarcastically, earning a small slap off Skye.

"You mean you did all of that with a bullet in your side?"

"More than one." Ward admitted lifting his shirt as Simmons forced him to sit on the hollotable. Nadia watched in fascination as Simmons treated Ward's body.

"Aren't you going to numb that?" Nadia asked as Simmons used the tongs to search for the bullets in Ward's side.

"Nah. He's a big boy he can handle it." Simmons told her as the lightbulb in the workout room shattered making everyone jump.

Skye shot a look at Ward that told him to be careful.

Ward felt his phone start to ring. Looking at the caller ID he saw it was Tilly.

"Hey Trouble. How's Phys Acc?" he asked putting the phone on loudspeaker.

"You could have warned me about the food. It tastes like cardboard." Nadia heard a woman complain.

"That's Tilly. She was one of my bridesmaids." Skye whispered to her to clear the confused expression she was wearing.

"Got your partner yet?" Ward asked her.

"Yeah. He's a former tri state champion in some martial art or other. I really wasn't paying that much attention."

"Bet that's raised a few eyebrows!" Ward laughed.

"Everyone keeps nagging me and asking my why."

"Jesus Tilly. What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything, well not in front of the other students anyway."

"They gave you private assessment?" Coulson asked her.

"That you Coulson?"

"Sure is!"


"Which room you in?" Ward asked

"They put me in your old one."

"Smuggled any contraband in yet?"


"Third floorboard from the left. Its loose so you can pull it up and hide stuff you don't want found in there."

"Thanks for the tip! " Tilly's voice suddenly changed to a whisper "gotta go. Call you soon. Bye!" and she hung up.

"All done. Now where's May." Simmons said as she cut the piece of thread she had been using to stitch Ward with.

"Down here!" she said. She hadn't moved off the floor.

Instead of hauling May onto the table Simmons joined her on the floor.

There was a beeping sound in the lab and Fury's face appeared on the video screen.

"Woah!" Nadia exclaimed.


"Coulson. How'd it go?"

"Ward got shot, May got tazed and we picked up a hitch hiker. So, normal day at the office."


"Yes, Sir?"

"You got shot. AGAIN?"

"Again?" Nadia mouthed to Skye.

"Flesh wound. Nothing serious." Ward said showing Fury the found to his side before putting his shirt back on.


"Down here!" She called, waving her hand so he could see her.

"What happened?"

"Multiple tazers, multiple shots. I'll be alright!"

"That's why you are on the floor? SKYE?"

Skye jumped a mile. She was not expecting Fury to address her.

"Yes Sir? She asked tentatively.

"You alright now? Recovered from that bug?"

"I'm fine, thankyou Director. Thanks for asking."

"Hitch hiker, front and centre." Skye prodded Nadia so she would be visible on the screen.



"Why are your there Nadia?"

"I was in the store when the gun fight broke out. Your agents took me to safety."

"Coulson. Tell me you retrieved it despite all this?"

"We did Sir. Would you like us to drop it off?"

"The girl too."

"Which one?" Coulson asked with a smile.

"Nadia. Oh and Coulson. That special request we discussed. I'm going to grant it." Fury confirmed hanging up.

"Setting a course for the Hub." Fitz said, pressing details into the flight controller.

"I don't know about any of you, but I am going to shower." Ward announced heading out of the door.

"This is an aeroplane. How the hell do you guys have showers?" Nadia asked Skye.

"This is a S.H.I.E.L.D plane. We have everything! Come on. I'll show you around." Coulson told her. Nadia looked at Skye and followed Coulson up the stairs.

"You know he's going to interrogate her right?"" May asked Skye from the floor.

"I know. I would have questioned his sanity if he hadn't."

"So Skye. We want to know something." Amber probed.


"Why did Coulson leave you behind?" Simmons asked

"I guess he needed someone here." Skye told them trying to keep her face straight.

"Yeah, but even after you were shot he let you stay in the van. What's different?" Fitz asked, joining in.

"Nothing. I'm starving. Anyone else want anything to eat?" Skye said heading towards the kitchen.

"She is definitely hiding something." Fitz said.

"Yeah, but what?" Simmons asked.

"You mean you two geniuses haven't figured it out?" May asked as Simmons bathed a nasty looking burn on her arm.

"What?" Amber, Kain, Fitz and Simmons asked together.

"She's pregnant."

There was a stunned silence before Simmons spoke up.

"I did think that stomach bug was taking too long to clear!"

A/N: I am going to leave this fic here (I know, my cruel side is coming out!)... as it's now reaching EPIC proportions!

Same drill... virtual cookies to anyone who tells me what their favourite part was!

Next one is called Agent-In-Training (Sequel but from our Tilly's eyes! The team with be in it in their dribs and drabs and Skye will give birth :o)

I have another AU fic planned as well as having requests for a Release the Hounds sequel... if you have anything that will scare the monkeys out of our team - let me know!