Author's Note: Greetings, everyone! This story serves as a sequel to my previous story, We Will Burn the Sky. This story moves further into the future, so is features some brand new characters, but it does have many of the characters that my readers will be already familiar with. Dil is prominent here, but he does take a little bit of a 'secondary role'. One important point that I wanted to mention to my readers, because we are going so much further into the future, it is hard to say, if what I have written will truly reflect reality. Like my previous stories, I once again decided to title this one after a Scorpions song. As always, I enjoy critical reviews.

New Generation

Chapter I

"Congratulations!" said those present at the Java Lava, when Ian Pickles and Austra Adams entered in their caps and gowns.

The date was the 26th of May 2029—the day of Ian's and Austra's high school graduation. With them were their family members and siblings. As Angelica Pickles prepared to order herself a smoothie, her cell phone rang. Her Caller ID revealed that the number belonged to her childhood friend, Susie Carmichael. "Hey, there!"

"Hey, Angelica! How was the ceremony?"

"It was all right. Ian looked so handsome in his cap and gown, and Austra was such a pretty girl as well."

Susie chuckled. "Hard to believe that little Ian's a high school graduate."

Angelica smiled. "Yeah, as he was walking up to receive his diploma, all I could do was think back. I thought back to the day he was born; I thought back to how he used to toddle around my former apartment; and I thought back to his first day of school."

"You're going to be doing that two more times, Angelica. You've got Cody and Candance."

Angelica smirked. "That's true."

"How are those two doing?"

"Pretty good—Cody's going to be starting the eighth grade in the fall, and Candance will be entering the sixth."

"Sounds good, Angelica. Well, I need to go. I just wanted to give my congrats to Ian and Austra."

"Okay, thanks, Susie."

Life on Mother Terra is never static. The clock has continued to 'tick on' the group of childhood friends from Missouri, California. Many of those friends were now married and had a brood. Of the children produced from a union, some of them are known already.

The first of these children was the 18 year-old blonde haired and blue eyed Ian Louis Pickles, the son of Angelica Pickles-Adams and an unseen father. Angelica informed Ian that he had met his biological father before, but Ian could not recall the meeting. Ian's biological father, however, did not matter to him. For Ian, Johnny Adams was his father, and indeed, after Johnny married Ian's mother, he adopted Ian as his own. But as for his own life, Ian was uncertain what to do with himself.

After Ian would come the girl who was his adopted sister, the 18 year-old auburn haired and blue eyed Austra Brooke Adams, the daughter of Johnny Adams and his then girlfriend, Ann. Unlike Ian, Angelica did not adopt Austra as her own, because Austra's mother was still very active in her life—yet, Angelica was very fond of her stepdaughter. Ever since she was a little girl, Austra had a temperament for helping others. In high school, Austra decided that wanted to become a Social Work counselor, and through hard work, she received a scholarship to the University of California's campus at Berkeley.

Next on the list was the 15 year-old red haired and brown eyed Kirkley Andrew Finster, the son of Chuckie and Ashley Finster, who went by the name 'Kirk'. Like his father, Kirk often assisted his grandparents in the running of the Java Lava, and the money that he received was often used to buy either a video game or a role-playing game accessory.

Finally, there was the strawberry blonde haired and brown eyed 14 year-old Blaer Trixie Pickles, the daughter of Dil and Dezirae Pickles. Like Ian, Blaer had never really known one of her biological parents—in this case, her mother. A tragic accident took Dezirae away from Blaer, shortly after Blaer's first birthday. But when Blaer's father, Dil, married Lil DeVille, Lil adopted Blaer as her own. Blaer attended a Catholic school, where she was a cheerleader during the fall and winter months of school. Yet, with her eighth grade year coming to a close, Blaer was pondering her future academic life.

Ian, Austra, Kirk, and Blaer were the 'known children', but they were not the only children to be found. Ian, Austra, Kirk, and Blaer now had brothers, sisters, and cousins.

The union of Johnny and Angelica Adams produced two children. These eldest of these children was Cody Gage Adams. Like his older brother, Ian, the 13 year-old Cody inherited his mother's blonde hair and blue eyes; yet, Cody's hair had a darker shade of blonde, than his older brother. Cody also inherited his father's love of hard rock and metal music—he often wore shirts of various metal bands.

After Cody, came his 11 year-old sister, Candance Marie Adams. Candance inherited a combination of her parents' features. Candance had the dark hair and eyes of her father and the nose of her mother. Candance loved to play volleyball and swim. She was also very influenced by her older sister, Austra. Austra encouraged Candance to stand up for herself, but also for Candance to look out for those, who may not be as strong willed as she happened to be.

The union of Chuckie and Ashley Finster also produced another child—the 12 year-old Cynthia Nichole Finster. Cynthia had strawberry blonde hair with the brown eyes of her mother and the freckles of her father. Cynthia was a pretty girl, but she was also a shy girl. Those around Cynthia that could sense her shyness—particularly her father—were always encouraging her not to be afraid.

Like Kirk, Blaer was not an only child. The union of Dil and Lil produced two sons. The eldest of these sons was the 12 year-old blonde hair and blue eyed Xavier Dylan Pickles. Xavier had an interest in the arts—he loved to write, and he would sometimes share his artistic ideas with his father and uncle.

Following Xavier was his younger brother—the 10 year-old brown hair and brown eyed Saber Howard Pickles. Saber had an eccentric personality; he had longer hair, than most children his age; and he loved his father's hard rock and metal music. In many respects, Saber was like his father as a child.

Blaer, Xavier, and Saber were not the only grandchildren of Stu and Didi Pickles. The marriage of Tommy and Kimi Pickles produced children of their own—a son and daughter. The eldest of these children was the 12 year-old Justin Thomas Pickles. Justin Pickles, who often went by his initials 'J.T.', inherited the dark eyes and hair of his mother, but the shape of his eyes came from his father—along with his chin and nose. J.T. had an interest in sports—particularly basketball.

After J.T., came his little sister—the 11 year-old Krystal Diane Pickles. Krystal's features were always an amusement to her parents. Krystal's eyes had an oriental shape to them, but they were green. She also had red hair and freckles. Tommy would often joke that his European blood overpowered Kimi's Japanese blood, when they produced their daughter. Krystal had an interest in cultures—particularly her mother's Japanese culture.

Finally, Xavier and Saber were not the only biological grandchildren of Howard and Betty DeVille. The union of Phil and Rachel DeVille produced two daughters. The eldest of these daughters was the 12 year-old blonde hair and green eyed Elisha Dezirae DeVille. Elisha's middle name was one that Rachel asked Dil, if he would mind. Rachel was a close friend of Dezirae's, but she also knew how much Dil suffered from Dezirae's passing. Dil, however, told Rachel that he would be fine with her giving the name 'Dezirae' as her daughter's middle name. Elisha would occasionally display behavior that would make one think she was a 'brat' or a 'valley girl'—something that her friends would tease her about.

Following Elisha, was her 10 year-old sister—the brown haired and blue eyed Anastasia Jill DeVille. Anastasia had a close relationship to her aunt, Lil, and her cousin, Saber. Unlike her older sister, Anastasia was something of a 'tom boy'.

"Isn't Ian so cute?" giggled Elisha.

Cynthia blushed. "Yeah. Yeah, he is."

Ian, unaware that he was part of any conversation, removed his cap, and asked for a smoothie.

"Here you go, Ian," Betty said, while she handed him a smoothie.

"Thanks, Aunt Betty."

Betty smiled. She was still 'Aunt Betty' to many of the younger children, who were now becoming young adults. "You're welcome, Ian…It's kind of hard to believe."

"Believe what?"

"That Angelica's little boy is a high school graduate. It just seems like yesterday that he was the little boy in the photograph over there," Betty said with a gesture.

Betty's gesture was to a photograph that contained an image of Ian from when he was about two-years-old taken inside the Java Lava.

Ian smirked. "You do realize that 'Angelica's little boy' is now Cody."

Betty laughed. "Ah, but you were the first for all of us. Do you realize that I took that photograph of you?"


Betty nodded. "Yep, but it took a while to get you to pose and smile." Betty sighed. "You know, it might seem hard for you to believe this, Ian, but when you get older, 16 years ago seems like it was yesterday…So does really any day for that matter."

Ian smiled. "I can imagine." Ian paused to have a drink of his smoothie. "The fact that you told me that story somehow makes me think that I can remember it."


Ian nodded. "Yeah. Didn't Mom give me a cookie or something?"

Betty laughed. "Yeah, I think that she did."

Ian smiled.

Betty returned the smile. "So, are you ready for the Navy?"

"I think so. Mom seemed to be a little worried about me joining, but Dad told her that I'll be all right."

"Yeah, you'll be fine."

Ian nodded. "I just don't know what to do with my life, so I thought that the Navy might help me."

Betty smiled, but as she did so, she caught a glimpse of her granddaughter on her cell phone. "Since we were talking about photographs earlier, I think that my granddaughter would like one of you."

Ian turned, and when he spotted Elisha, he smiled. "Hey, Elisha."

Elisha blushed. "Hi, Ian."

"Would you like to take a picture of me to commemorate this day?"

"Uh, sure."

Ian smiled, and Elisha took a picture of him on her cell phone.

"Thanks, Elisha. Please forward that pic to me."


Ian grabbed his smoothie, and left to talk with the other guests at the Java Lava.

Elisha giggled, while she showed the picture that she had recently taken to Cynthia. "Doesn't he have some the prettiest blue eyes?"

"That he does. Although…"

"Although what?"

"Although…your cousin, Xavier, has some pretty blue eyes as well."

"Xavier?! What in the world could you see in him?"

Cynthia did not have a chance to answer Elisha's question. Instead, Elisha's little sister, Anastasia, possibly answered it for her with a question. "Maybe it's because he's an artist and not some dumb jock."

"Excuse me! What do you know about boys, Stasia?"

Anastasia smirked. "I know the interesting ones from the boring ones."

Elisha shrugged.

And Cynthia chuckled.

"'Valley girl, she's a valley girl!'" Anastasia sang with a grin.

"Shut up!" exclaimed Elisha. "I hate that damn song!"

Anastasia giggled. "Oh, all right. But what is with all this talk about Ian? What about J.T.?"

Elisha gave Anastasia a look. "What about J.T.?"

Anastasia grinned. "You like him, don't you?"

"No!" responded Elisha, while her face turned red.

"You have a crush a 'dumb jock'. Don't you, Elisha?"

"Just because someone likes to play sports that doesn't make them dumb, Anastasia."

Anastasia and Cynthia laughed.

Elisha turned away, but she returned, when another voice entered the conversation.

"Hey, everyone," said the voice.

"Hey, Candance," said Cynthia.

"What's going on?" asked Candance Adams.

"Just teasing my big sister about being a 'valley girl' and having a crush on J.T."

"First off, Anastasia," began Elisha, "I am not a 'valley girl'. Secondly, I do not have a crush on J.T."

"Except for the fact that you smile every time that you see him."

"I smile at a lot of people."

Candance chuckled. "You know, Elisha, I think that my brother really likes you."

Elisha gasped. "Ian?!"

"No. Cody."

"Oh," said a dejected Elisha.

"Hey, Xavier!"

Xavier turned to see his cousin. "Hey, J.T."

"Want to try something crazy?"

"What's that?"

"Taking a picture of Austra."

Xavier sighed. He secured his cell phone, and took a picture of Austra. "There you go, J.T. A crazy idea, if I ever heard one."

"I didn't mean that, you moron."

"Then what did you mean?"

"I meant a 'real picture.'"

"And what exactly is a 'real picture'?"

J.T. grinned. "One of Austra in her thong."

Xavier was stunned, but then he sighed. "You're perfect for my cousin."

J.T. laughed. "Elisha? No, no. But come on now, man. I know that you think Austra has a nice ass. You said so the other day."

Xavier smirked.

"Unless you made all that up the other day. You're not gay, are you, Xavier?"

An intense look came over Xavier. "Fuck you; you dumb jock!" Xavier gritted his teeth. He wanted to express his feelings even louder, but he maintained his composure, due to the fact that his parents and grandparents were nearby.

J.T. laughed. "Oh, come on, I was just kidding."

Xavier sighed.

J.T. smiled. "But I have seen how you've been watching Austra a bit more."

"What are you two talking about?" asked an outside voice.

J.T. and Xavier turned. The voice belonged to Xavier's long haired younger brother, Saber. Saber wore a faded Deep Purple 'In Rock' shirt that appeared one size too big for him.

"Where did you get that?" asked Xavier, while he gestured to the shirt.

"I raided Dad's closet. Anyway, what're you two talking about?"

"I'm trying to get your brother to fulfill his wildest dream, and take a picture of Austra's ass," replied J.T.

"Hey, what's all this talk about my sister?" interjected another voice.

J.T., Xavier, and Saber turned. This voice belonged to Cody Adams, who wore an Iced Earth 'Burnt Offerings' shirt that had the image of Gustave Dore's Satan from Dante's 'Inferno'.

"Codeblast!" exclaimed Saber, while he displayed the headbanger gesture.

Cody smirked, and returned the gesture to Saber. Despite their age difference, Cody was very fond of his younger cousin. But once he finished with Saber, Cody returned his attention to J.T. and Xavier. "So as I said earlier, what's all this talk about my sister?"

"Oh, nothing," replied J.T.

"No, no, tell me."

"I'll tell you for a dollar," said Saber.

"Saber!" exclaimed J.T. and Xavier.

Cody removed a dollar from his wallet. "Sold!"

With the dollar in his hand, Saber whispered the information to Cody.

Cody nodded, and returned to J.T. and Xavier, but his focus was mostly on J.T. "So that's it, eh? You want Xavier to take a picture of my sister's ass?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," J.T. said.

Cody chuckled. "You don't need to lie, Pickles, and I'm not mad. But why are you asking your cousin to take the picture? Isn't your dad in film?"

"I still don't know what you're talking about," repeated J.T.

Cody shook his head. "You're a piss poor liar, J.T. Perhaps I should go, and tell my sister, who might confront you…Or maybe she'll tell my dad, and he'll confront you."

J.T. started to shake.

Cody grinned. "Or maybe we could just forget all of this, if you'll do something for me?"

"What's that?" asked J.T.

"Get me a hot picture of Elisha."

From a distance, Blaer Pickles heard the conversation between her brothers and cousins. "My brothers and cousins are so stupid!" she muttered.

Blaer decided to step outside the Java Lava. A number of thoughts were on Blaer's mind.

"Hey, Blaer!"

Blaer turned. The person who addressed her was her cousin, Krystal. Blaer smiled—she had a close bond to Krystal that she did not have with her first cousins, Elisha and Anastasia. The reason for their bond may have been that Blaer and Krystal were bound together by blood and not by law. "Hey, Krystal."

"What are you doing outside?"

"I'm just thinking."

"About what?"

"A number of things—I sometimes like to go into the tree house over at Grandma and Grandpa's that Daddy told me he, Uncle Tommy, and the others built, when they were kids. But since I can't do that right now, this place will have to do."

Krystal nodded. "What's on your mind, Blaer?"

"Well, it's…"

Inside the Java Lava, another conversation took place—this one between Dil Pickles and Rachel DeVille.

"Blaer looks very much like her mother," said Rachel.

Dil turned. He observed Blaer from the outside window. "Yes, she does." Dil tossed his long red hair, which was beginning to reveal a few specks of gray. "I guess that I hadn't really thought about that, until you mentioned it."

"I know that you've got Lil and the boys, but do you ever mention Dezirae any to Blaer?"

Dil took a drink of his smoothie. "Sometimes. I show Blaer pictures of her; I've taken her to Dezirae's grave; she frequents her Pangborn grandparents; and I know that she's still attached to that toy that was once her mom's." Dil took another drink of his smoothie. "Yet, ever since Lil adopted her, when she was still real little, Lil has really been her mom. Of course, whenever Blaer gets mad at Lil, she'll inform Lil that she's 'not her mom', which upsets both Lil and I."

Rachel nodded. "That's just typical teenage behavior."

Dil returned the nod. "True." Dil finished the last of his smoothie and added, "You know, I have something associated with Dezirae that I've never shown Blaer. Perhaps it's about time that I do."

As Dil and Rachel continued their conversation, someone else was watching Blaer from inside the Java Lava. This was Kirk Finster, whose eyes were focused on the backside of Blaer's jean shorts. "Damn!" thought Kirk. "Blaer has such a nice ass! When the gods were thinking about sculpting such an ass, they must have had Blaer's ass in mind."