AN: "I love you" is a phrase with deep and varied cultural contexts in Japan, and was apparently not something said very often or at least quite so bluntly. During the Meiji era, Natsume Soseki -one of the most famous Japanese authors - had a hard time translating this phrase from English to Japanese. He settled on (a variant of) "The moon is beautiful/blue tonight."

Kagami struggles with this concept, as you will see.

The Third Incident: True Love

Akashi's plan was sheer insanity, and for that reason Kazunari thought that it might just work. That, or the both of them would be forever barred from the Midorima house, in which case the overall damage couldn't be worse than Midorima not forgiving him. Worse came to worst, his partner would be so horrified at the thought of Akashi's proposition (and bonding last night notwithstanding, Kazunari would be appropriately horrified as well) that at least he might forget all about Kazunari's transgressions until he'd had a chance to convince him. The act of convincing his partner to forgive him would be - if he had anything to say about it - heartfelt, thorough, and time-consuming, and if it progressed to the point where he'd be able to make use of the surprise in his pocket, fulfilling as well.

(Seriously, where was Seirin's bird man when he had a good pun? Not where he needed to be, clearly.)

Yet the entire plan hinged on his getting Shin-chan out of his house, and so far, that seemed to be moving slowly. The Midorimas had seemed oddly subdued when they allowed Akashi and he into the house, and were adamant that Shintarou was not feeling well, and would definitely not be able to receive visitors. They seemed on the verge of asking the point guards to leave when Akashi played his trump card by pulling a small, black jewelry box out of his pocket, and bending down before the youngest Midorima, a tiny girl of no more than 3 years old. Midorima Miki regarded him with calm, grass-green eyes, precisely as her older brother would. Akashi seemed to approve, as he opened the black box, displaying a 10 carat diamond ring. "I realize this is a bit sudden, but our future happiness is worth all manner of recklessness. My dear Miki-chan, will you do me the honor of accepting my hand in marriage?"

In the stillness before all hell broke loose, Miki looked down at the ring, and then over at Kazunari, who never failed to play with her whenever he came over, even when she had him playact as Momma to her older brother's Papa. At his minute nod, Miki smiled happily, leaned in, and kissed Akashi on the cheek, gurgling her assent.

Chaos descended. Mrs. Midorima began squawking in the way of mothers who suddenly found their 3-year-old engaged, where her husband turned pale and swayed, looking as if he would hit the floor any minute. Akashi knelt before them all like a rock jutting out of a tempestuous ocean, blinking calmly in the face of their disbelief, as if proposing marriage to toddlers was an everyday occurrence.

This was Kazunari's cue, but Mr. Midorima had staggered in front of the stairway, blocking the way to his friend. Yet the disruption wouldn't last forever, and Kazunari had just made up his mind to give up the stealth portion of their mission and simply drag Midorima away by force when his other sister, 14 year old Saori, came out of nowhere and briskly herded her father into the living room. As she passed Kazunari she turned and glanced up the stairs, winking at the last moment. The notion of the stoic middle Midorima winking nearly made Kazunari burst out laughing, but he was currently far too nervous. Thankful for Saori's unexpected assistance, he tore up the stairs as she deposited her father onto the floor next to Akashi.

"What an auspicious day! It is not every day a woman receives a proposal of marriage! And from such an eligible suitor. Mother, you must be so proud. Miki, you are a little minx."

He could practically see Saori's deadpan expression, so at odds with her words. Yet Shin-chan's door opened directly in front of him, poking his head out with a confused expression, likely drawn by the commotion downstairs. His eyes widened when they landed on Kazunari. "Takao, what are you- oh god. Did they summon you?"

Well he'd certainly never been greeted like that, before. Filing away that odd question for later, Kazunari pulled his friend out into the hallway, tugging him behind him. "Questions later, Shin-chan! I've come to kidnap you, and we don't have much time!"

Miraculously, Midorima followed his orders without contesting them, and the only one who saw them escape the house was Saori, who had glanced over at just the right moment. To ensure her mother didn't also see them, she swung her halfway around the room, to where she had placed Akashi and Miki on adjoining chairs. "Now, Mother. They await your blessing." She made just enough noise to cover the sound of the door closing behind them, yet even then Kazunari did not relax. He ran to his house, pulling Midorima in his wake. Oddly enough, the shooting guard was still silent, not even asking what his sister had been referring to, let alone why they were running in the first place. It was only when they had arrived at his home and he had locked the door behind him that Kazunari relaxed, leaning back against the door and sighing heavily.

Midorima strode ahead of him and studiously examined the remains of a pineapple rind, only a few feet from the still overturned punch bowl. He kept his back to Kazunari, yet he could still see that his friend looked perfectly fine. Yet he should probably inquire before he confessed his love, just to make sure he wasn't going to vomit halfway through it. "Sorry, Shin-chan. I know you're not feeling well, but we have to talk."

That prompted a reaction. Midorima glanced over his shoulder with a regretful expression. "Not feeling well? I suppose that is a kind way of putting it. Although I doubt it will hold up for the amount of time they will require it to."

Kazunari frowned. What on earth was he talking about? Was this some odd way of expressing his anger from last night? Or was this connected to some new transgression that Kazunari didn't know about yet? He had suspected Shin-chan was using his 'illness' to avoid him, but if so, he was doing a remarkably poor job. Otherwise he should have just shored up in his room. And who were 'they'? All pertinent questions, but ones Kazunari had no time for. Now that he had this precious time alone with his love -and it didn't look like Shin-chan was too angry with him about last night- he couldn't squander it.

He shook his head and began. "Shin-chan, I don't know what on earth you're talking about, but there's something I need to do. Please don't be mad. Just - just hold still, for a second." It was time. He had given this a lot of thought - most nights for the past 8 months, actually - and every scenario began exactly the same way. So before Midorima could protest or question him, he sucked in a deep breath, strode forward, and hooking his hands behind Midorima's neck, pulled him down and kissed him.

For one blissful moment, Kazunari's mind cleared of every earthly concern that was not directly connected to Shin-chan's lips. They were exactly as soft as he'd imagined, so at odds with the stern line he usually flattened them out into. Then Shin-chan made a little noise, and Kazunari resigned himself to be pushed away, even though all his calculations added up to Shin-chan's being even just the slightest bit interested in him. Yet nothing was ever certain, and so Kazunari pressed his lips a little more firmly against his friend's, savoring this stolen moment.

Yet the moment stretched on, and just as Kazunari began to think he'd turned Midorima to stone, strong arms settled around him, pulling him closer with jerking, hesitant tugs. The surprise of Midorima hugging him made him part his lips, and that caused his partner to hum at the back of his throat. Kazunari's brain then caught up with the situation, realizing that in fulfillment of his sweetest dreams, Midorima was kissing him back. Happiness washed over him like waves upon the shore, and his somatic memory took over. He cupped Midorima's face and kissed him gently, slowly moving his mouth over his partner's. He kept the kiss chaste, as he could feel Midorima's lips tremble against his own, and his taped fingers clench against his body as the kiss grew deeper. Finally, Kazunari pulled back, coming down from tiptoe so he could take in his partner's awestruck expression. He had planned out a moving speech, where he outlined all the benefits of having him as a boyfriend. Now, looking up into his Shin-chan's glazed eyes, he knew he didn't need a word of it. So he spoke from the heart, fingers smoothing over his cheeks so they could tangle into his hair.

"You know, Shin-chan, I've been in love with you for a long time. A really long time. And I know what's happening between us may be a little scary, but you've rubbed off of me, and so I've have done all I can do to prepare for it." Shin-chan exhaled raggedly, and Kazunari broke off from his speech to lean up and kiss him again. "You don't know what you do to me, Shin-chan. Forget moving heaven and earth, I'd change my entire life just to be with you - I practically have already. I can't help it. You're just so amazing, Shin-chan, and I don't just mean on the court. I just...I just like you and want you, and want to be with you...and I don't care what kind of crazy selfish requests you make, I am prepared to meet all of them. And yeah, it's hard to be gay even now, but I'm prepared to do all that I can to have a chance with you. Even if it means making an alliance with Akashi just to stand up to your parents. Even if it means fighting every damn person who dares to judge you ever again. Even if-"

He was cut off by Midorima leaning down and kissing him. The kiss was forceful and uncoordinated, and had a little too much nose, but it was his first initiated kiss, and as such nearly made Kazunari sag to the floor. Yet before Kazunari could take the kiss and turn it into something that would leave them both breathless and gasping, Shin-chan pulled back. His glasses sat askew on his nose, and it took him three tries to speak. "Earlier this morning I told my parents I am a homosexual. So I...I am prepared as well."

Kazunari's heart began pounding painfully in his chest, and although he knew that this of all things should be making him smile, all he could do was stare up at his friend in shock. " what? This morning? How - wait, why?"

Midorima didn't let go of him, but fidgeted awkwardly. A deep blush crept along his cheekbones, just under Kazunari's fingertips. "Wh-why do you think, you fool? After last night, I... Well, I couldn't en-enter into something like this without doing all I could do to ensure it's su-success…" He finally released his hold on Kazunari so that he could adjust his glasses and hide his expression. Kazunari was having none of that, however, and before Midorima could stop him, he whipped off his glasses and yanked him in the direction of his bedroom.


Kazunari shut the door behind them, and set down the glasses on the nightstand next to his bed. Only then did he answer Midorima's unvoiced question. "I love you, Shin-chan. I have no idea what went on in your mind last night, nor how I am lucky enough to have gotten this, but I love you so, so much, and if you don't sit down on the bed right now, I will have to prove it to you standing up, and due to our height differences it may be a bit difficult. So-"

Midorima sat down abruptly on the bed, green eyes wide with nervousness and anticipation. The expression made Kazunari's heart swell, and he wasted no time in straddling his love, each knee to either side of his hips. He kissed him gently before whispering, "Let me love you, Shin-chan..."

Shintarou was fairly sure this was the most terrifying moment of his life. His palms were slick with sweat, his heart was thudding so quickly he expected a heart attack was imminent, and he had absolutely no idea how to handle such an interaction. Yet he was equally sure this was (probably) the most wonderful moment of his life as well, so he allowed Takao to kiss him, insistent and sure, and let all thoughts of the woman who had taught him this evaporate. As clueless as he was, he knew he was making Takao happy, and that was worth anything. The frantic run home last night after Takao had admitted (well, perhaps not admitted per se, but it was close enough and his meaning could not be misconstrued) his feelings for him; the hours he had stayed up last night debating on his best course of action, even the excruciating, hour-long argument with his parents about his duty versus his sexual leanings...all of it was worth it just to have Takao here with him, saying things like-

"I love you, Shin-chan. Please don't be freaked out. I know I'm pushing this on you too fast but I just can't help it you're just too damn wonderful." Takao spoke between kisses, and Shintarou couldn't tell what affected him more - the fire strafing his body from Takao's lips, or the glow in his heart from his words. The thought of someone liking him this much - let alone loving him - was totally alien to him, and it was pushing him close to emotional overload. Yet he wanted to respond to Takao's feelings, and to tell him...well, he wouldn't be able to tell him anything at all, as he was awkward about this at the least arousing of times. Yet perhaps he could show him?

The next time Takao leaned back to look at him lovingly (or so Shintarou assumed, as he was extremely near-sighted and really wanted his glasses right now) he tugged him back to him and kissed him firmly, hoping it would work a little better than his first kiss. Unlike before, Takao's mouth was not set in a prim line, as was Shintarou's - so he shivered when Takao gently bit his lower lip before lathing it with his tongue. He couldn't help the groan that rumbled from his throat, and against his mouth he felt Takao smile.

"Did you like that, Shin-chan?" Takao's voice was low and smooth, and it reminded Shintarou of his declarations that had first grabbed his notice. He tilted his face towards Takao's in response, and after another lingering kiss, Takao pulled back again. "Do you like me, Shin-chan?"

His tone had turned dark and suggestive, and made all the blood in Shintarou's body rush south. The sensation made him gasp for air and whisper his response, even as his ears burned in embarrassment. "Yes." He closed his eyes immediately, mortified.

"Oh, Shin-chan…" Takao whispered, but the emotion in his voice was impossible to miss. Neither could he miss the tongue that traced a wet line down his neck, causing him to bite his lip and his cock to turn to steel in his pants. Apparently, Takao didn't mind the impropriety of continuing when Shintarou was disgracing himself in such a manner, as he rocked his hips against him, and lightly bit down on Shintarou's collarbone.

"Takao…!" It was half groan, half plea, yet none of it was admonishment. His hands wound around Takao's waist of their own accord, and shaped themselves nervously to the planes of his body. This was how his shoulders felt, and this his lower back, and this… Shintarou's hands trailed down his chest, mesmerized by the feel of hard muscle underneath his thin cotton shirt. And if he were daring enough to let his hands dip lower, to investigate the source of his tented jeans and that pressed so firmly against his own stomach?

The thought of touching him made his hard-on twitch, and Shintarou pulled back, gasping. Yet Takao gave him no time to adjust. His mouth was on his again, kissing him as hungrily as Shintarou could take. Control was slipping away, yet for once it did not worry him. Takao had assured him that he had done everything he could to prepare for this, after all. And as Shintarou had no earthly idea of how to implement his basic knowledge of what was inevitably to follow, he was content (more than content, he was practically shaking with excitement and desire and one hundred other emotions he had very little idea of how to express) to follow Takao's lead.

Takao's lead encompassed slowly undoing his pants, and when Shintarou's hands were trembling too hard to follow example, unzipping his as well. Without breaking the kiss Takao leaned up so that he could shuck his pants down to his knees, and after a minute or two of nudging him (and finally, a drawn out Shin-chan muttered against his lips) Shintarou followed suit. When Takao settled back down into his lap Shintarou's arousal won out over his sense of propriety, and he glanced down to catch the blurry outline of their erections nestled together, and the sight - indistinct as it was - made him rock his hips instinctively.

"Mmm, Shin-chan. You're being so naughty…"

"Shut up, Takao." Lust and embarrassment had finally gotten the better of him, and so he simply hid his face in Takao's neck and flexed his hips forward again. He had decided to put his trust in Takao, and as long as they were doing all that they could do, he would not fear this next matter how much it might hurt, nor how awkward it would be, nor how unflattering a man his stature would be in the subordinate role…

"Well, if Shin-chan is ok with being naughty…" Takao daringly reached down to adjust their briefs so that the weeping crowns of their cocks were free to rub together. Shintarou gasped, bolts of pleasure shooting down his spine. He was unaware that he had moaned against Takao's neck until Takao hummed in response, his fingers sliding over both of them at once, gripping just tightly enough to cause Shintarou's breath to catch in his throat.

"I was going to wait and talk about it with you first, but you're just too sexy, Shin-chan. I don't think I can wait anymore. And we'll talk about roles and switching and all that later...but for now I need you. Is that ok?"

Shintarou jerkily nodded his assent, and his mind kickstarted again in panic. Yes, the next few minutes were undoubtedly going to be uncomfortable and humiliating and absolutely terrifying, but Takao would do everything in his power not to hurt him, and perhaps even make it (eventually) enjoyable. Yet the fear that Takao would find him grossly unattractive as soon as he was inside of him ran rampant through his mind, and he stiffened as soon as Takao eased off of him to rummage in his chest of drawers for - ah. A bottle of lubricant. Then, he leaned down to extract a condom wrapper from the back pocket of his discarded jeans. Noble adherence to safe sex aside, Shintarou's mind zoned in on the lubricant, now being poured thickly onto Takao's right hand, and no doubt to be used to smooth his entry and to keep Shintarou's...orifice from being damaged, and-

Takao straddled him once again, kissing him deeply, as if to chase away Shintarou's obvious nervousness. The kiss was engrossing, and it was why it took him a few minutes to realize that Takao was only holding onto him with one hand while the other...Shintarou ran his fingers down Takao's other arm, following its jerking movements back until its purpose was clear, even to him with his lack of experience. Takao was preparing himself, working his fingers inside of himself (at what must be an awkward angle) in order to experience less discomfort when having sex with him. Sex where Takao would be the one penetrated, rather than Shintarou.

Shintarou let out a low groan, overcome both at the thought of being inside his love, and by Takao's dedication. Had this been a part of what he meant by doing all he could do to be with him? Humbled, Shintarou opened his lips to leave a lovebite on Takao's neck, unable to communicate his love in any other way. The sensation made Takao squirm above him, and with a few squelching noises pulled his hand free. After wiping his hand off on his discarded pants, he reached for them. He made quick work of the condom, slipping it expertly over Shintarou. Pouring a generous amount of lubricant he oiled them both up, giving them a few firm tugs before rising up on his haunches to settle himself above Shintarou's cock.

Takao reached back to steady Shintarou's penis, rubbing it teasingly against his puckered hole. Even as he gasped with pleasure, nearly lost in the strange yet wonderful sensations, Shintarou spared a thought as to the impossibility of fitting inside him. Yet the next moment proved him wrong. Takao lowered himself with a grimace, sinking down onto his thick cock, breathing slowly and heavily all the while. It took him a minute or two to take all of him in, and by the time he was fully seated on Shintarou's lap, sweat had broken out at his temples, and Shintarou was halfway to madness.

"You're bigger than my fingers," Takao admitted with a wince, holding himself perfectly still.

Shintarou groaned, biting his lip nearly through to keep from thrusting up as fast and as hard as he could and never, ever stopping. Then, he heard his voice as if from far away, speaking without direction as every other particle of his being was focused on staying still while inside of Takao. "You...practiced such a thing?"

Takao took a deep breath before responding, flexing his hips experimentally. The pain seemed to be receding, as his grimace turned to his signature grin. "I thought of you while doing it, too. I did it when I thought about you taking me just like this in the clubroom after school...and of doing me in the showers...and of you fucking me hard on our beds…"

"Takao." Shintarou whispered his name reverently, before rocking his hips upward. He could take it no longer. His cock was throbbing from the heat and the pressure and the slickness, and more than that, he was encased in Takao. Forcing his body to keep still when it was faced with such physical and emotional provocation was impossible. So with the last shreds of his logical mind, he started slowly, flexed his hips as gently as he could, nudging shallowly into his friend. Above him Takao gasped, and his clutch on Shintarou's shoulders was strong enough to leave bruises. Terrified of hurting him, Shintarou stopped, straining his poor vision to read the pain on Takao's face. "Takao, I'm sorry - we don't have to do this - I can stop, should we…?"

"Shin-chan. Shut up." Takao ground out, pushing Shintarou back onto the bed. The change in angle made Shintarou thrust automatically, and perhaps Takao was getting used to the intrusion, as rather than wincing, he moaned. Then, he reached forward to entwine their fingers together, and rocked against him, taking control and sending Shintarou's mind spinning. He built up a steady rhythm atop him, which increased its speed as he grew used to the organ inside of him. Below him, Shintarou could only gasp and groan, fighting against the urge to take Takao himself. The point guard had dreamed of such things, hadn't he? Of Shintarou fucking him wildly, without abandon and in a variety of inappropriate locations...the remembrance of Takao saying all this with that glint of mischievousness in his eye made Shintarou's cock throb, and he had to take deep breaths in order not to come too quickly. Yet it was impossible not to think of Takao when he was writhing on top of him; his sharp eyes closed in concentration, his face slack with pleasure, lines of sweat running down his body… Acting on impulse, Shintarou pushed himself up so that he could kiss Takao, suddenly needing to be close to him even if it brought about his climax. Takao had wondered how he had been so lucky to have won Shintarou, but truthfully, Shintarou felt the exact same way. Takao had long been his gift, and that he loved him back so unreservedly was nothing short of a miracle. That they were together now, engaged in the most intimate act Shintarou could envision...well. He knew precisely what he wanted to say, even if it was impossible to admit.

Yet was it impossible? They were making love in earnest now, Takao's hips pulsing heavily against his, his legs wrapped around him to gain purchase. Familiar pleasure was spiralling within him and he knew he would not last much longer. Perhaps he would find the courage to admit his feelings when he came. Suddenly eager to test this theory, Shintarou began moving as well, matching Takao's rhythm. His movement caused Takao to gasp against his lips, clearly overcome. His dick throbbed about Shintarou's belly, smearing precum against his abdomen. Shintarou didn't know if Takao was as close to coming as he was, but he could wait no longer. Fire was settling in his belly, and in mere moments he was going to break apart. So on the heels of several deep thrusts that made Takao gasp, Shintarou pulled his lips away from his love's, and murmured in his ear as he came.

"Love you-"

Sense left him as his orgasm ripped through him, leaving him shuddering in its wake. It was so consuming that it took him several long moments to realize that Takao's arching above him and crying out in pleasure - not to mention the sudden bursts of wet heat landing on his stomach - denoted that his love had miraculously come as well. The two men clung to each other, shivering in the afterglow, with Takao laying distracted kisses upon Shintarou's face, and he trying to return the favor. They only shifted when Shintarou shrank inside of him, and carefully pulling himself out, he threw the condom - with his impeccable aim - into Takao's trash can. Then, Takao laid him out on the bed, pulling him into his arms so that they could drift together in their bliss.

As they lay together Takao spoke to him, telling him things that alternately made his ears burn and that he would never forget: the story of his feelings and his efforts to make his Shin-chan notice him, and of all the miscommunications they had suffered through. His devotion through the last few years thawed Shintarou's reserve so that he found himself awkwardly relaying much of what he had told Kuroko, inadvertently instigating their second time having sex (I know I told you that we'd switch but just for now I need you again, Shin-chan. Oh fuck, I love you so much. We'll work that out, I promise-).

It was only as they lay together after their second round did Shintarou begin to think clearly, and finally question some of the finer points of Takao's confession. "Takao. What did you mean when you referenced an alliance with Akashi?"

His love sat bolt upright on the bed, panicked enough to ignore the pain in his bottom. "Ohholyfuckingshitmonsters!" He scrambled off the bed, jumping into his pants before throwing Shintarou's at him, hitting him squarely in the face.


"No time, Shin-chan! We left Akashi with your family! Oh god, oh god - I can't believe I forgot about him!"

"What are you talking about…?"

Fully dressed, Takao began assisting Shintarou, who was justifiably grumpy (in his opinion) at being rushed from the afterglow. "It was part of the plan to get you out of the house...he um. Well. He proposed to Miki-chan."

Shintarou absurdity of Akashi proposing marriage to a three-year-old was wiped away by the terror of being related to him, and he found himself dressing with the same sense of urgency. "Sweet Oha Asa. Miki is too young to have developed appropriate taste in men...nor to understand what such a gesture would entail. And to have left her in his clutches for so long? What if she has accepted him?"

Takao grimaced. "Right. Yes. We'd best head over and make sure she hasn't."

Shintarou completely missed the way his eyes slide sideways, signifying his guilt. Instead, he leaned down to place a hesitant kiss on his partner's forehead, still embarrassed enough to blush a little. At Takao's questioning glance, he felt his face heat further, yet he was able to force out his thoughts. "Thank you, Takao. have made me very happy. I would like for us to have the chance to continue this trend in the future." He swallowed nervously. "I will do all that I can to ensure it."

Takao's eyes were wide and glimmery with emotion. "Shin-chan? We need to get to your house right now."

Shintarou frowned at the lackluster reply to his confession. "May I ask why?"

"Because otherwise I will jump you again, and we will be going nowhere for the rest of our lives."

"Good point. Let's go, Takao…"


-Elsewhere in Tokyo-

Taiga looked up at the setting sun and tried not to panic. True to his word, he'd kept to the basketball court where they'd met all day, packing three lunches just so he'd have no reason to leave and potentially miss Kuroko. Yet Kuroko hadn't come. Neither had he called, texted, or sent Ahomine out to beat his ass down to a pulp, and at this point Taiga had no idea whether any of those things were good or bad. The only one he had heard from all day was Alex, who had called early this morning to finally apologize for goading Tatsuya into kissing him. It was just to make you get a move on, Tai, she'd said, dodging the responsibility for the weeks of awkwardness that had followed. Your ghost is pretty cute, and someone's going to snatch him up if you don't. Honestly. Buck up, buttercup!

His mistake weighing guiltily on his conscience, he knew she wasn't truly at fault. He was, and she'd heartily agreed when he'd told her what had happened last night. My god, Taiga. You are the biggest idiot I have ever met in my life. I always thought you'd end up ok but I'm pretty sure happy endings require at least a basic amount of intelligence. Saints in a row, your life is a soap opera. I cannot deal with this. I'll call you back tomorrow.

Matters were serious when even Alex couldn't stand to talk to him. If his first coach couldn't handle him, why on earth should Kuroko want to? Taiga stood abruptly, reaching for the basketball and dribbling it hard to clear his mind. He couldn't defeat himself yet, even if he'd been out here all day with no sign of Kuroko, and no reason for hope. He had to believe in his partner, and that even if his chance for a happy ending was over, their basketball relationship wouldn't be.

He'd known all day that there was a large chance Kuroko wouldn't come out to meet him, even so he was prepared to wait. Honestly, he felt like he could wait forever, just for a chance at fixing things. All his life people had left him, and by now he suspected it wasn't really his fault. This was, and for that reason he'd do anything to make it right.

(Besides, he didn't think he knew how to move on from Kuroko. And even if he somehow managed to, all his future interests would be small, tenacious, blue-eyed bastards that would tease him mercilessly, pop up at the most unexpected times and places, and have an overriding passion for - well, something. Anything. Or he would just stay infatuated with Kuroko for his entire damn life.)

Taiga fell into ball-handling drills in order to keep himself from further obsessing over the aspects of his partner that had made him...even now it was hard to think it. Yet if he couldn't admit it to himself, how was he possibly going to get past this? Taking a deep breath, Taiga let the ball rest against his hip and steeled himself. Love. He was in love with Kuroko, and even though the concept made his heart shrivel in the fear of being broken, he was done running from the truth. And the next time he saw Kuroko (even if it meant staking out his house, or something, but hopefully he'd be able to catch him at school or in the locker room, as Taiga really didn't want to deal with the Japanese police force) he was going to admit that he loved him as much as the day was long, or however the Japanese might say it (something about the moon, he was pretty sure. Argh, this would be so much easier to say in English) and-


Taiga's head whipped around, and his heart went wild within his chest. Racing across the court was Kuroko, who, having gained Taiga's attention, showed no sign of stopping. Instead, there was just enough time for Taiga to brace himself before Kuroko jumped into his arms. Taiga staggered backwards, more from the shock of Kuroko's action than the force of his leap. "Wha-Kuroko?! I-"

"Shut up, Kagami-kun." There was a feverish look in Kuroko's eyes that made Taiga's mouth run dry. Before he could do anything other than obey Kuroko's command, he placed his pale hands on either side of Taiga's face, relying on Taiga's strength (and his legs that wrapped around Taiga's waist) to hold him up. "Or rather, tell me that you love me. You have twenty seconds, starting now."

His resolve, gratitude, and shock mixed together and made him incapable of evading the question. It was like ripping off a bandaid, he told himself. And don't fuck this up. "Uh...the moon is...round tonight?"

Kuroko's thumbs tightened momentarily against his cheeks, and for a moment Taiga thought that just maybe he'd gotten the phrasing right. Yet then Kuroko narrowed his eyes and breathed heavily. "Try again, Kagami-kun. Do it in English if you have to."

Taiga stared back at him, shaken by the suddenness of the moment, and by the strength of Kuroko's sentiment. He had just run the length of the basketball court and launched himself into his arms, and while that wasn't normal for just about anyone, it was especially out of character for Kuroko. While Taiga had seen him shake with emotion on a few other occasions, they'd all been on the court, never for something like this. That had to mean something. Coupled with last night's kiss, Taiga hoped it meant something good. So with a heart pounding so quickly Taiga half thought he was having a heart attack, he swallowed thickly, and found the courage to confess. "I lo-lo...Iloveyou."

Kuroko's smile dawned like the sun. "Yes, you do," he whispered breathlessly, before leaning in and kissing him firmly.

Everything froze - Taiga's head, his heart...and for all he knew, the world as well. Yet then the warmth of Kuroko's lips persuaded him that this was real, and not some sort of delusion from jumping and hitting his head on the hoop's rim (again.) Unsure of what was going on nor what had allowed this miracle to take place, Taiga decided to let all his confusion and insecurity go, knowing he would figure it out eventually. He kissed him back, cautiously at first, but soon enough he was swept along in Kuroko's pace, and before long they were kissing passionately.

Taiga was completely fine with continuing until either the strength in his arms gave out or disgusted viewers began throwing basketballs at them (this was a public court, after all)but Kuroko had other ideas. When the kiss had progressed to the point where they were vibrating with excitement, he pulled away, taking in little, gasping breaths. "This is the part where you take me home, Kagami-kun, otherwise I will be corrupting your virtue in public, very likely with schoolchildren in attendance. Unless, of course, this excites you. Then we may stay."

Taiga's cheeks were crimson, and he doubted he could flush any harder if he tried. "You little bastard. I would not enjoy that at all!"

Kuroko leaned forward and placed a lingering kiss on his light's mouth. "Then you should take me home immediately, Kagami-kun, else I will be too impatient to wait…"

The thought of Kuroko wanting him so badly - let alone wanting him at all - made him so happy he couldn't offer up even a weak protest. He tried his best to swallow his smile, and it left him looking like a deranged buccaneer. "I - you! Yeah. Let's get home."

Kuroko kissed him once more before shimmying back down to the ground. Then he grabbed his hand and barely waited long enough for Taiga to retrieve his bag before they raced off towards Taiga's home. Taiga wasn't sure whether madness or love was the primary force pushing them forward, but at this point he didn't care. Through some miracle, Kuroko had come back to him, and at this point he would ask for nothing more.






Ever since Aomine and Kagami had entered it, Tetsuya had wondered what the Zone was like. Stumbling into Kagami-kun's apartment, too distracted with the need to touch each other to pay even the barest amount of attention their surroundings, he suspected he now knew. The world had shrunk to encompass only Kagami, and the rampant desire to kiss him, love him, and if he was honest with himself, dominate him. Everything else bled into the background, indistinct and unimportant. He was transfixed by the flex of Kagami's muscles underneath his fingers, the taste of his thin lips, the faint smell of his sweat after playing basketball all was sensory overload of the sweetest kind, and had he not been fantasizing about just this situation for years, he might have been overcome.

Breaking apart momentarily to allow his partner to open the door, Tetsuya lurched up on his toes to press their lips together before Kagami could close the door behind them. The action made his light hum appreciatively, and large hands squeeze his hips. Clearly, Tetsuya's fears that Kagami wouldn't be sexually attracted to him were ridiculous. Kagami gripped him desperately, as if he was afraid Tetsuya would leave him. Judging by what he had learned today, he was almost certain this was the case. Yet Kagami's tentative kiss drove those memories away, and he dedicated himself to driving his partner wild through naughty kisses, each succulent pull of their lips an enticement to break down Kagami's self-imposed boundaries. The heat between them rose as Kagami haltingly reciprocated, facing the unknown with his brash courage. Encouraged by his partner's response, Tetsuya pressed himself up further so his tongue could lick at the seam of Kagami's lips, dipping in to taste him when he opened his mouth in surprise. He twined his tongue around Kagami's in a teasing gesture, inviting him to indulge himself. After several long moments of cautious exploration his light did exactly that, and before long the two boys were kissing hungrily with lips, teeth, and tongue.

After a particularly daring slide of Kagami's tongue, Tetsuya could take it no longer. His erection was rubbing uncomfortably against the front of his jeans, and when he pressed his body against Kagami's, he could tell his love felt the same. Realizing that this was the opportunity to realize his most potent sexual fantasy, Tetsuya fell back to his heels, causing Kagami to lurch forward comically. Swallowing his grin at his partner's surprise, he took his hand and pulled him into his bedroom, pushing him back until Kagami sat on his bed.

Looking down at him, Tetsuya had to take a deep breath before he could continue. For one thing, this was the exact pose they had been in during their first kiss, when Kagami had so spectacularly put his foot in his mouth, as he would say. The memory made him arch an eyebrow, and Kagami knew exactly what it meant.

"I-about that time...I didn't meant I didn't like your kiss, I was just afraid...well. I was afraid you'd know how much I liked it."

Kagami was blushing beet red, as if admitting that was more embarrassing than what they were currently doing. His honesty lightened Tetsuya's heart, and the last -and smallest- of his reservations evaporated. "I suspected as much, Kagami-kun. Yet perhaps now is not the time for reminiscing. I would much rather disrobe you, if that is quite all right." Asking was a courtesy. Tetsuya was fully prepared to have him naked even if he had to tie him to the bed (and oh, he rather liked the sound of that) but it really would go much more smoothly if Kagami was at least marginally willing.

"Je-Jesus, Kuroko! Fine, but only if y-you do it too."

Tetsuya could help but smile noticeably, and Kagami's eyes widened at the sight of it. "Of course, Kagami-kun." He reached for the top button on Kagami-kun's dress shirt (and Tetsuya had never seen Kagami-kun in anything other than their school uniform, their team uniform, and black t-shirts - had he really dressed up? For him? Oh, he loved Kagami-kun very, very much that adorable, awkward American man) assisting his partner with every other button. By the time the power forward realized he was still the only one getting undressed, Tetsuya had knelt to unzip his pants.

"Hey, wait- I thought we were both-"

"Later, Kagami-kun. I promise." Tetsuya answered him distractedly, enthralled by his partner's sizable erection. Sizable was perhaps not the word - enormous would be much more accurate. Tetsuya thought it a wonder that he hadn't burst from his pants, in all honesty. And in just a few more moments, that would be inside his mouth.

Tetsuya shivered as his arousal throbbed appreciatively. He hadn't come for days, and he was dangerously close to his limit. But he had dreamt of this for too long, now, and he could deny himself no longer. So he yanked at his partner's jeans, smiling when Kagami lifted his hips immediately. With a few deft movements, Kagami's cock sprang free, flushed with blood and utterly delectable. Kagami himself was also flushing, eyes wide as he bit his lip.

"Kuroko, what are you doi-ahh!"

Tetsuya answered him not with words, but with a teasing lick to the crown of his penis. As expected of his innocent yet American partner, the crown was moist with precum, the taste salty on Tetsuya's tongue. Kagami moaned again when Tetsuya kissed it lingeringly, and ground his name out roughly when Tetsuya gave it a hard suck.

"Nnngh- Kuroko!"

Tetsuya pulled back, laying sweet little kisses on his tip. Coyly, he glanced up, taking in his love's expression of helpless arousal. "Yes, Kagami-kun? Would you like me to stop?"

Before his light could respond, however, he took him into his mouth, lips stretching down around him until he could take no more. Kagami fisted his sheets, clearly fighting the urge to thrust deep. He gasped for air before finally responding to Tetsuya's inquiry. "If you don't wanna'-oh goddamn, Kuroko!"

Tetsuya had cut him off by humming around him, the vibrations massaging Kagami's rigid flesh. Pulling back, he swirled circles on the tip with his tongue before pulling off again. "I have wanted to do this for you for a long time, Kagami-kun. Unless you have a particular objection, I would suggest you lie back and think of Japan."

"Isn't it England? Oh god-"

Tetsuya dove back in, practically swallowing Kagami's rod in his excitement. Now that he had a basic acquaintance with the size, scent, and taste of Kagami-kun, he wanted to render his light unable to speak. He suckled his partner as best he could, using all the illicit advice he'd learned from a few highly informative internet sessions. Sucking hard for appropriate suction, he dragged his lips down Kagami's cock, able to take more with each pass. Yet every time he'd pull back, he'd swipe his tongue over the head, learning the curvature of the head, and making the man in the bed pant in pleasure. Soon Tetsuya had established a rhythm that made his partner breathless, and his own mind hazy with lust. Yet it wasn't until he deviated from that rhythm to lick the tip of Kagami's dick like a lollipop that he discovered the power he held over his partner. In between luscious kisses, he blew warm air over the head, and it was this that drove Kagami over the brink.

The power forward shook and moaned, fingernails digging into his palms to keep from forcing Tetsuya's mouth against him until his nose was flush with his belly. Tetsuya smirked, empowered and deeply aroused. "Now, now, Kagami-kun. You seem so excited... I thought you were thinking of Japan?"

" 'M thinking of you," he ground out from between clenched teeth. "And I can't hold on much longer, so maybe you should use your hand now."

Oh, Kagami-kun. Such a gentleman. Little did he know that such behavior merely served to excite him further. Tetsuya redoubled his efforts, forsaking subtlety (there would be plenty of time to enjoy his love in the future, he was sure of it) in an effort to draw Kagami's orgasm. His head bobbed rapidly, drawing moans from him as well as Kagami.

"Kuroko! You gotta- I'm gonna' come!"

His Japanese was thickly accented, a testament to his arousal. Tetsuya's own arousal was proven when he took in as much cock as he could take, heart beating anxiously for the inevitable. He was rewarded moments later when his love came with a yell, and hot cum gushed down his throat. Tetsuya swallowed reflexively, at once worried about the size of Kagami's emission, and the painful throbbing of his own erection. Yet here was the realization of half his wet dreams, and although somewhat difficult (as Kagami was still coming) it was incredibly sexy, and no part of it was disgusting.

When Kagami stilled above him and in his mouth, Tetsuya leaned back cautiously, gauging the odd feeling in his stomach with the pulse between his legs. For the first time since he began, Kagami reached down to touch him, carding his fingers gently through Tetsuya's hair. "You were...that was... Oh god that was amazing. You are amazing. I love you. I really- Jesus, Kuroko!"

Tetsuya's tongue swept out to wash away the remains of his liquid excitement before he answered. "And I, you, Kagami-kun. I look forward to many more declarations of love, as well as hours spent honing our skills in bed. But for now, could I possibly borrow your hand? I find myself in desperate need of your assistance." It certainly wasn't as suave as he would have liked, but his arousal was pulsing and it was very difficult to think. It would be easier when Kagami helped him take the edge off, and they could discuss all that had happened between them.

Kagami pulled him up so that he could sit next to him in the bed. Wordlessly, he pulled off Tetsuya's shirt, yet when he was barechested Kagami laid a hand low on his stomach and halted. "Would it-" he began, tracing a nervous pattern up to Kuroko's sternum, "I mean, you don't have to, but would it be disgusting to, um. Borrow something else instead?"

Tetsuya's heart leapt along with his erection. "Are you offering to lend me your mouth?"

Kagami was practically fidgeting now, color staining his cheeks. His arousal twitched back to life and Tetsuya regarded it appreciatively. Of course Kagami would have a refraction time of less than a minute. Of course. "Well yeah. That, or..."

He wiggled his hips and Tetsuya finally got the picture. Kagami was offering himself to him? To be the bottom in a sexual rendezvous? The offer nearly made him come in his pants, and he had to take several deep breaths before responding.

"Unless you think it would be disgusting! Then forget I said anything!"

With lidded eyes, Tetsuya pushed him back down onto the bed so that he could loom over him. "Oh no, Kagami-kun. That is not disgusting at all."






He was insane. It was official. The only thing he could muster in his defense was that he had just come unspeakably hard, and would likely be seeing stars for weeks. In fact, those stars had probably taken up residence in his brain, seeing as how he had just made that crazy offer. Yet then Kuroko had straddled him, and was currently looking at him like he wanted to straight up devour him, and Taiga's fears melted away. Perhaps his offer wasn't so crazy if it could make Kuroko look like that.

"As long as it is fine with you, I would love to. Except…" Kuroko's mouth twisted in a way that might be annoyingly coy on anyone else but was heart-stoppingly adorably on him. Taiga's breath caught in his throat as his shadow leaned back, resting on his thighs. "My research did not exactly extend that far. I had not expected such an offer. So, perhaps for now - unless you know how to...prepare yourself?"

Taiga had to swallow twice before he could bully himself into answering. Out of all the things he had admitted today, this was by no means the hardest, but it was probably the most embarassing. "I, um. Yeah. Actually. I kinda' do."

"Oh?" Kuroko's eyes heated, and it was enough to convince Taiga. His eyes shot down to the junction of their bodies, gauging the size of Kuroko's bulge and whether it might be longer than his fingers. He found his courage when Kuroko leaned back further, brushing up against Taiga's revived erection. "Yeah. Just let me grab the stuff."

'The stuff' was lubricant that he had bought off an English site with his account just so his search history and purchase couldn't be easily stumbled upon and discovered. The condoms had come as a present from his father, who on his last visit had found one of Alex's 'missing bras.' Yet that had nothing to do with Kuroko, kneeling at the foot of Taiga's bed as he slowly undid his pants, and so he banished such thoughts. They wouldn't help him when he prepared himself right in front of Kuroko, anyway.

He kissed Kuroko once more for courage before beginning, shivering when he realized the odd taste on Kuroko's tongue was himself. Remembering what his shadow had done for him made leaning back and spreading his legs easier, although he still fumbled with the cap on the lube before he was able to pour the an overlarge amount onto his hand. Taking one last deep breath, he crunched forward, reaching down past his cock to the puckered hole below it, gently circling it with several fingers.

Kuroko made a strangled noise, and Taiga's eyes shot up, nerves stretched tight with embarrassment and fear. "If it's gross, just say so, yeah? I'll stop and we can do something else-"

Kuroko's lips thinned as he rolled on the condom, fighting for control. "Do not stop, Kagami-kun. I will be incredibly upset if you do."

Well that settles that, Taiga thought fuzzily, and finally realizing that Kuroko wanted this at least as much as he did, spread his legs even farther so that his partner might have a better view. This didn't stop him from blushing, nor his mind from spinning dizzily, but it was enough to embolden him to crook two fingers inside of himself. The familiar burn soon gave way into anticipatory heat as he worked himself loose, scissoring with his fingers to ease the way for Kuroko. Taiga's eyes flicked between his partner's hand, slowly pulling at his own arousal, and his gaze, fixed firmly on Taiga's efforts down below. The hunger in his stare was the last blow to his timidity, and so feeling a little foolish but more than sexy enough to make up for it, Taiga removed his fingers and wiggled his hips in an invitation. "C'mere, Kuroko."

Later, Taiga would reflect on the absurdity of the moment, of David topping Goliath, and what others might say. Yet all he could think of then was how amazing it felt when Kuroko crawled on top of him, warm and strong and soft in his arms; and how shamefully exciting it was to feel him position his cock against his entrance, and how his heart felt far too full when Kuroko exhaled I love you just as he pushed in. Then there was pain - sharp yet fleeting, as his body adjusted to Kuroko's length and width, but more so there was Kuroko's closed eyes and expression of pained bliss, and his quiet yet heavy breathing as he held himself still inside of him.

At that moment Taiga knew he would give Kuroko anything, as long as he would always be there with him. So even though he was still uncomfortably stretched and the condom rubbed against him somewhat unpleasantly, he shifted his hips forward, prompting his love to move. He brought his clean hand up to Kuroko's shoulders, half propping him up and half hugging him. Kuroko finally took the hint and began thrusting slowly and solidly, breath hitching with every push. Taiga closed his eyes, overwhelmed with the sensation in both his body and his heart, and unsure which was stronger. Would love always be like this? Heart full like a cup overflowing, and a body charged with a strange electricity? It was too much for his love-starved psyche, and Taiga had to bite back tears. Maybe later he'd allow himself to cry, but certainly not when Kuroko was inside of him - he'd get the wrong idea.

"Kagami-kun." Kuroko groaned out his name as he rocked harder, and the pain was now just pressure, and when he jerked like that, he brushed against something that made Taiga see white spots dance on the insides of his eyelids. "I'm so glad I met you. I'm so glad you love me. I'm even glad that I waited, just to have this moment with you."

Kuroko was hitting that spot with admirable regularity, and Taiga could barely think beyond the pleasure that arced like lightning throughout his body. Yet Kuroko never spoke like this, nor this much, and Taiga forced himself to listen.

"I love you so much. I will - oh! - I will always love you, and I will never, ever leave you, and-" His pace was increasing, and sucked an inhale in through his teeth before he continued, hips thrusting harder all the while. "You're mine forever, Kagami-kun. My shadow. My heart. Do you understand?"

Taiga understood many things in that moment. He understood that he had been forgiven, and that all his wildest dreams had just come true. And that somehow, inexplicably, Kuroko was trying to reassure him that what happened with his parents would not be mirrored here. He also understood that even though he was the one being taken, he was just as in control as Kuroko was, and felt unexpectedly powerful. Yet most of all he understood that love was love, and that it was here with them, shaping them into pieces that fit together just like this, and that as long as they kept working at it, they would only fit better with time. So he crunched forward to kiss him, mumbling his love in return. "Love you too. Love you so much. Won't leave you. Won't let you, either. So just keep going, please."

"Kagami-kun-" Kuroko whispered as he braced himself, hips pistoning desperately. He was close now, Taiga thought fuzzily, and that was excellent as he was as well, even though the only pressure on his cock was that of Kuroko's stomach occasionally rubbing against it. Yet Kuroko kept hitting his prostate, and the sensation was so intense Taiga worried that the orgasm might actually rip him apart.

He was proven wrong when he came a moment later, back arching off the bed and a strangled shout leaving his lips. It surprised Kuroko, who lost his rhythm due to the strength of Taiga's climax. Taiga was completely unaware of this, however, lost amidst the sexual fire in his body. Even though he had already climaxed that spot kept the pleasure spiking through his body, keeping him adrift in this miraculous sensation. It was so all-consuming that he almost didn't notice when Kuroko came, stiffening and groaning out his name. Yet he had calmed down enough to see when his partner shuddered against him, clutching onto him even as he thrust deeply one last time. He had even recovered himself well enough to hold Kuroko as he drifted down from euphoria, every bit as overcome as Taiga had been.

Taiga held him for a long time, smoothing his fingers over his back and through his hair, unable to think of anything more complex than I'm happy and I want more and I love him. Eventually, Kuroko picked his head up from where it had rested on his chest, and Taiga smiled down at him, aware that he looked like an idiot but not caring in the slightest.

"Are you all right, Kagami-kun?"

Answering Kuroko's question required him to leave behind the mind-sapping effects of his afterglow. "Of course I am, knucklehead. I should be asking you that, seeing as how your endurance is so low."

Kuroko was too tired to hold his pout, and that made Taiga's smile even wider. Kuroko was so damn cute, with his terrible stamina, and the way dumb things could get him all huffy. But then Kuroko's pout curved into a little smile, and Taiga knew the tables were about to turn. "Perhaps you are right, Kagami-kun. I feel distinctly weak. I am currently far too exhausted to move. This is a pity, as I am still inside of you."

Taiga rolled his eyes before rolling the boy on top of him to the side. He winced as Kuroko slipped out of him (it wasn't a testament to his size, or anything, he'd just been too embarrassed to touch himself there more than two or three times. It would get better with practice, he was sure of it) yet before he could attempt to remove the condom, Kuroko reached down to do it for him, and throw it - pass it would probably be more accurate, Taiga thought - into the trash.

Then there was nothing to do but take his love into his arms, holding him tighter than was probably comfortable, but Kuroko didn't complain for a long time. Eventually Taiga felt the need to explain bubbling up inside of him, assisted by the odd feeling he'd had earlier that Kuroko was trying to assure him that his love wasn't like the others. So he began his bumbling explanation, trying to explain why the concept of love scared him shitless, but Kuroko stopped him with a firm kiss before he could get too far. I already know, Kagami-kun. Alex-san told me all. Why do you think it took me so long to get to you?

This was enough to make him forgive all Alex's stolen kisses, and every moment of mortification she had ever put him through. Even Tatsuya's kiss could be forgiven, in light of this.

"She also explained Himuro-san's role in her plan, and as such I have partially forgiven him. Still, I shall be vigilant. As should you, Kagami-kun."

Kuroko's statement probably shouldn't make him tingle, seeing as how it involved the two guys he loved most in the world, yet it did. That his partner loved him enough to be possessive and even jealous made him glow. "Yeah I don't think he'll be coming back for more, if that's what you mean. But I wouldn't let him anyway...'cuz I got you, right?"

Kuroko wiggled until he could pull his head back far enough to fix Taiga with his most serious expression. It was slightly undermined by the aura of contentment that settled around them like a blanket, however. "You most certainly do, Kagami-kun. There is no escape for you now. You will have to be content with this happy ending, I fear." He nuzzled close, leaving a lingering kiss on the underside of Taiga's jaw. The effect on his libido was considerable. "We will, however, have to work on your fear of dogs. Nigou will be most upset if you do not occasionally play with him."

Oh, damnit. He had forgotten about the dog. Taiga winced as he slipped his hands lower so they circled Kuroko's rump, hoping to make him forget all about the discussion of dogs. "We'll see," he muttered in a noncommittal aside, yet both knew it was complete and utter capitulation. Taiga was, as always, like putty in Kuroko's hands, although currently Taiga was thinking seriously about attempting a reversal. After all, Kuroko had done just about all the work their first round, and there was a thing or two that he had long wanted to try...

Dogs were forgotten for several delicious hours, as well as anything unrelated to their immediate needs. The world would wait for them, yet they would not wait for love.






Back at the Midorima's house, forgotten by his friends and cohort, Akashi spoke seriously to Midorima Miki. "You're being an excellent sport about all this, darling. We're going to have to wait for several years before anything can proceed - I'm simply in no position to settle down."

The youngest Midorima gurgled happily as he bounced her gently on his lap.

"I'm so glad you agree. And you're quite right - we'll have to bring our families together before we do. Although I think your new Uncle Kazunari would be helpful in that arena. He seems to bring people together."

Saori, who had been elected chaperone while her parents took an alcohol induced nap, smirked. Miki did not notice this, choosing to gnaw on his shoulder instead.

"Restrain your passion, darling! Your sister is present. We must wait until we are alone."

Miki pulled back to gurgle at him, in a definitively questioning tone.

"An excellent question, dearest. I would suspect Shintarou is currently undertaking an advanced course in bedroom gymnastics, although it would be best to question no further. There is a lady present, you see."

The toddler smiled and nodded, as if she understood every aspect of her fiancee's observation. Saori, who did, smirked once again into her palm, completely understanding and agreeing with her brother's demand that she never -ever- date any of his friends. In retrospect, he had probably been speaking of Takao at the time, but she saw every reason to include Akashi as well.

Akashi noticed none of this, choosing to focus on the young lady on his lap, who had just patted him firmly on the chest with two tiny hands. This was followed by inarticulate demands for leaves, bugs, and sky, denoting an evident desire to go and play outside. He smiled indulgently before hoisting the tot up higher so he could stand and carry her to the proverbial sandbox. "You're quite right, Miki-chan. It is now time to enjoy the great outdoors."

Miki crowed delightedly before glancing back at her older sister and asked in polite toddler babble whether or not she would continue attending them outside. At Saori's insistence that she would rather play through Bartok's Mikrokosmos for solo piano, Akashi turned and gave her a solemn wink.

"Your sister is a wise woman, dearest. She knows, I believe, that as long as you know just where to end the story, happy endings abound. Now, the backyard calls us. What shall we play first?"

It was a rather odd story, Saori concluded, watching her little sister command her husband-to-be to assume the role of her noble steed. Yet as far as happy endings went, she couldn't complain. That in mind, she approached the piano, smiling at the happy notion that love had in this instance conquered all.

That was the most smut I've written since my days writing romantic comedy in the Soul Eater fandom, and I see why it's taken me so long to come back to it. Buck up buttercup indeed.

I'd like to thank everyone who stuck around and enjoyed this. Your comments made my day(s), and made me churn this out a lot faster. I didn't think this would go over very well, and I'm happy to be proven wrong. Also, huge thanks to whomever put this up on tumblr! I'm honored :)