The sky is still red.

The demon kneels as he had before he loved his princess. As the blade rises and prepares the final defeat, his eye is on her. He wants to comfort his princess when he sees the tears falling. He had told her the night before that he was content with his fate, so long as she lived. As long as she knows how much he truly cherishes her, then his purpose has been fulfilled.

His eye is closed when the steel flies through the air, but the sound of cut skin does not belong to his own.

It feels like time has frozen when his eye opens at the sickening noise. His princess stands before him, eyes wide and empty with tears stiff on her face.

He can't bring his voice to scream as she falls to the ground, blood trailing behind her like a banner.

He pulls at every bind, the fury of a demon strong behind him. Every spectator falls before his claws, yet all of these souls are not enough to equal that of his princess.

Then it is all over.

Her limp form is held in his arms, and he shakes her gently, then violently, desperation and agony in his voice as he repeatedly calls her name. He cries her name over and over and over, every syllable burning him, strangling him. He buries his face in her neck, her once lively and beautiful scent masked with the smell of her blood. Tears fall, accompanying his convulsing shoulders as he sobs and rocks her gently.

He ignores the shaky blade pressed against the back of his neck. When he is finally released, his stilling heartbeat manages to bleed for his princess.

It is done, he says...

...His heart is hers, and hers alone.

Author's note: And there you have it. All finished. What? It's called a tragedy for a reason! *impish grin* I hope you don't think lowly of my first attempt at smut...

Thank you for reading this. Hope it wasn't too OOC for you guys... Please let me know how you liked it, but please DO NOT SPOIL THE END IN THE REVIEWS! Sometimes people read those before the story, it could totally ruin everything! So please, leave a nice, long, scream. :)

*hugs* –Avi