Note: Even I don't know where exactly I'm taking this. Besides that, I only planned on writing a few chapters for this fic, so I think this might be the end, sorry. :P

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.


Chapter 3

I looked around the corner, and then turned to look behind me once more. It was clear. I tiptoed around the corner and made my way over to the front door. I was about to open it when a hand pushed against the door, stopping me. It was Itachi. I turned around to glare at him, but found myself pinned to the door.

"Where are you going so late?" He grinned.

"Nowhere..." I lied.

Just then, Naruto walked downstairs. "Why are you two down here in the dark? It's two in the morning." He rubbed his eyes and looked at the scene before him. It took him a moment to realized how off we looked, but when he did, he turned bright red. "Oh..." He turned to walk away.

I shoved Itachi off. "Idiot!" I looked at Naruto in panic. "It's not what you think damn it!"

"What do you think he's thinking, Sa~su~ke~?!" Itachi smirked.

"Shut up!" I ran after Naruto.

I heard Itachi's identifier ring. "Shit!" He cursed under his breath before picking it up. "Dei! What's up?"

"Don't 'What's up' me!" That annoying freak shouted through the device. "Where the fuck are you?!"

"Take it easy babe." Itachi seemed to be attempting to soothe the freak's anger. "I'll be back home soon enough. I just gotta drag Sasuke with me."

"Well, you better get back here soon. Lord Fukaku has told the royal guards to retrieve you both if you do not return by morning."

Naruto, who had forced me to go back to bed, was about to ask if Itachi wanted to go back up to bed, but he heard him in mid-call with his art obsessed lover.

"Shit! This is bad." I heard Itachi sigh. "Fine, I'll bring him home by tomorrow morning. Tell my father avoid calling the authorities."

"And what will I get as a reward?" Deidara must be feeling sly right about now.

"Hmm?" Itachi laughed. "I'll take you out on a date when I get back, and we can have a little fun later."

I could still hear the freak giggle from upstairs. "Okay Itachi, be careful and come home soon. I love you."

Itachi spoke softly, something he'd only ever done to me before he met Deidara. "I'll see you soon. I love you Dei. Bye."

Stupid Itachi! I thought. Why can't he just leave me here?


Itachi must have seen the human standing there, because Naruto's voice seemed to waver, as though he was panicking. "Sorry, I ease dropped."

Itachi laughed. "It's fine. Just don't let Sasuke find out what you heard. He'd get upset."

Too late for that though, because I'm pissed. Fucking Itachi!

"Oh...So he doesn't know you have another boyfriend?" Naruto asked Itachi.

I slapped myself in the face. Did this kid really think I was dating my older brother?!

Itachi sighed. "I have two loves, but one boyfriend."

"I don't get it?" Naruto's voice seemed to fill with anger. "Are you just using him?!" He shouted.

I ran down stairs to fix the mess Itachi and I had made. The moment I reached them, I gave Itachi a death glare. "I'm not going back with you."

"Yes you are. Deidara said he'd prolong things as long as he could, but your absence has caused father a lot of trouble!" Itachi grabbed my hand. "We need to go. Now."

Naruto grabbed my other hand and tugged back. For a small guy, he was strong. "You didn't answer my question though."

Itachi gave up, and sighed once more. "Fine, do you really want to know?" He released me from his grip.

Naruto nodded, refusing to let go of my hand.

"I am a prince, and the first born son to the Uchiha family." Itachi said coolly.

"What?!" Naruto said in alarm. He turned to me. "You're dating a prince?!"

I slapped myself in the face. "He's not my boyfriend, he's my older brother. I'm the second son in the Uchiha family."

" you're a prince too?" Naruto looked confused.

I nodded.

Naruto was now staring at Itachi. "Then what did you mean when you said you had two loves?"

"I meant that there are only two beings that I love. My little brother, Sasuke, is the first, and my boyfriend Deidara is the second."

"Oh!" Naruto looked up at me. "Sorry I misunderstood you two." He laughed.

I shrugged. Why was he so cute? "It's fine. That happens sometimes because he's so over protective."

"Anyway," Itachi smiled at Naruto, "I'd like to thank you for allowing us to stay here, but it seems we have to go now."

I grabbed Naruto and hugged him. "I'm not going back! I'm staying with him!"

Itachi looked at me surprised. "What do you mean? Sasuke, we have to go home."

"I don't want to go home. You're never around, mom is always sick, and dad...he doesn't acknowledge me at all unless he's beating me!" I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

Naruto saw and he wiped it away. "What type of family are you?!" He shot at Itachi. "Even if you're royalty, you shouldn't be so disconnected!"

"All demons are disconnected." Itachi mumbled.

"I'm sorry." Naruto questioned. "Did you just say demons?"

"Yes." I answered for Itachi. "We're demons. From the underworld."

"That's a really bad joke." Naruto laughed nervously.

"It's not a joke." Itachi said. He used a small bit of his powers to change his attire. "See?"

Naruto passed out.


"Naruto?" I called to him. His eyes fluttered open.

"Sasuke?" Naruto sat up, and looked around. "Where are we?"

"My room." I replied. "After you fainted, Itachi opened up a portal and brought us home. But since you were still clinging onto me when it happened, you ended up coming as well. Sorry..." I scratched my head nervously.

"It wasn't a dream? Or a joke?" Naruto shook his head and smiled awkwardly. "So you guys really are demons?"

I nodded.

"And brothers?" He blushed a bit when he asked that last question.

I nodded yet again.

Naruto sighed with what seemed to be relief. "'re not really eighteen are you?"

I shook my head. "Demons age at a slower rate than humans."

"What's your real age?"

"One thousand eight hundred and five." I answered.

"That's a whole lot older than me." Naruto laughed. "We're nowhere near the same age at all."

I shrugged. "Well, I'd rather you'd think I'm an old man, than that I'm dating my older brother."

Naruto blushed. "S-sorry."

"It's fine," I said, "the way he acts sometimes can throw people off."

"I feel kind of relieved knowing that you two are related." Naruto mumbled.

My heart started to pound. "What did you say?" Did I just hear him right?

"It's nothing." Naruto gave me a strange looking smile.

"Sasuke, mother said to come down for dinner." Itachi said as he walked in. He looked as Naruto and smiled. "Good, Naruto's awake. Bring him as well."

Naruto got out of bed while I watched Itachi exit the room.


"So you were the one who housed my dear Sasuke!" My mother exclaimed. "Well mister Uzumaki, I'd like to thank you."

Naruto smiled. "It's not a big deal."

Dad looked at Itachi and changed the subject. He didn't like humans much, so listening to one talk must have irritated him. "Itachi, have you proposed to that Deidara yet?"

Itachi shook his head. "I've prepared a ring, but I haven't had the chance to see him yet since I had to fetch Sasuke."

I took a small bite of my dinner as dad sighed. "Good, that child's parents are the heads of the top learning institutes in the kingdom. He's a good match for you."

Naruto tapped my leg and whispered, "Why isn't your dad upset that your brother is with another guy?"

"In the underworld, males can marry other males, and vise versa for females." I whispered back.

"But they can't have kids...can they?" Naruto asked in shock.

I nodded. "Demons can't give birth, even the females, without having a witch from the sorcery realm placing a spell on one of the parents, so that the next time they have sex they will be impregnated."

"Oh..." Naruto blushed.

"How about you Sasuke?" My dad asked me. "Have you thought about the marriage proposal between yourself and the princess of the neighboring kingdom?"

I shook my head. That was the reason why I ran away in the first place. "No, I'd like to pick my own partner. Itachi did, and so I'd like to as well. And besides, it's not like I'm the heir either, so there's no need to rush."

"Do you at least have someone in mind?" Father asked me sternly.

I looked down. Of course not! I thought. Naruto gripped my hand under the table and smiled up at me. He must have noticed how tense I had become. Why do I been find him to be so cute?


"You will be returning to the mortal world tomorrow morning. Our mother will take you through the portal room." Itachi told Naruto before departing to go to bed.

It's been a while since Itachi slept in the castle.

"The queen?" Naruto said looking worried.

I nodded. "It'll be fine. Mom's really nice. It's dad who you have to watch out for." I moved to go under the covers of my bed and join Naruto, but before I could even get under, he hugged me. "N-Naruto?!"

"You'll visit me right?" He buried his face into my chest.

"Sure." I answered. "But your parents might ask how we met. Won't that be hard to explain?"

Naruto's voice grew soft. "They wont ask."

"Why not?" I asked a bit confused. "Don't all parents want to know that kind of stuff?"

"I lied before, when I told you that they were out of town." Naruto said. "They died in a car accident when I was younger."

"Oh...You must get lonely then." I hugged him back. He seems so happy, so I assumed he didn't have any problems. "Have you been living by yourself all this time?"

"Yeah." Naruto looked at me. "You're the first friend I've had since my parents died. So you have to visit."

"You should just stay here if you're all alone. I can ask my mom to make you a demon."

Naruto just shook his head. "That'd be too strange. Besides, once you get married you wont need me."

"I'd never toss you aside." I looked Naruto in the eyes and kissed him. Once I realized what I had done, I pushed him away. "Sorry."

Suddenly, he pulled me into another kiss. "I don't know why, but I've been wanting to do that since I met you."

I kissed Naruto again and felt myself smile for the first time in ages...literally! "Is this what you call love?"

"I think so."


"Mom!" I shouted as I ran into the portal room. "I know who I wan to marry."

"Who dear?" She said, looking at Naruto puzzled.

I pointed at Naruto. "Do you think we can make him one of us?"

Mom nodded. "I can do it, but doesn't he have a family or friends on in his own world?"

"I have none." Naruto assured her.

"Then it's settled!" Mom smiled. She covered up the mortal portal and walked over to Naruto. "This might sting a bit." Naruto nodded, and mom said a few enchantments before a bright purple light began to emit from one of her hands. She took her other hand and took my wrist. She bit into it, hard enough for my pitch black blood to run out, and then let the blood drip into the purple light. She turned to Naruto once the two had mixed together. "Open your mouth Naruto." He did as he was told, and mom pushed the mixture into his mouth.

Naruto's eye immediately changed from their blue color, to a deep red color, and then back to their original shade. "Woah! I feel a bit strange."

My mom smiled. "Sasuke's demon blood will slowly kill your human cells for the next two hours. Once it does, you'll be a demon like us." She seemed to be a little too excited about this. "I should plan a wedding for the two of you!" Mom squealed. "Of course, it'll have to be after your brother's."

...A few months later...

Naruto and I have been married for a week. As things turned out, mom made Itachi marry Deidara a few days after we turned Naruto into a demon. She then had to get dad agree, but he gave into her, and allowed me to take Naruto as my bride. Things are as good as they can be I guess. I mean, I've moved out of the royal castle and into a smaller one nearby, plus I have the cutest husband in all of the realms. He may have been human once, but he chose to change for me, and that makes me really happy. He's given me a reason to smile and be happy again.

I guess in the end, I wasn't running away from the life I led, but rather, I was running towards the life I was meant to have. I had only meant to run away from my father, but I ended up running into the arms of an angel, and not the bad kind either. All it took was for me to go to another world in order to find the one I wanted to be with for the rest of eternity. And who would have thought that I could even be capable of such feelings considering demons can't love? I think it's funny though, that with all of the demons around me, whose only purpose is to cause suffering, that there are only a couple dozen who have ever loved. What's remarkable though, is that Itachi, Deidara, My mom, and I, are the only ones who have ever learned what this emotion feels like among the demons that are still living today. This human emotion that we evil creatures hate, we are part of the small few that can feel it and understand it. In fact, I like it. With Naruto, what I had once thought to be impossible is now a reality.



Note: Sorry that it took so long to post this! I know that this was a short story, but this was as far as I had originally planned to take it. I hope you don't hate me for not holding things out for too long, but it's because of the new story I've been working on. If you want to know what I'm talking about, then please check out my story Delusional Love. So far I've only posted a prequel, but I have been busy with school and working on a story board for D.L., so if you liked this then you should check out what I've posted so far because I do plan on at least 30 chapters for D.L. So, thank you, as always, for reading and I hope you check out my previous works as well as anything new that I have up. BYE~!