Haylo here's Chapter 10! I hope you enjoy it!

Thank you so much for all the wonderful reviews! I love all the readers and reviewers!

Disclaimer: I do not own Glee (I really wish I did)

This will be boyxboy if you don't like don't read.

Please Review! I would love to hear from you XD

The music blared through the speakers, thrumming through my body, doing nothing but moving to the beat, sandwiched between two very sweaty and aroused men. Neither of them did anything for me other than provide a body to rub up against. I had my eyes closed as I cleared my mind allowing only the music to penetrate my brain. To be honest I had no idea what either man looked like. One minute I was dancing in a throng of people the next I was squished up against people. I didn't mind. It might have helped my plan to get laid, but as soon as I crossed the thresh hold of the door I knew that wasn't going to happen no matter how much pent up sexual energy I had. Dancing was helping direct that energy somewhere else. If only Kurt were here we could dance until neither of us could handle the sexual tension then let it all out.

I was completely screwed when it came to Kurt Hummel.

The two beers or was it three that I drank weren't helping me either. I thought drinking might take away the hold Kurt had on my thoughts for a while. All I wanted was to finish dancing then head home. I wasn't getting any action tonight that was clear. Even the hands on my body did nothing for me. Not one reaction from my cock. It was probably better that way. I'd regret anything I did tonight anyway.

I danced for another thirty minutes when it became clear that one of dance partners was ready to take me to bathroom. I pushed away from his insisting hands, he didn't seem to care as he took hold of the man behind me. Internally I shook my head. I was like that just a couple of weeks ago, not caring who my bed partner was just a nice warm body to get off with was enough. Now it wasn't enough.

Now thanks to one Blaine Anderson I might have to go back to that lifestyle until I met someone who was half as wonderful as Kurt. Then again it wasn't all Blaine's fault some of the blame had to land on Kurt. Blame wasn't the right word even though we had something special Kurt was technically allowed to do whatever he wanted with whoever he wanted.

Then why the hell did it hurt so much to think of Kurt with Blaine? It felt like I was cheated on. It's not right to think like that, but I can't help it. Kurt is mine. He's meant to be with me.

I stumbled as I headed toward the exit, patting my pockets for my phone, knowing there was no way I could drive home. I pulled my phone from my back pocket as I hit the door, the cool night air hitting my face, clearing my fogged brain.

There was only one person to call. Kurt.

I slid my fingers across the screen to my contacts and hit call when I reached Kurt. My hand trembled as I held the phone up to my ear. Going out tonight was not the best idea I ever had especially when it was a school night and I'd have to drag my bone tired body out of bed tomorrow possibly with a hangover, but then again it did help clear my mind if only for a little while.

Kurt picked up on the fourth ring, voice weighed down by sleep. "Hello?"

I paused, not able to speak. What made me call Kurt again?

His voice filtered through the phone again a little stronger. "Hello? Sebastian, is that you?"

I cleared my throat. "Yep, it is. How's it going?" I slapped my hand against my forehead. What the hell is the matter with me? It must be the beer talking.

I could hear the eyebrow raise over the phone before Kurt even spoke. "Are you serious? First you take off without letting me talk to you then you call me at eleven at night just to see what's up? Start talking now Sebastian or I'm hanging up," Kurt seethed. His anger was expected, but I wasn't gearing for a fight at least not when I wasn't up to it.

"I need a ride home. I had one too many drinks and I'm not able to drive. Would you pick me up?" I pinched the bridge of my nose, eyes closed to keep calm. It took everything in me not to hang up and find some other way home. The thing was I trusted Kurt even when my heart was bruised from his actions earlier in the day.

Silence came from the other side of the line then a soft sigh. "Fine," Kurt bit out. "You don't have any company with you do you?"

"No, I don't. I'm in front of Scandals." It was only then that the sounds of the world penetrated my brain. The sounds of whoops and hollers came from the people leaving and entering the club.

I heard the rustling of sheets. "I'm on my way. You owe big time for this. I'll be there in a few." Kurt hung the phone up before I could say goodbye. Man was he pissed at me. As unfair as it may seem I was still angry at what I saw this afternoon.

I made myself comfortable against the wall near the entrance of Scandals. A street light, not far from me illuminated me enough for Kurt to see me when he pulled up. Guys barely glanced at me as they passed me to get in to the club. It was weird how just a couple a weeks ago I know they would have noticed me because I would have made them. Now I felt no urge to get attention just to be the center of it all, unless that focus came from Kurt. I let out a heavy sigh. What a long day.

I just had to call Kurt, didn't I? I might have called Blaine but then again he wasn't my favorite person at the moment. Who knows what might happen if I saw him at the moment. Then again there was a very good chance that he could kick my ass. It didn't matter I knew I launch myself at him if I saw him. Tomorrow at school was going to be tough not to punch him.

A hangover might be the best reason to stay home from school. As I ran a hand through my hair a honk woke me from my thoughts. Kurt's car pulled against the curb, engine running, and waiting for me to get in.

I paused for a moment as my heart lurched in my chest. A strong part of me had the urge to run. Kurt was going to make sure I listened to him if I was going to be stuck in the car with him.

I walked over to the black SVU. I opened the door, heart pumping faster as I opened the door and came face to face with a sleep rumpled Kurt. His hair was in disarray, a huge chunk flopped over one clear blue eye. He was dressed his pajamas that I had the urge to tear off to see the body they hid under them. My cock twitched to life for the first time that night. That didn't really help me in this situation. There was no way my cock was getting any action unless it was by my own hand. It didn't matter. In the end Kurt came to get me. That had to count for something.

I suppressed a smile at Kurt's loud yawn. Remembering why I was mad was hard when all I wanted to do I was run my hands through his hair and kiss him.

"Thank you for coming to get me," I said as I closed the door and slid my seatbelt in to place.

Kurt glanced at me. "You're welcome," he mumbled as he stared at the steering wheel.

"Kurt, look at me." I commanded his attention. Wide blue eyes stared at me. I pushed Kurt's hair away from his forehead as the overhead light went out leaving us in the dark. I brushed my lips against his barely a whisper. His whimper at the loss of contact surged me forward to take his lips into a harsher kiss that left me breathless.

All thoughts of Blaine flew out the window when Kurt's fingers tangled in my hair at the nape of my neck. For right now I'd enjoy the warm, delicious mouth that was currently attached to mine and worry about all other crap later.

Kurt put a hand on my chest, pushing me away effectively cutting on us from one hell of a kiss. "We have to stop."

Anger shot through me taking a hold of my mouth before I thought about what I said. "Why are you with Blaine?" I spat. The wonderful glow from the kiss evaporated in a puff of smoke.

Kurt narrowed his baby blues at me. "I didn't say that, but first I want to talk."

I ran my hands over my face. "Just take me home."

"Fine." Kurt pulled away from the curb and nothing was said on the drive.

I knew I was being a giant asshole, but I didn't want to hear Kurt say that he was with Blaine. Kurt still wanted me though that much was obvious. Too bad neither of us would stop being stubborn long enough to hear the other one out.