Hello there my beautiful readers. This is the final Author's note. This truly has been quite the ride and I'd like to take this time to thank all of you for sticking with me. You guys are all so amazing. I know that a bunch of you are going to read the beginning and end paragraphs and your own review if you left one so I'll just say this here. I am working on more writing. It is coming along slowly so don't expect anything right away. It is a slightly more serious piece and I want to give it the proper amount of time to develop. That being said, I won't be posting but keep an eye out for when I do.
Now, for your reviews. Like I promised, if you left a review, I will respond. Here we go!
Nekotite: Thanks so much! Tips for writing dialogue... Hmm... I'm not sure... I guess I would say to just talk to yourself. LOL As strange as it sounds, that's how I do it. I would act out the scenes in my stories with myself to see if they flow. I also watch a lot of television (and Netflix) and read a lot of books as you probably already know, so I have a pretty good understanding of how dialogue should flow. If it is available to you, take a creative writing class. It really helps. I took one in high school and my writing really improved. I hope that helped. :)
Astral8: Thank you! No full stories for a while, but I may surprise you all with one-shots or two-shots. :)
JustLuckt05: I'm glad you enjoyed the story!
III Winter Wolf III: You can still squeal. No shame. I won't judge. ;)
Magenta Brave: Well... Every good thing comes to an end. lol You can still reread it and if you haven't already, check out You're Gone and I'm Unbroken.
KayIsDaughterofHades: I will most definitely continue writing, despite school. I just won't have as much time to get you guys timely updates, and I don't want you guys to wonder when you'll get the next chapter. So, expect some stuff in the future, but not exactly full stories... more like one/two-shots.
Raccoon1113 (Guest): It has to end because... it just does. LOL
xoQueenieAox: I originally wrote this in a writing class in sophomore year of high school. Except, it wasn't Percy and Annabeth. It was an assignment. We were supposed to write about someone being stranded on an island and I wrote about an heiress getting stranded on an island. Years later, I was going through old notebooks to clean out my closet for college and found it. I decided to turn it into a real story.
Jedi1: Thank you. I'm glad it made you smile.
Horse1lover3: Thanks so much! Tips on writing... hmmm... I said this earlier, consider taking a creative writing class. They help. Also, I'm not sure this would work for you, but I'm a mimicker. I see something I tend to mimic the things that I like about it. In the case of writing, I'll read other people's work and take certain techniques or styles and combine them with my own. For writing itself, I just kind of go for it. I don't know. Umm... I read a lot of fanfiction and I've read a lot that don't have substance and a lot that have too much substance and I don't really go for either of them so I really just find a middle ground and write it as though I were a reader. Would I enjoy it? Is it up to the quality that I look for? If this weren't my story, would I stay and read? You know? I have really high expectations so it helps. But, it's different for everyone, you just kind of have to look for what works for you. You know? Hopefully this helps!
bookloverforevah18: Thanks so much! It really means a lot.
iheartpickles: Yeah... look out for some one shots
Guest (Guest): Thank you!
CandyLover4180 (Guest): I promised that I'd reply to every review no matter what so... Here's your reply: Thank you so much for all your support and with support from readers like y'all, writing comes easy.
adebisi980: No... I can't think when I listen to music. LOL. Aside from writing, I am a musician so when I listen to music, I become a musician. Does that make sense? I have to have a clear head when I write.
crazydasiy-in-tha-house: If you loved this story, then check out my other ones!
bilboardcrabs (Guest): Thanks. I definitely won't be cutting off writing. It's a way for me to destress. I will be posting one-shots every now and again but it'll take a while for the full stories to come back. At least, for now.
FeatherFleet: Answers to your questions: (1) I'm currently writing another PJO story. (2) I can't say yet. I'm still going through a development and 'production' phase with it. I can say it will be more serious, as in about more serious topics. (3) Of course you can have a virtual hug (") *hug* (")
Sweet Cats: Yeah... I just... don't know about sequels. I may, MAY do a one shot years into the future. But, who know. It depends on whether something pops up.
FestusLives (Guest): Nah... I'm a girl. LOL! And yes, I am writing another PJO story. I've also got a crossover with Chuck in the works so... keep an eye out.
TopazDesertFlower: Both. I've got one in the works but I won't be posting it anytime soon. I want to be able to give you guys timely updates but with school coming up soon, I won't be able to do that and with how awesome you guys are, you don't deserve to wait and guess when I'm going to update next.
TyberAurora: DO IT! FAVORITE AND FOLLOW! DO IT! I'll give you a fluffy hug if you do. :)
Sally Stevens (Guest): Thank you for your following! I'm glad you re-found this story and enjoyed it. In regards to the Nico/Rachel ship, I'm kind of more Nico/Reyna. Yeah... Anyway... Answers to the questions: (1) I don't really watch a lot of youtube videos unless its for interviews, NerdHQ, or music. I do follow Smosh and HappySlip though. (2) I have one PJO and a crossover between PJO and Chuck. (3) Birthday? I don't feel comfortable giving out the full date but June 1 is the month and day. I won't give you a year though. (4) I'm into all kinds of music. I cant' really pin down a specific genre. I do love Demi Lovato, Ed Sheeran, and Nick Jonas. (5) PJO recommendations? Obviously You're Gone and I'm Unbroken by yours truly. I also really love Wolf's Law, The Book Nook, Stucco Hearts, etc. Just go to my fave stories tab. LOL (6) Favorite movies? Pitch Perfect 1 and 2 for sure. I also love action comedy movies. :)
saraj710: Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Thank you all again for your continuous support. I love you all! And I promise you that once I get my life together I'll start posting full stories again. LOL! For now, enjoy the one-shots that I may be posting in the future when I have time.
Don't forget to Review, Favorite, and Follow!
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