Sorry about the other stories, but I will come back to them, eventually.

Now, this one is something I had in mind ever since I first entered , but I have been delaying it, waiting for Shipuuden to reach its conclusion. Now here it is.

Warning: a certain level of understanding of both series might help.

Sweat, tears, despair, grief, blood, devastation. Resentment. Death. Those words could describe the former beautiful forest that had been there not 2 days ago. A war. A Great War devastated not only the landscape, but also the lives of all the beings that had been present, be it plant, animal, or human. A War that was caused by the grief and resentment of a man, wallowing in grief for what he perceived as a broken world. A War that was caused by the ideals of a man that has been long dead. A War that has been caused by the desire for revenge of a God. A War that has been caused because by a family feud. By desire. By greediness. By madness. The Fourth Great Ninja War.

That is where we find ourselves. Right at the conclusion of this War. On one side, there was Uchiha Madara. He created, alongside Senju Hashirama, the Hidden Village in the Leaves. He also betrayed the very same village he helped raise. He, who manipulated and used every single person since then, using him or her like marionettes on his grand plan. The man that tried to use a God as a tool, and almost succeeded. The man that was lying broken, powerless, beat up and bleeding, facing his adversaries.

Said adversaries where Uchiha Sasuke, his descendant, the boy who betrayed his village for power to avenge his brother, and the man that understood and sought to help his comrades against the bigger villain. And Uzumaki Naruto, the Child of Prophecy, the boy that has been affected in all possible ways by Madara. The man that overcame a multitude of difficulties, from learning how to cook his instant ramen by himself until defeating befriending the most powerful of the entities. Kakashi, the trainer of both, and the Yondaime Hokage, Namikaze Minato, Naruto's father, accompanied both young men.

Both parties were facing each other. Madara had the Juubi ripped off him, making him powerless due to the trauma, and Naruto and Sasuke were exhausted, their new modes and powers too much for their unused bodies to handle.

"I guess" Spoke Madara. "That I lost. A regrettable fact. You destroyed the chance this world had to achieve peace"

"We said already!" A very tired Naruto shouted. "Your view of peace is nothing more than an illusion!"

"Your speech is full of youth and idealism. You still do not understand the ways of the world, Uzumaki. Give it time, and you will see what I saw, and you will reach the same conclusion that I did. This world is rotten!" A smirk appeared on the mad man's face. "And…" Madara summoned all of his energies and lunged at Naruto, a kunai made of chakra in hand. "I will open your eyes!"

Naruto could not respond in time, he was too, and without the adrenaline high he had while battling, even moving a single muscle took all of his efforts. Thus, he was unable to dodge the kunai that came at a fast speed. Seeing this, the Yondaime Hokage desperately threw himself on the path of the kunai, hoping to at least slow its movement. He was met with a small success, as the kunai slowed enough so that his warning shout reached Kakashi.

Having heard his teacher's voice, Kakashi tried one last stunt. Gathering his limited chakra, Kakashi used his Mangekyou Sharingan, but he was had a hard choice to do. He could either use his jutsu on the Kunai, risking missing and killing Naruto, or use it on Naruto himself, and hope for the best.

Kakashi did the right choice.

"Kamui!" Shouting his technique, Kakashi aimed his Kamui to Naruto's center, aiming to transport him to the Kamui's dimension.

However, he was too late.

The kunai hit right in the center of Kakashi's technique, disrupting it in ways that not even Obito could have imagined.

In a bright flash, Naruto had disappeared, and only one thing broke the deafening silence that came after the botched technique.

Madara's mad laughter.

"Haha! I didn't achieve my dream, and now, neither will you, Hashirama!"

That's it. I know it's short, but that is how I imagined the first chapter.

I plan to do more next weekend.

Hope that you liked, and that you give me any kind of feedback.
