Summary: MID SEASON FIVE REWRITE. Buffy needs help taking down a demon that threatens the citizens of Sunnydale. With Riley MIA she enlists the help of our favourite bleach blond vamp. Totally smutty Spuffy fun.

A/N: Characters belong to Joss, I just play with them. Any notable quotes credit goes to those talented people who wrote them.

You'll be back.

"Tonight of all nights he goes missing" Buffy mumbled to herself as she walked through the graveyard.

"Looking for me Slayer?" Asked Spike stepping away from the shadow of a crypt

"And why would I do that?" She asked him

"Just thought with solider boy missing and a beastie on the prowl, you could use a man like me" he grinned

"You're not a man" she reminded him

"Right... I'll just toddle off home then shall I?"

"Do whatever you want Spike" she spat as she continued to walk away

"So we're back to that are we Slayer?" He asked trailing behind her

She didn't answer him. She knew what he was referring to, just days before she sat on the porch steps of her backyard. Her head in her hands sobbing he came to her shotgun in hand for all intents and purposes to kill her. One blow he could've ended it for her but he didn't, he sat right beside her awkwardly patting her shoulder. Comforting her, and strangely it worked.

He put his arm around her and she lent in towards him, although not a full embrace she felt safe. She laid her head upon him as he ran his fingers through her hair softly. She didn't know how or why but when she caught his gaze again something clicked. Like she was seeing him for the first time. Without hesitation she kissed him and although shocked he kissed her back. She hadn't seen him since and in all honesty she had been avoiding him.

"I'm still beneath you am I?" He asked

"I don't have time for this!" She told him firmly "If you're not gunna help me then go home"

"So you do want my help then?" He smirked

"Well it doesn't look like I'm gunna get rid of you anytime soon... Just don't get in my way" she warned

"Buffy. Duck" he demanded as a 7ft slime covered demon jumped her from behind.

His warning was too late and the demon struck her on the back of the head leaving her dazed for a moment. Spike sprung into action punching and kicking the demon until Buffy shook off the blow to her head. The demon brought Spike to his knees, Buffy used him as a springboard to pounce on to the demon's back.

Buffy wrapped her arm around the neck of the demon squeezing at it's throat. He over powered her tossing her onto a nearby gravestone, smashing it in half. Spike pulled a small knife from his boot stabbing the demon in the back, bringing him to his knees he was able to regain the advantage punching the demon repeatedly. Until eventually with one swift motion and an audible crack Spike broke the demon's neck.

"Buffy?" He called.

She lay where the demon had thrown her minutes before, she was surrounded by broken stone.

"Are you okay?" He asked holding out a helping hand

She ignored his hand and stood by herself "I'm fine" she winced. Touching her head and looking at the blood that had dotted her fingers.

"No you're not, c'mon let's get you patched up" he smiled innocently

Rather than chose to fight Buffy nodded warily as he held her up and took her off in the direction of his crypt.

Once there, he sat her down on the comfy chair he'd rescued from

the Sunnydale junkyard and scrambled to find the first aid kit he'd stolen from The Magic Box just after it had opened.

He sat down in front of her, gently dabbing the blood away from her head. They hadn't spoken a word since fleeing the scene a few minutes ago.

"Ow" Buffy winced as he placed a small gauze on her head.

"Don't be a baby, Slayer" he chuckled as he removed it and placed a band aid over her cut. "There" he smiled "All better"

"Thanks..." She said looking into his eyes

"You probably should go... Still evil afoot and all that rot" he sighed

"Yeah, I probably should" she said

He went to stand before she pulled him back down to sit in front of her again.

"Slayer?" He asked

Her mouth came crashing onto his, she kissed him passionately, Spike could've sworn his heart skipped a beat.

"Buffy" he said breathlessly having broke the kiss "Are you sure about this?"

Buffy paused a moment "No..." she admitted "But I want to"

"Good enough" he smirked kissing her again.

He laid her back on to the chair, slipping her jeans down her legs and throwing them behind him, he could smell her arousal more now it made him harder than he remembered. He unbuckled his belt and unzipped his jeans releasing his aching cock. He wrapped her legs around his waist as he plunged into her making the both of them cry out in pleasure. He rocked back and forth slowly, watching Buffy's face as she moaned loudly in satisfaction.

"Bet it doesn't feel like this with your boy" said Spike huskily as he pounded into her

"No" she replied breathlessly

"Is his cock this big?" He asked


"You deserve this, Slayer. You deserve to be treasured like this everyday" he whispered in her ear making her quiver

"Spike" she moaned

"That's it Buffy. Cum for me" he demanded

Buffy could feel her orgasim mounting. Spike pounded into her feeling his own release build.

"Spike... I think I'm gunna..." she moaned as she came.

Spike rocked into her a few more times before he too found his release. Buffy lay there for a moment trying to catch her breath, her legs still wrapped around Spike's waist. His cock still buried deep inside her as he recovered from his orgasim.

Buffy's thoughts soon turned to Riley - Riley... Her actual boyfriend who she had just actually cheated on with Spike of all people. She freaked out, Spike saw it in her eyes and quickly pulled out from her warmth. She quickly stood and tried to find her jeans that were carelessly discarded earlier.

"Slayer..." Spike began to speak

"Don't..." She warned "Don't talk"

"What is your problem?" He asked "I just gave you the best orgasim of your life and now I'm dirt?"

"Do not flatter yourself!" She yelled picking up her jeans and pulling them on in a hurry

"I don't need to. The look on your face was job well done enough for me" he smirked "Do your eyes roll to the back of your head like that with captain cardboard?"

"I swear to god Spike!"

"What?" He chuckled "What are you gunna do?"

"If you tell anyone about what just happened so much as even a whisper! I will kill you" she threatened

"Sing me another one luv. I've memorised the tune to it..." He sniggered

She pulled on the door to leave, with his cat like reflexes he launched towards the door, shutting it before she had it open the whole way.

He backed her onto the wall "You just let me know when you need to be satisfied again" he told her

"I will never sleep you ever again Spike" she said with conviction

He smiled brightly "Tell that to your sweet soaking wet quim that luv... You'll crave it and try as you might you're not gunna get with solider boy" he whispered on to her neck.

The crypt door flew open and Riley stood at its entrance. The two of them flew apart trying to act as naturally as possible.

"Buffy where have you been? I've been looking all over for you I thought something bad had happened" said Riley rushing towards

"I... Uh" Buffy stuttered

"What happened to your head?" Asked Riley

"There was a demon... Me and Spike killed it but uh... I hurt my head. Spike just patched me up" she smiled innocently "Right Spike"

"Right" Spike smiled smugly "Did a good job of it too"

"Okay... Well thanks for the band aid. We better be going" said Buffy panicking slightly that Riley might pick up on something. She ushered him out of the crypt door

"See you soon Slayer" Spike said huskily