Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or anything DC comics related, except for some DVD's on Naruto and a VCR on Justice League.

Broken Worlds Hope

"Normal Speech"

**Electronic Communication**


"Demonic/Angry/Omnipotent Voice"

Chapter 1: Now Entering, The Ninja


Earth, home of the universes most powerful heroes in existence, the Justice League. Superman a.k.a. Clark Kent, The Man of Steel, The Hero of Heroes, one of the founding members of the Justice League. He was the sole surviving person of his home world, Krypton. While under the influence of a yellow sun he would gain godlike abilities, the strength to lift four hundred quintillion tons, faster than the speed of light, able to see all spectrums of light and other ocular abilities, the ability to nearly hear all of what is going on in the world, indestructibility, flight, and the list goes on.

He was the shining example of what any other hero would want to be, strong willed, great sense of honor, as well as an unbreakable faith in the human race. But…that all changed when it happened. The killing of his family and loved ones. First it was his parents, John and Martha Kent, who died by the hands of none other than Lex Luther. Then there was Lois Lane, his fiancé, who was killed Braniac. While no one knew it the moment they died was the moment Superman the Hero died as well and rising in his place was Superman the Tyrant.

At first he it looked as if he was merely suffering emotional damage, which was correct, but then he started changing. He started showing violent tendencies a month after the incident, then actual intent on ending one of the villains life, and soon actually did it. But by that point it was too late. He had managed to bring most of the heroes and founding members of the League over to his side either by influencing them, threatening them, or even simple brain washing. But while he may have gotten most of the heroes to his side there were still those that escaped, and while he wasn't necessarily worried about the loss of the other heroes there was one that he had hoped to get a hold of before he ran. Batman a.k.a. Bruce Wayne, Multi-Billionaire Play boy, the only person alivethat wasn't afraid of Superman, and the only person to survive an encounter with him after The Change, as people started calling it now.

Eventually Batman had been able to build a new "Justice League" and labeled themselves the "League of Hope", for they held the hope that they would win the war they had inadvertently declared against Superman. But while they had hope they would win, they didn't have the strength to do so. They soon lost members to the Tyrant, and eventually they were no longer the "League of Hope" but now the "Resistance" with Batman still amongst them as the leader. Besides Batman, the Resistance consisted of Black Canary a.k.a. Dinah Laurel Lance, Zatanna Zatara, Hawkgirl a.k.a. Shiera Hall who had her wings ripped off her while trying to escape from Superman and was deemed no longer a threat, John Stewart who lost his ring to Superman after he tried to fight back on his own, Batgirl a.k.a. Barbara Gordon, Nightwing a.k.a. Dick Grayson, Beast Boy a.k.a. Garfield Mark "Gar" Logan, Green Arrow a.k.a. Oliver Queen, Fire a.k.a. Beatriz da Costa who also fled after witnessing her best friend ,Ice, be killed right in front of her by, guess who, Superman, Tasmanian Devil a.k.a. Hugh Dawkins, Guardian a.k.a. Jim Harper, Vibe a.k.a. Paco Ramone, and finally Raven a.k.a. Rachel Roth. Surprisingly even some super villains had wanted to join them, and since they had no other choice, let them. These people were Bane (No known name), Deathstroke the Terminator a.k.a. Slade Wilson, Ra's and Talia al Ghul who had fled from their residence when Superman had attacked them for their association with an organization of assassins, Prometheus a.k.a. Curt Calhoun, and finally Red-X (No known name).

While they may have been out numbered by a hundred to one, they fought relentlessly. As the years went on the Earth changed from looking like an advanced civilization to a ruined world that had been damaged by the battles the "Resistance" and the "Justice League". Soon even Superman grew tired of the fruitless efforts put up by his oldest friend/enemy.

Resistance HQ

In a cave with some of the finest technology out there was the Resistance. Most of the members were coming up with ways of taking down Superman, while others were thinking of ways to simply survive the war they had been thrust into. In a separate room was Bruce, Dick, Oliver, and Curt were seated at a table. They were currently trying to find ways of retrieving help from other dimensions. While the thought may have been outrageous to the common civilian, to them it was as simple as talking about the weather.

"So how are we going to get the help we need when we ourselves have no way of getting to the other dimension in the first place?" asked Curt.

"That is were this come into play." answered Bruce gesturing to Dick to press a button the table, revealing a hologram of what looked like the gate from the Stargate show.

"Oh! Shiny!" jokingly states Oliver trying to lighten the mood only to receive a heated glare from Bruce, and chuckles of amusement from Curt and Dick, which in turn got themselves the patented Bat-Glare.

"Now is not the time for jokes Oliver!" shouted Bruce, causing the subject of his ire to shrink in his seat.

Regaining his what was left of his composure he started to continue, "Now this here is a very confidential project I had been working on for quite some time before The Change." he says gaining their attention.

"How confidential?" asks Curt.

At that he got a look from Bruce that showed no humor before he replied, "As confidential as when I had my secret identity."

After The Change Superman had revealed to Earth all the heroes who hadn't come to his side their secret identity. This especially included Bruce and his Sidekicks/Partners. While the public initially didn't believe him they soon realized that despite The Change he was still not a liar, and this soon led to the news media swarming all the now known heroes they could get a hold of, but what surprised everyone the most was when no super villain attacked them. This could possibly be that they didn't want to incur the wrath of Superman if they even showed up on radar. Anyways soon everyone knew who Batman was and he soon had to go into hiding with the, at the time, League of Hope.

After hearing that Oliver couldn't help but say, "Damn, now that is confidential."

"Yes it is, now if we can get back on target here, I would like to continue." firmly and angrily stated Bruce, earning a meek "sorry" as an apology, "Anyway this project was designed in order to breach separate dimensions from our own."

"Wait. What do you mean by separate dimensions? You say it like there are dimensions that are connected." asks Curt.

"That is exactly what I am saying. For us we are apart of fifty two connected alternate dimensions. Each one is similar top one another but neither one has any one person that is not in another, that is, if they aren't dead. Neither do they have any geographic differences. Separate dimensions on the other hand are completely separate from us from our perspective, meaning they have people there that aren't here or vice versa, there geography is different, and maybe even how people have evolved." answered Bruce.

"Then if this separate dimension is different from us then what makes you think they aren't less evolved than us?" asks Dick.

"*Sigh* I don't." that simple statement threw both of them for a loop. Bruce Wayne, the man who had an answer to everything, didn't know? That would be as much of a shocker if they found out the Joker was suddenly sane.

"But," he began again, "it is, and might be, the only chance we have if we are going to win this war." he stated with what few people have ever seen in him, a man who is desperate enough to throw caution to the wind and take a leap of faith instead of a leap of facts.

Despite their wanting to try and reassure the man in front of them, they couldn't, because they were just as desperate.

"Alright Bruce, were do we start." says Oliver with the most serious expression Bruce has seen on him, nearly causing him to blink in surprise, almost.

"Right away." and so they told everyone the plan, but while some had their doubts they soon realized the same thing as everyone else. They didn't have time for doubt because it only delayed what could've been done already.

One Year Later

In the time that has passed the Resistance has been able to covertly gather the materials they needed to build the machine that would hopefully retrieve someone strong enough to help fight back the Justice League. The reason the could only get one person was because of the energy needed to open the gate once, which required enough energy to power the entire eastern shore four years nonstop. But despite their covert actions they were still noticed by the Man of Steel, for even he took notice to when something went missing.

Council Room

"Alright then Bruce, you ready to get this thing started?" asked Oliver, along with Curt and Dick looking at Bruce for the "All Clear".

"Yes, let's g-" he would have said more if it wasn't for the sudden impact that had shook the entire Resistance HQ. Anyone that couldn't fly grabbed onto something to prevent themselves from falling down.

A moment later and the shaking stopped after there was a loud gong like resonating through the HQ. The another, and another, and soon enough there was a loud crashing sound that finally led the heroes, and villains, a state of realization and panic. The reason that led to this was he had found them, again, and the alarms finally started.

Back in the portal room we find Bruce, Oliver, Curt, and Dick recovering from the metaphorical, and somewhat literal, shakedown of their HQ. While they all recovered at the same time it was Bruce who acted first, showing why he was the leader of the Resistance.

"Curt! I want you to initiate the start up sequence of the portal! NOW!" the urgency in his voice couldn't have been more palpable, for if what he thought was happening, then this may be their last chance to get any kind of help at all. And after he spoke those words Curt went to work without complaint.

"Oliver! Dick! With me!" he shouted to them with complete authority. After gathering their respective gadgets they went into the main chamber, only to be met with a sight that made Bruce, Bruce, pause. For none other than Superman stood in the main entrance, and he wasn't alone. With him was the other founding members of the Justice League, oh how he hated the name now. First was the Martian Manhunter a.k.a. J'onn J'onzz, he was one of the last Martians to exist to this day, and was the most exceptional mind readers as well. Next was Flash a.k.a. Barry Allen, the fastest man alive, able to reach the speed of sound in nearly a minute, and the speed of light in thirty. Then there was Wonder Woman a.k.a. Princess Diana, one of the only people to even pose a challenge to Superman in sheer strength, and is also known to deflect bullets with her bracelets on pure instinct.

"Well, well, if it isn't the rest of the founding members John, Shiera, Bruce. Such a shame that you didn't join my side, after all, we wouldn't be in this mess to begin with. But I guess it couldn't be helped, since you simply refuse to come to my way of thinking." started Superman.

"You know that this isn't the reason why we formed the League in the first place! This is an abomination to our original goals! If only you would open your eyes and see that this isn't what we were meant to do!" angrily responded Bruce shocking everyone at the ferocity in his voice.

This only cause Superman to narrow his eyes, and with a quick look of his x-ray vision determined that the walls were made of lead, because he couldn't see anything outside of this room.

"What's with all the lead Bruce, are you trying to hide something from me?" he questioned as if he was discussing the weather.

"Nothing that concerns you." was the curt reply he got.

"*Sigh* Bruce, you know it doesn't have to end this way right? You don't have to throw away your lives in this meaningless war. How many friends, of not just yours, but both of ours, have died?" he asks only to receive a glare that would've put Bruce's' old Bat Glare to shame.

"What do you mean by our friends Clark. The only side to suffer any casualties were us! And not a single one of them considered you a friend when you changed! So which of your friends have died!" he replied with the same anger as before, but he didn't wait for an answer, "That is what separates us from you! While you may have lost you code, we haven't! Don't you remember that we were…no…that we aren't the ones who get to be judge, jury, and executioner!"

Silence. That was the only thing that had occurred after Bruce vented his anger out on the Man of Steel. The only sign that showed that Supe-Clark, had heard was the narrowing of his eyes and not a moment later, "Destroy them." And then all hell broke loose.

Both sides went into the offensive and while the Resistance had them outnumbered, they still didn't have quite the quality of some of the founding members. Barry was the first to reach the opposition while throwing a right haymaker towards Paco, knowing he would be the most dangerous to him. But before he could even get within a foot of him he was sent flying back from a punch in the form of a giant, fur covered, hand.

"Thanks my friend!" said Paco in his Latino accent.

"No problem." came the growling response from the Hugh, but was launched backwards from a sub-sonic punch courtesy of Barry. Before he could get to Paco he was prevented from properly using the speed force, and was soon in hand to hand combat with the one person that can counter his speed.

Hugh roughly landed near the next fight that consisted of Dina as one of the aggressors with Bane, Beast Boy, and Hawkgirl. So far it looked evenly matched, that is until Dina grabbed Beast Boy, who was currently in the form of a green gorilla, and threw him into Bane, who was about to come down on her with a crushing overhead two arm strike. But before she could properly turn to block the next strike, her face came into contact with a lightning covered nth metal spiked mace, sending her flying into the wall adjacent her position.

Before he could even think of assisting Shiera, he was lifted from the ground in a weightless like fashion and was promptly thrown into the wall repeatedly before he growled showing his anger and landed with his feet hitting the wall and launched himself at the subject of his current ire, J'onn, who was already in a four way fight between himself, Dinah, Zatanna, and Dick. At the unexpected strike from the bestial creature he didn't have enough time to become intangible and avoid it. Soon though he rid himself of the beast and continued in the now five way fight.

Back with the fight between Barry and Paco, they were joined by Slade joining the fray, but Barry was still able to use the speed force to avoid even his attacks. Eventually he managed to get a critical hit on Paco, temporarily disabling him from fighting, giving him more than enough time to take out Slade, or so he thought. Despite his speed, he just couldn't out run the experience and instinct of a highly trained soldier that has fought longer than he was alive. Soon they were joined by Red-X throwing his signature X-Shuriken at Barry, trying to get him into Slade's range. But that only managed to draw the speedsters attention onto him, and with a quick "It was him!" pointed towards Slade, who growled something about stupid brats, before he teleported away avoiding being hit by a sub-sonic fist. As he was about to throw some sticky X's, Shiera had flown in-between him and his target. At a closer inspection you could easily see the bruise that was quickly forming on her face.

In the direction of where Shiera came from Dina was slowly fighting off the lighting that had unlimitedly entered her body. Before she could even go after her target she was sent careening into the same wall as before by a large, solid, metal pole, covered by black magic, which slammed into her side and a shout of, "Azarath Metrion Zinthos!" Although the pole itself didn't have much of an impact as Rachel hoped, her magic seemed to have some damaging effect. But before she could move to help her allies she was ensnared by a glowing golden rope, causing her eyes to widen for a brief moment before she was swung into the same wall that Dina had gotten to know really well recently.

With the fight with J'onn he soon had the "company" of Barbara and Talia gunning down on him, both metaphorically and literally respectively. He then phased into the ground, only to appear behind his opponents to try and surprise-attack them. But due to Barbara's help in knowing how to deal with people who can phase through objects they able to avoid the psychic blast from the Martian. This only led to the prolonging of the fight that to J'onn was unnecessary, but to them, was a fight to preserve what justice really was.

Meanwhile Bruce, Oliver, Beatriz, John, and Ra's were facing down Clark in the "most epic staring contest in history", or so were the thoughts of Oliver. Soon the silence between them was broken when Clark spoke.

"You do realize that fighting will only delay your own demise. So I ask, why? Why do you insist on fighting? Why do you 'resist'?" he says while putting mock emphasis on the word resist.

He didn't have to wait long for an answer, but shockingly enough it wasn't from Bruce, not Ra's, John, or even Beatriz, but Oliver.

"You ask us why we continue to fight? Why we continue to resist? Well it's simple. While you may have lost sight of what it was like to be a hero, we haven't. We fight so that way something like this never happens again. We 'resist', as you have put it, so that way the people of earth get the choice of what they should do, so that families don't have to cower in fear that you might come down and tear them away from each other. That is why we continue to fight, that is why we call ourselves the Resistance. Because if we aren't willing to do it, then who is?"

Yet despite the speech that Oliver had put all of his emotion into, it didn't seem to fulfill Clark's expectations. And with a sigh he muttered a "Very well" and soon got into a basic stance of his home world's form of hand-to-hand combat, Tarquasm Rao. This prompted Bruce, Ra's, Beatriz, John, and Oliver to prepare for the fight of, not their lives, but, as cliché as it sounds, all the lives in the world.

Portal Room

"DAMMIT!" shouted an enraged Curt, who just so happened to be lucky enough for Superman not to hear, "Why isn't it working! I've done everything right! I've connected the projectorial couplings to the mainframe, the energy equalizer to the energy emitters, and I even checked to see if the damn thing was plugged in! What the hell is wrong with it!" As he was getting into his ranting he had begun to slam his fists into the console causing it to hum to life, while showing a digital map of the multi-verse on said consol.

"Uhhhh…my good?" he said after noticing how the machine started to work. As he went to find a separate universe that could probably give them a hand in fighting back. It was when he came across a universe that had a giant green beast, a man with a flaming skull "Weird" he thought, and a male version of Beatriz, only with normal fire, did he decide that this was the universe to pick. But as all things do in the any universe, they always manage to either make things worse, or extremely better, for not a moment before he could press the lock on button the room started shaking violently causing him to stumble going "Woooooh!" and swiped his hand across the console sending it into a spiraling mess until it landed on a dimension on the very outskirts of the multi-verse before he got up and quickly hit the lock-on button before realizing that it had changed to a new dimension.

"Well this could either go really bad, or really good. I just hope that whatever comes through doesn't just decide to make me apart of its daily snack." he says with a sarcastically hopeful way while a sweat drop formed on the back of his head.



So much chaos.

That is the one word that could best describe what is happening right now. Nothing but barren wastelands decorated with trenches and craters. The sky was filled with what one would think to be the perfect storm, and you wouldn't be far from the truth. Lightning not only splitting the sky but parts of the earth as well, Twisters ripping trees the size of buildings at the root and boulders that could be thought of as miniature meteorites once they had left the comfort of being on the ground. Rain that froze the moment it left a cloud, forming a frozen needle of sorts that could pierce through glass.

Yet in the middle of it all, there were two beings, one an enormous monstrosity with a single eye that glowed an ominous red, the other a human shaped being composed of what one would say as the sun given human form. The first being is known as the Shinju, most commonly known to the denizens of this world, the Juubi, a primordial being that, once at full power, could and would erase a person(s), or even an entire world(s), existence from the confines of space and time. The next figure was none other than Naruto Uzumaki, the supposed dead-last of his graduating class to become a shinobi, the most unpredictable person you will ever meet, the only person to purify the Kyuubi's, or known as Kurama by Naruto, chakra besides his father, the Toad Sage of Mt. Myoboku, and reincarnation of the Rikudo Sannin's second son, Asura.

As the fight had continued on Naruto's form began to have subtle changes, the most noticeable being that the golden flame like form he was in soon became more of a pale and royal purple version, next as the least noticeable was his eyes gained a purple rippled look to them and soon gained tomoe marks, one at a time, until there were twelve in total, three tomoe on three rings. The answer for the changes lies in the fact that when each of the bijuu gave Naruto a portion of their own chakra it started to meld together, with Kurama as the recipient of the power that had come from their merging. Soon Kurama was no longer just a nine-tailed "demon" fox, but more of a ten-tailed entity, for as of now he has no discernible form.

This soon led to Naruto himself moving faster, growing stronger, gaining a more perceptive mind, able to process what was in his surroundings with a glance, as well as gaining the properties of the do-jutsu that he currently has no idea he has. And as his power grew the Juubi was currently trying to understand why it suddenly sensing itself in this ant that was before it. Naruto, taking advantage in the momentary lapse of concentration in the beast to zip by at near light speed to its leg, severing it at the knee. And while he was successful in the deed, he also notices that it was already beginning to regenerate a new leg.

Before he went to continue the fight, he got the sudden urge to touch the severed leg, and when he did, the leg became transparent with a purple hue, before being absorbed into his seal, which he finally noticed the reason for the increase in speed and strength. But it was when he caught sight of himself in the reflection of a puddle that he noticed his eyes, the same eyes that are similar to the one the Juubi has with the exception of it being purple instead of red. Realizing that he had the same power as Juubi a small dark and cold grin slowly formed across his face. And like that he was gone, leaving a purple flaming trail in his wake which soon met the Juubi in its other leg, this time being cut off at mid-thigh. The Juubi bellowed in pain, pain, at being damaged this much. Not even the Rikudo Sannin had been able to damage it this much in such a short time.

"SHINRA," the shout of the beginning of that jutsu rattled even the Juubi, as it had sounded as if it came from every direction, but before it could even move it happened, "TENSEI!" it was lifted from the ground with such tremendous force that it would've gawked at the feat if it wasn't for it being the one that was affected. It soon vanished into the storm clouds leaving a small army of about fifteen Naruto's holding their right hands out, not even looking exhausted from using such an over powered version of the jutsu.

At the same time he was reminiscing of how he first encountered the use of that jutsu that, regrettably and sorrowfully, destroyed his entire home village. At first he didn't think one would be enough, so with that thought in mind, he proceeded to make another fourteen clones. Luckily they had the same eyes hinting towards the fact that they would have the same abilities as him. But when they released the multiple Shinra Tensei's they surprised themselves at how they managed to launch the giant monster past the storm clouds.

Another thing that surprised him was how he instinctually knew how to channel his chakra to perform the jutsu. It felt as if he had done said jutsu his entire life and yet this was the first time he used it.

Soon though, those thoughts ended with the Juubi rocketing through the clouds with one leg fully regenerated and the other not far behind. When it landed there was a massive explosion that accompanied its return to the cold unforgiving ground. A wall of dust had met the empowered jinchuriki and his clones in earnest dispelling them in the process with the original remaining unharmed. As the dust settled he was met with the sight of the Juubi's leg being fully restored, while glaring menacingly in his direction.

And as if it had the sole intention of intimidating him it made the loudest sound he would ever hear in his entire life.

"RRROOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAARRRRRR!" and just like that a visible wall of sound was sent his way. His eyes widened marginally at the oddly spectacular sight of such a feat, even if it seemed to be draining on even the Juubi's reserves of power. Before the wall of sound could reach him, he raised his hand on pure instinct, and then shouted loud enough to drown out even the moving wall of sound, "SHINRA TENSEI!" And then a wall made of gravity of the same size as the wall of sound erupted from his outstretched hand, while also managing to catch a sight that he never would have thought possible. The Juubi, the Shinju, the very thing that led to the use of chakra in the entire world, and the strongest being in existence, looked surprised by the amount of power the retaliation had in it.

Then when the two walls met, the only thing that could even attempt to be able to recreate the sound that occurred would be that of nearly a million exploding tags with all of them going off at once. What soon followed was another dust cloud that easily dwarfed the previous one with ease, had covered the entire war torn lands.

Naruto despite his near limitless amounts of chakra and stamina was nearly drained of all his chakra and physical energy. Yet when the sight of the Juubi came rose from the ground it had been resting in, he knew that he couldn't just let being tired be the excuse he gave for not managing to stop the beast. He knew that he would need to draw on more of this new found forms power. To. The. Max.

Then with what one would be reminded of a certain old anime show with over exaggerated ways of powering up, he began to yell as he drew upon the reserves of what he would later realize as another Juubi.

"RRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" and as he continued to yell his power began to visibly grow as the energy that surrounded his being grew and soon started to resemble that of another Juubi, with the exception of it being mostly comprised of the same color and design as when he was human sized, having two eyes, and resembling more a fox then that of the original Juubi.

When the transformation ended he had expected to be inside a transparent head like he was with Kurama, but instead found that he wasn't, but rather he is the large construct of pale and royal purple flaming chakra. With a manic grin that set off warning signals in the original Juubi's head.

Then, like he was never there, vanished, only to reappear not even half a second later.

Right. In. Its. Face.

And with a quick strike that the Juubi could only see coming and not do anything about it, he had dealt a punch of enormous magnitude. BOOOOM! And so was the sound that resonated through the lands when the impact of the giant purple flaming hand met the face of the single eyed primordial demon god.

The Juubi's head reeled from the force of the punch, as well as the odd burning sensation it got after the fist made contact. It started to get its bearings but was once again assaulted by the being that now rivaled it in power. It no longer mattered about power, for there was no greater power than the Juubi, and since this was now a fight between Juubi's, it was now just a fight of skill. While the original may have existed longer it lacked a tactical mind, as well as the experience of fighting something of equal power besides the Rikudo Sannin, who admittedly only managed to "defeat" it by sealing it inside himself.

But now that it was fighting another being as powerful as itself, it couldn't seem to keep up. As it tried to attack with one arm it was blocked and soon found another of its opponents fist meet its face once again. BOOOOM! Its head reeled back once again from the strike. When it tried to defend itself it was met with an attack either from above or below in the form of its opponents fist again, except it wasn't the one it was defending itself from as it had branched off from any spot on the being.

As the fight continued the original adapted, albeit slowly, to the situation it found itself in. But try as it might, it just couldn't match up to the skills of its opponent. Eventually they parted, but only because Naruto had decided to finally end it.

Meanwhile the original was still recovering from the first beat down it would ever receive. As it gazed towards the reason for its current state of pain it could only widen its eye at what it was witnessing. For what it was seeing was perhaps the biggest biju dama it would ever lay its one eye upon. It was soon compressed to the size of a small building, practically glowing with ominous power and then its opponent spoke the two words it never thought it would fear.

"Biju Dama." was the calm declaration of the most destructive attack in history before a pillar of light was sent rocketing towards the original Juubi and continuing onward. If one were to look at this from space you would see a beam of nothing but pure energy shoot off from the planet, forever breaking it of its originally set motion, having it rotate vertically rather than horizontally.

Soon the pillar of energy faded from sight revealing nothing had existed from the encounter of an attack that very well could've, and would've, shot through ten worlds. The planet only managed to survive thanks to Naruto aiming the godly blast at an upwards angle.

We now find Naruto lying down in the crater that had formed underneath him from firing such a thing. Taking one look and you would be able tell that if there was ever a word that would describe him at this moment, would simply be, exhaustion. In fact he could very well be the living embodiment of exhaustion at the moment. He had put everything he had left into that attack, and he was lucky that he still had some amount of chakra left in order to survive. But what he thought to be little was now, in fact, more than even a couple dozen Jonin's would have put together.

With his transformation over you could now clearly see what he looked like when he didn't don the euphoric power of purified demonic chakra. He was tall, almost six foot even, had blonde hair that was held back by the hitai-ate his sensei, Jiraiya, had left for him after his passing. He wore a tattered red short sleeved haori that had a black flame like design at the hemming, while underneath it was a dull orange sleeveless muscle shirt with less scratches on it than the haori, black shinobi style pants that had more tears in it than the shirt but still less than the haori that were tucked into a black colored shinobi style sandals that showed the least amount of damage, and lastly his whole right arm was covered in a strange armor that had the Uzumaki Clan symbol on the shoulder but soon vanished into a puff of smoke leaving his arm bare.

By now you may be wondering where everyone is at, if you haven't already. The answer is simple, well, simple and sad. While Naruto was training to gain better control of his Biju Modo, the Shinobi Alliance had been fighting the resurrected Juubi, eventually when he had tried to leave Iruka had managed to convince him and his temporary sensei, Kirabi, or as he calls himself, Killer Bee, to stay. When he was training to get better control of his transformation the Juubi had wrenched itself free of its "masters" and soon went on a rampage that ultimately destroyed more than eighty percent of their forces. It was when Naruto had thought he was ready to fight in the war that was no longer there, that he came upon the sight of the Juubi using a biju dama to destroy the rest of the alliance. That was around the point Kirabi had caught up to him and grew so enraged that he instinctually called upon the Hachibi's, or better known as Gyuki, chakra one tail at a time before he attacked with a ferocity that he would've never thought possible of the easy going man before he too called upon his literal inner demon and joined the fight.

Unfortunately though the "fight" only lasted, at most, a few minutes. And with its end came the part were Kirabi, with Gyuki's approval, transferred a portion of the Hachibi's chakra to the young blonde thus reinvigorating him to continue the fight, before he had succumbed to the mortal wounds that were inflicted upon his body.

And that is where the clash of godlike beings began. And were the end of the shinobi world as he knew it started.

As he was remembering the good times he had with his friends, so too did the thoughts of being able to join them in eternal rest. Before he could close his eyes though he caught the sight of a worm hole like rift with multiple colors intermingling appeared just above his position with it soon encompassing him whole before he finally passed out from the stress his body had been put through.

DC-Verse-Resistance HQ

The fight between the Resistance and the other half of the founding members of the Justice League had declined in favor of the League members. While they may have been outnumbered they clearly had the power and stamina to hold out longer then the Resistance.

With the fight that had been going on with J'onn his opponents soon couldn't stand up with the exception being Hugh, Dick, and Dinah. Currently Zatanna, Talia, and Barbara were fighting of the effects of the psychic blast they had unfortunately been caught in. As Hugh went in for a wide back-fist strike, Dick went in for a leg sweep, while Dinah stayed back in order to try and get the drop on J'onn with a sonic screech if he escaped. Which he inadvertently did, only to receive the most mind searing, sound induced, head ache for his efforts. Before more damage could be done he had flown up and out of Dinah's reach, unless she wanted to bring the entire HQ on everyone's heads, thus giving him time to recover.

He soon came out of the wall behind Dick, attempting to scramble his mind. Luckily for him Hugh managed to catch the Martian in the act, but only managed to push Dick out of the way while receiving the attack. His scream of pain only briefly paused the other fights before they continued. As Dick continued to look in shock at what had happened to one of his friends he soon grew angry and began to hurl wing-dings at an impressive speed that even Bruce wouldn't have been able to counter with his own batarangs. It was all for naught though as they just passed right through the Martian. He was about to start throwing controlled explosives at him if it wasn't for the fact he had gotten closer and was thus sent hurtling away towards a wall adjacent from him. J'onn was soon hit by another sonic screech as Dinah had snuck up on him once again. This time he was prepared, as the moment she opened her mouth he used his psychic powers to launch her from her spot into the other wall, making her lose focus allowing J'onn to get within close range.

At the fight between Barry and Paco, Slade, Red-X, the three Resistance members were slowly losing ground. Despite the advantage they had with Paco being able to interrupt at least some control Barry had with the speed force it wasn't enough and soon Paco had begun to lose stamina and was then struck by a sub-sonic fist to the solar plexus. He sailed across the room with the sir knocked right out of him but still conscious enough to brace his reunion with the floor.

While that was occurring Slade took the initiative in what would hopefully turn into a preemptive strike with Red-X following close behind. Sadly though, they were unprepared for the sudden red tornado that encompassed them while sucking the oxygen from their lungs. Before either of them lost conscious thought they both activated the rebreather function in their masks and continued to run at the speedster that had just took notice the lack of unconscious bodies. Too late. For all the speed he had he hadn't taken the time to realize they were still running towards him. As when he was running fast enough to create the tornado they had decided to go comical way of eliminating the threat of their consciousness, putting one leg out in his way. And so did he comically tripped and tumbled into a roll that soon stopped when he rolled into a wall.

Groggily getting up he soon came face to feet when both Red-X and Slade put both their boots to his skull. He managed to avoid the brunt of the attack with Slade clipping him in the side of the head sending him into another tumble and roll, but with less damage from going at a slower speed. Before either Slade or Red-X could get closer he rushed them at a speed just under breaking the sound barrier. Sadly only Slade had dodged the near supersonic fists while Red-X got hit in the side of the head, ending sprawled out on the floor. As Slade was getting ready to face off against Barry he was greeted to a helpful sight, for not a moment too soon Paco came barreling into the side of Barry, catching him off guard for one of those brief moments in a person's lack of attention. Paco got back before Barry could land a hit on him and was side by side with Slade, getting ready for the rest of this drawn out fight.

As the fight with Barry, Slade, and Paco went on Dina was dealing major damage to her little part of the Resistance. She was currently fighting with Shiera, who was skillfully swinging her mace while managing to deflect some of Dina's fists. The next thing she knew though was the sudden sensation of being flung to the side and getting clothes-lined by a giant green furry arm and a large muscular arm with glowing green veins. She got back up to meet the sight of her current annoyance, the same two people she had thought had been taken out and the girl in the indigo colored cloak.

"Well Dina, it seems your got surrounded." stated Shiera from behind her position.

With narrowed eyes she slowly reached for her lasso of truth before ducking into a roll so to avoid that accursed mace that had been getting to close to her before. She tossed the looped end of the lasso around the hulking form of the giant of a man and then swung him into the green gorilla. But instead of getting the same result as last time Gar transformed into a green mouse that avoided Bane then proceeded to turn into green rhinoceros and charged. Only showing a small amount of surprise she dodged by going into the air only to be met with a multitude of random objects being sent at her. She dodged the most of the ambush with only the smallest of objects making contact, but the magic that had been used to make the objects float had left an undesired effect on her as they sent small but noticeable amounts of pain through her body. Swinging her lasso that still had the brute known as Bane captured, she was able to catch Shiera by surprise and followed through and went full circle slamming both her and Bane into the floor with a great deal of force to crack and dent it.

After retrieving the whole of her lasso she soon settled her gaze onto her remaining opponents. They both seemed ready to keep on fighting but they didn't need to say anything. She could see it in their eyes. She almost wished she could help them but even if she was to assist she knew that she could never hope to stand up to the full strength Clark possessed, and she knew there wasn't another person alive that could even hope of lasting thirty seconds in an all-out fight with him. Or so she thought.

And with our last group we find Clark easily keeping up with Bruce, Beatriz, Ra's, and John. One would say it to be humiliatingly easy, like sending dead men into a feeding frenzy of sharks or other carnivorous animals. When Bruce would come at him with a quick jab of kryptonite dust covered gloves Clark would side step with caution and deliver a brain rattling punch. If he was shot at by a gout of green flames, courtesy of Beatriz, he would use his super breath to dwindle the flames down to nothing. When approached by a kryptonite covered sword that laid in the hands of Ra's he would simply let it pass by, well out of the range of the kryptonite, before spinning rapidly making a mini tornado in place sending Ra's flying. And when he saw John he would send his fist into the ground causing the ground to shake and John to stumble and lose balance.

But as John was sent falling one time, he noticed something attached to the Clarks belt, a ring. But not just any ring, his ring. The ring of that signified his placement in the Green Lantern Corps. Eyes widening at the boldness of Clark, he started to concentrate on the ring, willing it to come to him, willing it to return to him. The ring glowed a dull green before removing itself from its containment and moved towards a concentrating John.

When Clark took notice of the absence of John attempting an attack he saw the ring be placed upon John's finger. John was soon covered in the green skin tight uniform of the Green Lantern outfit, all the while smirking at the small victory. Clark soon found himself hit by a green hard light construct of a fist, then another, and another, and not before too long he was on the defensive this time.

It was annoying, to say the least from his perspective. To be pushed to the defensive just because one person got a hold of a ring. Granted the ring allowed anyone to create anything they could think of once worn, but still a ring nonetheless. He quickly grew tired of defending and when the next green fist came he shot his fist forward, completely shattering the construct. This brought a look of fearful remembrance from John as this is exactly what had happened when he went to fight Clark. The thought that he wasn't alone didn't even allay his fear, and when that fear took hold he froze in place. Clark took advantage of this and went to take back that irritating ring. Or he was until a kryptonite dust covered batarang, "How much kryptonite does he have!? I knew he would be prepared for me, but this is ridiculous!" was the annoyed thought that went through Clark's head.

He was snapped out of his thought by the same kryptonite covered sword that nearly caught him in the side, but it got close enough to drain him of his powers a little.

As he floated back a little he got back into a Tarquasm Rao stance as the others went into their respective stances, with the exception of John, whom was slowly getting a hold on himself.

With another narrow eyed look he soon realized another person was missing for quite some time. And just in time too, as he dodged a bullet, or rather, arrow, after remembering that Oliver had vanished not too long ago. And so the fight continued with the addition of Oliver giving ranged support.

Portal Room

Curt was currently shielding his eyes from the bright multi-colored light that came from the machine he had helped built over the last year. He soon noticed the light began to fade while also noticing he wasn't the snack of some insatiable creature.

But when he didn't notice anything at all his face grew extremely pale. It hadn't worked. The machine wasn't able to pull someone across the inter-dimensional barrier and begun the process of shutting down. This was it, the end of the Resistance was today.

He began to walk through the door to simply give up before he heard groaning come from behind him and froze. Where in hell did that come from!? He was sure that he was alone, and no one else came back here as far as he knew. Then like a light bulb realization came to him full force. He didn't even bother to check behind the machine! He was beginning to rethink himself being labeled a genius was a little off today.

So it was when he went to look behind the machine he came upon the sight of an exhausted blonde haired youth. While his clothes may have been nothing but tatters and covered in blood he appeared relatively unharmed. Curt couldn't help but be curious about the person that lay unconscious before him. What had this guy been through to end up looking like this? Was it the side effect of traversing the multi-verse through the portal the machine made? Or was it something else entirely?

Whatever it was he noticed how the console on the machine had yet to turn off. He decided to see what kind of separate dimension the guy came from. What he saw shocked him to the core. But it wasn't due to the primitive and Japanese like culture the world had been but rather what the people could do. In this world everyone had powers. Everyone. And that wasn't even the most shocking thing he found out about this dimension. It was what was recently recorded of the planet that utterly terrified him, yet at the same time, fills him with a sense of hope he hadn't felt since the time of the League of Hope.

The ability to create an attack of such a godly magnitude was unheard of! It was as if there seemed to be nothing that could stand in the way of, what did he call it? Bisha Dogo? Biga Datso? No, Biju Dama! That was what he heard him, it, whatever, say before that other ten tailed thing was utterly obliterated. This person was definitely the edge they needed to fight back against Clark; on even grounds might he add. But from the way he seems to have exhausted himself from that fight it seems that it's going to be awhile before they can take the fight to them, or rather him.

It was at the loud crash that brought him out of his once more hopeful thoughts. He realized that he should turn off…no, scratch that…destroy the machine because if Clark got a hold of it there is no telling what kind of trouble they would be in. So with great effort on his part he destroyed the machine and went to get the blonde to one of their escape vehicles that had the room.

Once done checking to make sure the guy would be alright he went out and tell Bruce that it was time to go. And fast!

Curt came upon the most horrible sight as he entered the main chamber. Most members of the resistance had been soundly defeated, luckily they weren't dead. "Yet." was the thought that entered his mind after that fact. He saw how some were still fighting such as Slade and Paco were still fighting Barry; Rachel and Garfield fighting Dina; Dick, Zatanna, and Talia, whom the latter two had been able to fight off the effects of the psychic blast, were fighting J'onn; and lastly Bruce, Beatriz, Oliver, and John were fighting Clark with extreme difficulty.

He realized that no one would manage to escape at this point, and unless some kind of miracle happened, they were utterly and royally screwed. After typing a few commands on the inbuilt computer on his gauntlet, he got into a dead sprint to meet up with Bruce to tell him the more than great news.

Once he had caught up he managed to pull Bruce aside without Clark noticing and putting a gauntleted hand to cover his mouth while putting a finger to his lips. After receiving a nod he let go.

"Did it work?" was the first thing that came out of his uncovered mouth, earning a manic grin in response.

"Oh it worked alright. More than we could hope for." at the nod he got from Bruce he noticed he was about to leave he hurried to finish what he came to say, "Hold on Bruce." And so he stopped to look back at one of the few people he never thought would work with.


"You need to get everyone to an escape vehicle; there is no way we can win this fight. I'll divert there attention while you get everyone else out. And no Bruce I am not letting you help. Did you forget that you helped me with my hand-to-hand combat over the years since The Change? Or did you forget that I have as much kryptonite as you now to handle Clark? Don't worry I will be right behind you the whole time, got it?" he said making no room for argument, which was hard for him to do on his part, since we are talking about Bruce Wayne here, The Batman. When he received a nod of understanding he went to work on getting the leaguers attention. First he drew J'onn's attention by throwing a flash grenade at him and kept doing so even when he started running to another leaguer. He got Dina's attention by provoking her into a blind rage with insult after insult of not her, but her people. He got Barry's attention rather quickly by just punching the man when he was preoccupied by Slade and Paco, and maybe a comment on how he was slow, and not just physically. With each leaguers attention drawn to him he made subtle movements that only members of the Resistance now of, basically telling them it was time to escape.

It was when he came upon Clark that he had the hardest time trying to fight off all four leaguers as well as convince the rest to escape. When he did manage to convince them to leave he was pushing his body past its limits, dodging strike after deadly strike, taunt after infuriating taunt, using everything he had just to keep their attention on him while also trying to avoid getting hit even once, with the others making an escape.

"It's over Curt, there is nowhere to go. Give up." spoke Clark, only to get a smirk as an answer before he muttered a single word that caught him by surprise, "Boom." And an inferno had erupted all around them, as if with that word had let forth the flames of hell to attack his enemies. The explosion that had occurred consumed the entire base allowing nothing inside to escape its wrath.

Just outside though Bruce had endured witness to the horrifying event take place in his rearview mirror. He had no doubt that Curt had been the one to set it off, which soon led as to why he didn't want any help. Because he knew if anyone stayed behind with him they most likely wouldn't have been able to survive the explosion. It was at that point he remembered what he had encountered when he was reaching and got to his means of escape, the Batmobile.

Flashback-A few minutes before the explosion

Bruce was making his way through the long corridor that led to the walls with all the members of the Resistance, with the exception of one. He took a quick look inside the room were the inter-dimensional portal had been kept and was met with the sight of its remains. Knowing that Curt had most likely destroyed it after its success so as to avoid Clark gaining allies of his own.

Moving out of the room he continued down the hall to the escape vehicles. When he reached his destination, only to find the passenger seat occupied by a battle worn, blonde haired, teen. While this brought many questions to the mans head he pushed them aside figuring this was the person that came through the gate.

After making sure everyone was in a means of escape and had left he stayed behind thinking of how things had come to this. To think he would be working with people that he fought in order to protect the world from their ways. And to also wonder how he had actually been able to rehabilitate Curt, it started off with the uneasy feeling he got when he was only one room away from him. Eventually though, with the direness of the situation Curt had sought him out hoping to actually learn martial arts the traditional way. When he did manage to convince the brooding man to accept he had been nothing but cruel in his ways of teaching, yet as the days passed Bruce saw something he never would've thought he'd live to see. The way Curt began to loosen up when he was around the other Resistance members, he became more friendly and less likely to just pull a gun out of nowhere and begin shooting. What he saw was the turning of a super villain to that of what could be called a hero. While the other villains that joined up he always knew they had the ability to change, he had thought that Curt lost that ability long ago.

After that realization Curt's training become less punishable to more of an actual apprenticeship. If it wasn't for the fact they were in a war with more than all the wrong people he could very well have been one the strongest, none biologically super powered, heroes.

Repressing the urge to reminisce more he got in the Batmobile and saw that there was a message left on the communications attachment he had installed. Making the choice to listen to it later he sped out of the escape hatch and was about to catch up to the rear most escapees until he saw the explosion.

Flashback End.

Keeping his gaze on the mirror he saw the figures of Clark, Dina, Barry, J'onn leave with the former three relatively unharmed and the latter being heavily burned and carried by Barry on the way out. They looked around for a moment, but thanks to the smoke and probably the explosion knocking Clarks head around, they completely missed the escaping members of the Resistance.

Knowing that Curt had made the biggest sacrifice that anyone could've made he vowed not to let it be a pointless one. And if this person next to him was to be the way of saving this world then they would be able to fight back, maybe not right away, but they would most definitely fight back soon.

It was after those thought he pushed the play button on the communications device.

**Hey Bruce. Listen, I know I may not have been the best person to get along with in the beginning, but when you accepted to train me in how martial arts is supposed to be done. Well, lets just say that's when I changed for the better. But let me get to the point, I am not going to catch up with you guy's, I knew it the moment that I came in and saw the leaguers handing you your collective asses to each other that I knew that without a distraction nobody was going to escape. And that is when I caught up with you. But let me tell you something, the boy that is sitting right beside you is who came out of the portal, and when I was able to see what kind of world he came from, it just blew my mind. The people there were able to do things such as make copies of themselves, control the elements, augment their speed to some degree. And for some, they can match Barry in speed and only two to even out pace Clark, with one of the two being that kid. But when I saw the last moments of that world, I can't even put them to words. But I will tell you that kid there is not just enough to fight with Clark on even grounds, but he would, in fact, be overkill to be sent to fight Clark at full power. And if what I could glean about their powers is that this kid obviously hasn't reached his limit or prime. So what ever you do Bruce don't let Clark get his hands on him, if he does then it's just over for every one. Well I got to get your asses out of the fire so good luck Bruce. Oh by the way, the-reason-he-is-even-here-is-completely-by-accident-bye!**

As the message ended Bruce, who was annoyed at the rushed explanation as to why the boy was even here, was giving this boy a wary glance. Overkill against Clark? He doesn't think it would be possible, but then again, Curt was never one to exaggerate information like that. Regardless about what this boy could do they would most certainly need to wait till he wakes up to get any kind of assessment of his skills.

"This isn't over Clark. Not until my dying breath will this be over, you can count on it." was the thought that was present in the rich mans mind. While with Clark he got the sudden sensation that if he wanted to win this war he would have to stop playing around.


A.N.: Huzzah! My longest chapter to date, some 10,000 words! This will be my first crossover fic between Naruto and DC Comics. This Naruto will be godlike, and don't expect that this is a Naruto that can already do everything he wishes just because he's all-powerful. No, he will have to regain his strength, and some of his abilities, after having nearly used all but a small sliver of his chakra, otherwise there wouldn't be any point in making it a story.

And just so you know I didn't put Superman/Clark as the main antagonist for some reason as me not liking him. In fact it's the exact opposite because I like Superman/Clark. The reason why I put him as the antagonist is that he is one of the strongest DC characters in existence, excluding the DC Super Villains and the Spectre. And plus it's also because I just can. Nothing more, nothing less. It's that simple.

Now as for his stats in this fic…well, here they are:

Name: Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze

Age: 17

Height: 6' 2"

Weight: 242.508 lbs. (All condensed muscle)

Ninja Rank/Status: Sannin and Jinchuriki

Jutsu: Henge, Kawarimi, Kage Bunshin, Rasengan and variants, Improved Hiraishin (Tri-pronged Kunai no longer needed), Beast Wave Violent Wind Palm, Rotating Ferocious Wind, Nine-Tails Twister, Chakra Chains, and much, much, more.

Equipment: The Ryujin blade and its five elemental orbs (after having gone and retrieved it from Mount Koryū), A unique Chakra Armor that covers his entire right arm that is mostly dark red with it ending in a black flame like design at a clawed hand, Jiraiya's Hitai-ate with the horns more pronounced, and the Rikudo Sannin's Shakujo.

Do-Jutsu: Eyes of the Shinju/Juubi

Paths usable: Tendo (Deva Path), Gakido (Preta Path), Shurado (Asura Path), Gedo (Outer Path), and the Naido (Inner Path) a path that not even the Rikudo Sannin had used.

Jutsu granted from Shinju/Juubi eyes: Shinra Tensei, which creates a wall of gravity that varies on force exerted with the amount of chakra used; Bansho Tenin, which is the exact opposite of the previous jutsu; Chibaku Tensei, the most powerful of any gravity related jutsu as it creates a ball of pure gravitational force that pulls everything to while simultaneously crushing it; Rinne Tensei, this jutsu can be considered the "miracle" jutsu as it is able to bring the recently departed to life, there is a time limit to use this though as the body needs to have been dead for less than twenty four hours; Banbutsu Sozo, capable of creating anything that the user can think of with apt mastery of Yin and Yang chakra; Kasoke-tai Ridatsu (Naido) allows one to separate their soul from their body and travel long distances and gather information for a limited time while remaining outside of the visible spectrum, great for infiltration, but can neither attack or be attacked; Kokoro no Setsuzoku (Naido), allows for a psychic link to be made with selected people; Ninchi-do (Naido), lets the user becomes omniscient of all things around him within a certain radius, depending on how much chakra is used; Fudo no (Naido), makes the user unable to be moved from the spot of activation, even if the user wanted to move them-self, and becomes indestructible.

Transformations: Sannin Modo, Juubi Modo, Juubi-Sannin Modo, and True Juubi Modo.

Sannin Modo Jutsu's: More powerful and refined versions of any jutsu known to him.

Juubi Modo Jutsu's: Biju Dama and variants, purified Yokai arm constructs, enhanced speed that nearly exceeds light, enhanced senses, and immeasurable strength.

Juubi-Sannin Modo Jutsu's: ?

True Juubi Modo: ?

End of Stats.

I do realize that from the stats he is obviously godlike. Well what did you think would happen if he were to gain the power of a primordial god that now lived in his gut? As for the Naido, this is the first time, that as far as I know, it has ever been attempted to be applied with the whole path theme. So if anyone who has read this and would like to add it as a path to whatever Rinnegan story, please ask me. So until next time, Bye!