My second fanfic and my first Kuroko no Basket fanfic. I've been wanting to do a Knb one for a while but it took awhile for me to think of a good plot. Hopefully this will be good and hopefully I stick to it. And yes it is another Mpreg story, sorry, I just find them interesting.

About my other story "Yuki's New Obstacle in Life" a UraBoku fanfic, I do plan to finish it. Don't worry. The Epilogue, I did start it, but I am just having trouble on how to make the child act. Just so you know, I don't really have any life experience with toddlers, babies, or pregnancy, as I don't have any children yet.

Ok on with the story. Oh it is an AU and it probably is OOC.

DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT own Kuroko no Basket or its characters!

CH 1: A Drunken Night


The blunet was dazed with alcohol. Earlier that night he had gone drinking with some friends for the celebration of his ex-boyfriend's recent promotion.

He had no idea what was going on right all he knew was that he was pushed inside a bedroom by a larger man, the door clicked shut behind them. Lips were on his in a rough kiss and a warm tongue slipped in his mouth exploring his warm cavern.

Then the blunet was pushed onto the bed and he let out a groan when the larger man fell on top of him. He made quick work of both of their clothes which were scattered across the floor.

The lips connected once again while their hands explored each other's bodies. The blunet could make out some delicious looking abs on the other man. Though he was pretty out of it when his cock was being pumped in those large hands.

The blunet's hands held on the headboard behind him as the older man licked lower on his body. He moaned as the the other man's mouth took his cock in and a finger slipped inside him.

It was a whole new sensation for him, he never felt anything like this before. He was feeling it in his groin and groan as he came inside the man's mouth who swallowed it willingly.

The larger man then made quick work of preparing the blunet for something much bigger. Once he felt he was prepared enough, he removed his fingers making the blunet whine at the loss.

Once the larger man lubed his own large cock up, in one swift motion he slammed inside the other making him arch from the bed. His legs wrapped around the larger man's waist.

The blunet held onto the headboard tighter as the other man slammed inside in quick motions. He thrusted deep earning sweet moans from the blunet writhing beneath him. He also moaned as he hit that sweet spot inside the other.

He pumped the blunet's cock in time with his own thrusts. Eventually pleasure built inside the bellies and they moaned as they each exploded their seeds. He blunet in the other man's hand and stomach while the larger man shot his warm seed deep inside the blunet.

They both fell asleep in bliss in each other's arms and still wet and sticky from their little tryst. The two hardly knew each other and hadn't a clue on that the tryst will bring them closer than ever before.

-End Flashback-

at about 6 in the morning

Three weeks later a blunet woke up from a cold sweat. For the last week or two he had been waking up in a cold sweat remembering a night passion from a few weeks ago. 'Shit!' He thought to himself, he still couldn't see the face of the man that night. It was a blur because he could hardly remember anything from that because he a drunk.

The blunet, better known as Kuroko Tetsuya kindergarten teacher, sat up in bed trying to control his breathing. His was damp with sweat and beads of sweat decorated his pale body.

He rose out of bed and went straight towards the shower hoping it would calm his nerves. He quickly stripped and turned the shower head on. He let the water warm up before stepping in.

He let the water run over his body and the hot water made him feel much better. He quickly washed himself thoroughly and stepped out turning the shower head off.

Wrapping a towel around his waist he exited the bathroom and in his bedroom, he quickly put on some clothes as he was going to be late for school if he didn't hurry. He didn't like keeping the kindergartners waiting. He loved those kids because they always put a smile on his face.

Once he was presentable, he quickly left the house and made way towards Seirin Elementary School.

about 12 in the afternoon

At the school, it was lunchtime, the kids were playing and having fun while some were still eating their lunches. Kuroko sat at his desk leaning back with his palm on his head. He almost felt sick to his stomach but shrugged it off.

He opened his eyes and watched the girls and boys play with each other and giggle at almost everything. He loved watching them play. Children in his eyes were innocent in every sense of the word. The blunet always wanted his own ever since he turned 18, though his father Kenta wanted him to wait till he was married.

So he worked trying to get the perfect man to spend his life with but it hasn't worked yet so instead he worked extra hard to get a good job, one that he would enjoy. He loved children so he thought anything that works with children would be best.

In the 6-8 years after he graduated from high school, he worked extra hard at his studies and eventually at 26 he got the job he wanted. But in those 6 years, his social life suffered. He barley had time to date other than a boyfriend he had in high school.

A boy with short brown hair and hazel eyes with a sweet smile then walked up to his desk.

"Excuse me, Kuroko-sensei. I need to use the bathroom." he said pulling the blunet from his thoughts.

"Huh. Oh yeah sure" he said standing up from his desk taking hold of the boy from his hand.

"Class, I'll be right back, I'm taking Keisuke-kun, here, to the bathroom" he told the class waking towards the door. "Please behave while I'm gone" he continued. He got a "yes" from the class in response.

With that that he walked to the boy's restroom with Keisuke holding his hand.

Inside the bathroom, Kuroko stood outside the stall while the boy did his business.

"Um, Kuroko-sensei, is there something wrong?" the boy asked from the stall.

"What? No, nothing is wrong" Kuroko answered.

"But in the classroom, you seemed somewhat down" Keisuke said back.

"It-It's just personal. Don't worry about it" the blunet answered. He wondered how that boy thought of that. Keisuke must be smarter than he looks.

"Ok. Well hope you feel better soon" With that, the boy was done and flushed the toilet then exited the stall.

The hugged the blunet before they headed back to class.

The rest of the day went by smoothly without any other students asking what was wrong. The kids went home before he did. Once he was done doing some paperwork, he left the school building.

It was about 7 at night

Outside the building was his ex-boyfriend from high school Aomine Daiki clad in his police uniform. He was highly successful police officer to worked not far from the school. Even bough they broke up, they decided to stay friends. Kuroko knew he needed the darker man still around him.

"Hey Tetsu." He waved. Kuroko walked up to him.

"Hey, Aomine-kun" he said.

"Now how many times have I told you to call me Daiki" the darker man said ruffling the smaller one's hair playfully.


"Nothing to apologize for. Anyway how are you? You look paler than usual. You eating ok?" Daiki asked worryingly looking straight in Kuroko's eyes.

"I'm fine really. I'm eating fine. Nothing to worry about. You are the second person to ask me that today" Kuroko said.

"Really? Who else said that?"

"One of the kids actually, you know, Keisuke" Kuroko said.

"Well he must be one smart kid. Take care of yourself Tetsu. If it continues please see a doctor" Aomine said.

"Thanks I will" he smiled. "See you tomorrow?"

"Yeah see you" with that the two parted ways. Kuroko headed straight home while Aomine headed back to the precinct.

At home, Kuroko went straight to bed. He flopped on the bed kicking off his shoes. He didn't care about removing the rest of his clothes. All he cared for was sleep. Good thing it was going to be the weekend. He could rest up because lately he has been quite tired.

He laid there thinking of that night 3 weeks ago. Kuroko really wanted to remember who was all those nights ago. He knew it wasn't Aomine, so he thought he should ask the rest of his friends that were there that night.

Please review and tell me how you liked it. I'd like to know if I should continue or not. :3 Thanks! Yeah it is short, hopefully next chapter is longer. -.- I tried.

I'm not really cut out for writing smut. . I've read better.

If there is anything you wish me to add, please mail me or say in the review and I'll consider it.