Story's Epilogue

A week ago, the cube was kept inside the Crystal Citadel, one of the two prisons in the known multiverse. The Bubblegums from the Land of Aaa, Eee, Iii, Ooo and Uuu have agreed that the citadel will be a prefect place to hide the powerful object in reality. The Pit, in the other hand, is a total mess. It will take centuries to rebuild it again.

In the Crystal Citadel, the five Bubblegums meet with each other to discuss about the cube's vault. They need to hide it from foreign entities like Celestine and her destructive children. PB from Ooo gave her counterparts a key.

The vault will be opened if there are five keys. Her counterparts took the key and kept it safe. They thought the cube was completely safe inside the citadel.

However, they were wrong.

Two weeks later, there was a massive breakout at the citadel. The Citadel Guardians were killed during the breakout. After hearing the news about the citadel's destructions, Bonnibel contacted her counterparts immediately. She went to the citadel to find the cube. She hoped it's still there safe and secured. Then Bonny of Uuu arrived, carrying a lot equipment. "I have brought my scanner. It can scan and detect cosmic level objects."

"What do you call it?" PB asked.

"Excuse me?" Bonny has not given any names to her machines. She just classified them by numbers. "215, I think?"

"You use numbers for names?"

"I don't have time to make names." Bonny said.

Then two more arrived from the floating ruin of the citadel. They're from Iii and Eee.

Princess Bubblegum of Iii came up her counterparts and bumped their fists. "What's up, sisters?" She seemed to have a rockstar personality. And also, PB noticed bite marks on her neck. Could it be that her Iii counterpart was a half vampire?

Then Queen Bubblegum of Eee answered her doppelganger with a strict look, "We are here to check the cube, young girl. Act properly."

"So?" The Iii version looked like a spoiled brat. "There's no possible way the cube is still here. I have calculated every possibility. In the end, I have made one. The cube is no longer here in the citadel." But she still have some brain.

"She's right." Bonny looked at her scanner. "There's no sign of cosmic level activity here." She tapped her device two times to see if it was working well.

"I concur." The only male counterpart in all realms arrived with a large noisy device strapped on his chest. "Wow. You gals can get in here pretty quick. In my world, crossing dimensions is pretty hard." Prince Gumball turned off his device and its loud engine. "So, have you found the cube?"

"No. But we found an empty vault." She pointed at what's left of the vault. PB continued to scan the place. "If we don't find it in time, we have to warn Prismo and the others about this."

Gumball added, "Can I have your attention?"

"We are all ears, handsome." Bubblegum of Iii smiled.

"Right. My device detected an anomaly coming towards the citadel."

"And you just came here to warn us?" Queen Bubblegum got a bad feeling about it. "You should have told us once you have arrived." This version of Bubblegum was a fierce one. She pulled out a sword from her sleeves. This version is armed all the time. "Where is this anomaly, boy?"

"Six o'clock!"

Everyone turned and saw a tall dark entity standing on the edge of the ruined citadel. This man wore completely black and has a pair of glowing glasses. This dark entity appears to have the cube in his cold shadow fingers. PB asked, "Mister! Drop that thing down now!"

Princess Bubblegum of Iii surprisingly turned invisible like what Marceline used to do. She went to stealth mode. Prince Gumball activated his device, creating that loud engine noise. Bonny and PB have not brought any weapons when they came to the citadel. "Um, what are you going to do?" Bonny asked her counterparts.

The mysterious figure spoke to the five sweet pink creatures. "You are an interesting bunch." He yelled, "My brother failed to retrieve it." The crystal cube started to glow bright like it did in the first place. "But now that I have it, I'll show you the true power of the cube!"

"Not that again!" PB said as the light flashed on her face, blinding everyone.

The man spoke one last word before disappearing with the light. "Collide."

In his great frozen hall, Ice King starts to write a story about his adventure and his battle against the Men of All Things even though he has no idea what really happened. But he knew he was the one who caused all the trouble. He's the reason why Celestine, the Beyond Girl, came to their world. Ice King wants to hide it by making up a story.

If he completed it, he will sell the book and make a huge money out of it. The title will be: Ice King and his Big Wish. That sounds right.

"Ice King!" His female doppleganger yelled. It must be Gunter again. That penguin keeps on gnawing her blue dress.

"I'm a little busy here!" Ice King started to think of stealing the cube again from Princess Bubblegum. He wants to use it just for once, wishing for Ice Queen to shut up.

"ICE KING!" Her scream made Simon startle. Her voice was mixed with distress and fear. Immediately, Ice King flew towards her location, following her wails. Once he reached her, he saw her looking at the window.

"What is it?" He asked.

She responded, "Is that what I think it is?" Ice Queen raised her finger, pointing to the sky. Simon looked up and saw a collosal red sphere about to hit their world.

"That... that looks like..."

"Another Earth..."

Simon grabbed his binoculars and see the lands of the falling planet. "Nope. It looks like Earth but it has different lands."

Ice Queen said, "Is the planet going to obliterate us or what?"

"I don't know." Ice King answered, "I'm not good in Math."

Then they heard Gunter and the other penguins making a noise outside. The King and Queen of Ice went out to investigate the commotion. There, they saw trees slowly appearing in the frozen hall. The tiny creatures panicked. "Gunter!" Ice King called out his friend, "Come towards me, boy!"

The penguin and the others ran immediately to their beloved ruler.

Ice queen later noticed two men in dark cloaks appearing in the great hall.

Men with strange outfits. Could they be Celestine's new children? They look odd like the previous ones.

Those red clouds on their clothes.

One has an orange lollipop mask and the other has a yellow hair just like Finn. "Where are we? How did we get here?" The blond guy asked his partner. Then he saw the king and queen along with their penguins hiding behind their backs. The masked man reacted, "Penguins! I love penguins!"

The blond man yelled, "There's no time for cuddling those creatures, yeah!"

Ice King has a bad feeling about those two. There's no doubt.

~Up Next~

~NU: A World's Death~