A/N: Lads, I don't even know what this is. It's just a whole lot of questions from Dean's POV. Inspiration taken from the song 'Can't Take My Eyes Off You'.

You feel like heaven to touch, I want to hold you so much.

That stupid song just would not leave my head!

Bloody thing.

Every time I saw him the lyrics popped back into my head like some sort of unwanted reminder of my feelings for him. I already had the butterflies and the soppy smile and the aching heart and boner. I did not need sooky song lyrics as well, thank you very much.

Why did he have to be so adorable?

Why did his sandy brown hair have to flop down into his eyes so he had to flip his head so sexily?

Why did his hair have to gleam with strands of copper and red in the summer sun?

Why did his eyes have to twinkle every time he smiled at me?

Why did they have to be deep blue like the ocean with flecks of stormy grey and a green-yellow ring around the pupil that enchanted me every time we made eye contact?

Why did the skin at the corners of his eyes have to crease up every time he laughed like lines drawn in pale sand?

Why did he have to find so many things so funny and always look on the bright side of life and always be positive and optimistic and never fail to cheer me up with his sunny demeanor and terrible puns and bad jokes and a comforting arm around my shoulder?

Why did his round cheeks have to flush baby pink when he was happy or embarrassed or emotional or cold?

Why did his nose have to scrunch up so endearingly when he made silly faces at me across the classroom in Transfiguration after McGonagall moved us because we talked too much?

Why did his neck have to flex when he moved and his jaw click seamlessly when he spoke?

Why did his Adam's apple have to bob up and down so entrancingly when he swallowed?

Why did his lips have to pout subtly when he was thinking?

Why did his teeth have to shine so white and perfectly imperfect when he smiled?

Why did he have to bite his lip unknowingly when he was nervous or unsure?

Why did he have to tap his feet constantly?

Why did his laugh have to erupt suddenly and infectiously so the whole room was roped into his laughter?

Why did his lower stomach have to be exposed when he stretched so I had a clear view of his sharp hipbones and pale flat stomach with the tiny bit of pudge speckled with hair that I'm always tempted to poke?

Why did he have to mumble little sighs in his sleep?

Why did he have to always drop his head on my shoulder when we chatted?

Why did he have to look into my eyes and browse casually through my soul and leave behind his presence and being without even knowing?

Why did he have to continue being my best friend for years and years on end?

Why did he have to pick me to be his friend?

Why did he have to make me fall in love with him every single day?

Why did he have to be Séamus?

Girl crazy, explosion mad, wild, fun, hearty, Irish, smiling, sporty, passionate, loving, straight Séamus?