Falcon bounded up onto the dumpster after the lost battle

The lost battle.

He didn't know whether he ought to dance or cry, but he knew what Hawk would do.

Hawk would jump into the dumpster, throw a whole bunch of rocks, cry a river, and then run around in circles on the Thunderpath hoping to do suicide.

He licked a wound on his chest inflicted by that black and white cat with the long tail. How did BloodClan get themselves into this mess?

Oh right. Scourge had wanted the forest, and he was determined to get the forest. A battle had started, and they had lost. Why they had lost, Falcon would never know.

I hope this is the last of BloodClan. I never wanted to serve them anyway.

"Hey, Falcon! We're having a group meeting." Hawk, his brother, called. Falcon knew what "we" was. Hawk, him, and Hawk's rowdy friends.

Falcon entered the hole in the abandoned Nofur nest. Already, Hawk's team had settled in, taking the good spots. Falcon sat near the entrance, before reluctantly sitting nest to his brother after Hawk beckoned him.

"Cats of HawkClan." Hawk started. "As you know, we have lost the battle." Yowls of anger began, but quickly died down under Hawk's intimidating gaze. "But HawkClan will survive. After moons and moons of preparation, we will win!" Cheers erupted. "However, after we win, we must punish the clans for destroying BloodClan. Every Newleaf, since newleaf is usually a cheerful time, six cats from each clan are, three toms and three she-cats, from 10 moons to 60 moons, will be selected randomly to compete in a fight to death!

"We will select them by having each of them tear of someof their fur, and placing them in a hole. Then, if they want to protect their family and friends, they can volunteer to have more of their fur torn of to replace their friends or family's fur. And, so it age and experience won't make the games unfair" Hawk said unfair like he had eaten crowfood. "The older you are, the more fur you must give us. Every eleven moon means one more piece of fur.

"Of course, some cats will refuse to kill. We'll separate the clans into groups. The more violent the cats, the better group they are in. That way, if all the terrible cats are grouped together, and no soft-hearted fools, then that group will be vicious. They'll come into the games vicious. They will kill. And we'll make things interesting too. Now that we know that StarClan is real, there must be a realm for evil cats. We will find that realm, and be able to control nature from there!" Hawk finished off his speech with a victorious yowl, and cheers erupted.

Falcon stayed silent. Then Hawk's eyes landed on him.

"Brother. Aren't you happy?" Hawk sneered. Before Falcon could reply, he said, "Did you really think I never noticed your disloyalty? Because of that, you can be the first to be a tribute; we'll call them, in our first test hunger games. Yes, we are having a test hunger games. HawkClan, go group… hmm, there are five of you. Falcon is already a tribute… four each! I'll get the three. Remember, two toms and two she-cats." HawkClan immediately scattered to follow Hawk's orders.

Falcon stood still, fear overwhelming him. Hawk had knew all this time! He shrank as Hawk towered over him. "As for you… you know. I have already found the evil realm of StarClan, the Dark Forest. They have granted me a wish. And I will make my wish now. Of course, I have to say the proper words." Hawk stood in the exit, so Falcon couldn't run away.

"I, Hawk, leader of HawkClan, call upon the Dark Forest so I can make my wish. I wish for Falcon, traitor of HawkClan, and his descendents to die young unless they can win the Hunger Games only because they kill with true hatred enough tributes for them to win. Until then, his descendents, and his descendents only, not mine, will die young, and horrible, painful deaths." With that said, a dark mist wrapped around Falcon. Falcon felt it settle there. He didn't feel any different, but he knew he was different.

Hawk sneered as he went out of the exit, still sneering as Falcon ran away, far away until on of HawkClan scooped him up and placed him into the abandoned building, which had twenty-four cages for the tributes.

He had been planning this for a long time, and he sneered as he spotted the first four tributes, other than Falcon, placed into their cages, yowling and screaming.