Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson and the Olympians or Heroes of Olympus
Chapter 26
Sorry for not writing in so long, just been having a rough time. I won't bother with excuses.
It's short, but it's something I suppose, I'll try not to abandon the story again.
The morning air was exactly how you would expect it to be, chilled, but bright with the hope of a new day's events. Noises from birds and small animals seem to flow through the trees like a brook after the first melting of a winter's snow.
Unfortunately, the surroundings had little impact on the mood of the two who were camping under the cover of the woods.
Percy was kneeling silently, thinking to himself while he packed up his belongings that he'd used the evening before, in the routine that he'd developed over the days of camping that had occurred since he'd started this journey with Artemis.
Artemis, on a similar note, was quietly surveying the area, as her belongings had been prepared since the beginning of her turn on watch the previous night. Neither of them was talking, each consumed by their own thoughts about what the other was thinking, or could be thinking.
Percy finished rolling the mat he'd slept on, and neatly fit it into the pack he would be wearing for the duration of the day. He couldn't help but worry about what Artemis was thinking of the situation that had happened during the night. He didn't remember much from the dream he'd had, but he did remember waking up to a look of concern and an outstretched hand from the Goddess.
She knew something, or maybe she didn't. Percy had no idea, but he was worried of what she thought regardless. He was supposed to be here to help protect her hunt and he was being rattled so much by nightmares.
Still, she'd yet to ask him about anything yet, which he appreciated, because he barely had any idea of what he could tell her. He didn't truly understand it, himself.
"Are you ready, Perseus?"
He glanced up from his pack that he was unnecessarily checking again.
"Of course, Artemis."
Hours of walking had passed, but the scenery stayed much the same as it always was. There were trees everywhere, very similar in appearance and scent, but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. The sound of a small stream came and went throughout the day, which aided the sounds of the birds in making the walking less monotonous. Still, focus wasn't necessarily on the surroundings.
Percy was shaken from his thoughts at the sound of his name, and he looked to his companion.
"We can stop for a moment, the stream is nearby and I would imagine you'd appreciate a chance for a drink, considering the sun."
Percy nodded in agreement, but the statement did seem a little odd, considering they'd been in the shade for almost the entire day, but Artemis rarely did anything without a reason.
A quick walk from the path they'd been following left them at the edge of a small stream of water which looked exactly how you would imagine from the sound. Small, but fairly quick flow of water, flowers growing on the bank, and a worn spot where animals must have gotten water from multiple times. Beautiful, really.
Percy kneeled beside the stream, cupping his hands in the stream. Artemis was beside him, but she didn't seem to taking a drink any time soon. She was just looking at him.
"Is everything okay Artemis?"
It took a moment to respond, but she nodded and spoke, "Everything is fine, Perseus."
Percy looked back to the water, but Artemis spoke again.
"I do have something to ask though, if I may."
Percy sat back up and looked at her.
"What's been happening recently, Perseus? Every night it seems, you wake up in a panic."
Artemis shifted back until she was sitting on her heels, still looking at him.
"This isn't something I've seen, even with girls that come to me from awful places and terrible families. Nightmares aren't often so severe that they can shake someone this much, and if you will, I want you to talk to me."
Percy looked back down at the stream, watching the water flow.
"I don't know that I can say anything, because I don't really understand it myself."
Artemis just looked at him silently, allowing him time to continue if he decided to himself.
"Artemis, I just… I don't know what there is I can say. I'm sorry for putting our hunt in danger with my noises, if that's what's worrying you."
Artemis gave her head a small shake, "I'm not worried about that Perseus, I'd just like to know what's getting to my Guardian."
Percy stayed silent after that, and after a few more moments, Artemis decided it would be best to leave the demigod alone with his thoughts, and stood from where she'd been crouched beside him, making her way back to the trail to wait for him to continue their journey.