Title: Alone, I Fear
Author: Sita
Summary: What would happen if Buffy awoke to a world where she wasn't the Slayer, yet still had the memories of being one, and her life in SunnyD. What would she do, and how far would she go in order to get her old life back? B/S
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Post-7.5 "Selfless" (Doesn't really have anything to do with the episode though)
Disclaimer: You think some guy named Joss Whedon owns Buffy?! Psssht! Yeah right! *sigh* Well...okay he does but I can pretend can't I? Or maybe I could just borrow Spike?
Can't find where I am
Lying here
Alone I fear
Afraid of the dark
No one to claim
Alone again
~Avirl Lavigne
Chapter One: Too Late Now
Before you know
You're much too weak
To the point
The fall's to steep
It's too late now
It's too late now
~The Moffatts
She awoke with a start. Her breathing raspy and shallow from a nightmare she couldn't recall having. Sighing tiredly, the quick beat of her heart slowing down, she sat up in bed.
The sheets stuck to her like plaster, a thick sheet of sweat lining her body. And, she inwardly groaned. She hated taking showers in the morning.
Stretching, she pulled the sticky sheets off of her as she started to get out of bed. But, half way out of it, she paused.
What was she doing in her old bedroom? The one she had when she lived in Los Angeles?
Panic gripped her heart at this observation. And, she quickly jumped out of bed, rushing out of the bedroom door, not knowing exactly where she was heading, or what she was looking for.
She stopped right outside the kitchen door as a light humming drifted to her from inside. A familiar sound that she had heard many times before.
"Mom?" She hesitantly walked into the kitchen. How could he mother be here? Her mother had died over a year and a half ago.
"Good morning, Buffy." Joyce smiled warmly, momentarily turning away from the pancake batter she was mixing.
Buffy felt faint.
"Mom?" She asked again, her voice cracking. And, emotion overwhelmed her as she grabbed on to the wall for support.
"Buffy!" Joyce gasped, rushing over to her daughter, worry evident on her features as she quickly put her daughters arm around her shoulders, hoping to lend Buffy some support. "Dear, what's wrong? Are you sick?"
"No, no mom. I'm not." Buffy looked over at her mother, a mix of emotions clouding her features.
Closing her eyes tightly, Buffy prayed the tears that were threatening to spill, never came.
"Are you sure honey?" Joyce asked. "You look a little pale."
"I-I'm fine." Buffy clumsily stumbled out of her mother's grasp.
What WAS this? Her being in L.A., and her mother still alive? Was this the Powers That Be's idea of a sick joke?
She quickly made her way back to her old room, yelling to her mother not to worry on the way out of the kitchen.
Sitting on her unmade bed, Buffy put her head in her hands, running her hands quickly through her messed up locks. She had to find out what was going on, and fast. She couldn't handle this. And, after seeing her mother again, Buffy wasn't even sure if she could handle seeing Joyce taken away from her again.
Letting a soft sob escape her lips, Buffy laid down on her bed. She knew this wasn't her life. And, someway, somehow, she was going to get her life back. And that meant one thing: Sunnydale.
Thunder cracked hard as Buffy drove down a newly paved Los Angeles street. Thought hesitant to leave her mother, Buffy had convinced Joyce to let her take a small trip.
A little bit after her decision to head back to the Hellmouth, Buffy had discovered her Slayer abilities had suddenly disappeared, which had angered her greatly. After years of being a Slayer, one would of thought that that would be her wish, to not be a Slayer anymore. But, in reality, it upset her. And, what upset her even more was the fact that Dawn was gone. Dawn wasn't her sister here.
Now, without her great strength, and without the life she knew, she didn't know if she could survive. This was her hell. And, last year she thought coming out of heaven was hell, she thought earth was hell. But no, nothing compared to being in the situation she was in now. Weak, scared, and confused. This was definitely hell.
The thought that Angel could be in L.A. didn't even cross her mind as she drove down the slippery streets. All that was on her mind was getting back to Sunnydale. And, definitely finding her friend. They surely would know what to do.
She paused, mid-thought. What if her friends didn't know her here? What if she HAD no friends here? What if, wherever she was, had made her life different, her life as it would be if she had never been the Slayer. Buffy felt sick.
But, one thing that had crossed her mind and was curious about this dimension, or whatever this was, was her mother being alive. Even if this was an alternative reality, why would her mother be alive? Wouldn't she have died of cancer either way?
She quickly shook her head, she was going to fix this. She had to. Her friends would surely know who she was, right? And, for once in her life she prayed. Prayed to the higher beings, the Powers That Be, or whoever was up there, she prayed that everything was alright.
The sun was just setting by the time Buffy arrived in Sunnydale, her lateness due to the fact of the heavy rain she had encountered all the way here. And, now here she was, in front of the house she had called home only yesterday.
The house was apparently occupied by a family that wasn't hers. For, a young girl with a dark complexion sat outside next to what looked to be her older brother. She, apparently showing him how to build specific structures with legos. And, right now, Buffy missed Dawn desperately.
It was starting to grow cold as the moon took over the place where the sun had been, and Buffy wrapped her jacket around her tighter, hugging her arms to her chest.
Sighing sadly, the young blonde got back in her car, driving until she reached a familiar place. Even thought dangerous, it felt almost homely to her. It was the graveyard she patrolled in the most, the one Spike had lived in.
Spike. She even missed him right now. The insane vampire in the basement. And, she suddenly felt extremely bad about the way she had treated him only a day ago, telling him: "You have a soul? Then SHOW me." How could she have been so cruel? How could she not be thinking of all the pain he was in? Maybe she should go to the school....? No, she answered herself silently. He's probably not even there. Nobody seemed to be where you expect them to nowadays.
A branch cracking behind her, startled the girl out of her deeps thoughts, and she immediately spun around, taking fighting stance. Even if she didn't have her Slayer abilities, she still knew how to fight.
"Well, well, well." A voice said tauntingly, stepping out of the shadows. "Look what we've got here."
AN: I hope you like this story so far. It just came to me and I couldn't get it out of my head, even though I am still working on my other story "Multiformity"
So please review and tell me if I should continue!
Author: Sita
Summary: What would happen if Buffy awoke to a world where she wasn't the Slayer, yet still had the memories of being one, and her life in SunnyD. What would she do, and how far would she go in order to get her old life back? B/S
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Post-7.5 "Selfless" (Doesn't really have anything to do with the episode though)
Disclaimer: You think some guy named Joss Whedon owns Buffy?! Psssht! Yeah right! *sigh* Well...okay he does but I can pretend can't I? Or maybe I could just borrow Spike?
Can't find where I am
Lying here
Alone I fear
Afraid of the dark
No one to claim
Alone again
~Avirl Lavigne
Chapter One: Too Late Now
Before you know
You're much too weak
To the point
The fall's to steep
It's too late now
It's too late now
~The Moffatts
She awoke with a start. Her breathing raspy and shallow from a nightmare she couldn't recall having. Sighing tiredly, the quick beat of her heart slowing down, she sat up in bed.
The sheets stuck to her like plaster, a thick sheet of sweat lining her body. And, she inwardly groaned. She hated taking showers in the morning.
Stretching, she pulled the sticky sheets off of her as she started to get out of bed. But, half way out of it, she paused.
What was she doing in her old bedroom? The one she had when she lived in Los Angeles?
Panic gripped her heart at this observation. And, she quickly jumped out of bed, rushing out of the bedroom door, not knowing exactly where she was heading, or what she was looking for.
She stopped right outside the kitchen door as a light humming drifted to her from inside. A familiar sound that she had heard many times before.
"Mom?" She hesitantly walked into the kitchen. How could he mother be here? Her mother had died over a year and a half ago.
"Good morning, Buffy." Joyce smiled warmly, momentarily turning away from the pancake batter she was mixing.
Buffy felt faint.
"Mom?" She asked again, her voice cracking. And, emotion overwhelmed her as she grabbed on to the wall for support.
"Buffy!" Joyce gasped, rushing over to her daughter, worry evident on her features as she quickly put her daughters arm around her shoulders, hoping to lend Buffy some support. "Dear, what's wrong? Are you sick?"
"No, no mom. I'm not." Buffy looked over at her mother, a mix of emotions clouding her features.
Closing her eyes tightly, Buffy prayed the tears that were threatening to spill, never came.
"Are you sure honey?" Joyce asked. "You look a little pale."
"I-I'm fine." Buffy clumsily stumbled out of her mother's grasp.
What WAS this? Her being in L.A., and her mother still alive? Was this the Powers That Be's idea of a sick joke?
She quickly made her way back to her old room, yelling to her mother not to worry on the way out of the kitchen.
Sitting on her unmade bed, Buffy put her head in her hands, running her hands quickly through her messed up locks. She had to find out what was going on, and fast. She couldn't handle this. And, after seeing her mother again, Buffy wasn't even sure if she could handle seeing Joyce taken away from her again.
Letting a soft sob escape her lips, Buffy laid down on her bed. She knew this wasn't her life. And, someway, somehow, she was going to get her life back. And that meant one thing: Sunnydale.
Thunder cracked hard as Buffy drove down a newly paved Los Angeles street. Thought hesitant to leave her mother, Buffy had convinced Joyce to let her take a small trip.
A little bit after her decision to head back to the Hellmouth, Buffy had discovered her Slayer abilities had suddenly disappeared, which had angered her greatly. After years of being a Slayer, one would of thought that that would be her wish, to not be a Slayer anymore. But, in reality, it upset her. And, what upset her even more was the fact that Dawn was gone. Dawn wasn't her sister here.
Now, without her great strength, and without the life she knew, she didn't know if she could survive. This was her hell. And, last year she thought coming out of heaven was hell, she thought earth was hell. But no, nothing compared to being in the situation she was in now. Weak, scared, and confused. This was definitely hell.
The thought that Angel could be in L.A. didn't even cross her mind as she drove down the slippery streets. All that was on her mind was getting back to Sunnydale. And, definitely finding her friend. They surely would know what to do.
She paused, mid-thought. What if her friends didn't know her here? What if she HAD no friends here? What if, wherever she was, had made her life different, her life as it would be if she had never been the Slayer. Buffy felt sick.
But, one thing that had crossed her mind and was curious about this dimension, or whatever this was, was her mother being alive. Even if this was an alternative reality, why would her mother be alive? Wouldn't she have died of cancer either way?
She quickly shook her head, she was going to fix this. She had to. Her friends would surely know who she was, right? And, for once in her life she prayed. Prayed to the higher beings, the Powers That Be, or whoever was up there, she prayed that everything was alright.
The sun was just setting by the time Buffy arrived in Sunnydale, her lateness due to the fact of the heavy rain she had encountered all the way here. And, now here she was, in front of the house she had called home only yesterday.
The house was apparently occupied by a family that wasn't hers. For, a young girl with a dark complexion sat outside next to what looked to be her older brother. She, apparently showing him how to build specific structures with legos. And, right now, Buffy missed Dawn desperately.
It was starting to grow cold as the moon took over the place where the sun had been, and Buffy wrapped her jacket around her tighter, hugging her arms to her chest.
Sighing sadly, the young blonde got back in her car, driving until she reached a familiar place. Even thought dangerous, it felt almost homely to her. It was the graveyard she patrolled in the most, the one Spike had lived in.
Spike. She even missed him right now. The insane vampire in the basement. And, she suddenly felt extremely bad about the way she had treated him only a day ago, telling him: "You have a soul? Then SHOW me." How could she have been so cruel? How could she not be thinking of all the pain he was in? Maybe she should go to the school....? No, she answered herself silently. He's probably not even there. Nobody seemed to be where you expect them to nowadays.
A branch cracking behind her, startled the girl out of her deeps thoughts, and she immediately spun around, taking fighting stance. Even if she didn't have her Slayer abilities, she still knew how to fight.
"Well, well, well." A voice said tauntingly, stepping out of the shadows. "Look what we've got here."
AN: I hope you like this story so far. It just came to me and I couldn't get it out of my head, even though I am still working on my other story "Multiformity"
So please review and tell me if I should continue!