A/N: I know it's been a long time, but I didn't forget about you guys!

Hours later the door to our room opened, letting light bleed into the darkness. I knew instantly it was Cato from his massive figure. He didn't say anything as he shut the door. And I couldn't fathom words, I was terrified Snow would order his removal from the Games or worse.

He went into the bathroom and flicked on the light. I stared at him, seeing that he was not hurt or even upset. I watched as he stripped down to his boxer briefs and started brushing his teeth, not even sparing me a glance in the dark room. I got up off the bed, not ashamed of only being clad in white lace panties and his long training shirt. I moved silently as I approached him.

"Are you okay? Did they punish you?" I broke the incredibly thick silence.

"No, I just got put in a room to 'calm down' and then got lectured by some head peacemaker. But I'm fine, they're not going to do shit to me; I'm too big of a pawn in their games." He didn't look away from the mirror. I hesitantly placed a hand on his massive bicep.

"You don't need to do things like that…" I trailed off. He snorted, rinsing his mouth out with water and then grabbing the mouth wash.

"So fuckin' sorry I hurt your precious fucking Lover Boy." He said after spitting.

"That's not what I meant." I sighed, moving to turn away. He grabbed my arm and turned me back around.

"What do you mean then?" His face was expressionless but his eyes were on fire. I bit my lip and meant those entrancing blue orbs.

"I don't want anyone else. I'm not just doing this because of Snow, Cato. We both know something was happening between us long before the Games were put on hold." I explained, watching his face closely. My honesty seemed to shock us both into silence. After a moment he let go of me and simply nodded. My heart sank, but I didn't say anything as I left the bathroom. I laid down and listened as he took a shower, my eyes watching from the dark as he toweled off. He was beautiful. Every girl in his district probably wanted him, not to mention every bitch who drooled over him on TV. He was powerful, strong, cunning, charming and one of the best things I'd ever laid my eyes upon. He was perfect. I knew I was beautiful too, but a boy like that didn't settle down with one women. He was probably furious that he was stuck with me.

When he came in, he ripped off his towel and tossed it, grabbing a pair of navy blue boxer briefs and sliding them onto his long, thick legs. He ruffled his hair and sat at the edge of the bed his back to me.

"You have to understand…" He trailed off, seeming to be fighting with himself on what he wanted to say.

"You have to understand this goes against everything I've been trained to do. I've always been told to fend for myself, no one else matters and feelings are for the weak. Not even my district partner was a person, just a pawn that needed killed at the right time. I volunteered for the Games. I was ready to rip apart and destroy everything in the path of making me a victor and bringing honor to my district. I wasn't supposed to meet you. I wasn't supposed to want you to live, and I wasn't supposed to think of you as an equal." I listened closely, getting the courage to sit up and crawl over to him. I laid my head against his warm back, and he went silent for a moment.

"What I'm trying to say is that… I-you make me feel… You make me weak." He said lowly, voice barely audible in the silent room.

"You make me weak too." I whispered against his smooth skin.

"Tomorrow we have to train long, and hard, every single day until the Games continue. We have to be ready for anything and everything. We're going to have a bull's eye on our backs as soon as that count down starts. We're the ones to beat. And as soon as the gamekeepers announce that there can be two victors Foxface and Marvel are going to team up, Thresh and Rue and so will Katniss and Peeta. I know you don't want to hurt him Rani, but it's the only way. I'll handle him, and I promise I'll make it quick. You can take care of Everdeen. You handled her today with your knives, that's all it's going to take. She's not stupid, she has survival skills but in one on one combat she's useless, especially against you. We can win this. We will win this." I nodded letting my hands slide up and down his back to soothe him. He turned to face me, taking my wrists with one of his massive hands and guiding me back against the bed. He hovered over top of me and our eyes stayed latched onto each other's for what felt like hours before he leaned down slowly and took my lips. I couldn't hold myself back from unleashing all my frustration and uncertainty out on him, sucking, biting, licking, and kissing anything I could reach. He was no complainer.

"Training is cut thanks to that stupid fucking ball tonight." Cato grumbled when he came back into the room just as I woke up. I was secretly happy training was out for today. Cato was right about us having a target on our backs and we needed to train but the sex last night had me sore. He had fucked me hard and long into the night. I stretched, aware of his eyes on my naked body before sitting up.

"We have to get ready, apparently it's going to take our stylists all damn day to prepare us." He moved to his set of drawers and pulled out some socks.

"Fuck." I groaned, standing up. My pussy hurt! Goddamn I hope I can adjust to him without my vagina feeling like a wet bucket of water. Cato just chuckled, continuing to get dressed and I happily flipped him off.

"No thanks, I wouldn't want to wreck you even more." He smirked. I got up, walking over to get a shower. Cato grabbed me up and threw me over his shoulder.

"Cato!" I squealed.

"If we can't train, we might as well still have some one on one time." He joked as he hauled me to the shower.

"But you just said we weren't and my pussy hurts!" I complained though I already knew I wasn't going to deny him. I mean look at him!

"Make me a sandwich." Cato grumbled, looking over at me in bed. I glared back, not letting his naked body effect my expression.

"If I go to the kitchen, it won't be to make you a sandwich, it'll be because that's where the knives are." I retorted to his sexist bullshit. But before he could reply Aries was bursting through the door, fluorescent hair and all.

"Okay kidies, it's time to get pretties!" He yelled excitedly. His multiple cases juggled in his arms as two women with matching blue hair and silver outfits followed.

"Do you two ever stop?" Aries asked accusingly, referring to our obvious after sex state. I just shrugged and got up from the bed.

"Cover the fuck up!" Cato growled jealously, jerking into a sitting position and giving me that signature glare.

"Don't be an idiot, he's seen me naked more than you have." I rolled my eyes and moved to grab my robe anyway to avoid conflict or Cato forcefully throwing them out.

"Your stylist will be here after we collect Rani and take her to get ready." Aries cut in. He handed me a pair of white, puffy slippers. I grabbed them and stepped into them easily, noting how comfy they were.

"Alright pumpkin, let's go get ready for the big, bad ball." He smiled, turning away and heading out. I quickly went over to Cato and leaned down, kissing him softly before pulling back, but he snaked a hand onto the back of my head and pulled me back down. He kissed me long and hard before letting me go breathlessly.

"I'll see you soon baby." I cooed. He just nodded, slapping my ass hard as I walked off.

"Jesus Christ how long does this shit take?" I grumbled, laying back in the makeup chair as Aries and his assistants Mammy and Jazzmince waxed me, oiled my skin to shine inhumanly, and did God knows what to my face and hair.

"Quit complaining, we've got to make sure that no matter what the other stylists do that you look the absolute best." He said for the thousandth time.

"Okay, but I've been in here for like five fucking hours." I was really getting tired of the poking and prodding. Like three hours ago.

"Shut up and deal with it." Mammy said, starting to do my toe nails. I almost kicked her in the face but restrained.

"We have got the hottest but classy outfit for you ever. There's no way Cinna will be able to top it." Aries grinned evilly.

"Cinna?" I asked, never having heard the name before.

"Katniss Everdeen's stylist." Jazzmince explained.

"Aries is obsessed with beating him every year." Mammy added.

"No, not this year. This year I finally have a tribute worthy of my talents." He smiled down at me. I grinned too.

"I better fucking look better than Everdeen. I'm still not over the fact that she tied my score." I mumbled annoyed.

"Oh please, you out do that girl next door bullshit every time." Jazzmince commented, giving the fan to Mammy for my toes.

"Now we just need to do your fingernails and we'll be done." Aries said, grabbing polish from his extensive collection. I just closed my eyes and let him go to work.

"All done baby doll." Aries said after a few minutes. I smiled and sat up, letting Mammy and Jazzmince help me down from the high table. I looked at myself, naked, in the floor length mirror. I was tanned, shining, and amazing… My eyes were done with massive lashes, and black liner that fanned into a double wing at the tip. My eyelids were covered with silver, sparkled eye shadow framed by black edging. Lastly my lips were a pale, nude tone. Altogether I didn't even look like me. I looked like some princess, not a warrior.

"The lipstick won't come off for a few hours. In case you get into any… Stickiness with your man." Aries commented grinning stupidly. I rolled my eyes as he ran his hand down my high ponytail, fluffing the curls that flowed down my back. My tattoos all glistened along my body, and I touched the howling wolf on my left ribs, it looked amazing like this. Like it could crawl off my skin at any minute

"Now we need to get you dressed." He held up a black, sleeveless corset, floor length, slim dress, with ruffles in the back and the sides were cut out to reveal my ribs. A streak of white diamonds started at the low bust then swirled around the black and back to the front. I knew it would cling mercilessly to every single curve. I stepped into it and Aries pulled it on, zipping up the back. He added a hue rear drop diamond necklace, diamond bracelets, rings, and even an ankle bracelet. He took a large can of spray and with a few squirts I was covered in fake diamonds from head to toe.

"Holy shit." I watched as I glittered like a mystical fairy.

"One last thing." He placed a diamond clip that snapped around the base of my ponytail.

"And shoes." I looked to the white diamond, open toed heels that matched the diamond swirl on the dress to a tee.

"Wow, this is crazy." Was I could say, still in shock as I put them on. I could have never pictured myself this stunning.

"Cato is going to freak out when he sees you!" Mammy busted out excitedly, her blue hair bouncing like a block as she did.

"Okay, it's time for you to meet up with Prince not so Charming." Aries announced. They walked me out, obviously wanting to see how he'd react, they were way too giddy. As we walked down the hall I noticed a figure approaching, but even with the blond hair I knew it wasn't Cato…

"Rani." Peeta nodded, looking gorgeous in his deep red jacket, black pants, and black bowtie. He had to match the Girl on Fire. His eyes took a leisurely stroll down my body before meeting me with those puppy dog eyes. I felt the slight urge to get close to him, but resisted.

"Peeta." Was all I said as he passed us. I didn't meet his stare but turned away, maybe walking a little faster. As we got closer to whatever room Cato had been in, I saw him come into view. He was bitching to his stylists. Shocker.

"Diamonds? Who am I fucking Baker Bitch? In case you didn't notice while you were taking your sweet time down there; I have a fucking dick, not a vagina!" He yelled arms flaring with his back to me. I smiled, shaking my head. He looked great even from behind in his black tux, with diamonds sprinkled on it. But unlike me his skin looked natural. Well as natural as it could around here.

"Cato." I said as I got a few feet away. He turned around, and his eyes got wide, jaw dropping as he looked at me. I tried not to blush at his intense stare.

"Leave us!" He growled to my stylists and to his. Having felt his wrath, they moved back into the room quickly. Mine held back slightly.

"Go ahead, I'll be fine." I said over my shoulder. They nodded and began to walk back. As soon as they rounded the corner Cato had me pinned up against the wall. I gasped as he pushed himself flush against me.

"I'm going to fuck you into this wall little girl." He said aggressively into my ear, biting my lobe and grinding himself against me, his talented mouth working its way down my neck. I practically purred, arms encircling his waist and eagerly accepting his kisses. Cato was nothing but pure intoxication.

"Excuse the interruption, but I believe it's time for the ball. Though I am glad to see you both getting along so warmly." We parted quickly and turned to see President Snow, grinning smugly from ear to ear, hands clasped behind his back, the usual posy of peacemakers behind him. I heard a few snickers from behind their helmets.

"Sorry Mr. President Sir." Cato awkwardly apologized. I just smiled.

"No need to apologize my boy. I'm glad to see you two making nice… Very nice." He chuckled. Neither of us spoke, but Cato wrapped his arm around my waist protectively, hand on the bare skin revealed by the cut out sides.

"You two will be introduced last since the crowd is very, very eager to see you both. Do enjoy yourselves." And with that he walked by, peacemakers right behind him.

"C'mon, we better go baby." I grabbed his hand and he nodded, wiping imaginary dirt from his sparkled jacket.

"As soon as we can leave, I'm taking you back to our room." He said possessively. His tone sent waves of heat through me.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." And I ran my hand suggestively down the front of his jacket, stopping right before his zipper teasingly.

"This fucking blows." I mumbled to Cato as I grabbed another glass of champagne off a waiter's tray and handed it to him. He gulped it down in one go.

"You're fucking telling me; I've got sixty year old, painted green cows grabbing my ass at every turn." He replied with an added shiver for affect.

"Who would've thought being the favorites would suck so bad?" I leaned against a table and watched as the hundreds of people danced to shit music and networked, all wearing horribly bright colored gowns and tuxes. I even noticed Caesar in a bright purple get up looking like a big ass fucking spoiled plum. We were the only two in black. If we didn't already stand out enough. I doubt any of this was helping whatever rebellion was arising.

"I need harder liquor if we have to stay here any longer." Cato said, scanning the room for any signs of said alcohol.

"I just wanna go to sleep." I mumbled, taking another sip of my wine, eyes lazily circling the room.

"Oh no Barracuda, we have fucking to do." He smirked, grabbing another champagne flute with his massive paw.

"I might just have to suck your dick tonight bro, I'm about done for the night." I replied, smiling as he raised a perfectly plucked brow.

"Psh, I mean you can have at it, but I'm getting that pussy tonight regardless." He said determined.

"Excuse me, Rani Ganni? So sorry to interrupt but I'm Calrita Sweeny, I was hoping I could get your autograph." I smiled at the small, yellow haired women, taking her pen and paper.

"Of course, what would you like it to say dear?" I smiled. This wasn't the first person to ask and sadly it was really endearing to me.

"Well, you're my idol. You show that just because you're short and pretty doesn't mean you can't kick some serious butt. So if you could put something about that please." She smiled hopefully, her mustard yellow dress making her teeth impossibly white. Cato snorted and I sent him a warning look, but the girl didn't even seem to notice as she smiled at me eagerly.

"Uhm, how about, Calrita, keep kicking ass girl?" I thought quickly. Her grin grew impossibly bigger.

"That'd be perfect!" She squealed. I quickly wrote just that and handed it back to her.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" And she walked off. I smiled, not being able to stop myself. Cato just rolled his eyes at me, taking a few grapes into his mouth.

"Oh shut up, you were practically drooling when those three guys came up asking for workout tips and pictures." I pointed out. When I looked to the side I noticed Katniss and Peeta talking to some Capitol people, both smiling and laughing on key. Katniss looked alright in her orange and red dress, but she was nothing compared to me. Peeta looked good, but when he turned to meet my stare I quickly removed my gaze. Things were so different now, but I couldn't even begin to explain it.

"Everdeen is such an attention whore. Look at her trying to show off her tits. Baker Boy has a bigger rack than her." Cato snorted. I chuckled too, lacing my arm through Cato's, ignoring the flashes of cameras. The Capitol people would not quit taking pictures of us every time we so much as grazed shoulders.

"We better get on the dance floor. Snow wants the whole show tonight." He grabbed my hand and led me through the crowd. I smiled for them all, watching as they all got excited at seeing us together. They were in love with us to an unreal extent. Cato took me into the middle and his one hand laid on my waist and the other held mine in the air as we moved together. The music slowed for us it seemed as we glided around the room. I was glad I'd allowed my mother to teach me ballroom. I wonder how Cato knew it. Maybe it was a requirement for the career districts to learn. They probably had shit like this all the time.

"Every single person in this room is staring at us." He said between closed teeth. Snow hadn't been kidding when he said people loved us together. They were fucking obsessed.

"I know but we do look amazing." I answered simply. I liked being this close to Cato. He smelled delicious and it just felt good.

"You look incredible tonight." I stated, eyeing his black suit, black button up and diamond studded tie. We matched perfectly and regardless of what Cato thought, he looked just as powerful and masculine as always.

"I know." He grinned smugly, sending a wink down at me.

"You're such a dick." I chuckled, barely noticing the song change.

"Oh but you love this dick." He said lowly. I felt my insides spark up at his dirty talk. And I couldn't help but be a little turned on about how inappropriate the situation was for it.

"Maybe I do, but not as much as you love this pussy when it swallows that dick whole." I retorted, getting just a bit closer. He raised a brow and chuckled lowly. Fuck he was sexy.

"I'm just going to have to show you how much I love that pretty little pussy of yours." He whispered, placing a small kiss on my neck and making my heart speed up dramatically.

"Ladies and gentleman, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it's time for our tributes to retire for the night. They have a long day of training ahead of them and we want them at top shape to entertain you all!" I silently cheered at Caesars announcement, and Cato quickly pulled my arm and we were out of there in no time, lots of cheers and slaps on the back from Capitol people as we went.

"Fucking finally!" He practically screamed, as all us tributes made our way out into the hallway. Marvel and Foxface went down one hall and I watched Thresh and Rue walk away, then awkwardly enough it was just us and the District Twelve's.

"I cannot wait to rip that dress off you." Cato exclaimed, slapping my ass. I laughed, lacing my arm through his and ignoring the presence of the others.

"This is taking too long." Cato stated before picking me up fireman style and practically sprinting down the hallway and to our room. I caught a glimpse of Peeta's jealous face, but I let it slip from my mind as Cato slammed me against the door as soon as it closed and ripped the hem of the dress all the way up my leg with a loud tear.

"Fuck, I need that pussy." He bit at my neck as he held me up with one hand and worked on unbuttoning his pants with the other. He ripped my thong with one pull and then he was in me. I cried out at the force of it but wrapped my legs around his waist and put my hands on both sides of his face and smashed my lips down onto his. He pushed into me hard and fast, groaning louder than usual as he filled me deeper and deeper. Then suddenly there was a crash of glass and he pulled away. I looked over his shoulder to see our avox covering her mouth and staring at us, a glass pitcher and silver tray on the floor, shards of glass scattering the floor.

"Well clean it up you idiot!" Cato yelled. I gave him the coldest look and let myself fall from his waist. He looked at me alarmed, but I didn't say a thing as I moved to help her.

"I'm sorry, we should have gone into the bedroom. Here, I'll get the trashcan." She looked at me, obviously trying to hold back tears. Fucking Cato… I laid a hand on her shoulder and she flinched.

"Hey, it's okay, calm down. I won't tell anyone about this. Let's just get this cleaned up, and you can go to bed. If they ask I'll say I bumped it over, okay?" She nodded, breathing uneven. I didn't want to know what they did to her when she messed up.

"Why are you treating her like that? She's a fucking avox?" Cato looked at me in disgust, pants pulled up now.

"Because she's still a human. Why don't you go take a shower or something?" I spat, trying to contain my anger as I hauled a trashcan over to the glass.

"You're so fucking weird Three." He grumbled before walking off. I looked after him, trying not to feel hurt that he was back to referring to me by my district. This was not how this night was supposed to go.

When I walked back into our room Cato was coming out of the shower, but I refused to even look at him. That shit was unacceptable. He shuffled to pull some boxers on before turning to me.

"If we're going to be stuck together you can't be doing shit like that. You need to learn how to act like me, like a career." He said, obviously not happy. I raised a brow in disgust. Oh so now we were 'Stuck' together?

"Yeah, you can go fuck yourself with all that nonsense. I'm not a career nor do I want to be one." I stated, pulling my hair down and shaking it out. Glitter diamonds fell to the floor, just looking like regular sparkles against the tile.

"If you're going to be my wife you better fucking believe you're going to change and act fucking right!" He commanded and I knew this was about to be a long, incredibly ego filled fight, and I wasn't going to put up with it.

"I'm going to go take a shower and when I'm done I don't want to hear any more of this Capitol bullshit from you!" I yelled back, stripping my dress off as I walked into the bathroom.

"Fuck this, I'm not even going to share a room with someone so fucking weak minded!" And then I heard him stomp out, and the door shutting, making a few things on the walls and shelves fall to the floor. I stared at the running water for a minute before getting in. The boiling temperature stung but not as much as the tears streaming down my face. I didn't need this right now. I didn't need this rollercoaster bullshit relationship getting me all mind fucked and killed in the Games. I screamed loud and long.

"Dammit! Dammit! Dammit! Fuck!" I cried out, and hit the wall in front of me time and time again, water burning like hell as it washed down my busted and bloody knuckles.

"Dammit Cato." This cry was low and barely audible over the water as I slid down the smooth wall, pulling my knees to me. I wish I could speak to my dad. He'd know what to do. He always knew what to do.

"Hey." Cato said as I walked by him to grab an apple for breakfast. I didn't say anything back. I didn't deserve to spend the night crying into my pillow or alone for that matter. I did however notice his knuckles were freshly scabbed as well.

"What, so you're just going to ignore me then?" He asked frustrated. I just walked past him, not sparing a glance as I made my way out the door and to the training room.

"Well that's just fucking great!" He yelled after me, before I closed the door. Fuck him. I ate my apple and then tossed it in a trashcan outside of the training room. I decided I'd work on knot tying today, figuring it'd help me trap some food in the Games and it couldn't hurt to be well rounded. There was already someone at the knot station. Peeta. I sighed, debating with just heading to the obstacle course, but after barley sleeping I just stood up straighter and walked over, taking a seat about two feet away from him. He glanced at me but didn't say anything as I picked up the rope and looked up as the instructor began to show me what to do. He went over it three times before saying he needed to use the bathroom and walked off. Peeta and I sat in silence for a moment.

"How are you?" He asked, voice low, no smile to his usually cheery face.

"I've been better. And you?" I looked over too. My eyes instantly zeroed in on a rather large hickey on his neck. He must have noticed my stare by the blush that crept onto his cheeks. Guess Katniss was taking care of him in every way now.

"Uhm, not too bad. Why do you seem so down?" He asked next. I looked away, embarrassed at how easily he had read me.

"Just… Shit with Cato. We got into a fight." I wasn't sure why I told him. I guess it was just hard not to trust Peeta, even after I'd basically betrayed him.

"Well, it's hard not to fight with Cato." He nodded, hands tightening around the rope. I sighed, looking up just as Cato came in. He halted and searched the room for me. When his eyes landed on Peeta and me his glare was practically like a knife. I turned away, back to my knot. I don't even care what he thinks right now… Capitol pig.

"I'm sorry about what he did to you." I whispered, not surprised about how sincere it sounded.

"It wasn't your fault. He's just another Capitol monster." He said back. I bit my lip, refusing to let myself defend Cato when I myself had thought that more than once. But things were different now. I was different now. I set my ropes down.

"I should go. I need to work on my knives." And then I got up, walking to the knife station briskly. Cato was throwing spears, way harder than he needed too, probably wishing Peeta was on the receiving end. I walked past him and he stopped.

"Done playing with Baker Boy?" He asked venomously.

"Done being a complete asshole?" I shot back, hands on my hips. He set the spear down, reaching for my wrist and dragging me out of the room. I tried to pull away but his grip only tightened until he pushed me up against a wall around the corner and hovered over me, pointing his massive finger in my face as he spoke.

"If you speak to him again I'm going to rip his arms and legs off and then burn him alive! I'm fucking tired of you thinking you're the man in this relationship!" I narrowed my eyes, pushing his hand out of my face before replying.

"If you keep up with this crazy controlling boyfriend shit I'm going to go to Snow and tell him I want out." I fired back. He laughed humorlessly.

"And get yourself killed?" He seemed almost amused.

"If that's what it takes to get away from you, than I just might." And I slipped away from the wall, meeting his eyes before I walked back to my room. I smiled halfheartedly at our avox before falling into bed, nearly passing out as soon as I shut my eyes.

A/N: And there's some more for you! Please Review, Favorite, and Alert!