Hello! So this is my first fan fiction on this site, so I hope this is okay for a prologue! And yes, this is only short because it's a prologue. Most of my chapters will be between 1500 words to 7000 words, so they will get longer.
I'm not going to say I'm a huge comic book fan, because, sadly, my mother won't let me buy some, so there will be mistakes. If I do make mistakes, please KINDLY tell me and I'll fix it.
This is a Bucky/OFC, just in case it was unclear.
So, without further ado, here's my fic!
The doctor read the information on the young woman currently lying in the hospital bed. He glanced at the screen above her bed.
Her vitals were normal. Her blood pressure and heart rate were exceptionally well for someone just woken up from cryogenic sleep.
The woman's dark hair was loose and tangled, lying on the front of her body, going down to her waist in length. Her pale skin was dusted with a rosy blush, making the girl seem harmless.
But the doctor knew she was anything but harmless.
The girl stirred, groaning softly, before her eyes fluttered open. Her green eyes widened as she realized where she was. The doctor immediately grabbed the prepared needle from the table beside the bed. He walked over to the struggling girl, injecting the contents inside of the needle into the girl's arm. She continued to struggle against the restraints, but even with her enhanced strength, she was still too weak to break free.
"Shh," the doctor cooed softly, trying to calm the whimpering girl down. "You're safe here."
She looked up at him with wide eyes, wiggling around feebly. She moaned, flopping back down onto her back as the drugs started to take effect.
"Now, I haven't given you a large enough dosage to knock you out," he continued. "I just need to explain a few things to you, Elise. Can you hear me clearly?"
Elise nodded weakly, figuring that it would be easier to listen than to fight.
"Can you tell me what year you were born?" He asked.
Elise struggled to speak, opening her mouth slightly to croak, "1922."
"Good," he nodded. "Now, it's been quite a few years since 1922."
"How many?" she slurred.
"Less than a century," he said nonchalantly. "80 years, to be exact."
Elise let out a small anguished cry, attempting to struggle free once more, though it was a failed attempt. The doctor slapped her arm, clucking his tongue like a disappointed mother.
"None of that," he scolded. She reluctantly stilled.
"I'm Dr. Sommers," he introduced himself. "I'm going to be taking care of you through the course of the next few days."
"Where am I?" Elise asked. Dr. Sommers smiled.
"Switzerland," he answered simply.
"You were recently awoken from cryogenic sleep, so you look exactly like you did in 1922," he continued. "You have a special purpose, Elise. One that is very important that you complete.
"What is it?"
"Oh no, I can't tell you that now," Dr. Sommers laughed. "You'll find out soon enough, though."