Holy crap, this took way too long. There's a couple others I've had in the works for a while I'm trying to force myself to finish, but it's been ages and I'm sorry. Also, in most of these oneshots, they exist in a universe where Sam's whole family is still around during things that are set in later seasons, mostly because I love writing Sam's brother and sister. This one exists in canon, where they brought Sam back after he moved, and he's been living with Burt and Carole.

Tina closed her locker at the end of the day, swinging her bag over her shoulder and crossing the hallway to where Blaine's locker was. "You ready to go?" she asked him.

"Yeah," Blaine sighed, taking her hand. "We should wait for Sam though, I haven't seen him since we left the auditorium."

"Give him time," Tina sadly nodded. "Today was rough. This whole week's been rough, but today... I don't know how he kept it together." She walked a little ways down the hall and into a tiny alcove in the wall, where one of the doors leading to the balcony of the auditorium was. She leaned against the wall, pulling aside the thick darkening curtain and sadly smiling down at the stage, where they'd all been gathered just moments ago, Sam and Artie singing "Fire and Rain" in memory of Finn.

It was there she saw the lone silhouette, still sitting on the stage, shrouded in darkness. "Blaine!" she called him over in a hushed whisper. "Come here and look at this."

Blaine walked into the alcove behind Tina, pulling back the curtain further. "Sam," he realized aloud, Tina sadly nodding. "Should we go get him?"

Tina sighed. "Yeah, we should go," she agreed. "At least give him someone to sit with if he's not ready to leave."

Blaine took Tina's hand again, walking down the stairs toward the auditorium's side entrance. Tina opened the door once they got there, walking into the darkened wings of the stage ahead of Blaine and approaching Sam quietly. He sat in the same seat he had for the performance, having not moved since. His head was bowed, both hands wrapped around the neck of his guitar, his head leaning against it, tears streaming down his face. Tina walked up to him, sliding quietly into the seat beside him and laying a hand on his back.

Sam glanced up slightly, barely lifting his head. "Hey," he greeted her in a whisper.

"Hey," she replied, watching him with concern and rubbing small calming circles into his back. "You want to head home?"

Sam shook his head. "Not yet," he whispered, his voice thick.

"OK," Tina sadly smiled. "We'll just wait with you, is that OK?" she gestured toward Blaine, who came closer and sat on Sam's other side.

"We'll leave if you want us to," Blaine added.

"N-no," Sam choked out. "Stay."

Tina pulled her chair closer, leaning her head on Sam's shoulder as she continued rubbing his back, feeling his whole body heave with sobs. "You don't have to talk, OK? We're not here to talk. We just want you to have someone here."

"OK," Sam choked out, shaking his head.

They sat in silence, the only sound breaking through being the sobs coming from Sam. Tina stayed close to him, feeling him shaking under her touch, and she pulled him in tighter to her, wrapping him in a proper hug. She held him until she could feel his breathing evening out, the hysterical sobbing finally giving way to a softer, quieter cry.

A deep, shuddering breath. "...I miss him," Sam sighed.

Blaine frowned, pulling one of Sam's hands off of his guitar and taking it into his own, pulling himself closer to Sam and wrapping himself around him. Sam bent down to place the guitar on the floor, and buried his head into Blaine's shoulder, Blaine's other hand reaching up to pull Sam's hair back, and resting on the back of his head, holding him there.

The long quiet continued for a while, Sam's soft cries muffled into Blaine's shoulder, when a strangled sob broke through their attempt at calm. Tina noticed immediately that it didn't match the shaking breaths coming from Sam against her. She frowned, releasing Sam with one arm and reaching it over to Blaine, running her hand up and down Blaine's arm comfortingly as he broke down. She sniffled slightly and buried her face into Sam's shirt. "No," Blaine cried. "Come here. You need hugs too."

Tina moved her chair until she was between Blaine and Sam, facing them both in a tiny makeshift circle. Sam wrapped an arm around her. "I love you guys," Tina cried, resting her head on Sam's shoulder. "This whole thing just makes me feel like... like I need to tell you how much I love you. All the time. Before it's too late. Before I lose you, too."

"Hey, don't think like that," Blaine frowned, dropping his head onto Tina's shoulder and wrapping an arm around her. "I still can barely process this, I don't need any of us to be thinking about losing each other." He paused, drawing in a shaky breath. "But I love you guys too. So much."

Sam's breath caught in his throat in another sob. "Please... please don't talk like that?" he choked out. "I can't lose anyone else, I can't..."

Tina frowned, running the hand around Sam up and down his back soothingly. "We're right here," she reassured him. "And we'll be here for as long as you need us. Whenever you're ready to get up and go home, we are too. And if you want us to stick around at home, too. We'll be there no questions asked, OK?"

"OK," Sam choked out.

Blaine shook his head. "I don't want to leave yet either," he sobbed. "I can't... I can't drive home like this."

Tina pulled Blaine closer. "You don't have to go anywhere," she reassured him. "We're all going to stay right here until we're all comfortable with leaving. We'll leave together, OK? Even if it takes you until tomorrow morning."

"Figgins might care if we stay here that long," Sam laughed halfheartedly.

"No, I think he'll understand," Tina shook her head. "Sue on the other hand? Sue would care."

They stopped when they heard the wheels of the janitor's cart squeaking through the hallway outside the auditorium. The noise stopped outside the door and they broke the hug to glance out the window. They could faintly see a figure peeking into the window, then walking off, the squeaking continuing until it disappeared. "Told you Figgins wouldn't care," Tina smiled. "I think most people understand. We need each other right now."

"I'm really glad I got to know you guys," Sam smiled, pulling them both back into a tight hug. "I don't know how long I would have sat here if you hadn't come looking for me."

"We weren't about to leave without you," Blaine reassured him.

"Even if I hadn't spotted you in here, we would have waited around at our lockers for you," Tina added. "This week's been rough on all of us, but today was really hard for you especially. You guys were so strong through that whole song, you know. You and Artie both. I would have broken down in the first verse. But strong or not, we weren't about to let you go home alone today. Not after that."

"Thank you," Sam smiled. "I love you guys."

Tina nodded. "I love you both so much," she smiled, pulling out of the hug and taking both of their hands in hers. "Whenever we leave, you're both welcome over by me, OK? I've been so upset this week, my mother's been cooking like crazy to try to make me feel better, and there's no way I can eat it all alone."

Blaine laughed. "Only if we do it at my house tomorrow, my mother's doing the same thing."

Sam sighed. "Yeah, I'll be super happy to come over, living with Carole and Burt's been super hard."

Blaine smiled, standing and pulling Sam up with him. "If staying there is too hard, you can stay with me as long as you need to, OK?"

"Yeah," Sam choked out. "I'll, uh... I'll get my things together tonight."

"I'm looking forward to it," Blaine smiled, turning to Tina. "You're welcome to stay too, of course, just for the heck of it."

"Wouldn't miss it for the world," she smiled.

Sam sighed, reaching down for his backpack, and slinging it over his shoulder. "We should go."

"Are you sure?" Tina asked him. He nodded and she turned to Blaine. "Blaine? You ready?"

Blaine nodded, picking up Tina's bag and handing it to her before throwing on his own. "Yeah, I want to go home now. I'll drop off my stuff and be right over to help you polish off your pity buffet."

"Thanks," Tina laughed, pulling him into a side-hug and leading the way off the stage and out to their cars. She stood at her car, watching the others reach their cars before shouting after them. "See you guys soon, OK? Love you!"