Mama Bloom AU
By: FunahoMisaki
(A/N: I own nothing and what if instead of being found on Earth by Stella…Bloom somehow made her way to the magical dimensions…without her memories…with a strong motherly instinct…a strange illness…and found near Cloud Tower? She becomes known as the Mother of Cloud Tower…and tends to mother even the teachers…AU OOC some bashing maybe femslash)
"You and I haven't sat together since the summer of 08." Faragonda, headmistress of Alfea, remarked looking away but smiling ever so slightly at the sight of her old friend who took a seat next to her stoically.
"We were both dating that Red Fountain boy." Griffin said hiding her own smile at their little way to tell whether or not they were being impersonated.
"Prince Jones." Faragonda agreed glancing at the other woman.
"We turned him into a goat when we found out he was two timing us." Griffin said hiding her smile as she they both passed each other's test.
"You know Griffin I've been hearing a rather strange rumor going around. Care to shed some light on it?" Faragonda asked as Saladin sat on her other side, smiling briefly at the two.
"And which of my girls got involved in lunch room gossip this time?" Griffin asked waving a hand dismissively.
"None…by name that is. Apparently a few of my girls overheard a few of yours muttering about a 'Mother of Cloud Tower'. I found it strange because although you can be quite motherly you usually hide that instinct around your students." Faragonda said and both she and Saladin noticed Griffin tense at the title Faragonda had overheard.
"Ah the title that so aptly summarizes her position at the school." Ediltrude said chuckling as she and her sister sat on either side of Griselda a row in front of the head teachers.
"Indeed sister…and remember her face when she heard the title for the first time?" Zarathustra asked grinning while Griffin chuckled as well.
"You can't blame the poor girl. She's the same age as the freshmen and yet her motherly instincts have even our top seniors wrapped around her pinkie and calling her 'mom'." Griffin said with a chuckle.
"We are not wrapped around mom's pinkie!" An indigent voice said from behind the teachers, causing them to turn and see Icy, Stormy, and Darcy with Stormy pouting at her teachers.
"Stormy…she gives you one look and you sit down and put your hands in your lap like a five year old." Darcy said looking at her little sister in amusement.
"I DO NOT!" Stormy bellowed at her sister, looking ready to blast the brown haired teen while Icy merely laughed at her sisters as did the witch teachers.
"Stormy! I thought I asked you to behave!" A warm and slightly chiding voice called out as a young woman with at least three freshmen witchs surrounding her on all sides, walked down the stairs towards them. Everyone turned and most gaped at the beautiful girl they saw.
She had long fire red hair pulled back in a simple but tasteful braid, cyan blue eyes that were practically aglow and slightly stern as she looked at Stormy, rather tanned skin compared to the witches around her, and she was wearing a red Sunday dress with black roses on it with a simple bandanna over her hair and sandals on her feet. A sharp gasp drew the teachers attention to Griselda who was staring at the girl wide eyed and adoringly.
"Sorry mom. I'll be good." Stormy said sitting in her seat quietly, causing her teachers and sisters to snicker.
"Good girl." The red head said bending down and pressing a soft kiss to Stormy's forehead, causing her to smile slightly with a small blush on her face.
"Here dear. You can sit with us." Griffin said patting the empty seat next to her as she smiled at the girl who smiled at her while Stormy pouted. She wanted mom to sit next to her!
"Thank you Miss Griffin. It's alright girls. Go on to your seats and behave. I promise you I will be alright." The girl said shooing the other witches off to their seats, and causing them to pout since they didn't have the seats next to the red head. One freshman witch grinned though as she quickly claimed the seat next to the red head.
"I'm the lucky one today! This is my seat mama!" The red haired freshman said grinning widely when the girl in the red dress gave her a slightly stern look, which softened immediately.
"Hope you like your dress Dragon." Zarathustra said smiling back at the girl who turned and smiled thankfully at her.
"Yes I do, very much so. Thank you for getting it for me Zara." The girl, Dragon, said causing the blue clad witch to smile wider and wave it off.
"How come she gets away with calling you 'Zara'? You hex everyone, even your sister!, when they try to call you that!" Palladium asked looking over at Zarathustra confused and earning a blush and a glare from her.
"Cause she's…well she's her. And she's the Dragon and Mother of Cloud Tower." Zarathustra said not looking at anyone as the boys started flying out onto the arena floor riding their hover bikes. The red head, Dragon?, blushed at the title while the other teachers stared at her.
"She's beautiful." Griselda breathed out, still staring at Dragon who blushed harder at this while all nearby witches glared at her.
"Thank you for saying so although I'm not all that pretty and I know it." Dragon said smiling at Griselda who honestly looked taken aback at this while the others merely stared at the girl. She was drop dead beautiful!
"Hope you don't mind me saying this Miss but I've seen a lot of 'pretty' girls and women…and yet you are the most beautiful of them all." Griselda said causing Dragon to blush deeper while the witches glares got harder, hell Ediltrude and Zarathustra were literally growling at her!
"May I ask why they call you 'Dragon' and 'Mother' when they should be calling you 'Angel' or 'Goddess'?" Griselda asked raising an eyebrow at the girl who blushed a little deeper at this.
"We call her Dragon because she doesn't remember her own name and I once saw her unleash her magic in a torrent of flames from her mouth, like a dragon does thus her 'name' is Dragon. The students labeled her as 'Mother' because she acts like a mother to them, a much better one than their own mothers more often than not." Griffin answered instead, glaring slightly at Griselda.
"Doesn't remember her own name?" Palladium asked looking at the blushing red head while Griselda couldn't stop staring at the petite woman.
"No. One of our Junior girls found her wandering around the forest near the tower, completely lost and without any memories of who she is, why she was there, or anything else really. She brought her back to Cloud Tower to get medical treatment but Madam Cross said that her memories would return on their own in time, if they return at all." Griffin explained causing the others to nod in understanding at this. Amnesia wasn't uncommon in the magical universe, especially after a great trauma or tragedy. It was Griselda's muttered comment that caused Ediltrude and Zarathustra to nearly blast her to high heaven.
"My mate is a goddess in human form, she has to be with her beauty."