Chapter 23: Last Moments and Goodbye

Everyone was shocked. Nobody said a word until Dave spoke.

"You're from the zoo? Why didn't you tell us this earlier?" Dave asked in slight shock.

"I didn't tell you all because I was scared you'd send me back. I mean, I had bat friends at the zoo, but I was tired of always living in an enclosure where it was just me and the other bats. I wanted to explore. I wanted to go out and see the world, and see what it had to offer. You don't get many opportunities like that, and when you do, you have to take advantage of it; because you never know when you'll be able to do something big in your life ever again. You guys are one of the best things that I've ever had to experience; to be a part of a family other than my own species and to be accepted. I'm glad I got to meet all of you!" Charlie explained, heartily.

"Charlie, you do realize that I'll have to take you back to the zoo. It's like Simon said; 'bats can't be kept as pets. It's against the law,'" Dave said in a straightforward, yet serious voice.

"Dave, I don't mind if you have to take me back to the zoo. I understand why. But it's okay; you guys can come visit me whenever you want, and we can chat about our lives. But before I go, I think it's important that we take the time to share the moments that we've had together. You can't deny the fact that I've somewhat become a part of this family, Dave. You wouldn't have taken me in if you didn't care about me," Charlie commented. Dave sighed, and thought about what Charlie had said. He was right; the bat had become a part of the family, and even though he would have to go back to where he had come from, that didn't mean that they couldn't have one last moment of family bonding together. They had to make it last while Charlie was with them. Dave agreed and then went to go call the zoo, while the Chipmunks and the Chipettes went upstairs with Charlie for some final bonding moments.

The Chipmunks and Chipettes all got into their pajamas, while Charlie hug from his resting area, and watched them. Once everyone was ready for bed, Charlie glided down so he was standing in front of everyone. For the next few hours, Alvin, Simon, Theodore, Brittany, Jeanette, Eleanor, and Charlie all decided to have fun; they took pictures of each other, they played games, and hung out. Charlie even let each of the Chipmunks and Chipettes ride on his back just so they could experience what it was like to fly. Charlie also put his white bed sheet on, and they all playfully pretended he was a ghost again, while he chased them around the room under the sheet. Overall, everyone had a good time.

At around nine o' clock PM however, Dave came in to tell the Chipmunks, Chipettes and Charlie that it was time for bed. Dave also told Charlie that they would be leaving in the morning to take him back to the zoo. That meant that tonight would be the Chipmunks and Chipettes last night and last moment with Charlie in the house. Everyone understood and bid Dave good-night.

Charlie turned back to the Chipmunks and Chipettes, but soon realized one of them was missing.

"Hey guys, where is Alvin?" Charlie asked out of curiousity.

"I'm up here Charlie," a voice said from above them. Everyone looked up and saw Alvin hanging upside-down by his legs on Charlie's resting area, with his paws in the air, and a big grin on his face.

"Alvin! What are you doing on my resting area?! That's for me only!" Charlie exclaimed in both a shocked and serious voice.

"I'm trying out your resting area. If it can hold a bat, than it certainly can hold a chipmunk!" Alvin answered calmingly.

"Alvin are you crazy?! Bats have a special locking system in their feet, that's how we hang upside-down! You don't have that ability! Get down from there!" Charlie said, concerned for Alvin's safety.

"True, and I'm not crazy; I'm fun! Besides, I might get a headache from hanging upside-down like this, but it's totally worth it. This is SO cool! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Alvin exclaimed as he began to swing by his little legs on the metal ring, having a blast. Charlie rolled his eyes as he watched Alvin. However, Alvin eventually swinged too hard and flew off the metal ring.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" Alvin exclaimed, as he realized he was now in mid-air. Thinking fast, Alvin grabbed the white bed sheet that was hanging around the metal rings and fell down, taking the sheet with him.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Help! Help! I can't see! Get me outta here!" Alvin cried out in surprise, as he struggled under the white bed sheet, like a little chipmunk ghost. Everyone laughed at how silly Alvin looked, and then helped him out of the sheet. Once Alvin was out, everyone walked over to Charlie. Everyone just stared at each other, the feeling of sadness and love filling everyone in the room.

"Well, I guess this is good-night, and goodbye," Charlie said as he looked at his chipmunks friends and spread out his wings. Theodore instantly got watery-eyed and ran over to Charlie, hugging him lovingly.

"I'll miss you Charlie," Theodore cried out as he and the bat hugged. Soon, everyone else joined in on the group hug, and had a moment to tell Charlie how much they would miss him. Charlie agreed and said that he would miss them as well. Soon, after a moment of showing their love and affection for one another, everyone went to bed. Charlie also put the white bed sheet up again so he wouldn't be disturbing the Chipmunks and Chipettes when he left in the morning.

Charlie woke up early when Dave came and got him. But just before they headed out the door, Charlie looked back at the six sleeping chipmunks in their beds. Charlie was sad that he was leaving his friends and family, but he knew it was the right thing to do. As memories of being with the Chipmunks and Chipettes filled his head, Charlie took a deep breath, turned to Dave, and said:

"Okay Dave, I'm ready. I'm ready to go home."

Thank you all so much for reading this story. I also want to thank Jemerald Goldie for helping me out with a lot of the 'ghost' chapters. Thank you so much, you really were a big help. Also, I want to make one thing clear: this story is COMPLETELY fictional. Considering this, it is illegal to actually have a bat as a pet. These animals are a protected species and should never be handled as wild animals. Feel free to learn about these amazing creatures, and if this story inspired you to do so, then you're welcome. Thank you again, and don't forget to read and review please.