Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

Dear D. A Members,

As much as I think you're all awesome, I think we need to straighten out what we are allowed to do as a group.

1. The D.A motto has not nor will it ever be, "Let's go kidnap a donkey,".

The reason it isn't our motto is because it is stupid.

2. We are supposed to be a secret, so stop writing to your parents telling them about joining D.A

3. Fred and George are to stop being a corrupting influences of others.

Especially Hermione, I mean she's super smart and if she becomes like you two we're all doomed.

4. Just because we are called Dumbledore's Army it doesn't mean we have to dress up like Dumbledore.

I mean if you really want to dress up as Dumbledore then go a head, but it isn't compulseary.

5. Stop screaming weird things, for example "Goblins ate my pajamas,".

It is saying things like this is why we keep receiving strange looks.

6. Hermione, please stop writing threatening letters to Peter Pettigrew/Wormtail or whatever treacherous git goes by now.

Both Sirius and I appreciate the gesture, but Dumbledore doesn't.

Also it is probably best that the letters to the Dursleys stop as well.

7. Death Eaters are not to be mocked, well they are, but not to their face.

Do it in an anonymous letter, like I do.

8. You cannot leave a meeting early because you have to break into Umbridge's office to mess it up.

It can wait until after the meeting has finshed.

9. I am not in love with Draco Malfoy and I'll hex the next person who says that I am.

I swear to Merlin whoever it is will rue the day they were born.

10. You are not allowed to release a statement to the press on my behalf.

Especially if it says this,

A penguin stole my broom, Voldemort can go and suck on a lemon, I love cheese.

Thank -You very much this statement is from Harry Potter who couldn't do it his self as he is eating marshmallows.

Sincerely Harry Potter.