Hello, dears!

I keep fucking up the dates and I don't understand why. Just ignore them the best you can. It's my bad for screwing up one date. When they hit 2015, it'll return to normal… I hope.

So let's wrap up the second Christmas chapter so we can dive into the depths of this story. I have a lot planned for our girls… haha…

Prepare yourselves.

Disclaimer: Disney owns Frozen

The Place: Apartment 2507
The Date: Saturday, 25 December 2014; Christmas Day
The Time: 7:03 AM
The Weather: Snowy

She was up before Anna was. It was unusual for Elsa to get up early on a holiday, especially during Christmas. Anna was a firecracker of energy on the morning of, pulling Elsa into the living room to open their presents with warm mugs of hot chocolate by their sides.

Then again, it was the first time in a long time did they make love beforehand. And Anna was usually very sleepy afterwards, sleeping in as much as she could and remaining in the warmth of the blankets.

Elsa didn't mind the quiet, actually. Once she got up, she dressed herself into her cozy pajamas and her favorite blue bathrobe, heading into the front room. She plugged in the tree lights and smiled up at the glory that was the symbol of the holiday. A warmth nestled itself in her heart, the sound of the wind howling outside reaching her ears. She then went to the stereo and plugged in her iPod, playing Christmas music at a low volume so it wouldn't wake her love.

She then reached the kitchen and started to make hot chocolate, heating the milk over the stove and grabbing the best brand of mix they had in their pantry. She got their matching name mugs out of the cupboard and filled them each with the nectar of chocolate they both adored so much. She even added a pinch of salt to the drinks to get a delicious sweet-and-salty flavor before she topped them off with whipped cream.

Elsa stretched her arms tiredly and adjusted her glasses before she headed back into the bedroom to wake Anna up. She crawled on top of the bed and took Anna's face in her hands, kissing her awake.

"Oh," Anna mumbled, grinning and rubbing her eyes. "G'morning."

"Good morning, darling," Elsa whispered, brushing her lips over Anna's cheek.

Anna giggled and removed her arms from underneath the blanket so she could wrap them around Elsa's neck.

"You're up early," she commented breathily, Elsa continuous peppering her cheek with kisses.

"I thought I would get it started this year," Elsa murmured.

"And you're also very affectionate," Anna said. "What's with all the kisses?"

"We're under the mistletoe, my dear."

Anna shifted her head so she caught Elsa's lips with her own, a small noise of approval coming from the back of Elsa's throat.

"Mm… hey, get some clothes on, silly," Elsa whispered against her lips. "I have hot chocolate waiting for us in the kitchen and presents need to be opened before your dad comes over."

"Don't have to tell me twice," Anna said, her teal eyes lighting up

With Anna dressed in her pajamas, the two of them strode out to the living room, grabbing their drinks on the way.

"Now, I need to tell you that one of my gifts for you was partially bought by your father," Elsa said, twisting one of the armchairs around and sitting into it, Anna grabbing the other chair and bringing it over.

"Oh really?" she said, grinning. "Whatever will it be?"

"You'll have to see," Elsa winked. "But we both agreed it's about time you got one. Now, open up your gifts from me first. You'll get plenty more to open up when our friends come over tonight."

"Right!" Anna cheered, reaching for her first gift.

She ripped apart the snowflake wrapping paper and, to her delight, found a tightly bound stack of new video games for her PS3. Her next gift was a stuffed sloth— Anna's favorite animal— with a bow tied around its neck. Two more were new books that she had been dying to get and the final gift was a bundle of Anna's most beloved candies.

"This is a better haul than last year!" Anna applauded.

"Hey, I worked hard on that handmade model of the Disney castle for you," Elsa said, gathering up the wrapping paper.

"I know, I know," Anna giggled, kissing Elsa's cheek. "And it's my favorite little display on my personal shelf in the study." She nuzzled herself in her chair and took a long sip of her hot chocolate. "Okay! Your turn!"

Elsa gathered up her presents and peeled off the paper, trying hard not to cause more of a mess than her girlfriend did. Her first gift was the new edition of A History of the Modern World, her favorite book to read on her downtime. The second one was a brand new sundress for the summer months, complete with a cardigan for when the nights got cooler. The third was a collection of different drawing pencils, the fourth accompanying it with a small sketch pad, unlike the larger one Elsa had received from her parents the night before.

"Oh, Anna, these are wonderful," Elsa sighed, hugging the sketch pad to her chest. "I have so many ideas…"

"And that's one you can take around with you," Anna pointed out. "So whenever you're on your lunch break, you can sketch to your heart's desire."

"You're the best girlfriend a gal could have," the blonde cooed, reaching over to kiss Anna, the younger girl meeting her halfway.

"Right back at'cha," Anna replied. "Now, let's look decent for my dad… and instead of fighting over the bathroom, would you like to shower together? Save the planet and everything?"

"We haven't done that in a long time. Just to shower, Anna. Because the last time you got me in there we walked out of there looking like prunes."

Anna snorted, rolled her eyes, and yanked Elsa to her feet. "Yeah, just to shower, sure."

The Place: Garfield High School
The Date: Monday, 2008
The Time: 12:15 PM
The Weather: Snow

Lunch had just started and Elsa was putting a few books away in her locker when Anna bounded up, her face tinted pink and giggles bubbling over her lips.

"Hiya!" Anna greeted joyfully.

Butterflies erupted in Elsa's stomach as she grinned back at her. "Heya! How are you?"

"I'm splendid," Anna said, her eyes switching from Elsa's eyes to her lips and back again. "And you?"

"Wonderful," Elsa replied softly, shutting her locker.

There was an awkward silence for about five seconds before Anna took the leap of faith and swelled her chest up with bravery.

"Miss Elsa Andersen, would you do me the honor of going on a date with me after school? Like, a proper date where our friends aren't giant assholes and do this behind our back. A real date," Anna said, her face turning pinker and pinker with each passing second. "With hand holding… and cuddling… and cute stuff like that."

"Sure," Elsa breathed, unable to stop her grin from increasing tenfold.

Anna brightened. "Really!?"

"Of course! I'd love to," Elsa said. "Where did you have in mind?"

"How 'bout we go on a coffee date?"

"That sounds perfect. I actually have a study group to get to right now with Jane and Belle but… I'll meet you here after school, okay?"

Anna nodded. "Yeah, that sounds awesome."

"Great." Elsa bent down and pressed a kiss to Anna's forehead. "I can't wait."

"Me neither," Anna said, her eyes fluttering shut as the kiss lingered on her skin, Elsa walking away from the blushing ginger.

As soon as Elsa was out of earshot, Anna pumped her fist in the air and cheered, running at breakneck speed to go find her friends to brag about her new development.

Elsa, on her other hand, was half giddy and half terrified. It hadn't even occurred to her what would happen if her father was to find out she was going to start dating another girl so soon after her Jessie escapade in freshman year.

No doubt he would be absolutely livid… going against his word once again was a death sentence for her. He might even pull her out of school and cram her into that devoutly Catholic one her grandmother was going on and on about that summer.

That was definitely a death sentence. Elsa already had to endure that kind of toucher through elementary school and she was not going to do it again.

But she was going to go on that date with Anna no matter what! Those kisses had been overwhelming, intoxicating and Elsa only craved more. It struck a feeling in her like never before. No kiss from another girl had ever made her feel that way. That gooey, butterflies in the stomach feeling, the adolescent and puberty induced arousal, and the dorky, love sick grin on her face was unlike anything she had ever experienced.

So after school, Elsa eagerly awaited Anna in front of her locker, gripping her books tight on her chest and bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet. When she saw Anna round the corner to come get her, both of them instantly brightened at the mere sight of one another.

They met halfway, flushing but smiling like complete dorks all the same. Without a word, they strode out of the school together towards a coffee shop, excited to spend a lovely date together.

The Place: Apartment 2507
The Time: 9:34 AM
The Weather: Snowy

David arrived with frost covered shoulders and a warm smile, bearing a gift for Elsa— a bundle of cozy socks and new flannel pajamas patterned with snowflakes that Elsa adored— and telling Anna she'd have to wait until after breakfast for her to receive hers.

In spite of that news, Anna pouted as she cooked breakfast, her girlfriend and father talking in secret on the couch, keeping their voices low so Anna wouldn't catch any hint to her gift.

"You know!" Anna shouted slightly, dipping the pan of eggs over three plates. "It doesn't make my situation any better knowing that you guys are keeping this all under wraps."

"You'll get it, Anna," David promised, chuckling and sipping his coffee Elsa made him. "The you will understand why you can't see it now."

"Whatever you say," the ginger grunted. "Breakfast is served."

The three sat at the table and dug into their steaming meals, David humming pleasantly at his daughter's cooking.

"I tell you this every time you cook, sweet pea, but you have a cooking talent just like your mother did," he said, raising his mug to her.

Anna colored but her smile faltered, not enough for either of them to see, however. "Thanks, Dad," she muttered, inclining her head.

"That reminds me," Elsa said quietly, nudging Anna's foot with her own. "We should visit her soon. Her birthday is in February."

"I know…" Anna fiddled with her fork. "Can we stop talking about it, please?"

"Yes, I'm sorry," David apologized.

"Sorry," Elsa said, automatically feeling incredibly guilty.

"It's okay," Anna assured, flashing them both a smile. "Really, I just don't want this already perfect day to be ruined by me."

"Not by you. Never," her father said, rubbing her shoulder kindly. "We understand."

Elsa nodded gently.

"Eat up," David encouraged, poking his fork at her plate. "Elsa and I need to show you your present to end all presents."

"Yessir!" Anna perked up, wolfing down her bacon with vigor.

After their breakfast was finished and the dishes were stacked in the sink, Anna waited impatiently for her father and Elsa to fess up what her present was going to be. All Elsa did was open the front door and gesture Anna go out. David nodded and Anna shot them a very suspicious glare before stepping over the threshold, both Elsa and David following her.

"C'mon, silly," Elsa giggled, taking Anna's hand and dragging her to the elevator.

"What are you two doing? This is like that conspiracy of me moving in with Elsa way back when," Anna said hotly.

"Relax, kiddo," David said as the elevator doors slid open. "You'll understand when we get there." He punched the garage button and the machine shuttered, bringing them down to earth from the twenty fifth floor.

The elevator made a cheerful dinging sound once it reached its destination. Anna cast them glances as they all entered the garage.

"Look at my car," Elsa said.

Anna turned her head to the blue Mercedes that Elsa was so fond of. She narrowed her eyes.

"So?" she said.

"Look to the right," David instructed.

Anna's teal eyes shifted from her girlfriend's car to a vehicle she had never seen before. It was an olive green Toyota, four seater, and about the same size as Elsa's car. It took her a moment to realize that it was parked in the empty space that was always next to Elsa's. The empty space reserved for their apartment as well.

"Wait," she said slowly. She whirled around and gawked at them. "Is that… for me?"

"Yes, it is," Elsa said, grinning. "Your very own car. You have a license, we figured its time you put it into use finally."

"You're serious?" Anna squeaked.

"Of course!" David laughed.

"Ohmigod I feel like one of those spoiled wives you see on car commercials," Anna giggled, stumbling down the steps to take a better look at her new ride. "It's so perfect! Wow, wow, wow!"

"I think she likes it," Elsa teased.

"We should take it for a spin— ooh, Dad, where are the keys!?" Anna rambled, tugging at the driver's handle.

"Hold on!" David said, digging into his pocket. "How do you think I'm getting home. You're driving me."

"Oh, right, you need to go home!" Anna said, catching the keys as he tossed them to her. "Els, you gonna join us?"

"Actually, I'm gonna go upstairs and clean up a little more. Get prepared for our friends when they come over tonight," Elsa said.

"Alright. Hop in, Dad!" Anna said gleefully, unlocking the door and hopping inside, David following her shortly afterward.

Elsa waved them goodbye, grinning at Anna's incredible enthusiasm towards her new car.

The Place: A Starbucks
The Date: Monday, 2008
The Time: 3:57 PM
The Weather: Cloudy

Just like they had planned, a coffee date was to be done. After school they met in front of Elsa's locker and held hands as they left and headed over to a Starbucks. They stood silently and almost awkwardly in line before they each ordered a hot chocolate.

With their drinks in their hands, they chose a seat by the window, sitting across from one another, placing their bags on the floor beside their chairs.

And then they were at a loss for words.

Elsa had been on dates before but only with Jessie. They hadn't been friends like she and Anna had, knowing everything that was needed to know about the other. So Elsa couldn't ask about Anna's interests or anything like that. She already knew. And same went for Anna. Then again, her relationships were mostly experimental and hardly going out exclusively.

So when they both realized they had nothing much to say, they both started giggling like crazy, hiding their faces in the whipped cream that topped their beverages.

"Well, Anna," Elsa managed, catching her breath. "How was your day?"

Anna grinned stupidly. "It was wonderful, thank you. And even better now." She leaned on her hand and sent Elsa a dreamy gaze.

The blonde flushed and toyed with the end of her braid. "That's good… I'm glad."

"And you?"

"About the same. I'm very happy to be here with you," Elsa said, crossing her legs and taking a deep sip of her drink. "I thought we were going out for coffee though."

"Yeah, well, my chocolate craving took over," Anna said, shrugging. "And I didn't want coffee breath."

Elsa laughed. "Whatever you say."

They took a small pause to enjoy their drinks and watch the rain begin to fall outside, drizzling and beating the pavement gently. The warmth of the coffee shop gave them a pleasant feeling, a homely and cozy sort of pleasantry. And though they were surrounded by several other Seattleites, they felt as if it were just the two of them enjoying each other's company for as long as they wished.

"I really do want to know," Anna spoke up, "when you started to like me?"

Elsa blinked and cocked her head to the side like a confused puppy. "How do you mean?"

"Like, when… and why."

"Well, I suppose I started liking you sometime in the first month I got to know you. And why? Because you were kind to me no matter what, because you wanted to be around me… and because you just… you're you."

It was Anna's turn to blush and a very affectionate smile spread across her cheeks.

"'Cause I'm me?" she whispered.


"You like me because… because I'm Anna."

"There's much more to it but I'm not sure how I can word it, you see," Elsa said, leaning forward with her hands in her lap. "I don't want to seem like all I do is babble. I tend to do that when I can't express my feelings properly."

"Elsa, look who you're talking to!" Anna pointed out. "I ramble non-stop and make things a bigger deal than they should be. I embarrass myself all the time."

"I like your rambling," Elsa admitted. "It's a big part of you… and I don't want it to ever change."

"Oh! Well—" Anna coughed nervously in her hand. "—thank you."

"Now, how about you? When and why?"

"When… a bit before homecoming. And why— because you're smart, beautiful, talented, and selfless." Her dreamy stare took over once again. "I really admire you, Elsa."

"You do?"

"Uh-huh. I guess I see a lot of what I want to be, too. But then I thought, why do I have to be Elsa? Nobody can ever be as amazing as she is."

"That's not true."

"Is so!"

"You are just as amazing as you make me out to be."

They both fell silent as they stared at one another, their faces both a light shade of pink and their cups full of hot chocolate still pretty full. At the same time, they smiled at one another before they continued to drink, playing a game of footsie beneath the table.

With their cups dried and their stomachs warm with both hot chocolate and butterflies, they stepped out into the cold January air.

"This was a wonderful date," Anna said, pulling her jacket closer to her body. "I'm glad we went."

"Me too," Elsa agreed.

They started to walk to the bus station together, hand-in-hand once again, and continuously moved closer to each other.

"Can we… go on another one?" Anna asked shyly.

"Nothing would be more perfect," Elsa replied. "I… I really do like you a lot, Anna. I want to see where…" She faded away and a slight sorrow filled her eyes.

"Els? What's wrong?" Anna said in a rush, worried almost at once.

"It's nothing," Elsa said, shaking her head. "I want to see where you and I can go from here."

"I'd love to explore that, too," Anna said slowly. "Are you sure you're okay?"

They reached the bus stop, Elsa's destination for her journey home. The blonde took in a deep breath before mustering a convincing smile.

"Yes. I'm just fine," she promised.

"Okay," Anna said, trying to believe her.

The bus started to chug over to them, filling their ears with the sounds of its roaring engine. Elsa stared accusingly at it, not wanting to leave Anna just yet.

"This is where I leave you, then," Anna said sadly.

"So it would seem," Elsa nodded.

"I'll see you tomorrow, though!" Anna reminded her, grinning.

"Of course."

Anna reached up and pressed a tender kiss to Elsa's lips, barely giving her time to respond.

"I'll text you," Anna assured as the doors of the bus slid open.

"Okay," Elsa hummed, stumbling into the bus and inserting the fare. She turned as the doors closed, Anna waving giddily on the other side.

The Place: Apartment 2507
The Time: 7:04 PM

With friends over dressed festively in their holiday best, Anna and Elsa were surrounded by what Christmas was all about: love. Kristoff and Eugene broke out the eggnog, Merida and Rapunzel bustling about the room to hide away more and more presents beneath the tree, and Hans making himself comfortable on the couch as he chattered away with Jack, who had returned to the apartment for the evening. Anna was passing out the cookies she and Elsa slaved over that afternoon as the blonde snapped tons of thousands of pictures for her Facebook wall and, eventually, her actual wall in the hallway.

Music was playing the background, spirits high and laughter in the air. Anna bested the guys in several rounds of Mario Kart, Elsa got a little more tipsy on the eggnog than she had originally intended, giggling with Rapunzel and Merida. Jack eventually quit playing with one arm— originally claiming that he was up for the challenge— and downed several mugs of hot chocolate and cookies.

It was certainly a very merry, very happy Christmas. Elsa wasn't stressed out, she was loved. She wasn't trying to make everything perfect, she was letting things go for a night. For a few hours, Elsa forgot all about her fears and anxieties. Especially near the end of the night where she curled up next to Anna, the group watching A Christmas Story until everybody eventually crashed right then and there.

The last thing Elsa remembered Anna whispering into her ear was, "Merry Christmas, Elsa. I love you."

"Merry Christmas," Elsa managed to reply. "I love you, too."

Short but fitting now that Christmas is actually nearing us.

Anyways, I wish you all a happy holiday! Sun Kissed won't return until the New Year where everything will kinda fall into place. More drama, a death (not a major character), and more info on the girls and how they got together, what ensued, etc.

Love you guys. Thanks for being patient with me!


See you next time!