This rating for this story will change pretty quickly, there will be smut in upcoming chapters so it won't stay Teen for long just a warning now.
First attempt at SNK story so hope it's not completely awful, enjoy :)
Un-beta so if there are any mistakes feel free to let me know!
Eren had a fake smile plastered on his face as he listened to Jean droning on after a few too many drinks. The smile had been in place for what felt like hours now, how he'd ended up squashed up next to Jean on his own birthday was beyond him. He didn't even like the guy and if he hadn't somehow wormed his way into Marco's heart he would never had invited him.
Blocking out Jean's obnoxious, Eren did a quick scan of his friends, feeling a slight pang of jealousy as he watched them all. To his right were Jean and Marco, the freckly boy leaning against the other, looking up at him with a look of absolute adoration despite the shit no doubt spewing from Jean's lips.
Next to them was Connie involving himself in whatever conversation Marco and Jean were having whilst a drunk Sasha nuzzled his shoulder, complaining she was hungry. He tried his hardest to ignore her but when it came to food she was persistent.
Next to Sasha was Armin who was laughing while he tried to steal his drink back from Annie, who was not outwardly laughing there was definitely a glint of a smile on her lips that she only seemed to get around Armin. His best friend could deny it all he wanted but Eren was sure that there was more than just platonic friendship between the two of them if the amount of mornings he'd seen Annie sneaking out his room was anything to go by.
Sat next to Annie was an extremely drunk Ymir who was getting a little handsy with a poor Krista, who, even after all this time, still blushed at every comment whispered in her ear. Ymir most likely explaining in excruciating detail everything she had in store for later Eren was sure, he'd unfortunately been sat next to her once when she'd been too drunk for the courtesy of whispering.
On Eren's other side sat Mikasa who, much like Eren, didn't actually have another half but she had her fair share of admirers. She was currently texting on her phone and if the glint in her eyes was anything to go by it was someone who'd peaked her interest.
Then there was Eren, celebrating his 20th birthday with absolutely nothing to show for it. When he was younger he thought at 20 he'd have his whole life worked out by now, working towards an impressive career with a supportive man by his side the whole time that may not be serious yet but was quickly on his way to becoming so. Instead, he was working his way through a degree in Sport, the only subject he wasn't a complete failure at, with no idea how he was going to morph that into a career, living in a shitty, run down student house with Armin, Sasha, Marco and Krista that was far too small for the all their partners and a painfully single Eren.
"Are you even listening to what I was saying Jaeger?" Jean asked, bringing Eren back into the world around him.
"No." He shrugged, taking a large gulp of his drink to get him through this conversation with Jean.
"I said no man should ever enter his 20s a virgin." He informed him, Eren narrowing his eyes at the comment.
It wasn't a point he enjoyed sharing but yes, Eren was still a virgin, yes, beyond a few drunk kisses Eren had never been intimate with anyone in his 20 years of living and yes, it was a fact that Jean had found out during a game of I Have Never last year.
"Seriously?" Connie asked, almost choking on his drink at the confession. "We gotta get you laid birthday boy."
"I'm fine, thanks." Eren said through gritted teeth.
It wasn't as if Eren didn't try to get with people but it turned out, even drunk, he was shy and awkward until he blurted out the first thing that came into his mind and scared away any potential mates.
"Come on, after 20 years without sex you must be gagging for it." Connie eloquently said.
"If you don't get me food in the next five minutes you won't be having sex for 20 years!" Sasha growled, finally lifting her head off his shoulder.
"Please, Sash, you'd cave far quicker than I ever would." He scoffed.
Eren, who had the misfortune to share a rather thin wall with Sasha, could confirm that she would definitely crack first. She was ridiculously loud and she was a beggar, if Connie was holding out on her he imagined she'd be even worse.
"Get me some food!" Sasha shouted, unable to disprove Connie's statement.
"Alright, fine! Fine!" Connie said, pushing himself out his seat.
"Yes!" She exclaimed, jumping up as well and latching onto his hand.
"We'll be back in a minute, got to get this one some chips." Connie called back to the table as Sasha practically pulled him out the bar.
Eren watched them leave with a slightly heavy heart, once they were gone the focus would surely be back on him and his lack of a sex life.
"So, Jaeger, any of these boys catch your eye?" Jean asked, gesturing to the slim pickings of drunk university students in the bar.
"Leave him alone Jean." Marco lightly scolded his boyfriend. "Sex is not about giving it away to the first drunk idiot you can, it's about love."
"With the right person, yeah, but sometimes it's just about getting some." Jean said, shooting a wink in Eren's direction, Marco rolling his eyes at the comment. "And with my help I'll get you laid, think of it as a birthday present."
"You can't force sex on someone as a gift." Marco said, smacking him on the chest.
"Sure I can, I'll teach you some of my moves." Jean offered.
"And then what? Six months later I'll finally get some, huh?" Eren asked, raising an eyebrow, knowing how long Marco had made him wait was still a sore point with Jean.
They'd all watched for weeks on end as the pair had danced around each other, Jean trying various different ways to get the boy into bed while Marco teased him with just enough to keep him around but not enough to satisfy his needs. And only when Marco felt that he and Jean were truly serious he'd given himself to the other boy, and much to Eren's annoyance and slight surprise Jean continued to stick around, over a year into the relationship and they were still completely smitten.
"As I'd said earlier sometimes it's about love, and that's exactly what it was with Marco." He said, Marco blushing at the compliment before leaning up and giving him a quick kiss, that Jean was quick to deepen, not that the other boy was complaining if the little moan was anything to go by.
"He's got a point you know?" Ymir shouted, finally pulling her focus away from Krista.
"Jean? You sure?" Eren asked in disbelief.
"Yeah, can't stay a pure little virgin forever you know." She boomed, Eren wincing slightly at the volume, glad that the bar was too busy for anyone else to hear.
"Ignore her Eren." Krista told him, dismissing her girlfriend with a wave of the hand. "There's nothing wrong with waiting for the right guy."
"Not when you're a 16 year old little girl waiting for your Mr Right but at 20 you come to realise that dream won't necessarily become a reality." Ymir continued her drunk ramblings, despite Krista's best attempts to silence her.
"Eren does not need to have sex to define him." Mikasa chimed in, eyes never leaving her phone. "Whether he has sex tonight or three years from now he will still be Eren and he's perfect the way he is."
When she'd finished her little speech she offered Eren a quick ruffle of his hair with an affectionate smile. He rolled his eyes slightly, even when he no longer lived at home his sister still managed to baby him.
"My sex life is exactly that. MY sex life, what I choose to do with it is entirely down to me." He stubbornly told everyone, hoping to put an end to the conversation.
"You really should wait Eren." Armin put in having got his drink back, Eren groaning at another person thinking they knew what was best for him. "If it's with someone special then it's worth waiting all that time to find them."
Armin blushed profusely at his own comments and Annie averted her eyes with a small smile, Eren was almost 100% sure there was something between them. Everyone was at it except him it seemed.
"I am going to get us some shots." Eren announced, standing up from the table. "And as the birthday boy I'm banning the subject of sex when I return."
"Wait up Eren." Marco called after him, taking a breather from Jean. "I'll come with."
The pair stumbled towards the bar, not releasing how much alcohol they'd consumed until they tried to stand. Once there, they both used the wooden top as support, slouching across the bar hoping to get some attention.
"I'll get these." Marco said as he managed to flag down a member of the bar staff. "As it's your birthday and all."
He pulled his wallet out of his back pocket and flipped it open, Eren's hazy eyes noticing straight away a picture of a small, chubby child alongside his cards
"Who's this?" Eren asked, making a blind grab for the wallet and missing.
"It's Jean." Marco laughed, lovingly rubbing his thumb against the picture. "Snagged it when I went to visit his family."
Eren continued to stare at the picture in the wallet while Marco placed his order, how did Jean, one of the most annoying people on the planet, manage to get himself an angel like Marco to make home visits while he couldn't even get a man to commit to dinner.
"I want somebody." Eren whined once Marco had finished talking, leaning pathetically on his shoulder. "I wish I had someone to keep hideous baby photos of."
"He's not hideous, he's adorable." He said, nudging him slightly.
"Either way I'm sick of being alone." He continued to moan, wanting some sympathy.
"Oh Eren." Marco shook his head, slipping an arm around his shoulders. "You'll find someone."
"I don't know, nobody can ever know. Love comes from the most unlikely of places." Marco gave him a quick squeeze before slipping his wallet back into his pocket, grabbing the tray of drinks and slowly making his way back to the table, trying not to spill a precious drop.
Eren felt his body heating up as he danced in the dark, sweaty club they'd moved the party to. The drink he'd had earlier were wearing off and he was starting to lose his buzz but as he felt the beat pulsing inside his rib cage he found that he didn't care.
He danced with Sasha and Marco, Jean and Connie long since disappeared once they'd entered the club, so least his crippling loneliness wasn't completely ruining his fun.
Ymir and Krista had also done a disappearing act, but that was before they'd even made it to the club. Most likely because Krista didn't want her girlfriend to drink anymore and Ymir felt there was more fun to have at home than in a club.
Armin and Annie were still dancing close by but they'd taken to grinding their hips together while staring deep into each other's eyes rather than involving themselves with the rest of the group. Apparently with all the amounts of alcohol the pair had consumed the charade that they were just friends was no longer needed. Especially when Annie pulled Armin's head down in a kiss, a large wolf whistle coming from Sasha at the act.
Mikasa was on the other side of the dance floor letting some smarmy guy stroke and grab any part of her body while they danced. Apparently it was all for a night of free drinks but the guy was certainly expecting more out of the arrangement.
"Get in there Armin!" Connie shouted, announcing his arrival to the group.
Not wanting to be outdone, Connie slung his arm around Sasha's neck and swooped down for a kiss.
"So suave." Marco joked, rolling his eyes.
"Hey Eren." Connie pulled back slightly breathless. "Jean's waiting outside, he wants to talk to you."
"Okay." Eren said, slightly confused, shooting Marco a look who just shrugged in response indicating he had no idea what was happening.
He pushed his way through the crowds on the dance floor and slowly made his way outside, wondering what Jean could possibly want from him.
Once in the smoking area he did a quick scan to see Jean stood at the far end, casually leaning against a table as he spun what appeared to be credit card in his fingers.
"Alright, what's so important we need to have a secret meeting?" Eren asked, coming to a standstill next to Jean.
Instead of answering Jean slipped the card into Eren's hand, which, on closer inspection, was actually a room key for the cheap hotel down the road.
"Thank you?" Eren questioned.
"I know you said to drop it but I was serious about getting you laid tonight." Jean explained.
Eren glanced down at the card and then back up at the other boy, eye widening as he realised the implications of Jean's words.
"Thanks but you're not really my type." He said, trying to return the card. "And you know, you're dating one of my best friends."
"Are you serious? Do you really think I'd fuck up everything I've got with Marco just so could pop your cherry?" Jean asked, slight disgust in his voice from the thought.
"Then why are you giving this to me?" He questioned, retreating his hand when he realised Jean would not be taking the card off him anytime soon.
"Because, at exactly two am, a gentleman will be walking up to the front desk of that hotel and asking for the other room key. Once he has the key he will go upstairs to wait for you to do with him what you will." He smirked, clearly proud of the plan he'd put into place.
"What?" Eren screeched, his mouth practically dropping.
"Don't worry about it, think of it as present from Connie and I. We've taken care of all costs so all you have to do is enjoy yourself." Jean winked, slapping him slightly too hard on the back.
"I can't have sex with a hooker." He hissed, nervously glancing around in case anyone overheard them, but they all seemed to be oblivious.
"Why the hell not? You think we got you some cheap piece of shit from a street corner?" Jean shouted, drawing in more focus than Eren would have liked. "The amount we paid for this guy he better be the best or else I will be pissed."
"What about Mikasa? She's crashing at mine for the weekend I can't just disappear to some hotel for the night." He complained, looking for any excuse to get out of this.
"It'll be fine. You'll go at two to meet this guy, play around for an hour or two depends how long you can go before you get tired out, I'm leaning more towards less than an hour, and then be home by half four. I'll make sure everyone stays until closing and nobody will be any wiser, just think you couldn't hack it and turned in early." He explained, obviously he'd put a lot of thought into tonight.
"I guess, but…" Eren had further protests but Jean soon cut him off.
"We done here? I want to get back to Marco." He said, crossing his arms in annoyance that his present hadn't been as excitedly accepted as he'd have hoped.
"Sure, we're done." Eren shrugged, following after Jean as he made his way back inside and towards the others.
He knew there was no point in continuing to fight this, Jean was as stubborn as a mule and he wasn't about to have his mind changed by the likes of Eren. He supposed he'd just have to pretend he'd forgotten, despite the card key burning a hole pocket.
Mostly, he was quite disgusted with the idea of giving himself to a stranger that, at the end of the day, was only interested in a pay check but a small spark inside of him found it exciting, the thought that someone would be waiting for him, wanting him. Even if it was an act, at this moment in time, it was the best he would get.
At exactly two Connie loudly asked Eren to get him a drink from the bar before winking and not so subtly nodding his head towards the exit. He decided to do as he was told and left the club, Jean and Connie would just keep pushing if he didn't. But he had no intention of heading for the hotel, he planned to head home and pretend there wasn't a hooker waiting for him.
As he walked down the dark streets Eren cast a quick glance towards the hotel, feeling slightly guilty that the poor guy would have to wait for a few hours for Eren, not realising he didn't plan on showing up.
Almost on their own accord his feet began walking towards the hotel, he'd just go in and explain the situation and send the man on his way. He could keep the money even if he didn't perform any services, he felt he owed him that much for wasting his time.
He walked into the deserted hotel lobby, feeling the receptionist's gaze on him as she looked up from her newspaper at the presence of another, a slight scowl on her face from having to work the graveyard shift.
"Can I help you?" She asked, in a voice that implied she'd really rather not help.
"No, I'm fine. I already have a room." He explained, pulling the card out and waving it. "I'm Eren Jaeger, that's the name on the booking. Probably, I'm pretty sure it is." He rambled, wishing he knew when to keep his mouth shut.
"Of course, Mr Jaeger." She smiled, a knowing spark in her eyes. "You enjoy your night."
"Thanks, I will." He nodded, scuttling across the hotel lobby and into the lift as quick as he could, trying to hide his blush that was quickly spreading across his cheeks.
Once inside the safety of the four metal walls Eren allowed a large sigh to escape from his lips, burying his head deep in his hands. Clearly the man had arrived, asked for the key and was waiting upstairs for him. Was it obvious that Eren was about to spend the night with paid company? Was he so out his league that she'd never believe he was with him out of choice? Or did she just think they were secret lovers who had to plan their affair around strange time tables?
He slightly hoped she thought that latter, it was slightly less embarrassing on his part.
His heart leapt as the doors flew open, indicating he'd arrived on his floor. His body trembled as he made his way down the corridor, freezing at the sight of his door, sweating at the thought of what was waiting on the other side.
He'd make it quick, save any awkwardness, just explain to him there'd been a mistake and send him on his way. It couldn't be that hard, could it?
Eren inserted the card with shaking hands, watching as the light flicked to green before slowly pulling the handle down and walking inside.
Once he saw the other man he felt the air knocked out of his lungs, he was mindlessly texting as he lay across the double bed in the middle of the room so had yet to notice the arrival. However, Eren, couldn't stop noticing him.
He wore tight black jeans, that did nothing to conceal how well-endowed he was, and a bright, white shirt that hugged each and every muscle on his chest and upper arms, and there were a lot of them. His dark hair was a perfect contrast to his pale skin, matching the dark eyelashes that made his eyes pop, they managed to look beautiful despite their murky grey colour. His features were sharp, on some it would look harsh and unappealing but it worked for him and make him even more attractive.
The man sighed softly before placing the phone on the bedside table, his perfect eyebrow arching when he noticed the nervous boy stood in the doorway.
"Hello." Eren squeaked, cursing his voice for choosing now to revert back to its pre-pubescent days.
"Hi." He smiled, lifting himself up so he knelt on the bed, body turned to face Eren still in the doorway. "I'm Rivaille. You must be Eren."
Eren felt his mouth turn dry as the sultry voice reached his ears, only being able to offer a nod in response. Unable to believe the situation he'd got himself into and unable to believe that this gorgeous man was here for him.