Chapter 6:

The twins had finally calmed down and started behaving tolerably to the point where Spot could take them outside to play in the snow. He watched them, brooding from the porch, as they built a snowman. But the house just wasn't the same anymore.  Sure there was still a lot of noise, but something was missing. If only he could figure it out.

He squinted his eyes out over the blinding white snow and smiled as Ann and Andy had given up on the snowman and were throwing handfuls of snow at each other. He silently scooped up two handfuls of snow and molded them into snowballs.  While the twins were distracted fighting he threw the snowballs at them, and pretended to be brooding again.

Shrieking, they looked at him. Both faces lighted up with grins. Mr. Spot had decided to play! They ran over to him and dragged him into the snow. They fought for a long time before Spot finally dragged them back inside.  After sending them to change into dry clothes he built a big fire in the fireplace in the parlor and spread some quilts on the floor.  When the twins came back in they dropped onto the quilts.  He wrapped quilts around their tiny shoulders dropped to the floor beside them.

After a long while, Ann looked at Spot. "Mr. Spot? Why can't we go get Miss Rae back?"

Spot sighed.  He should have expected this.  "Because we can't Ann."

"Why not?"

"Because Ann, people are afraid of me."

"We ain't," Andy piped in, sitting up next to his sister.

"I know Andy, but everyone else is afraid of me, because of the way my face looks."

"Did they tell you that?" Ann asked, eyes wide.

"They didn't have to tell me Ann. I know what they are thinking."

"Well then, they're just mean to think that." She folded her arms over her chest.

"Are you sure there isn't some way we can go get Miss Rae?" Andy asked.

"I'm sure..."

* * *

Rae leaned against the rail of Brooklyn Bridge, staring into the muddy water rushing below as she brooded. She hadn't been quite this depressed in... well, she didn't know how long. She didn't even know if she had EVER been this depressed.

"Finished selling already?" Sippi asked, walking up behind her.

She glanced over her shoulder at him and then towards the river again. "I didn't go selling... I had to do some thinking... 'Sippi, I need to talk to you."

"I needed to talk to you to." he said.

"You go first." she whispered quickly.

"Well, I've been thinking about this for a while, and I've decided that it was time to ask." He dropped to one knee. Rae's face paled, somehow knowing what he was going to ask, but at the same time not accepting it. "I love you... Rae Kelly, would you do me the honor of marrying me?"

She shook her head, tears filling her eyes. "I can't," she whispered, turning to walk away.

"What?" He didn't understand. "Why?"

"I'm flattered that you would ask, but I don't love you in that way."

"I don't... understand..." He sighed. "But... I guess I have to."

"Sippi, I really do care for you, but not in that way. You deserve a girl that will love you with her whole heart.  I don't."

After a long pause, he nodded, murmured a "see you 'round," and walked off, hands stuffed in his pockets.

Rae collapsed against the railing with a sob.  What a maddening day this had turned into.

An hour had passed.  She couldn't just stay there, sitting on the bridge. She'd have to go back to the lodging house before nightfall…and face Sippi. Closing her eyes, she rested her head on the edge of the rail. Taking a deep breath and drying her tearstained face, she climbed to her feet and made the walk home.

Rae walked into the LH, dreading meeting Sippi and anyone else who he had happened to tell. Everyone at the LH had been expecting this since the day she and Sippi had first met.

           Even she had expected it…until it happened. And when it did…well, now she didn't want it. She greeted everyone. No one said anything to her about the proposal…How could no one have heard? She was certain that with the way news spread within the newsies community of Brooklyn, that everyone would have known within the hour 'Sippi had proposed. She smiled wanly as friends shared gossip with her. Turning away, she ran into Sippi.  "Oh…um, sorry," she replied, feeling awkward all of a sudden.

           'Sippi smiled at her. "It's okay." He said it in the same 'Sippi manner he would use with anyone, but there was a hint of sadness in his voice. He squeezed her shoulder. "Just don't let it happen again," he teased, before walking over to his sisters and brothers who where huddled on the floor in the midst of other Brooklyn newsies their ages.

Rae blinked in surprise. Having expected to be ignored, shunned, something totally negative, having his response be so normal caught her off guard. Confused now, she turned and headed up to the bunkroom. She changed into her nightgown and crawled up into her bunk. Had she been too hasty in saying no to his proposal?

           "I don't know," she murmured, pulling the covers up over her shoulders. "I just don't know."

* * *

The twins had gone to bed much easier that night, and for that, Spot was grateful.  They had asked the same question countless times throughout the day. "Why can't we go get Miss Rae,"  "Is Miss Rae gonna come home," and even at one point the far-fetched, "Did Miss Rae die?"

Spot sat down wearily on the couch in the parlor.  Surely this was all just a dream.  Some nightmare that he would soon wake from.  Surely Rae was upstairs in her room tucked under her covers, reading until she had fallen asleep, as she had done so many nights that she had been here.  That's it.  She wasn't really gone, she was just in her room reading, having lost track of time again.

He stood and slowly climbed back up the stairs.  He headed for Rae's room and knocked softly on the door.  Hearing no answer he opened the door slowly.  His heart sank when he saw that the room was empty.  He walked into the room and sank onto the edge of the bed.  It wasn't a dream. It was all real.  She was really gone.  As he stood to leave something on the bedside table caught his attention.  He turned and saw a book laying on the table.  He picked it up and gently ran his fingers over the cover.  He turned the book to read the title. Beauty and the Beast.  He smiled. She had read it yet again, before leaving.  What did she find so interesting about this book that she could read it over and over again?  He walked back into his room and threw himself on the bed.  Maybe it was time that he finished reading the book.

* * *

Rae awoke the next morning to a clear- but cold- bright day. Pretty much the opposite of her mood. She dressed slowly for the day and went through the rest of her morning routine silently. She saw 'Sippi a few times and he waved at her and smiled. 'Maybe I should have said yes to him... I must have just been letting my mood affect my judgment. I mean... he really does care about me.'

She walked silently to the distribution center, not really hearing the rest of the newsies in their usual morning chatter.  She bought her papers without saying a word.  She stood on her corner, silently, lost in thought.

"Miss Rae!" shrieked two very familiar voices. Turning, she saw none other than Ann and Andy racing towards her. She knelt down just in time to catch them both in her arms. By the time she recovered from the shock of them finding her, they were chattering excitedly with one another.

"How in the world did the both of you get here?"

"Mr. Spot brought us." the said in unison. 

"What?" Rae asked, in even more shock. She hadn't seen him with them.

"We're here to bring you home!" Ann chirped.

"I AM home you two. Brooklyn is my home."

"No it isn't," a voice said behind her.

Slowly, she turned and saw Spot standing behind her with his hands casually tucked in his pockets. She folded her arms over her chest. "So, His Highness decides to grace us with his presence?"

He sighed and stared at her. "I had something I needed to get. We're leaving right after.

"So I figured," she frowned. She couldn't explain it, but seeing Spot again had completely lifted her mood... only to crush it again when he said he was leaving again. "Typical Conlon style. You can't stay around for the night?"

"Depends. It make take me a while to get what I need."

"What could you possibly need that you couldn't have just written me to send you?" she demanded.

"I knew that if I didn't come here, it'd never get to me."

"What did you come for?" she asked, her eyes narrowing.

"The one I love."

She glanced around before realizing that his eyes were clearly fixed on her. "What... are you saying, Spot?"

"I've found out the way the book ends, Rae.  I've found my true love and now I've come to claim her."

"Book?" she repeated blankly. She knew what was happening, but it didn't register for some reason.

Spot smiled. "This beast has come for his beauty."

She stared at him in stunned silence, which he was left to assume as rejection. His face fell somewhat- closed up, emotionless, often typical of the leader of Brooklyn.

"Come on kids," he said. "Let's go.  We have just enough time to catch the next train home."

As realization suddenly sank in- she loved him. She, Rae Kelly, loved Spot Conlon. She stepped after him, a smile growing on her face. "I didn't know the leader of Brooklyn gave up so easily. Are you sure you're him?"

He turned and looked at her, his angry glare melting as he saw her smile.  "Woman, you are going to be the death of me." 

"Oh am I now?" she asked. 

He shook his head, trying to suppress his laughter.  "Come here you," he said, pulling her into his arms. "Make this beast a happy man and marry me."

Rae seriously considered this. Slowly she smiled and nodded. "Yes, I'll marry you."

He placed his hand on her cheek.  "I love you, Rae." he whispered.

She smiled, taking his hand. "I love you too, Spot."

Rae felt a small tug on her shirt. She looked down at Ann and Andy, who she had momentarily forgotten about.  "Does this mean you are coming home, Miss Rae?" Ann asked.

She nodded. "Yes, I'm coming home with you."

The twins cheered and danced around the two adults they had come to love.  Rae laughed at them and then turned to Spot.  "Will you come back with me to gather my stuff and say my goodbyes?"

Spot paused uncertainly. "But..."

She gave him a look. "It will be fine. I promise."

With a sigh, he nodded.

She smiled at him, "Come on." she said, taking his hand. And off to the lodging house they went.

Spot stopped her just outside the lodging house. "Rae, I'm not so sure about this..."

"I told you it'd be fine. Now come on." Seizing his arm, she dragged him into the lodging house. "Hey everyone! Look who's back!"

A dozen heads turned. And silence reined supreme.

Spot closed his eyes, waiting for it to be over.

"Spot Conlon, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Hades yelled suddenly, and the room practically exploded with a flurry of activity as they all rushed to greet him.

"What happened?" "Are you alright?" and other similar questions could be heard throughout the room.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," he replied.

Lil' Bit stood up, walked over to him, and gently touched his face. "Does it hurt?" she asked.

"Not anymore." he said, looking at Rae.

She glanced between the both of them. "What happened to it? Did Rae soak you real bad?"

"LIL'BIT!" everyone, including Spot, yelled.

Rae laughed.

Spot looked over at Rae and she gave him a reassuring nod.  "I was working in a factory, Bit.  There was an accident."

"Why didn't you tell us Spot?" Jecca piped up.

"Yeah," Snipeshooter agreed, "And why didn't you tell us you were working at a factory?"

"I should have.  But I was too ashamed. Both by the fact that I had to get another job and because of the way my face looked after the accident."

"Well that was stupid," Hades snorted.

"Exactly what I told him," Rae replied.

"Wait... you knew?"

Rae nodded.  "I've known for a month now.  That's what I couldn't tell you about."

"You were with him the whole time?!"

"That's what I couldn't tell you."

"You two are gonna start influencing my newsies to leave!" Throwing her hands in the air, Hades she shook her head, and smirked. "If you do it again, let us know!"

"Well, actually..." Spot started, but stopped to look at Rae.

"You tell them," she whispered.

He slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to his side.  "Rae and I are going to get married and then we are leaving again."

Stunned silence filled the room.

"No way!" Snipeshooter yelled. "YOU and RAE?!"

"Yes Snipes." Rae said with a smile.  "Me and Spot."

Lil' Bit jumped to her feet, shrieking, "A wedding! A wedding! There's gonna be a wedding!" before giving Rae and Spot bone crushing hugs. "I just knew it!"

Rae suddenly gasped and turned to Spot. "Where are Ann and Andy?"

His eyes widened. "I... I don't know..." Shrieks sounded behind them and they whipped around to see Ann and Andy playing tag with 'Sippi's younger siblings.

Rae laughed. "I told you they adjust well."

He smiled. "I guess they do."

Sippi suddenly pushed his way through the crowd and out the front door.  Rae hadn't even noticed that he was in the room.

Spot had followed her gaze. "What's wrong with... Oh boy..." He glanced at Rae. "I forgot he liked you..."

"I should go talk to him." Rae whispered.

With a nod, he squeezed her hand.

Rae sighed and followed Sippi out into the street.  She found him standing on the docks, staring out over the water.

"You're marrying Spot?" he asked after a long pause, not even bothering to turn around.

"Yes." she whispered softly.

"Why did you agree to be my girl if you loved Spot?"

Rae sighed.  "When I came back, I didn't realize that I loved him.  I thought I loved you. It wasn't until the day you proposed that I realized that I wasn't in love with you.  When I saw Spot today I realized that he was the one I loved.  I'm sorry I hurt you Sippi."

He sighed. "I know... you couldn't help it... I can't expect to compete against Spot."

She sighed and turned to walk away.


She glanced back at him.

He smiled sadly. "Good luck with Spot."

"Thank you." she whispered, turning to leave again.  She walked back to the lodging house and sat quietly beside Spot on the couch as he sat talking with some of the newsies.

Spot glanced at her. "How'd it go?"

"It went alright." she whispered. 

"So what are your plans after you get married?" Hades asked.

"Well," Spot said looking at Rae. "We've got some money, so I figured we'd take a little trip, before going back to our house."

"YOU have money to take a trip? From where?!"

"It was kinda left to us." Rae answered.

"Where are you planning on going?"

"We are just going to pick a boat and see where it takes us." Spot answered, looking at Rae for approval.

She nodded with a smile. "Perfect."

"Are you going to take the runts with you?" Hades asked, pointing to Ann and Andy, we were coming over to join Rae and Spot on the couch.

"Hey!" they both protested.

Spot and Rae laughed. "Yes, I think we will take them with us."

Rae pulled Ann into her lap and hugged the girl tightly. "I couldn't imagine leaving them behind."


A note from Rae:  Thank you all so much for reading our little fic.  I WOULD LIKE TO THANK MY WONDERFUL CO-WRITER RABBIT! SHE'S AWESOME YA'LL!  We have already decided on what our next fic will be. It is to be a sequel to this fic, titled "Swiss Family Conlon".  Once again we have provided you with a little teaser.

The sea was amazingly calm after the storm of the last two days.  In fact looking at it now you would never have guessed that the storm had been that bad, unless of course you happened to see the ship that had wrecked on the uninhabited island. Deep within the bowels of the ship lay four people.  The youngest two lay sleeping peacefully, unaware of the fate that had befallen them, while the other two had been knocked unconscious by the tossing ship.