"I don't like lying to the clans." Silverstream whimpered.

The red tom turned angrily. "You don't seem to have any control of it. You do as we ask, and you can live- or stay dead, I suppose. Whatever we should call you, you get the message. You brought this upon yourself, StarClan. This is our side of the deal. If we tell you to fake a prophecy to the clans, you do that." Turning, he left.

Silverstream sighed. "What should we do now?" She breathed out, barely audible.

"He's right. We should have known there was a loophole to that deal." Lionheart said.

"I know. I just wish we could go back in time and tell our past-cats." Silverstream said.

After Silverstream had shrieked her voice horse after discovering what they had made Bluestar do, a Dark Forest cat had finally came. Only Lionheart and Silverstream were there as they arguing about lying to the clans about the prophecy.

Lionheart lashed out his tail. "Look, we should concentrate on the future. Or the present, sorry. The Dark Forest has forced Bluestar into faking a prophecy. We're okay with prophecy, but we don't like fake ones. I think there's some sort of laws forbidding fake prophecies to the clans. And if you do fake a prophecy, the connection between the living cats and fake breaks."

"How do you know all this?" Silverstream asked.

"I overheard some cats talking about it." Lionheart said, turning his head side to side to make sure no one was listening. "At night, in my area, there's a small peephole. If you listen really hard you can hear some snippets of conversation."

"And you never told anyone?"

"I didn't want a Dark Forest cat overhearing."

"Oh." Silverstream said, unsure what else there was to say.

"So StarClan won't be able to communicate with the clans anymore?" Silverstream asked again.

Lionheart was silent, a distant look in his eyes. Finally, he said, "No, there's a way."

"What?" Silverstream asked, hope in her eyes.

"We'll have to make the prophecy true."

The tributes and districts watched Fire pad up to the rock in the pool. Every time HawkClan wanted to air some news, the pond would ripple first, make a large splashing noise and then Fire's voice would echo throughout the districts stating the title of the news he was going to say.

Brightheart watched as Fire began the announcement that made sure she would not sleep that night. Fire cleared his throat, before stating with intro, "Due to technical difficulties, we will be canceling any extra training, events and stuff in preparation for the Hawk Games. That means that instead of the Hawk Games being the next quarter-moon, they will be tomorrow morning. Tributes, remember to eat a lot today and have a good night sleep. We will have some sort of ceremony for you to show off yourself so the districts can see you one last time. You may prepare a speech, some prayer to your loved ones, yaddy-yaddy-yadda. Districts, take one good look at your loved ones, you might not see them alive again. Good night." The pond rippled again and everything was still.

Brightheart could hear the room erupted in wails, some of excitement, some of surprise, some of distress, and some curses that would've given her a moon of cleaning out the elder's den if her mother had heard her say them.

"Go to the Dining Room for a last Grand Feast. After that, follow your Game Guide, who will leave when both District tributes are done, to get cleaned up for the ceremony and because we want all of you to have an equal amount of cleanliness so no cat will have the advantage of whatever advantages comes with being clean." The HawkClan cat that had begun speaking obviously did not see the purpose of being clean, both his appearance and tone showing it. "After that, have good night's sleep and tomorrow, may luck be with you in the Games."

An awkward silence followed. "Well, go already!" The cat said again, and the room erupted with the sound of scurrying paw steps.

Brightheart followed, carefully not to bump into anyone on her blind side.

She entered the Dining Room, fear still exploding in her chest, and for a moment forgot all her troubles as she breathed in the wonderful sights and smells. The scent of every single fresh-kill you could imagine wafted through the air. Plus, there was prey with some sort of sauce on it. There was berry sauce, meat sauce, most of the sauces she couldn't' identify but a wonderful scent was coming from them. A tomatoey-sweet scent came from a red sauce, and Brightheart grabbed a tasting cup before she knew what she was doing and began licking. Immediately, she fell in love.

Then she remembered what would happen tomorrow, and the sauce turned into the taste of bitter travel herbs. She got up, no longer in the comfort zone, and immediately a HawkClan cat zoomed up, grabbed the tasting cup, and threw it into a hole that must've been for trash.

Why, you don't even have to clean up! Brightheart suddenly felt herself lifted, and realized she was being carried on the tops of several cats. This… is… EPIC! Even though she might never see daylight again tomorrow, she couldn't help but relax. Might as well enjoy my last day on the planet. Pushing away the negative thoughts swirling around in her mind, she dug into the feast, pouring the red sauce on everything (including herself).

Brightheart returned to her den after the nice wash, a small hole full of cobwebs. She had removed most cobwebs, but it seemed as though for every one cobweb she removed, ten more replaced it.

"You're not going there." District 12's Game Guide, a Russian blue she-cat named Rainfall, said. "Your going to that ceremony/fashion show thingy." Brightheart had no idea what a fashion show was, but guessed it was going to be the show where their friends and families could see them one last time, maybe the last time, Brightheart thought with a cringe.

Following Rainfall, she walked out of the boat, and entered yet another room she had never seen before. She was pretty sure 90% of the boats she would never see.

The room was extremely breathtaking. A path with roses, tulips, and other brightly colored flowers on the borders stretched toward another boat. The shiny glossy material of its body and the nice smells coming from it made Brightheart remember if there was a party going on. She longed to run toward the boat, before remembering this was a twoleg thing, not a proper warrior item.

The path was elevated, and a crowd of what most likely were HawkClan cats were gathered below. Screams and cheers made Brightheart feel as though she was some sort of high authority leader that everyone loved. She felt herself being groomed, and looked to see Rainfall and another she-cat busy grooming her. "What the…" She asked.

"This is your time to shine, to attract sponsors." Rainfall said. "You have to look appealing. That means look you best, when the interviewer asks you questions be polite and try to make you answers humorous and remember able. And… we might want to do something to cover up that eye of yours." Brightheart had nearly forgotten about her eye when the show was announced. Besides, most of the tributes were too scared about the Hunger Games to really bother flinching at her eye anymore, or they had gotten used to it. And she was pretty sure they had taught HawkClan not to show any emotion, even when they saw the remains of a ripped out eye of a she-cat.

"Here." The she-cat meowed gently, and Brightheart turned, finally at an angle where she could get a good look at her. The she-cat was a white fluffy she-cat with blue eyes. Her voice was gentle and soothing, and Brightheart couldn't help but relax a little. "I'm Blossom." Blossom was handing her a large leaf with berries somehow stuck to the rim. She placed it on Brightheart's head, and Brightheart looked at herself in a puddle. The hat was angled to cover up her blind side, feathers dangling down to cover up any spots where cats would see it. Brightheart didn't like having to hide her appearance just for some cats who wanted to see cats fight to the death, but the leaf-hat was rather pretty. "I made it so if you tip you head, the hat won't fall off. See that little strap around your face? It'll help. And if you shake your head while bowing, some berries will fall off into the crowd. These are raspberries- have you heard of them?" Brightheart shook her head no.

Suddenly, the cheering outside erupted into a raucous that made Brightheart feel as though blood was going to come right out of her ears. Turning, she realized that the show had started, the District 1 tributes walking out. She was satisfied to see that every cat had dressed up, and she was the most normal looking cat. Suddenly, she felt Bramblestar's familiar body next to her, and turned to see the former ThunderClan leader only to jump back in shock.

"What in the name of StarClan-" Brightheart began before getting shushed by Rainfall. "What in the…" Brightheart didn't finish as she stared at Bramblestar's completely bizarre look.

There were leaves everywhere on Bramblestar. Some colorful feathers were arranged on Bramblestar's sides to look like a hawk, which Brightheart guessed they could thank HawkClan for. A big gigantic fruit hat on Bramblestar's head was even bigger than Bramblestar himself, and Brightheart gawked on how Bramblestar could handle the weight. She could tell, under the midst of feathers and leaves and big gigantic fruit hats that Bramblestar's fur must be a complete cherry-red color. After getting over the surprise, she returned her attention to the show, deciding that staring at Bramblestar wouldn't help the tabby with his embarressment.

Icewing and Gorsetail were up now. Icewing was wearing some sort of ice-cup on her tail tip, and feathers lined her sides so that they looked like wings.

At least that outfit makes since- unlike gigantic fruit hats that have noting to do with brambles or stars. Gorsetail was wearing some gorse plants tied around his tail, and didn't get as much attention at Icewing. Brigtheart thought Icewing was actually really pretty.

She's sure to be a sponsor target. After Icewing had answered a few interview questions like what was her name, how she felt about her look, her comments on the Games, etc. Soon, District 8's cats were padding up. Applefur was wearing a bunch of apples on his fur (which Brightheart thought was incredibly ridiculous) while Ferretclaw had live ferrets just scampering around his paws. Whoever thought up these costumes must've utterly no ounces of beauty sense.

Soon, Willowshine and Berrynose were on. Willowshine had a decent look. Willow leaves that must have some sort of glossy coating on them were attached to her, and there trailed behind her. The leaves were angled to point back, and some long leaves at the tail created a look of a peacock's tail. Berrynose was dragging himself, a few paw steps behind Willowshine. Berrynose had berries attached to his fur, forming pictures of hawks, fire, and some complicated intricate designs that Brightheart couldn't see from this angle.

Two more districts and it'll be our turn. Then this will be over. Suddenly, Brightheart dreaded this being over. If this show was over, that meant she would have to go back to her den to sleep until the next morning, which would be when the games start…

Soon, District 11 was up, Squirrelflight and Tigerheart. Everyone gasped as living squirrels leapt out of Squirrelflight complicated outfit of feathers everywhere on her, probably to hide the squirrels. Squirrelflight looked more like a bird that a squirrel. Tigerheart had these feathers of different colors attached to his fur making him look like a rainbow-colored goose, and on his chest some berries were outlined to make the shape of a tiger.

How do they make these outfits? And what a waste of food this is! All those squirrels. Suddenly, Bramblestar stepped forward, and Brightheart realized it was their turn. The moment they stepped out, the crowd roared with laughter. Bramblestar stiffened, and quickened his pace. Brightheart followed, but got pulled back.

"Let me adjust this." Blossom was saying, playing with the hat, before pushing Brightheart out again. The crowd was laughing like crazy as they watch Bramblestar look around in confusion for his partner and his fruit hat fell onto some roses. The squirrels from Squirreflight's performance pounced onto the fruit.

How dare they laugh at Bramblestar like that! Brightheart thought but kept her thoughts to herself. The moment she stepped out, the laughing cease but was still audible, as the noise turned into cheers. Tapping Bramblestar on the shoulder, she sent his an apologetic look for leaving him alone and continued up the pathway. A reporter stopped them, introducing himself as Wasper, and continuing with some questions that Brightheart blindly answered.

"Will you do a dance for us?" Wasper suddenly, said.

Brightheart jumped. "Huh, oh sure." Bramblestar started first, doing a little step, step, slide, with his paws, probably so nothing would be in danger of falling. Brightheart wasn't sure what to do.

Maybe I should bow. She thought, twirling around quickly and then doing a bow.

Suddenly, the crowd gasped, and the cheers erupted louder than Brightheart had ever seen before. She looked up, and then realized her hat was gone. She saw everyone looking up, and saw that when she had bowed, the hat had flew off, but instead of simply falling, the hat had hit a random flying squirrel who was trying to leap to safety. The impact hit the hat, and all the berries tumbled off, creating a beautiful shower of colorful berries. She realized that when she had been pulled back by Blossom, Blossom must've shoved some extra berries into her hat. Once the shower was over, Brightheart couldn't' bear all the attention, and quickly walked to the end of the path, entering a boat that would take her to the Games.

"That… was… amazing." Bramblestar said, quickly tossing his outfit into the water.

"Thank Blossom." Brightheart relied drowsily, too tired to start a good conversation. Before she knew it, she had flopped down for a night's sleep, her weariness getting over her.

The morning came faster than before. Brightheart opened her eyes, and the first thing she thought of was the amazing events of last night. Then she remembered.

I'm going to the Games today.