Hey everyone, new story written by Rockelle, Angel and Rina. Ok first so no one gets confused this is the deal, Two-Bit has a sister named Angel, Dally has a sister named Rockelle and Steve has a sister named Sabrina, Rockelle and Steve are dating, Angel is dating Dallas, and Rina is with Soda, We don't own anyone you know and vice versa. Oh and all the guys are still in school

"Guys hurry up the principal is gonna be here soon come on." Pony said looking around the corner keeping watch.

"Were almost don't just shut up before someone hears you." Dallas hissed stepping back to admire his work. Across the lockers was painted a naked girl.

"Nice work." A voice came from behind them.

"Thanks I'm glad you like Oh Shit." Dallas said turning around face to face with the principal.

"Guys would you come with me?" He asked motioning for them to follow. Once in his office he closed the door.

"I'm very disappointed in you boys, you know better than to vandalize school property." Dallas sighed and sat back in his seat.

"I'm afraid I'm going to have to call your parents."

(A/N this is just to show each parents reaction.)


I was at work when I was told I had a phone call.

"Can't it wait?"

"No, they say it's about the boys." I groaned and came down off the roof.


"Mr. Curtis?"


"This is Mr.Dick, principal at Nowhere High School."

"I have Ponyboy and Sodapop in my office"

"What's wrong?"

"They were caught spray painting a naked woman on the school lockers with a few friends"


"I need you to come down here." I groaned

"I'm on my way" I looked at the guys I was working with and told them I had to go.

* Mrs. Mathews *

"Mrs. Mathews, this is Mr. Dick at Nowhere High. I have Two-Bit here in my office."

"Oh, Lord. What did he do now?"

"He spray painted a naked woman on the lockers with some friends of his."

"I'll be there as soon as I can Mr. Dick."

* Mr. Cade *

"Mr. Cade, this is Mr. Dick principal at Nowhere High. Johnny is here in my office."

"What did he do?"

"He was caught spray painting a naked woman on the lockers with some from friends of his."

"Mr. Cade we need you to come down to the school."

"Naw do whatever the hell u want to the boy. He deserves it" I said before hanging up the phone.

* Mr. Dick *

"Hes a very unpleasant man, now who's next? Ahh Mr. Randle.

* Mr. Randle *

"Mr. Randall, this is Mr. Dick, principal at Nowhere High. I have your son Steve here in my office."

"Oh god what did he do this time?"

"He was caught spray painting a naked woman on the lockers. We need you to come down here."

"Hey that's my boy."

"Mr. Randle. Could you please come down here? You're son is in quite a bit of trouble."

"Yea sure I'll be down there soon."

* Back in the office *

"Do you boys realize how much trouble you're in?" Dallas leaned back in his chair.

"I could really care less but I bet you're about to tell us?"

"Dallas that attitude will not help you on any circumstances."

"As you probably know, your parents will be here shortly for a conference on your behavior."

Ok that's it for chapter one, the next one will be when their parents come in, and there was a lot of talking in this one, Please review and no flames unless you have ideas.