The Plan

" They changed it." Finnick growled angrily, his pacing not ceasing. All Kate did was stare up at him with blank, lost eyes. Watching, but not listening. She was lost in her own brutal thoughts. Her first being Katniss. The last thing she wanted to happen was for Katniss to die. Why bother risking a rebellion which could take down the Capitol by sending Katniss into a blood bath? " They had to have. This couldn't have been planned from the beginning like they claim... those bastards."

Tears were now spilling from Kate's eyes, but she made no effort to wipe them away. Each one stung, despite the numbness throughout her body. Nothing felt real; it was like she was trapped in a nightmare, unable to escape. This was it. Her time had come. It was her to die. Death. Something she'd always feared. Something she was all too familiar with. Better her than Katniss or Finnick... Finnick. He couldn't die. He'd saved her, just like the Everdeen family. Luckily there were others to take his place... Few, but enough. Kate could finally repay them by saving them both.

" This must have been the new Game Makers idea... what was his name? Plubee? Plutack?" Finnick wasn't thinking straight, he was beginning to babble. " All the floggings, executions... it's all because of him." Suddenly, Finnick's eyes were on Kate again. As soon as their eyes were locked, Finnick paused in his tracks and despair seemed to replace his anger. Seeing the lost, vulnerable, broken expression on Kate's face made him want to kill everything and everyone in the Capitol who had anything to do with this. Kate had always been strong. Finnick had only just managed to heal her after 69th Hunger Games... Now he could lose her forever. No. He couldn't let them happen. Not ever.

" Kate... Kate, honey. Please say something. Anything." Finnick begged. His tone was so soft and velvety when he spoke, in normal circumstances it would make Kate's heart melt with pleasure. But right now she couldn't feel anything but fear. It had overtaken her like wildfire. Kneeling down in front of her, Finnick placed both his hands on her cheeks, forcing her to look at him. " Speak to me. I hate seeing you like this," Kate tried to turn away, but she couldn't muster up the strength to overpower Finnick. The numbness refused to leave.

" D-Dead..." Kate choked out, his voice raspy and raw, almost. Though she was crying, you couldn't hear it in her voice. " I'm dead..." A horrified frown formed on Finnick's face and he instantly wrapped her up in his arms, pulling her against his chest. Gripping onto his shirt tightly, Kate buried her head into his muscular chest, and sobbed harder. The feeling of being comforted by Finnick seemed to break all of her strong walls she'd placed around her heart, and now all her fear and misery seemed to melt through her.

" I'm not going to let that happen. If anyone tries to hurt you then-" Finnick's thunderous speech was interrupted by loud knocking at the door. Kate didn't even bother raising her head and instead chose to ignore it. Right now Kate just wanted to lay there in Finnick's arms and let all of her cries out, before she forced herself never to cry again; to not be weak again. Finnick seemed to have that effect on her - he'd always managed to bring out the soft side within her.

" I'll go check who's at the door," Feeling instantly cold and lost again without his arms around her, Kate curled herself up into a ball on the sofa. That was until she heard the familiar voice at the door. Her head snapped up, eyes wide.

" Can I come in, please? I need to talk to Katelyn." Katelyn. The only person who called her that was Peeta. And she knew exactly why he was here.

" Now is not the right time. I suggest you leave." Finnick stated in a dangerous tone.

" I just need to talk to her. I won't be long." Peeta said. Forcing the tears away and building up her walls again, Kate wiped the dampness from her eyes and sat up bolt straight. Her eyes stayed glued to the wall in front and she rested her hands on her knees stiffly, preparing herself for the inevitable. In. Out. In. Out. Kate's mind ordered. Just breathe.

" Peeta?" Kate's voice sounded stiff and controlled. " Come in." Finnick returned to the room with a confused expression, his jaw clenched in frustration. Behind him, Peeta followed with practically the same reaction Kate had worn when she heard Snow. Desperate. Angry. Confused. Broken.

" Hey Katelyn." Peeta said it so casually, as if nothing was wrong. Then again Peeta had always been a stronger spokesperson.

" I know why you're here." She spoke while still staring at the wall blankly in front. Worriedly, Finnick moved to stand by her side. He stood in front of her protectively, while sweeping his hand across her hair before resting it on her shoulder.

" I'm sorry... I am so sorry. You know I wouldn't ask if I wasn't desperate... She'll hate me for asking you this, but I need her. They all need her." Peeta had always had a way with words. If she hadn't already been convinced on her answer then Peeta's words would have convinced her.

" I know. You don't need to apologise. You didn't even need to request. I would have done it anyway. I am doing it anyway." Kate said with a simple shrug, her eyes still set on the wall. Finnick was beginning to grow more anxious by the second. What was Kate going to do?

" What's going on, Kate?" Finnick asked her softly, gazing down at her with worried green eyes. Not even acknowledging that he spoke, Kate carried on staring at the wall. With a frustrated sigh, Finnick snapped his head towards Peeta, glaring at him. " What are you talking about, lover boy?"

" Kate..." Peeta pressed, not wanting to tell Finnick himself. Closing her eyes, Kate took a few deep breaths before looking up at Finnick. All the emotion had been wiped from her expression and eyes; she seemed very robotic. This scared Finnick for what was about to come.

" If Katniss is reaped to go into the Quarter Quell, I'm going to volunteer to talk her place." Kate stated, her voice distant and cold. A breath seemed to catch in Finnick's throat as his eyes widened in pure shock and fright. Fear seemed to sprint through his body at an unwelcome speed, while his hands clenched into fists, his knuckles cracking. The room stayed silent for a second, and Kate went back to staring at the wall, not wanting to see Finnick's expression.

" How dare you." Finnick said in a deep, almost feral tone, not sounding at all like himself. Kate believed she had never seen or heard Finnick this angry. " How dare you ask her to do such a thing! How dare you ask her to go into that hell hole! How dare you ask her to kill herself!" Finnick's eyes were blazing like fear, and Peeta took a step back in fear. " You and your precious girl started this shit in the first place, so end it your fucking selves! How dare you drag an innocent girl into your own messed up lives so you can ride off into the rainbows, happily ever after! She does not deserve shit like this! She does not deserve any of it! God your capitol image is really not you. You really are a selfish bastard." Kate's eyes snapped up to Finnick as he spoke, staring at him in surprise.

" I'm sorry. Katelyn's a good person, she doesn't deserve this. None of us do. I'm just trying to save Katniss just like you're trying to save Katelyn!" Peeta protested. Again, Finnick clenched his hands into fists, glaring daggers at Peeta.

" Get out." Finnick ordered, his voice deep and dominating. Stupidly, Peeta froze and didn't move, his eyes set worriedly on Kate instead. Though Kate was too distracted by this new side of Finnick she was seeing. " I said get out!" Finnick's booming voice echoed around the room, causing Kate to jump. However, Peeta still didn't move. This seemed to send fire blazing through Finnicks body, and striding up to Peeta, Finnick grabbed him by the neck and slammed him into the wall. Peeta grunted in pain.

" Finnick!" Kate protested. In seconds she'd jumped up out of her seat, finally snapping back into reality. What the hell was Finnick doing?

" Get out before I kill you." Finnick ordered yet again, releasing Peeta only mere moments after he heard Kate's voice. Scurrying quickly from the room, Peeta left without another milliseconds worth of hesitation. Silence fell after the door slammed close and Finnick didn't move for a moment, facing away from her. Now having come to her senses, Kate carefully approaching him and place both of her hands on Finnick's bare shoulders. The anger seemed to melt away with her touch, but he still didn't turn to face her.

" This is my decision." There it was again, the broken voice was back. Instantly, Kate felt Finnick tensed as she said this. Moving slightly closer to him, Kate stared at the back of him, willing him to turn around. " There is no other choice. They need Katniss for the rebellion. I don't want her dead. She can't survive the games again, she only just managed last time. I need to do this, Finnick. I need to keep you all safe." Kate could feel the tears returning again, but she refused to let them out.

" There's always another choice." Finnick stated gruffly.

" Not a choice I'm willing to make." Her voice sounded so dominant that she knew herself that nothing was going to change her mind. Not even Finnick. " I don't want to loose anyone important to me again. Katniss... Gale... You... I've lost too many people, Finnick." One by one, the tears gradually began to spill.

Silence fell yet again. Before, abruptly, Finnick spun around on his feet, his eyes immediately locking with hers. Tears were, too, running down his cheeks. This was the first time Kate had even seen him cry. After gazing brokenly at Kate for a few moments, Finnick suddenly smashed his lips down onto hers, shocking her. The surprise soon feel away, however, and her arms instinctively placed themselves around Finnick's neck, pulling him closer. The kiss was full of raw passion. It wasn't soft and sweet, but rough and longing as if he'd been waiting to do this for a long time.

Finnick was the first to pull away, the two of them gasping for breath. His eyes blazed with love and need. His expression still looked broken and the tears still ran from his mesmerising eyes. Overtaken by so many feelings towards Finnick, some of the fear seemed to drift away and the two seemed locked in their on little bubble. That was only for a moment, however, as Kate was the first to break the silence.

" Why did you do that?" Kate whispered. Neither of them had moved an inch away from each other, and their forheads were still almost touching. Kate could still feel Finnick's warm breath on her face.

" I needed to." Finnick answered simply. " I've been waiting to do that for 6 years." Shock burst through Kate, but she none of it shone through. Instead the love she felt for Finnick seemed to radiate from her. Why had they both waited so long when they'd both felt the same for all these years? Why now when Kate herself was close to death?

" Why now?" A frown formed on Kate's face as she realised they'd taken advantage of those 6 years. Right now all the time she had seemed priceless. " Why not earlier? When I still had plans of living past the age of 21?" Her frustration with everything was beginning to return.

" You are going to live past 21, Kate. I'm not going to let anything happen to you." Finnick pledged dominantly. " If you're going in, then I'm going in too."

" No." Kate snapped instantaneously. " No. Finnick you will not do that. You will not do that for me!" A sob burst through her walls and her face crippled with tears and cries. Moving his hands up from her waist, Finnick placed both hands on her cheeks and used his thumbs to wipe her endless tears.

" I have to." Finnick began. " I've lost people too, Kate. You say you don't want to lose anymore of your loved ones. I don't either. Which is why I will not lose you. I helped you win once and I can do it again. I will do it again."

" No, no. Please... Stay here..." Kate whispered, begging. " Do it for me... Please just stay here for me."

" No." His answer was final. Not negotiations. No more arguing. They were both going into the Hunger Games. They would face the brutality of the Capitol together. Isn't that where they belonged, together?

" You're too stubborn for you're own good." Kate complained, practically throwing herself into his arms again. After she'd buried her head into his chest again. Finnick placed a soft kiss on the top of her head before resting his chin on it. Leading her to sit down on the sofa, Finnick then pulled her onto his lap, holding her firmly against his body.

" Touche, honey. Touche." Though this would usually make the two chuckle at one another, not even a smile broke out on either of their faces. Instead they just sat in each others arms, enjoying the others company. Right now they needed the comfort. They needed the reassurance that they were there for each other - that they weren't dead just yet.

" I'm scared, Finnick."

" Believe it or not, I am too, girl who glows." Finnick admitted. " But go to sleep. You've been through enough today. It's time to forget everything, for now anyway."

" I never wanted this, Finnick. I never wanted any of this," Kate cried, her voice no higher than a whisper.

" I know, I know." Finnick cooed. He was acting as if he was talking to a child. " But I'm not going to let anything happen to you. I love you too much to let anything happen to you while we're in there..."

" Finnick, don't do this... Please..." Kate's body was shaking again as she lifted her head up so her's and Finnick's eyes met. " I love you too much to let you go in with me." A very small smile broke out on Finnick's face as he heard her return the words ' I love you'. Placing another, much lighter and softer, kiss on her lips, Finnck guided her head back down to his chest, stroking her hair.

" I have too, to protect you." Finnick whispered. " Now go to sleep, my love." This time Kate did as she was told, mumbling a final goodnight as she closed her eyes, drifting off to sleep.

The next morning, Kate bolted awake, screaming at the top of her lungs. Her hyperventilating immediately kicked in, and her head snapped from side to side in panic. Even though she was awake, and she could clearly see that she was in her own home, laid on the sofa with a blanket draped over her, the images still flashed through her mind. Caleb still haunted her dreams; it was always him killing her, repeating over and over again that she deserved to die for what she did to him.

" No! No!" Kate screamed, thrashing her arms around and sobbing hysterically. " Kate!" Finnick's voice seemed to break her away from the nightmare, and though her hyperventilating didn't cease, her screaming stopped. Grasping her shoulders, Finnick knelt down in front of her, his eyes searching hers worriedly. " What happened?"

" I-I'm fine." Kate mumbled, shaking her head and wiping away her tears. " It was a nightmare... Just a nightmare,"

" The same one you stopped getting years ago?" Finnick's widened slightly and Kate slapped herself mentally as she realised she told him years ago that they'd stopped. Biting her lip guiltily, Kate cringed.

" They never stopped..." Finnick's jaw clenched and anger flashed through his eyes. This only lasted for a moment, before his expression softened again.

" Is it still Caleb-" Finnick broke off as he saw Kate flinch and slam her eyes shut.

" Yes it is still Caleb killing me and telling me that I deserve to die!" Kate snapped in frustration.

" I guess now he's going to get his wish."

" Don't say that." Finnick snapped back. Silence fell over them as they both tried to calm themselves down. Finnick's hands still hadn't left her shoulders, and he squeezed them in an attempt to comfort her.

" I'm sorry." Kate mumbled, shaking her head. " I shouldn't have snapped,"

" No need, I'm use to it honey." A small smirk played on Finnick's lips in an attempt to cheer her up, and he winked cheekily at her. Somehow, a grin managed to grow on Kate's face in response.

" Ha Ha. I'm laughing my ass off, because you're just that funny," Kate stated sarcastically, her eyes narrowing at him. This caused Finnick to chuckle.

" Sarcasm always has been your strongest Allie," Kate looked down towards the floor, thinking about how much she was going to miss this; just generally talking to Finnick like things were normal. " Breakfast is out on the table for you, since your heartless, capitol darling boyfriend has kindly made it for you,"

Kate's eyes widened momentarily, before a slight humour replaced it. Boyfriend. She liked the sound of that. After all they needed some happiness? Didn't they? " Oh, so you're my boyfriend now? Rather than my annoying, stubborn, 'capitol darling' best friend?"

" Oh, honey. In the world of dating, which you're obviously not accustomed too, when people admit their love for each other, that kind of means that they're together," Finnick's sarcastic reply earned him a smirk from Kate.

" And what if I don't want you to be?" Kate questioned, her eyebrows raised defiantly. This felt great. Flirting. She needed this after everything that had happened yesterday. Yesterday was her final weak day... Now she had to be strong - for the sake of her family and, now, her boyfriend.

Finnick took a step closer to her, his green eyes locked with her blue ones. " Then you'll just have to break my arrogant heart."

" It's a good job I do then," Kate whispered in defeat, stepping up on her tip toes to press her lips to his. Instantly, Finnick brought his hands up to cup her face gently while they shared their third kiss. It was soft, filled with warmth. Perfect.

Kate was the first to pull back, a beaming smile breaking through her now consistent worries and fears. " Let's go see if you're actually able to cook then..."

It turned out, Finnick actually was a great cook and he made delicious pancakes. Throughout the whole time they ate, Kate and Finnick talked constantly. The conversation never even touched on the Games or the Capitol itself. Instead they had normal conversation, enjoying each other's company; they exchanged jokes, sarcastic remarks, and casual topics of conversation. It was so easy for them both to forget the world around each other when they were together - like they're in their own happy little bubble.

Silence only fell when both of them had finished eating and had washed up. They'd had a small bubble fight while they washed up and now both had spots of bubbles marking their clothes from yesterday and bits were stuck in their hair. For the first time, they were both in fits of laughter. Happily, Finnick looked down at Kate, smiling at hearing the sound of her laugh again. The last thing he wanted to do was leave now. But he stayed far too long already, and the reaping was tommorow...

" You know I have to go back to my district now, right?" Kate's laughing instantly stopped, and she looked back up at him, the fear gradually molding its way back into her eyes.

" I know." Kate mumbled, throwing the towel she'd been holding on top of the kitchen counter. " I was just hoping I wasn't right." Finnick gazed at her in silence.

" The reaping's tomorrow, and people will be wondering where I've disappeared too,"

" I know," Kate repeated.

" Is there any chance-" Kate held her hand up to stop Finnick, closing her eyes shut to stop herself from immediately snapping at him. No. She couldn't be weak any longer. She had to push away all of her fears, worries and incessant cries. Strength was her only hope now.

" No." She stated, shaking her head. Though the tension hadn't grown between them, their bubbly happiness was now long gone. " My decisions final." Kate looked back up at Finnick, only to see that the despair had returned to his eyes.

" Then my decisions final too." Finnick's eyebrows furrowed and he brought his hand up to move s a light brown strand of Kate's hair behind her ear. " I love you, Kate."

" I love you too..." Kate whispered, forcing the tears away from her eyes. Do not cry. She ordered herself. " I just wish we'd had more time."

" Me too... I'll see you in the Capitol." Finnick said smoothly, his tone controlled yet his expression anxious. " Tell Cinna I'll be expecting big things from him after the costume Shadow created for you," The memories of Shadow, Kate's stylist, brought a small smile to Kate's face. Finnick chose that moment to give her a kiss goodbye. This kiss was more similar to their first; passionate, rough and longing.

" I'll make sure too," Kate replied after Finnick dragged his lips away from hers. With a deep sigh, Finnick turned and headed towards the door, only glancing back at her briefly. Kate watched as he left and felt her walls slightly break again. The door slammed shut, indicating she was alone. Kate willed herself to be strong. To do this, she knew exactly what she needed to do. There was one person she needed to see, to remind herself of her task, instead of forgetting till the very last moment.

" Well, well." Haymitch greeted her at the door, a slightly tipsy smirk placed upon his face. As usual, he held a bottle of alcohol in his hand. " 3 out of 3. I was wondering when you might show up. I have to admit, I'm surprised it took you this long." Kate brushed past Haymitch as she walked into his house without a word, sitting down on the sofa in the living room. Haymitch took his usual place in his favourite chair, and looked at Kate, smirking.

" Beer? Wine? Whiskey?" Haymitch offered, gesturing towards his enormous liquor cabinet in the corner of the room.

" No thanks. Drowning away my sorrows with alcohol isn't on my list of things I want to do today," Kate stated, her eyes hard. " We need to talk,"

" So you're not here for the same reason as Katniss..." Haymitch said with a surprised look. " Now, what can I help you with?"

" I'm surprised you're even willing to give help. To Peeta, sure, he's too innocent for the games and everyone knows it. For Katniss, obviously. She's they key to this rebellion. Me? A pawn of the Capitol, why help me?" Kate questioned, tilting her head to the side and studying Haymitch curiously. He seemed surprised by her question.

" Has it escaped your mind that I might actually like you? You were the first tribute to win after I did," Kate smiled in response. " Surprised? Well, congratulations. You made it onto the list of people I would actually save,"

" You know that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me," Kate commented.

" Well, if we're both going to die, might as well say our last words to each other now," Haymitch said with a simple shrug. " You know, the only reason I never treated you like Katniss is because you didn't need me. You were always a victor on your own. Hell, you didn't even need lover boy of yours to train you."

" Let it all out, Haymitch."

" So, now that you know my reasoning. What can I do for you?" Haymitch asked again, leaning forward so his elbows were resting on his knees. This was the position he always sat in when he meant business. In response, Kate laid back into the sofa, looking much calmer.

" Nothing anymore. You said it yourself, we're both going to die. Katniss and Peeta can go off and fight this rebellion, while we go and deal with the Capitol. I'm guessing Katniss has already been to ask you to save Peeta?"

" Well, surprisingly enough, she asked me to save you too. Now, my turn to guess. Peeta turned up to your door, you didn't even let him ask you for help and you'd already said you'd do it, lover boy of yours freaked out and kicked Peeta out," Kate let out a small chuckle.

" Seems like angel Peets has reported back to master. He's like a little lost puppy that everyone loves,"

" That, and the fact that you and Finnick are too predictable," Haymitch commented. " I like how you thing this is simple,"

" It is, you take Peeta's place, I take Katniss'. Easy," Kate answered. Haymitch scoffed.

" And you think dear old Katniss is not going to volunteer if you're picked instead of her? I thought you were smarter than that," Kate hadn't thought of that... Had Finnick thought of that when they'd both agreed to go into together? What if Finnick volunteered to go and then discovered that Katniss had volunteered for Kate?

" Well we'll have to wait and see. If she's stupid enough to not realise that she's needed more for this rebellion than me, then that's the way it goes I guess. But I will do my damn best to save her,"

" See, unlike you and your incredibly selfless and motivational mood right now," Haymitch teased. " Katniss doesn't see the bigger picture."

" And what about Peeta? He's incredibly selfless and motivational. But he's not going to just let you go into the games," Kate shook her head while speaking.

" Then there's nothing I can do. Accept it and move on. Game over." Haymitch stated, taking a large gulp of his alcohol.

" I'll just have to take you up on that offer of a drink then, and leave it up to this mysterious God that everyone use to be so interested about, to reap Katniss and Peeta tommorow,"

" Finally, something I can guarantee you with," Haymitch smirked and passed her a bottle of beer from the smaller version of his liquor shelf, only an arms length away from him. It was time to wait and see...

Lots and lots of Finnick/Kate action in this chapter. They kissed! They're officially together! I loved exploring Finnick's protective and sweeter side in this chapter and also I loved developing his and Kate's relationship. Haymitch and Kate had a little heart to heart for the first time, which I hope you all enjoyed.

Next chapter it will be the reaping. As usual, thank you for reading and all the support! Please review and tell me what you liked/disliked and what you predict may happen in the future for this story! :)
