He kneels before her, staring coldly at the floor. As a demon, he has nothing better to do. No obligations to uphold. As long as a purpose is offered to his existence, he would serve even the lowliest of worms.

The woman will be no different.

She motions for him to rise. His eyes, which see everything, notice the clumsiness of this action. Is she flustered? No, she shouldn't be. Afraid? That sounds a little easier to believe.

Their eyes meet for the first time. No, there is no fear in them, only a power stronger than his own. He can feel the cold shiver of apprehension as it writhes its way down his spine, in and out of the empty gouge in his chest. The way she looks down on him is not hard to swallow, but the tangible gentleness is. What idiocy!

She is above him, not only because she stands upon a polished staircase, but because she is now his master, and he, her servant.

He looks away. Yes, a servant. Nothing more.

Author's note: This story is made up of very, very short chapters, but I promise the story is worth the constant 'next chapter' button pressing. *smiles* And the reviews.

(Thanks Michelle~)

Please leave a review, I love those things... But not as much as I love my readers~

*hugs* –Avi