Lailya lay with Mush's head on her chest, gently smoothing the curls on his head. He would sleep soundly, she hadn't taken much blood, only enough to keep her going. The boy would be fine. She decided, looking at him, wishing for his innocence.

"You worried?" Specs asked, looking up at her.

"About what?"

"I dunno, ya look like ya tinkin."

"Well I'm not." Lailya said. "Are you worried?"

"I am." Dutchy said. "Tomarrah we gots ta get up an' face dem guys, it ain't fair!" He said. "I can' even touch Specs."

"No one said that." Specs said disheartened.

"Aww Specs ya know dey gunna soak us tamarrah." Dutchy said.

"It don mattah, maybe we shoul go up ta Boston or sumten." Specs said, turning over and ending the conversation.

"Sleep." Lailya whispered to the two, as their breathing slowed down she thought about what to do. This was a new city. Different from the one she had been to one hundred years ago, this was a city where you could get lost. Where no one knew you. Where you had no ties. This was a city to call home.

Mush stirred a little and snuggled deeper into Lailya, who in turn kissed him.

Tomorrow, she decided. Tomorrow I can go find people, I can stay here and hunt in the morning.

Disclaimer: I own Lailya.

Author's notes: I HAVE NOT FORGOTTON THIS!!! GO ME! And there is a reason why I'm posting, -Nodds- Its called Midterms and having study halls!

Cards on:

Pinball- The little ball goes bouncy bouncy!

Shout Outs:

Stage: -Joins in Homophobe bashing-

Sparks: Sure use her! Why the hell not!

Shortie: Erm longer chapters. -Giggles at idea-