Hey Everyone. This is my first Fanfiction, so please be gentle with me. I would really appreciate it if you R&R. Constructive criticism is always welcomed. I'm also looking for a beta reader, for I can't spell for my life. There will be some spoilers, you have been warned. Also some of the story won't match up will the manga or anime, so please excuse that. I will update when I can but I am a full time collage student, so sometimes it might take me a while. Now enjoy!
Disclaimer: Naruto does not belong to me.
(Yes, I know that the Prologue is extremely short)
The area was covered in a blinding white light. It lit up the sky, where it could be seen for miles. Everyone who saw it felt a chill down their back. Everyone knew something big had occurred and wished it wasn't anything bad. God knows, they had already faced enough suffering. What more could they take.
Chapter 1
Her eyes felt heavy. Actually her whole body felt heavy, she couldn't lift a limb. She wondered what had happened. She couldn't remember anything.
"Kit, Wake up." She knew that voice, it was a voice of her closest companion. She tried to respond, but had no energy to.
"Kit, I demand you wake up. Hmph. Sometimes I wonder why I put up with such a weak vessel." Now that mad her mad. Her anger allowed her to wake up from her fatigue.
"Shut up, Kurama. I'm trying to sleep here, and your not helping any." Naruto told her bijue and somewhat reluctant friend. She was still to tired to open her eyes.
"...Human, never speak to me like that again. I'll forgive you this once, but you need to wake up dobe, something isn't right." Kurama, a.k.a the nine-tailed fox, demanded. The way he said that made Naruto tense up. He almost sounded worried, and when Kurama was worried, you knew that it was bad. Real bad. She finally opened her eyes, and was instantly confused. She was staring at a familiar ceiling. She looked around her, and was even more confused.
'Wait isn't this my old apartment. But it was destroyed.' She sat up, looking around her. No this wasn't possible. The place looked exactly as when she first moved in after she was kicked out of the orphanage. She brought her hand to move her hair out of her eyes and instantly froze. She stared at her hand, mouth open. It was small. She patted herself and looked at her body. She was no longer in her eighteen year old body. But in a kids body. She ran up to the mirror, and it confirmed her suspicions. She seemed to be around five years old again. She closed her eyes and instantly tried to release herself from the genjutsu. When she opened her eyes she found that nothing had changed. She started to panic.
"Naruto, calm down and look for a calendar." For once she obeyed him without questioning him. Her eyes widened when she looked at the year. She was in fact five years old.
"But how." She tried to recall her memories. The forth shinobi war had finally ended, and she had defeated Madara. Tsunade named Naruto her successor for the role of Hokage and was training her to become one. The last thing she remembered was doing paperwork with Tsunade and than doing some training afterwords.
"Hmm...I also do not recall what has happened and I doubt we can do anything about it. I have never in my thousands of years of existing have ever heard of a time travel jutsu. Even if one should exist, there would not be one in this time-period. For no human has the capacity to make one and perform one, it would take a massive amount of chakara to do. It might be even to difficult for you kit, and you have the greatest chakara capacity of all humans." Kurama told her.
"You mean we are stuck here, with no way back." There were many things that Naruto would never give up on, but even she knew that this was out of her league. The only thing she could do was survive. Wait! If she was in the past, that means that she could change things. Naruto eyes lit up in joy, she could make sure her friends didn't face all the pain that they did. Jiji, Asuma sensei, Ero-senin, and Neji didn't have to die. Sasuke family didn't have to die. She could make sure that Garra didn't feel all the pain that he did, and make sure that Neji's father didn't die either. She could stop the Akatsuki now and stop war from coming. Her mind processed everything that she could do.
She paused for a minute. Even if she could, should she. Should she mess with fate and change the future. Her actions could cause major consequences. Her mind soon became overloaded from to much thinking.
'Forget that, I'm here now and there is no way that I'm not going to help my friends. I'm not scum. Believe it.' she thought recalling Kakashi sensei words to her a long time ago.
Kurama smirked at her thoughts 'This girl never ceases to amuse and amaze me. I guess I should help her out.' "Listen here punk, if you are going to do all that, you need to regain your strength. Your body is back to a five year old, you need to readjust to it. Test your jutsus to see if they work." Kurama told her.
Naruto immediately made the sign for a shadow clown, and one popped up. Next she tried the Rasengan and was able to form it easily.
"Ok kit, it seems you retained your jutsus and chakara control and you also still have your full chakara capacity. Next try to summon a toad and see if it works." Naruto tried but it failed to work.
"Hmm, It seems that since you haven't formed a contract yet, you cant summon anymore. We will find a way around that later, though I still think toads are inferior. The only thing you can work on know is your speed, stamina, and strength. You also need to readjust to your body, you will be used to having longer limbs and thus will most likely be clumsier than you normally are." Kurama lectured her. He noticed her smirking at him. "What dobe." Her grin just got wider.
"Oh nothing, just didn't think you cared so much." Naruto smugly stated.
Kurama immediately became defensive. "Don't think so highly of yourself. I have no use for a weak vessel. If you were to die it would be to troublesome for me." Naruto continued to grin at him, he wasn't fooling her.
"Che, Just don't die kit,"
"Don't worry, I won't." Naruto promised him.
"Who said I was worried." Kurama murmured, but couldn't quite make it convincing. Naruto couldn't wipe the smile off her face. No matter what he said, she knew he cared and it made her warm inside. She wasn't used to many people caring about her even now. With that taught, she went back to thinking about what she should do next. Kurama was right, she needed to get back to her strength or she wouldn't be able to do anything. She wondered if she should go to Jiji and tell him, she asked Kurama.
"It would be best if you didn't. Humans are greedy creatures. Even if the Hokage didn't use your knowledge, someone could easily find out if you let it out. They will abuse the knowledge of the future, the less people who know the better. We should only tell him if the need is dire, for now its better to work in the background. Who would expect a gaki to do anything, the more they underestimate you, the easier it will become for you to move about. When we can't do anything without help, than should consider telling him." Naruto frowned, she really wanted to tell Jiji and didn't want to lie to him, but she understand where Kurama was coming from and he was right.
"Relax Kit, even if you cant tell him it doesn't mean you cant prove yourself a little. If show your strength little by little, you wont be suspicious, and eventually he and others will acknowledge you." Naruto nodded, she knew he was right and just being able to see all those she had lost would be enough for now. She had missed them so much.
"Luckily you haven't entered the academy yet, so no one has any expectations of you. So no one will be suspicious that you got better at everything all of a sudden"
Ughh, she forgot all about that. "I have to go back there, I hated it at the academy it was so boring and the teachers and kids all hated me."
"Kit, yes you will have to, if you want to be a Konoha ninja again, and now it will probably be easier for you to be friends with them than before." Kurama in his own way tried to raise her spirits.
"I hope your right, I really do Kurama." She fell back on her bed and went to sleep.