Artemis was in the cave talking with Zatanna and Megan when her phone rang, it was Dick. She hadn't seen him since the last day of school, they now had a four week holiday until the next term. "who's that?" Zatanna asked. "um it's just my friend from school it can wait." Artemis said, but Zatanna didn't like that answer. "What friend from school? A boy perhaps?" Zatanna asked with a grin on her face. "Yeah it's my friend Dick Grayson." Artemis said and Zatanna took the phone from her and answered it. "Zatanna-"Artemis yelled at her friend "hello this is Zatanna." Zatanna answered. Artemis was still trying to get the phone from her friend but Zatanna was too fast. "Um hi this is Dick I was calling to talk to Artemis, is she there?" Dick asked. How did Zatanna get Artemis's phone? "Wait you're Dick Grayson, Artemis talks about you all the time she's told us a lot about you."Zatanna said and Artemis tackled her and took the phone away. "Dick? Hi sorry about that." Artemis said. Dick laughed and said, "it's OK, sorry if I interrupted anything."

"Don't worry you didn't, so what's up?" Artemis asked glaring at Zatanna before leaving the room and going to her bedroom. "I was wondering if you were busy tonight, I have to go to one of Bruce's parties and I didn't want to go by myself, so are you busy?" Dick asked, he really didn't want to go to this party but if Artemis was there it wouldn't be as boring and they could always sneak out. "I'm not busy, pick me up at my place?" Artemis asked. Dick smiled and said "be there at six. See you then."

"Bye." and he hung up. Artemis walked back into the kitchen and Zatanna looked at her and smirked, "So.. what was that about?"

"Nothing, I'm heading home i'll see you guys tomorrow." Artemis said and Zatanna said "he asked you out didn't he?" Artemis sighed, "No he asked if I wanted to go to a business party that his dad is having, it's not a date." But Artemis knew that Zatanna didn't believe that. Artemis left through the zeta tubes and when she got back to her apartment, she sat down at her desk and took off her combat boots, it was four o'clock so she decided to have a shower, It would take forever to wash her hair.

It was now six o'clock and Artemis for some reason that she didn't know was nervous. She kept thinking about what Zatanna had said "He asked you out didn't he?" She kept telling herself that it wasn't a date but now that she thinks about it she doesn't know what it is, it might be a date but it's probably just a dinner party and they were going together as friends. She heard a car horn and she walked out of her room and into the lounge room where her mother was sitting. "You look nice." her mother said. Artemis was wearing a light green dress that stopped just below her knees and had one thick strap. It was simple but even Artemis had to admit she looked nice "thanks but is it to nice?" Artemis asked. "You worry too much, now go get into that car and have fun tonight tell Dick I say hello." Paula said to her daughter who smiled and gave her mother a hug before leaving.

"Wow, you look amazing." Dick said when he saw her. "thanks, you don't look to bad yourself Grayson, my mom says hi. So what have you been up too?" Artemis asked when they started driving. Dick thought for a moment before saying, "Mostly math but I really don't want to bore you by telling you all the different mathlete competitions I went too, and personally I wouldn't want to fall asleep at my own stories." Dick said and Artemis laughed. "alright, well I've been with some of my friends from out of school and some of them are very evil as you learned today from Zatanna." Artemis said, and Dick laughed and asked, "so you talk about me all the time do you?" Dick asked with a smirk on his face, "don't flatter yourself Grayson I've talked about a little but I never talk about anyone all the time, that would make me boring." Artemis explained but the smirk remained on Dick's face.

They continued talking until the car came to a stop and the driver said, "Mr Grayson we have arrived at the venue, have a good night." Dick helped her out of the car and the Driver took off. "Wow this place is huge." Artemis said when she saw the building. Dick laughed and took her hand leading her up the steps into the building.