Greetings loyal readers.
Time for the start of the next chapter. Next chapter is the 40th chapter, we've come a long way since Chapter 1. Especially after 3 years.
That's all.
Darth Maul panted as he stood over the pyre, his bare body covered in ashes.
"Is this creature what you intended to summon?" asked Stannis to Melisandre.
"...It is" said Melisandre as she eyed Darth Maul. While knowing how powerful he would be, she did not expect his demonic appearance.
"Kenobi" said Maul lightly "Kenobi"
Darth Maul snapped open his eyes.
He looked around and saw the two people in front of him were gone, along with the room. He was now in a dark place, black everywhere with green mist covering the place.
Darth Maul turned and saw a man cloaked in red with black markings walking out of the green mist and towards Maul.
"No further!" snapped Maul, the man halting on command.
"Oh sorry" said the man mockingly "This must all be so confusing for you, Darth Maul"
Maul stared at the man harshly as he collected his thoughts.
He was struck down by Obi-Wan Kenobi on Tattooine. And for the final time.
Back when Maul was a child, he was a Nightbrother, a race of Dathormirian Zabraks in service of their Masters, the Nightsisters. And their leader, Mother Talzin, allowed the Sith Darth Sidious to take Maul as an apprentice. For years, Sidious turned Maul into a Sith Assassin filled with hate and malice. Sidious used Maul to disrupt and kill many of Sidious's enemies, including the notorious Black Sun crime syndicate and even Jedi. Maul did everything for Sidious on the prospect of being by his Master's side when they eliminated the Jedi.
But that road halted when Maul was sent by Sidious to help their allies in the Trade Federation keep the planet Naboo under their power and kill the two Jedi protecting their Queen. Maul fought the Jedi and while he was capable of cutting down the Master, Qui-Gon Jinn, he was cut in half by his apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Reduced to just a torso with arms, Maul was abandoned and left to die on Naboo, but his will was too strong. Using the Force to survive, Maul escaped Naboo on a ship and relocated himself to Lotho Minor, a junk planet. For over a decade, Maul stayed alive as insanity filled his mind, hate being the only thing keeping him alive.
But the Sith would rise again when his brother, Savage Opress, came searching for him during the Clone Wars. He found Maul, took him to Dathomir, and allowed Mother Talzin to restore his sanity. Returned to a stable mind, along with his old Lightsaber and cybernetic legs, Maul set out to destroy the Jedi, more accurately Obi-Wan Kenobi. Maul and Savage grew in power and gained allies through the crime syndicates, including the Mandalorian Death Watch. But as Maul grew in power, Sidious foresaw a rival. Not wanting to risk his growing plans, Sidious set out to eliminate Maul and his brother. Savage was killed and Maul was taken prisoner to use as leverage against Mother Talzin.
When the Empire rose and the Jedi were wiped out, Maul was able to escape and established himself a new crime syndicate dubbed 'The Crimson Dawn'. With the rise of the Empire, Maul couldn't directly fight his old master or his Empire. So while Maul's Crimson Dawn did the work for him, Maul went out to look for Sith Holocrons. Holocrons were Force-User devices used to chronicle the stories of the Jedi/Sith and store information concerning the Light Side and the Dark Side. One such Holocron told Maul that Kenobi survived the Jedi Purge and was hiding on Tattooine. Maul set out to destroy his mortal enemy, but was struck down. Kenobi burned Maul's body with his Lightsaber, ending their feud and Darth Maul's journey for good.
But while Darth Maul's body was gone, his soul did not become one with the Force. It stayed on Tattooine, hiding itself in Tatooine's darker lands. It's presence rotted crops and corrupted the already vicious Sand People. Obi-Wan could do nothing to stay the soul of Darth Maul.
Years later, Maul's soul would continue to linger around Tattooine. And when Orion brought Luke and his allies to Westeros, Maul's soul was pulled with them. For months, Maul's soul was lost in Westeros.
But now Melisandre's magic had pulled the Sith's soul to her. And her ritual had returned his body.
"You okay buddy?"
Maul snapped out of his thought as he looked at the cloaked man.
"You would be wise not to talk to me in such a fashion" said Maul dangerously.
"Why?" said the cloaked man. Maul couldn't see his face, but he could detect a smug smirk under that hood "This is the mind. You couldn't hurt me even if you imagined it. Which you could"
"...The mind" said Maul as he looked around. That would explain why Maul was dragged away. "Then what are you?"
"I am Tion the Red Crusader" said Tion as he bowed "And I have business with you"
"What makes you think I would join forces with a raging lunatic?" asked Maul.
"I think sanity is the last thing you should start throwing out against people" said Tion "Although I don't blame you. Being cut in half, tortured by your former master, exiled. I wouldn't be sane. Not that I ever was"
"Where did you receive such information?!" asked Maul.
"I existed on a separate plain of existence" said Tion "I used to watch worlds unfold around me with my brother, all in the name of Aslan. But while my silver haired brother is contempt with such a boring life. I was not"
"So you rebelled" said Maul.
"Not exactly" said Tion "At first, I simply tried to change history to one of the worlds I watched. I sought to enforce a change in history that would install a permanent peace that would last forever"
Maul snickered "Everlasting peace? How naive"
"No denying that" said Tion without a hint of shame "Let's just say playing god isn't for one like me. But that is besides the point"
"Why am I here?" asked Maul angrily.
"Yes" said Tion as he raised a finger, as if he remembered something "Why is the former Darth Maul of the Sith alive and well?"
Maul stared fiercely at the cloaked madman before turning his attention to himself. He looked down and saw his legs. Not the cybernetic legs Maul had been using for a good portion of his life. His actual legs. The legs he lost to Obi-Wan Kenobi on Naboo. And it wasn't just his legs. His body was younger. Stronger.
"Your body" Tion's voice snapped Maul out of his thoughts "When Obi-Wan Kenobi burned your body, your soul lingered refusing to become one with the Force. And thanks to both the intervention of my former master and the magic of the Red Woman, you've have returned to the prime of your power.
"...The Red Woman" said Maul as he collected his thoughts.
"She created a new body for your lingering soul that was dragged to Westeros" said Tion "She intends for you to serve her King, Stannis Baratheon"
Maul chucked "I serve no one, especially a weak king"
"Now hear me out" said Tion as he suddenly wrapped one of his arms around Maul's shoulder. "It isn't just you here"
"Explain" said Maul as he broke out of Tion's hold.
Tion smiled under his hood "My former Master, Aslan the Lion, dragged warriors from five separate realms to assist the people of this land. But now not only are random individuals being pulled into this realm, your former Master has found himself capable of bringing his armies here"
Maul's eyes widen at the mention of his former master. "Sidious is here?!"
"Not yet" said Tion "But your current successor, Darth Vader, is"
"I assume you want me to explain in full" said Tion "Basically, this land in engulf in war over a throne. The man who seeks your power, Stannis Baratheon, proclaims himself the true King of Westeros. But he currently has the weakest army right now"
"What does any of this have to do with the Empire?!" asked Maul snappishly.
"Your former Master wishes to strengthen himself by obtaining the powers out of his Universe" said Tion "Right now no one but myself and my siblings know they are here. When the time comes, both Empire and their new allies will collide with armies of this land led by the warriors from the other Universes. That's where you and I come into play. See, I desire to have my own hold on this land but that means requiring allies, both from and away from this land. The problem is every group of interest isn't compatible with me. The Starks are of Light and allied to my brother. The Lannisters, while dark, are guided by Tyrion Lannister and his Mandalorian pet, which means they would be suspicious of me. Renly and his play army aren't efficient enough to be useful allies. And let's just say a certain queen has a new, rather dangerous monster on her side. One I do not wish to go near just yet"
"That's where you and Stannis come in" said Tion "Stannis is technically within the right to his crown. But right now, Stannis has lost himself in the power of the Red God of this land. His new servant, Melisandre the Red Priestess, guides him in his conquest for the crown. But sadly mixing religion and war is often a dangerous combination. If left alone, Stannis will most likely fall. As much as it pains me to play a savior, Stannis can't die just yet. He and his Red Woman are the perfect tools in my game. Stannis will do anything for his crown. And Melisandre will do anything to make sure that happens"
"Where do I fit into this ploy?" asked Maul.
"You, my dark friend, will play Stannis. Play upon his weakness and growing doubts. You will lead his army. You will plan his victories. You will destroy his enemies. All the while corrupting his Red Woman. A servant of a god is no match for a Sith Lord I imagine"
"And what pray tell is the true purpose of all this"
"Overall, I seek for Stannis and his armies to be a dominant power in Westeros. And over time, I'll find an ally in the Empire's forces. And when the time comes for the Light and the Dark to collide, they will be destroyed from within"
"...One last question" said Maul "What do you gain from all this?"
"Just the ruin of my former Master and my siblings" said Tion, and Maul could tell there was a twisted smile underneath his hood.
"...And what would happen if I, say, cut down Stannis, his Red Priestess, and all his armies?"
"Then have fun" said Tion to Maul's surprise "Have fun destroying him. Have destroying everything in this land. And have fun fighting the Empire alone"
That made Maul reconsider. While Maul didn't care for the affairs of this land, he knew that eventually the Empire would come and he would have no way to escape that. He would not survive an encounter with the full force of the Galactic Empire. And there was no telling what these other dark forces were capable of.
"So I must play the servant" said Maul.
"The servant. The advisor. The general. The executioner" said Tion "Anything Stannis wants from you. So long as he doesn't realize that he will play the tool and you the true mastermind"
"Even if I lead his armies, it means nothing if they are lacking" said Maul.
"No worries" said Tion reassuringly "I'm capable of anything my brother can do. I shall bring you and Stannis an army to serve. In name they shall serve Stannis. In truth, they will serve you"
Maul stayed silent until he closed his eyes. "I am ready"
"Best of luck" said Tion's voice as everything faded away. "I shall guide you from afar"
Maul's wild, angry eyes calmed down as his surrounding returned to him. He was back in the room with Stannis and Melisandre.
'Follow my instruction's Maul' came Tion's voice in the back of Maul's head
Maul straightened himself before bending to his knee.
"What is thy bidding... My Master"
Stannis widen his eyes, his hand still on the handle of his sword. This demonic being was now bowing before Stannis.
"State your name" said Stannis, always straight to the point.
"Maul" was all Maul said. Maul had long abandoned his 'Darth' title.
Melisandre walked forward as she examined her creation. "What are your origins?"
"I was a servant of the dark, cast aside. I serve no one but the man in front of me"
"Why?" asked Melisandre. This was too easy.
"I have no purpose" said Maul "The Red God has taken my disgraced soul and have given me a chance to serve a purpose to the one true king"
"You are well informed" said Melisandre.
Maul stayed silent as Tion's echo of a voice talked to him. It told Maul that Melisandre's connection to her god was through signs, not through the god itself. So all Maul had to do was say something logical to a zealot and that was that.
Stannis took several steps towards Maul "State how you shall serve me"
Tion's voice told Maul the names and the words "To destroy the Lannisters. To put your brother and the Starks in there proper place. To cast out all the pretenders. And give you the Iron Throne"
"...Good. We leave to confront my brother. His armies-"
"Are yours by rights" said Maul "He will not surrender your army back to you. And he will not see the powers that I or Lady Melisandre are capable of. He is an idiot, blinded by greed and youth"
Maul's wise tongue was slowly impressing Stannis. "Indeed. What say you on the matter?"
"When we arrive to confront your brother, I shall provide an army to match his"
"You will give me an army?" asked Stannis. This was starting to get too good.
"I have connections" said Maul "They will come to my call. They will fight for you"
"And they will fight for me" echoed Stannis "For what reason? For coin? Land? Women?"
"They will fight for you" Tion's voice instructed him "Because the Night is Dark and Full of Terrors"
Tion smiled as Maul played his part.
"Are things going as plan?" asked Fay from Tion's right.
"Swimmingly" said Tion "We're very lucky that Sidious trained Maul so perfectly. He's such a fine actor. He won't even need my instructions once things are laid out"
"Skaladuk and Bornrol. Are they still out?" asked Fay.
"They're looking for a place to relax" said Tion "The open country is nice, but there is so many empty homes to occupy"
"Will Stannis and Melisandre really be that easy to exploit?" asked Fay.
Tion smiled under his hood. "Stannis will value wisdom. Maul isn't presenting himself as an ass kisser, but as an actual asset. Soon he will come to rely on him not only as a tool, but as his main power. And as for the Red Woman. Well it's always easy to play off zealots. She won't question Maul"
"As you say" said Fay.
"But now I must think" said Tion "Now I must get an army to give Stannis"
"Any ideas?" asked Fay.
"A few" said Tion "But one must consider the reaction of one's actions. If I truly want to make Stannis powerful, an army from the Galaxy Far, Far Away would be best. But it would have to be one that has no ties to either the Rebellion or the Empire. I'll have to do some thinking"
"Bringing an army will most likely expand the tears in reality" said Fay.
"Yeah" said Tion with a hint of childish joy in his tone "Doesn't that sound fun?"
Tyrion waddled into the Small Council Chambers as he prepared to discuss the terms before leaving to meet Karrde.
"Alright" said Tyrion as he took a seat between Boba and Varys, looking at his sister, Littlefinger, Pycelle, Bronn, Girorn, and the Hound "Let's get to business. Girorn?"
"Talon Karrde says he shall meet with Lord Tyrion at his camp located within the King's Woods" said Girorn "He shall bring a small garrison with him"
"W-will that be wise, My Lord?" stuttered Pycelle "We d-do not know if these people are trustworthy enough t-to not attack you under a peace banner"
"That is why I am bringing a small guard and not the King" said Tyrion.
"Where is our young king anyway?" asked Littlefinger.
"His grace has currently caught an illness" said Cersei "He is in no condition to attend the Small Council"
Tyrion forced himself not to smile.
In truth, Joffrey would have ruined this one way or another. So Tyrion conspired a plan with Lord Varys to infect Joffrey before he could muck anything up. The sickness wasn't life threatening, but Joffrey would be caught between shitting and vomiting for a few days nonstop.
"So tell me, Lord Hand" said Cersei, a hint of spite in her voice "What do you intend to give this Karrde in return for his services?"
"For starters, I intend to give him a seat on the Small Council" said Tyrion as he stated his terms. "Maybe give some of the more important members of his crew certain roles throughout the Red Keep"
"You would sit a filthy smuggler on the King's Small Council" said Cersei with disgust in her voice.
"It already has a dwarf and a eunuch" said Tyrion jestingly. "And shadier men have sat at theses tables. In fact after Janos Slynt, I say it would be an improvement"
"Lord Janos was the Lord Commander-"
"Of the Gold Cloaks" said Tyrion as he interrupted Cersei. She never could let go of the small things "And his successor sits in his stead"
Bronn lifted an imaginary cup in mockery as Littlefinger smiled.
"As much as it amuses me to see you two argue like children" said Boba "I believe we were discussing something more important"
"Agreed" said Varys. "If I may be so bold as to ask, does Talon Karrde demand any sort of pay?"
"Payment, weaponry, stocks, and other inquisitions are to be made after the negotiations, not before" said Girorn is his reptilian voice.
"And who is to see Karrde with Lord Tyrion?" asked Littlefinger.
"Boba and Bronn with a small collection of Gold Cloaks" said Tyrion "And Clegane shall bring a small garrison of Lannister Men as a direct envoy from the King"
"While it doesn't matter which Kingsguard goes with you" started Varys "May we ask why Master Clegane is the one to go?"
"As acting Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, it is to be expected" said Tyrion.
As soon as the words left his mouth, everyone minus Tyrion's lot gave the Imp a look as if he had gone mad. Even the Hound himself gave Tyrion a surprised look.
"Our brother is the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard!" said Cersei furiously.
"And the title deserves no one better" said Tyrion "But Jaime isn't here and I need an active Lord Commander to keep the remaining Kingsguard in line"
"I don't want your bloody titles Imp" said the Hound.
"Well then you put me in a bind Clegane" said Tyrion with a hint of joking in his voice "Who would you suggest I name Acting Lord Commander?"
"Not me!" said the Hound.
"Then would you rather serve under the other four idiots" said Boba "Hard Ass Mandon Moore? Too sweet Arys Oakheart? The other two clods who haven't even done anything important enough to remember their names?"
Sandor stared at Boba with mixed emotions. Mostly indifference and anger.
While serving yet another annoying title would infuriate him, serving under any of the other four cunts would insult him greatly. Jaime was actually a decent fighter so there wasn't much ire from listening to him. That along with the fact he's been listening to Lannisters for so long, it didn't really matter how he was to listen to them.
"It would be temporary" said Tyrion "Except in important moments, your duties will remain the same. And the title of Lord Commander will immediately be reinstalled to Jaime once he returns to King's Landing. Much like I will return my title of Hand of the King to my father once he returns"
Sandor stared at Tyrion for several seconds before giving off a disgusted 'feh' noise, which mostly meant the Hound would agree. For now.
"So" said Tyrion "I think that is all. I must prepare myself. Dismiss"
Everyone immediately got out of their seats as they left the room. Tyrion stepped out of his seat before he noticed Cersei, still sitting, was staring at him. Seeing where this was going, he sat back down as Pycelle was the last to leave this room.
"Yes, my big sister?" asked Tyrion.
"Killing and maiming members of the Red Keep. Giving scum and monsters seats of power. You will be the doom of us all" said Cersei.
"It always amazes me how you would scorn something if it was done by the Imp, even if it's already been done by father or Jaime"
Cersei just stared coldly at Tyrion, so he kept talking.
"If I have done something that will anger father, then he will undo whatever I have done and punish me for what can not be undone. But I am not thinking of myself when I do these things. I'm thinking of our family"
"Our family" interrupted Cersei "Our family that father rebuilt from the ground. That has become the most powerful House in all of Westeros. That will fall to the ground because the Imp of Casterly Rock thinks he is Tywin Lannister!"
Tyrion was used to talking down people. But it was always such a bother talking with Cersei. While she was cunning and sneaky, parts of her were stupid. Too proud to admit faults. Too narcissistic to see her flaws. And too hateful to think about mistakes and the consequences that go with it. So Tyrion decided to strike at her a different way.
"Not too long ago, Myrcella visited me to give me a present" said Tyrion "Nothing surprising. Myrcella is always a sweet girl. But what made me think was the hidden fear behind her words"
"What fears?" asked Cersei and for once there was actual concern.
"She's afraid Stannis will kill her" said Tyrion "But more importantly she's scared of living under Joffrey.
Cersei's face twisted in a look of shock.
"...I am not her father, but as her uncle I care for her greatly" said Tyrion "I know when Joffrey kills a rabbit and has someone's tongue removed, you wouldn't care in the least. But Myrcella is scared of her own brother for precisely those reasons"
"Joffrey would never hurt his sister" said Cersei.
"As Gregor Cleagane, someone who is less of a monster than Joffrey is, would never hurt his own brother?" said Tyrion "As you would never hurt your husband?"
"Was King" said Tyrion "And everything around us is happening because you killed him"
"It might not mean much when I'm talking about you or Joffrey" started Tyrion "But when it comes to Myrcella and Tommen and the rest of our family, I will do everything in my power to make sure we live to see the next fifty years. If that means making friends with monsters and brigands, I will. If we get Karrde to join with us, then we can move against Renly and remove him from play, decrease the chances of riots happening around King's Landing, and increase our forces when Stannis arrives to take this place. That will all be on my shoulders. But Joffrey and his attitude isn't a problem I can fix. He will never listen to his dwarf uncle and as much as we detest each other, I would never use violence to make Joffrey how I would see fit. Only you can keep Joffrey in line. And father once he takes his proper place"
"I've been trying!" said Cersei with anguish in her voice.
"Then try harder!" said Tyrion "Stop coddling him. He isn't the babe you fed at your breast. He is King of the entire land. And if he keeps acting the way he does now, then not only will Myrcella and Tommen have to endure his abuse, but more and more people will want him dead. And can you honestly endure the thought of your first born dead!"
"Enough!" shouted Cersei as she broke into tears. She didn't bother talking back. She just cried.
Feeling he's made his point, Tyrion got out of his seat and walked over to his sister, placing a hand on her shoulder. For once, she didn't twitch at his touch.
"I have hated you for such a long time" said Tyrion "But Jaime and your children love you, so I endure for their sake"
Tyrion removed his hand and turned to leave. As he reached the door, Tyrion found Boba on the other side.
"You ready" said Boba.
"...I am"
With nothing left to say, Tyrion left his weeping sister behind as he and Boba made there way to what was to be the deciding fate of House Lannister.
Davos walked around the camp as he inspected the surrounding area.
He had moved ahead of Stannis and was to get their camp set up for a parlay with Renly. They were currently at the edge of the Stormlands and were making preparations against Renly in case things turned sour.
"Ser Davos"
Davos looked down and saw Palyor and his company of Possums walking over to him.
"Palyor" said Davos. He was currently the only one that actually liked the possums. "How are things"
"We appreciate the hospitality" said Palyor "But I think it is time we leave"
"But you have nowhere to go" said Davos "And it's a dangerous place"
"We are aware" responded Palyor "But this war is not ours. We shall make our way out and look for any way to return to Narnia. And to put it bluntly, we do not trust your lot"
"Not trust?" asked Davos.
"You are a welcoming friend" said Palyor "But the rest of the people around you look at us with disgust and discrimination. The same looks the Telmarines gave us when we pretended to be dumb beasts. And the red woman, her mannerisms and the air around her. It reminds us too much of the stories of the White Witch"
"White Witch?" asked Davos.
"Long ago in Narnia, a woman named Jadis came to our land and made it always winter. She enslaved many wicked creatures to her side and turned the rest to stone. She ruled for the longest time, but Aslan destroyed.
"Aslan. This lion god you mentioned" said Davos.
"Aye" said Palyor. "We are aware that there is no relation between the White Witch and the Red Woman, but we would rather be safe"
"...I understand" said Davos. "You and your lot are not sworn to King Stannis as I am. But I will miss your company, even if it was short"
Palyor smiled then lifted his cleaver up in salute, his brothers in arms following.
"We shall be on our way before your King arrives. We just have secure a few things from the tent you lent us" said Palyor "Farewell"
And with that, the possums sheathed their weapons behind their backs and ran away on all fours. Davos watched the little animals leave, sad at losing friends yet relieved they wouldn't get involved. Davos never mentioned it to them, but he saw the way Melisandre looked at them. The Onion Knight felt that in the back of her mind she thought of sacrificing them to her god for whatever reason.
Davos turned and saw Matthos walking to him.
"The King's ship is arriving" said Matthos "It should be docked in two minutes.
"Good" said Davos "Then I should meet with him"
Davos and Matthos walked off as they made their way to the shores of the land. When they got there, Davos pushed himself through the crowd of people as he saw Stannis walked towards him. As he did, Davos widened his eyes. Following Stannis and walking besides Melisandre, there was a man with red skin, black tattoos, and horns around his head. It looked like something out of hell, with it's menacing eyes and dark robes.
"Ser Davos" said Stannis.
"...Your Grace" said Davos "If I may be so bold as to ask?"
"You have not lost your sense" said Stannis "The creature you see is Maul. Lady Melisandre brought him to serve me"
Davos let that sink in as he eyed Maul. Maul's eyes stared back at Davos, a lack of care on the red man's face.
"Davos Seaworth" said Davos as he held out his hand to Maul.
Davos put the hand down when he saw Maul wasn't even thinking about shaking his hand.
"Anyways" said Davos "We've sent word to Renly for a parlay"
"Good" said Stannis "It's time we settled this farce face to face"
"My King" said Melisandre "We shall make your brother understand the Lord's Will. Or let him die ignorant"
"Renly is indeed acting rashly" said Davos "But he is still King Stannis' brother"
"Enough" said Stannis "I will not have infighting before we meet Renly. I want all minds focus on Renly"
"As his Grace wishes" said Melisandre.
"Your Grace" suddenly spoke up Maul "We have company"
Stannis and Davos looked up and widen their eyes as they saw some sort of thing fly above them as it came closer to the ground.
"Seven Hells" said Davos.
"Get all men to shoot that thing down" said Stannis "I want all javelins to-"
"Hold your Grace" said Maul "It's simply a ship"
"A ship?!" said a bewildered Davos "That thing?!"
"Not all ships are for the sea" said Maul "Some are for the skies"
Stannis stayed quiet as the ship lowered itself to the ground, men with armed swords surrounding. As soon as this ship touched the ground, it stayed still as a part of it opened up. Men pointed their weapons towards the opening of this ship until they saw a man step out.
"Seven Hells" said Ned Stark as he adjusted his eyes, his face green "You call that fun Han Solo?"
"Not my fault you all have weak nerves" said Han Solo as he followed Ned, Chewbacca and Jack Sparrow right behind him.
"It's one thing to fly" said Ned as he put his hand to his mouth, ignoring the armed men around him "It's another to do tricks for people that have never flown before!"
"I thought it would loosen you all up. I didn't think Neville would barf up his guts" Han turned to Chewbacca "Which reminds me, he's cleaning that up"
"ROAW!" growled Chewbacca as he put his fingers to his nose.
"Now gentleman" said Jack "As fun as all this is, we be having company"
Ned, Han, and Chewbacca turned and finally noticed the armed men around them.
"Oh swell" said Han.
"Lord Stark"
Among the crowd of armored men with flaming stags on them, there was a man dressed in brown walk over to them.
"Yes Lord Stark" said Tomard, the guardsman of House Stark. The very same man Ned entrusted to deliver his finding about Joffrey to Stannis. "I-I can't believe it's you"
Ned smiled at the sight of this man, the last true member of Ned's group that wasn't killed. Ned lost many good people since coming to King's Landing. Jory. Vayon. Mordane. Varly. All dead.
Tomard got on his knee as Ned walked over to him. Ned lifted the man to his feet and wrapped him in a comforting hug.
"You did good" said Ned.
"I should of been there"
"We can't change things that have happened" said Ned.
"Lord Stark"
Ned released Tomard as he saw Stannis walking over to him, Davos, Melisandre, and Maul behind him.
"Lord Stannis" said Ned "No...King Stannis"
"...You've made a sudden entrance" said Stannis.
Stannis smiled as he walked over and held out his hand, Ned taking the hand and shaking it firmly.
"It's good to see one true lord left in Westeros" said Stannis. "You did the right thing by sending that letter"
"What Cersei and the Kingslayer have done is vile" said Ned. "I could not leave Joffrey on a throne that was not his own"
Stannis nodded before turning his eyes to Han, Jack, and Chewbacca, staring at the Wookiee the longest. "You travel with strange companions"
Ned smiled and nodded "They are not from our lands, but they are the reason I am still alive"
"I see" said Stannis "These two men and this hairy creature"
"Not just them" said Ned "My saviors came in a group of thirty and one. But we had to split among ourselves to compensate for all the troubles in our land"
"Explain" said Stannis.
"We found my daughter Arya on our way to Riverrun, along with the Night's Watch with fresh recruits. We split into three. One to go to Riverrun with my daughter, one to escort the Night's Watch to the North, and one to come here" Ned didn't mention Edmund's group of Ewoks. He'd save that when there were less ears around.
"How many came with you?" asked Stannis.
"Thirteen" said Ned "But they aren't used to flying, so there still on the ship. I must warn you Your Grace. They are an odd group indeed"
"Hold your fears Lord Stark" said Stannis "I know of the strange winds coming to Westeros.
Stannis jerked his neck to the side and Ned followed, widening his eyes at the sight of Maul.
"Seven Hells" said Ned.
"Wait a minute" said Han as he stepped forward "He's a Zabrak from Dathomir"
Maul acted quickly "I am a survivor from the Clone Wars. I was a Nightbrother in training until the Droid Army arrived and destroyed many of my brothers and sisters. I spent the rest of my life as a wanderer, avoiding the Empire because of my connection to the Force"
"...You use the Force?" asked Han with suspicion in his voice "Which side to you use it for. Are you a Sith or a Jedi?"
"Neither" said Maul "I simply used the Force to survive. And through one thing to another, I ended up here in King Stannis' service"
Han slightly nodded, not buying the story but excepting it none the less.
"Is this okay Solo?" asked Ned.
"I guess" said Han.
"Hey Han"
Everyone turned around as Lando came out while helping Neville walk, the rest of the group coming out.
"You all alright?" asked Han.
"No thanks to you" said Susan as Caspian placed an arm on her shoulder.
"Kid's these days" said Lando.
"Tell me about it" said Jack. When one escapes Davy Jones' Locker by flipping the boat over, flying isn't a big deal.
"Hey" said Ron "We're okay"
"The sensation isn't too different from broomsticks" said Ginny.
"Then why isn't he fine" said a pale Gimli as he pointed at Neville.
"I-I'm not a flyer" said Neville as he looked green.
"Vomit on my shoulder and you're getting it" warned Lando.
"Will this be a problem?" asked Stark.
"No" said Legolas as he kept Frodo and Sam steady "We should be fine now"
"Then allow me to introduce you" said Ned as he stood before Stannis "Stannis Baratheon: brother to the former King Robert Baratheon and true heir to the Seven Kingdoms"
"He's the real King then" said Caspian as he eyed Stannis.
"As it should be" said Stannis. "And you lot are?"
"Allow me" said Ned "The man that came out with me is Han Solo. He's the Captain of this odd ship, along with Lando Calrissian, the gentleman in the cape. Their second mate is Chewbacca the Wookiee" as he gestured to Chewbacca. "The red haired ones are Ron and Ginny Weasley. As strange as it might be, they are wizards. Along with our pale fellow, Neville Longbottom"
Stannis ignored the sound of snickers as he eyed these three. Magic was such a new concept, but not foreign.
"The man with the bow and the one with the axe is Legolas and Gimli. They hail from a Kingdom not our own, along with Frodo Baggins and Samwise Gamgee, the two little ones you see. As for the rest, the interesting looking one is Jack Sparrow"
"Captain" interrupted Jack "Captain Jack Sparrow"
"Captain Jack Sparrow" said Ned dryly "And Susan Pevensie and Caspian the Tenth of Narnia"
"Wait" said Davos as he stepped forward "Did you say Narnia?"
"I did" said Ned "And you are?"
"Davos Seaworth, Lord Stark"
"Ah" said Ned "The Onion Knight. You did a good service during the Siege of Storm's End"
"Tales from a past war Lord Stark" said Davos as he nodded his head "But I have concerns concerning this Land called Narnia"
"How do you know that name?" asked Susan.
Davos looked to Stannis, only turning back when Stannis nodded "Not long ago, I came upon a group of creatures said hailing from this land called Narnia"
Susan and Caspian looked at each other before turning back to Davos.
"What were they?" asked Susan.
"As hard as it is to believe, Possums armed with kitchen knives" said Davos.
"Possums?" asked Susan as she tilted her head. During her rule as Queen, Possums weren't one of the animals that had the ability to talk. But then again, neither did the mice. And yet Reepicheep and his men were among the many Narnians fighting for Caspian. "Where are they now?"
Davos widen his eyes, remembering that the possums intended to leave. He immediately turned to Matthos "Find Palyor and his men and tell him to come here quickly. And make haste!"
Matthos bowed his head quickly and took off.
"These creatures" said Stannis "I assume there are more of them. Animals that can talk"
"And more" said Caspian.
Stannis stayed quite before turning to Ned. "These matters and introductions can wait"
"Indeed" said Eddard "Renly takes concern"
"The fool" said Stannis "No respect for the laws of our land"
"We must make him see sense" said Ned "Have you met with him yet?"
"Not yet" said Stannis "I would have you at my side when the time comes"
"My words won't pierce his head that easily" said Ned.
"You are the Lord of Winterfell and the Warden of the North" said Stannis "Your words carry more weight than all those following Renly in this foolish game of his"
"I shall do my best" said Ned "That's all I can do"
"Come" said Stannis "Let us discuss"
Ned turned to his companions "Will you be alright?"
"We'll make due" said Han.
"Listen up!" shouted Stannis to his men "These men are personal allies of Lord Stark. They are to be treated with all the rights the Guest Right gives. Any men who treats them unjustly will be punished"
And with that warning in the air, Stannis and Ned walked off to Stannis' personal tent that was set up, Melisandre following. As for Maul, he simply walked on his own.
"Harsh man" said Lando.
"I've seen worst" said Ron. "He's better company than Umbridge or any of the Malfoys"
"I wouldn't jest about his Grace in this company" said Davos as he walked over "You all indeed are an interesting lot"
"We try to be" said Jack.
"Well for now you are all under the protection of King Stannis. Feel free to take any food you need or tents to sleep in" said Davos.
"Thank you" said Ginny.
All turned to see Matthos return with Palyor and his men following.
"Ser Davos" said Palyor "Is there a problem. We were-"
The possum stopped in his track before spotting Susan and Caspian. The possums stared at the two for several seconds before bowing.
"Her majesties" said Palyor, his men following suit.
Meanwhile, Maul watched this little performance before spotting something.
Clinging onto the back of the Smuggler's ship was a gangling creature, grey skin and retched. It jumped off when no one was looking and sprint off away from the large group of men. He stopped every second and so and stared at the little black haired man before going off on it's way.
"Interesting" said Maul.
"Interesting indeed" said Tion.
"Tion?" questioned Fay.
"Part of Ned Stark's group just arrived at Stannis' camp" said Tion.
"Will this be a problem?" asked Fay.
"No" said Tion "Skywalker and the Grey Wizard aren't among them. Maul can continue playing his part without fear, though he will have to play it carefully"
"So your plan won't be in disarray?" asked Fay.
"I don't have a plan" said Tion "Between the War of the Kings, the threat from beyond the Wall, and the incoming invasion of Sidious, there's no room for a well thought out plan. No. What I have isn't a plan. More of a goal"
"And that is?" asked Fay.
"Havoc. Chaos. Disorder" said Tion "That's all I am. A foil to Aslan who sent Orion and his Warriors to stop the Chaos from happening to Westeros. Well I'm coming in and twisting things up"
"...As are we" said Fay as she smiled.
"Still though" said Tion "What do you suppose would happen if peace between the Baratheons were to occur?"
"I would imagine that with the Starks, the Baratheons, the Tyrells, and the Tully's working together, they would crush the Lannisters. Especially with the two Baratheons working together"
"Excuse me?" asked Fay.
"My dear sister is leading that resurrected drunkard to Renly and Stannis"
"Oh" said Fay.
"That won't do" said Tion "Here's what will happen if Robert meets with his brothers with dear Ned at his side. Robert, as the oldest brother, will set those two straight and force them to work together, opinions meaningless. And what do you think will happen when Robert Baratheon arrives at the Gates of King's Landing, an army of united Kingdoms at his back, and shouts to the whole world 'Joffrey is not my son'? Disorder from within. Loyal soldiers will turn on their false King. The Lannisters would be torn within. Cersei and her children detained. And with Tyrion Lannister and his silky tongue, he'll make it so unnecessary violence doesn't occur to save his family. So at the end of things to come, Ned Stark will have a united army with the Lannisters detained. And just in time to save the North from the White Walkers. Now with a large army and warriors skilled in fighting dark forces, they would destroy the White Walkers before they amassed their army of the Dead. And all ready to fight the Emperor and his forces"
"And then?" asked Fay.
"It's usually one thing or another" said Tion "A large army arrives to save the day. Some mystical force or power of love protects the heroes from the big bad villains. The usual Deus ex Machina bullshit"
"So what will you do?" asked Fay.
"What I do best" said Tion "Fuck things up"
Well that's ominous.
The seeds of strife are setting in. Wait a minute. Seeds of Strife. That would be a good name for a cover for Death Battle if they ever did Cloud Strife vs Squall Leonhart. Wait I'm getting off topic.
So it's been a busy few months, so sorry for the wait. But I said it before, I don't abandon stories simply because it's been a few months.
I've also been rereading the old Ice and Fire books, reading Fanfictions to ignite the fires of imagination, and all in all just thinking.
Concerning characters from the book that never made it to the show (For better or worse), I've awfully fond of these top five characters.
- Val the Wildling.
-Arianne Martell.
-Strong Belwas.
-Victarion Greyjoy.
-Aegon Targaryen and Jon Connington.
And yes. I count Aegon and Jon as one character because their story just goes together.
Maul is going to get Stannis an army from Star Wars. Any suggestions? Remember, they can't be aligned with the Empire or the Rebellion.
Next chapter is the 40th. And here's a taste of things to come.
Tyrion and Karrde.
The War of Qarth.
Jon gets his own companion.
Until next time, read and review.