Some folks wanted to see Senior getting what was coming to him, or possibly rather, not getting what he thinks is coming to him.

Millions and millions of thanks to the folks who reviewed not only dead silence, but also Wizard and Havoc, but didn't get a personal reply, I completely lost track of where I was in answering, so...thank you all :)


Gibbs was minding the store alone, pricing some cans up at the back when he heard the bell over the door chime. Putting the price gun down, he stepped out, thinking it might be Widow Blackwood, she generally came in around this time of day, and she was a little frail, needed some help gathering her groceries and loading them into her trolley.

It wasn't the elderly lady who stood near the front of the store, but a ridiculously overdressed Senior looking around wearing a barely concealed sneer. It had been two months since he had told Fornell to make sure that Senior knew where he was, and he had been beginning to think that the man was too craven to come up here and face him.

"About time you showed up, well past time in fact."

"Well, you are a hard man to find."

"No I'm not, a friend of mine in the FBI told you where I was two months ago," he said, calling him on the lie.

Senior didn't answer that, instead turning to look out of the window at the main street.

"What are you doing out here in the back end of nowhere anyway?"

"None of your business, did you want something?"

"Junior's lawyer wouldn't tell me anything about his will, he told me I would have to ask you."

"Seriously? You didn't answer any of my calls, you didn't show up for your only son's funeral, and your first questions aren't about where he's buried, or what happened, but about his will?"

"I didn't know about the funeral."

"If you had bothered to answer one of the 11 urgent messages that I left you between the release of his body, and the funeral, you would have known about it."

"I just thought that he was in trouble again, I knew you could handle it, that he would prefer you to handle it in fact," Senior said with a shrug.

"Perhaps, but did it never cross your mind that he trusted me with so much because you proved yourself to be as reliable and trustworthy as a chocolate chisel."

"Oh come on Gibbs, there's no need to be insulting, I tried to build bridges with my son, but you were always there, in my way."

"I was always where Tony wanted me to be. You really thought he couldn't see through you, didn't you, you really thought you had him snowed?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about Gibbs."

"I will admit you came close that first time, you remember the one, where you conned him into paying your exorbitant bill at the Adams house, and the ticket to Monte Carlo? He almost believed that you were there to build bridges with him, but he was never stupid, he wondered why, if your financial situation was so bad, you stayed in one of the most expensive places in the city, so once you were gone, he dug a little deeper, and found that you weren't as broke as you made out, and that you had dug into his financial situation before you showed up. He knew that every time you turned up, you were just out for whatever you could skim from him."

"Well, it was only fair, he got enough money from me when he was a kid," Senior shrugged.

Anger surged in Gibbs' gut at that dismissive response, and he barely restrained himself from punching the arrogant look off the other man's face.

"Providing for your kids is what a parent is meant to do, not disown them at twelve, pack them off to a military school, cut him off when he doesn't take the college course you want, and then sit back and wait and see if he makes enough money for you to stick your hand in his pocket and pay you your due for being his sperm donor," Gibbs snarled.

"I'm not here to debate with you about your opinion of my relationship with my son," he said dismissively.

"No, you're here to find out what Tony left you in his will," Gibbs sneered.

"Precisely, so just hand over whatever keys and notifications I will need for access, and you and I will never have to set eyes on one another again."

"He did leave you $100,000," Gibbs said, seeing greed and anger at the amount warring in Senior's eyes, he was going to enjoy this next bit.

"Fine, I assume there is a check somewhere?"

"Nope, he also attached a codicil to the bequest; in the event that you failed to turn up for his funeral or visit his grave within six months of his burial, that $100,000 was to be added to the money going to charity."

"I'll contest it," Senior snarled.

"Good luck with that, the will was airtight, he made sure of that, you also missed the six month time limit for contesting it. I made every effort to contact you personally, and his death notice was posted in both DC and New York, you don't have a leg to stand on."

"I did visit his grave," Senior tried.

"Really? So where is he then?"

"In New York of course, beside his mother."

"No. Now if that's everything, get out, I have work to be getting on with," he said, gesturing to the door.

"Wait, he had over a million dollars in his bank, not to mention his investments, and he owned his apartment, where did it all go? He obviously didn't leave any of it to you, if you're reduced to working for your father in this backwater little burg."

"That would be none of your business. Now get out before I throw you out on your overdressed ass."

"You haven't heard the last of this," Senior blustered, slamming out. Gibbs wasn't fazed by the threat, he knew that he more than likely wouldn't hear from Senior again, the man really didn't have a leg to stand on, and he knew it, Tony had gotten the last word against the old bastard by hitting him where it would hurt the most, his wallet.

"Did you hit him?" Jackson's voice didn't surprise him, he had heard the back door click a few minutes before.

"No, tempted, but no, Tony already got in the hardest punch."

"Did you tell him what the kid did with all his money?"

"No, he didn't need to know, didn't want him going after Palmer, or Abby or Ducky trying to con out of them what Tony left them."

"What about what Tony left you?"

"He thinks Tony didn't leave me anything, because I'm here, but even if he knew otherwise I would hope he would know better than to try and con me, and he certainly can't get his claws into the money Tony left to charity."

"Yeah, go ahead and get out of here Leroy, go to your workshop, or you'll be snapping and snarling at all the ornery old customers we'll get today."

"Thanks dad," Gibbs said, not denying the assertion, Jackson was right, Senior had him riled up, and he would snarl at the first cranky old coot he was faced with today.

He wandered off to the edge of town, to the small plot of land and workshop he had bought with the proceeds of selling his house. He had several projects on the go here, some for the people in town but the most important one was the new boat Tony had wanted him to build, he had wanted Gibbs to teach him, but he could at least do this much. He picked up the planer, getting to work on the frame of the boat, his thoughts going back to Tony's will.

Tony had left Ducky, Palmer and Abby $100,000 each, plus an annual share of the dividends from his investments, his apartment and everything in it had been left to Gibbs, with a note saying he could do whatever he wanted with it, but he would appreciate Gibbs finding a way to keep his piano if he could, and the rest of the money was split between Gibbs and various military and civilian charities. Gibbs didn't really care about the money, he would much rather still have had Tony alive and well, but he had used some of it to update the store a little, the rest was in the bank until he thought of something to do with it that might have made Tony happy, he had kept the apartment exactly how it was, piano and all, to use as a base when he went to visit his friends in the city, or on the odd occasions Vance or Tobias called him for a consult.

He looked across the workshop at the board that would be one of the last fitted to the hull of the boat, the one with the name already carved in; Children of Heaven. This was going to be the best boat he ever built, in memory of both of his murdered children.
