The frontier. Every one here was either running from the past or chasing the future. Atleast that's how ex-IMC officer James MacAllan put it. He made it sound like a window of opportunities; peace, justice and freedom..."with a little bit of excitement for those who love adventure." For lance corporal Caleb Orion of the IMC 17th armoured foot mobile division, it was much different. Simply put, he found the frontier to be a shit hole, nothing more than a good place to get killed outside of the core systems. Caleb had no desire to get killed in action out in the frontier. But these days, that was a luxury he nor the IMC could assure.

A group calling themselves "the militia" rose up against the IMC in staggering numbers. It wasn't an average rebellion that the IMC could easily dispel in a few days or so. No. This was different. They were organized. Strong. Fast...and they had Titan Pilots...the ability to pilot a Titan took the demand of physical and mental ability to the extreme, even more so in combat. That's what made it horrorfying for Caleb. "they can actually do it.." The militia had Titan pilots, good ones at that. Ex-IMC or whatever, they could pilot titans and that wasn't good. Not one bit. But Caleb had faith in the IMC. They've held strong against anything else, he'd be damned if the militia could stop them.

Caleb was just a foot soldier for the 17th armoured, not a pilot, so he looked up to those who had the strength to pilot a Titan. Ever since he enlisted, he hoped of being a pilot, but with the war and immense training required, it didn't seem possible. Titan pilots were on a whole other level In comparison to troopers. Their armor, their agility, jump kits and tactical abilities, which made an engagement with them near certain death to any grunt that thought they could fight them.

Regardless of what he thought about pilots or the war, he had a job to do on the frontier, shit hole or not. The IMC had a job of establishing peace on the frontier. And he'd help achieve that goal, no matter the cost.