Hey yall, I am not gonna lie, this chapter has been sitting on my computer for a month or so and I really struggled with it. I hope everyone likes it, I do apologize for jumping around a little in this one.

Sora tapped her foot and gave her sister an unamused look.
"So you owe them money for a vase that you broke?"
Haruhi nodded, watching her sister. Sora had taken a break from singing and was sitting across from her sister in the Host Club.
"I can't believe you paid to spend time with me."
Sora smirked.
"Well, I do have money, unlike you."
The two smiled mockingly at each other, Sora knew to be careful and not call her sister a girl while at school, especially not at the club.
"Looks like the Host Club has a brand new guest."
The twins looked up to see a girl hiding by the door, she was wearing the school uniform, caramel colored hair, brown eyes, and a pink bow on top of her head.
"They're gonna scare her."
Sora giggled behind her hand as she watched the twins approach the new girl, who was interrupted by Tamaki. Everyone gasped in shock when the new girl slapped Tamaki yelling 'no don't touch me you're phony'.
"Well, that is certainly interesting."
Sora stood and watched from the sideline as the new girl insulted Tamaki, and Kyoya spoke up.
"I don't suppose you are"
He was cut off as the new girl screamed his name and hugged him, Sora rolled her eyes as a pang of jealousy shot through her.
"Oh how I've longed to meet you! My one and only prince charming!"

"You know, if you had stayed, you would have heard she isn't his fiancé."
Sora groaned and flopped down on her bed.
"I'm not talking about it Haruhi."
Haruhi laughed.
"And you call me transparent."
"Let me wallow in my jealousy alone."
Haruhi laughed and walked out of their room, letting their dad walk in.
"Hey sweetheart, how are you feeling?"
Sora sat up, her hair sticking up, she had refused to go to school.
Her dad laughed.
"It'll be ok Sora, go to school tomorrow."
Sora nodded.
"Yes dad."

"Good morning Sora."
The red head nodded at the Shadow King.
The black haired teen smirked.
"Well, someone is certainly in a bad mood today."
Sora turned and gave him a sweet smile.
"I have no reason to be in a bad mood."
Turning she took her seat and focused on the instructor, well aware of the shadow king stealing glances at her while she took notes and tried to ignore the blonde giving them a questioning look.

(Two days later)

"You know the guys miss you at the host club."
Sora rolled her eyes and sipped at her tea.
"I'm not in the mood to deal with Renge and her antics."
Haruhi started laughing.
"Kyoya finds her annoying by the way."
Sora paused and smiled lightly before placing her teacup down and standing up, easily smoothing out her yellow dress before grabbing her bag.
"Come on, we have class."
Haruhi smiled and grabbed her bag before following after her sister.
"You should come by the club today."
Sora groaned and looked up at the sky.
Harhui smirked.
"We're shooting a movie."
Sora raised an eyebrow.
"Well, that could be interesting. Renge's idea I imagine."
Haruhi smiled and looked up as they walked into the school, said their goodbyes, and walked to their different rooms. Taking a seat at her desk, Sora pulled out a book and started reading as Kyoya walked into the room and took his seat next to her, an amused smirk on his face as he calmly waited for her to acknowledge him.
"Take a picture Kyoya, it'll last longer."
Sora turned and looked at him, a small smirk on her face.
"She speaks."
Kyoya gave her a level look that made Sora laugh.
"But I guess you'll have time for that since you are shooting a movie to appease Renge."
Kyoya blinked at the redhead before smirking.
"What can I say, the boss was all for it."
Sora laughed as Tamaki walked in.
"Speak of the devil."
The blonde took his seat and looked at them.
"Well, I see you two are talking again."
Sora smiled and flipped her hair.
"When did we stop talking?"
Tamaki gave her a blank look as she smirked and turned back to the front of the class as the teacher walked in, and class began.

(Later that day)

Sora rolled her eyes as she walked outside to see a film crew, the twins in basketball uniforms, and Kyoya writing in his notebook.
"Now what are you making notes about?"
Kyoya glanced at Sora before continuing making notes as the twins looked up.
"What are you doing?"
She sighed and looked around.
"That sister of mine told me you were filming today, I figured I would check it out."
With a shrug she walked around the twins, about to make a comment about how ridiculous they looked, when a scream interrupted her. Looking at each other and walking around one of the buildings to see Tamaki pushing another student against the building, only releasing him when his friend explained that Renge started it, and comforting Haruhi, who was crying trying to get her contact out.
"Please tell me you got that camera man!"
Sora gave Renge a look that could kill as she started going on about how that was an ideal finale scene and how it needed a narration by Kyoya. Hearing a crack everyone looked over to see Kyoya has crushed the camera lens.
"I'm terribly sorry but I can not aloud there to be any record of a club member engaging in violence. I think you've caused quiet enough trouble around here Renge, please stop being such a pest."
Sora smirked as Renge started yelling about how Kyoya was supposed to be kind and affectionate.

Sora watched as the camera crew packed up.
"It's never going to be a normal day around here is it?"
Kyoya smirked as he walked up next to her.
"I'm afraid not."
Sora smirked and looked up at Kyoya.
"So she's not your fiancé?"
Kyoya shook his head and Sora smiled.
Turning Sora started walking away with Kyoya following closely behind her.
"May I offer you a ride home?"
Sora laughed and gave Kyoya an amused look before waving at Haruhi who was waiting at the school's entrance.
"Haruhi's waiting on me, maybe next time."
The pair smiled at each other before Sora turned and continued walking to Haruhi who was practically beaming at her.
"What was that about?"
Sora smirked and kept walking.
"I have no idea what you're talking about little sister."
Haruhi laughed.
"Sure you don't."

So what do we think?
I'm writing when I have time and can't promise when the new chapter will be ready.