After hearing the shrill feminine scream Aba and Rin decide to see what the crowd is about. Gathering around on the edge of the crowd Rin stands on the very tip of his toes hoping to get a glance at the center of the commotion, Aoba does the same.

In the center of the crowd the two boys can see a man shamelessly sprawled out on the ground while another man stands over him triumphantly. The man that was standing had on a bright red kimono with floral designed and had his black hair in a low ponytail over his shoulder, in his hands he carried a huge sword almost as tall as himself. Even though his back was to them, both Aoba and Rin immediately recognized him.

"You're a big guy, but you weren't that much of a big deal. I can't believe you'd make a mess in front of such a fine lady." The man stated smugly as he smirked, causing an all manner of women in the crowd to swoon and screech in delight.

"Kyaaa! Koujaku-saaan!"

"So cool! Soooo dreamy!"

Their shrill voices almost instantly gave Aoba a headache, wincing slightly in pain Aoba quickly glanced over a Rin, who by the looks of it didn't quite enjoy the women's screechy squeals either.

As Koujaku raised his sword to rest it against his shoulder, the heart eyed girls came rushing over to him, shoving each other and nearly trampling the poor guy on the ground.

"Umm..Um. I'm really sorry…" a soft voice spoke from behind the beaten man, who was trying to get up get up, after what the boys predicted to be an embarrassing loss. A woman standing at a distance from the man on the ground and apologetically lowers her head. "I was being selfish and told him I wanted Koujaku-san to do my hair, and he…" the women, seeming to be the injured man's girlfriend, was interrupted by the rude comments from two of the women surrounding Koujaku.

"So cheeky!"

"Yeah! Know when it's your turn!"

Koujaku smiled down kindly at the embarrassed women hoping to ease her discomfort. "Young lady, if that's what you think, then I feel nothing less than honored and privileged to be a hairdresser." Koujaku chuckled a little and continued to smile suavely "Then again, you are all my precious customers. It's really important to keep the line in order."

"Yes…" the woman answered a bit dumbfound, obviously succumbing to Koujaku's charms.

"Your boyfriend was a bit pushy, but he was thinking about what was best for you. Don't blame him too much, okay? Well please do come again someday. When you do I'll welcome you." Koujaku finished with a suave open mouthed smirk, showing off all his pearly whites, did I mention he did it suavely? He sure was laying the charms out today!

"Okay!" the troubled young women answered cheerfully. The women's eyes began to sparkle and he face lit up with a blush as her expression quickly changed from embarrassed to shy and hopeful.

Really?...Better ease up there Koujaku, you're laying it on pretty thick there don't you think. Aoba thought to himself as he glanced over at Rin once more to find him blushing as well. Aoba sighed irritated, he shouldn't be so surprised Rin really looked up to that hippo and was defenseless against his charms, hell anyone would fall for that crap he pulls on the ladies! So what was this feeling he was getting? Why didn't he like it when Rin blushed because of something Koujaku did? He wasn't jealous was he?

Shrugging the feeling off Aoba turned his attention back to Koujaku, just in time to

See that the women surrounding him didn't quite like where this was going. The irate females began to push and shove along the dazed young woman.

"Hey! How long are you going to stand there? Move over!"

"Umm, Koujaku-san! You broke a sweat, right? I just bought this handkerchief a while ago, but… if you'd like please use it!"

Koujaku frowned a bit, looking quite like a kicked puppy for a moment, "No, I can't do that. You bought it because you liked it, right? You should use it for yourself."

"It's okay! If Koujaku-san would use this, I'm sure this handkerchief would like it too!"

Koujaku contemplated what she said for a moment, "It too huh… Since you said it like that, if I refused, I'd be out of line. Well, I'll thankfully use it then." He smiles as he reaches for the handkerchief in the woman's hand. Instead of simply talking it he bought the woman's hand together with the handkerchief closer to himself and wipes his face. The other women look on jealously and glare at the blushing woman with the handkerchief ready to kill her at a moment's notice.

"Thanks." He smile once more as he releases her hand. The woman who's face is beet red screeches out an ear shattering squeal at his famous lady killer smile, while the other women continue to glare on terribly jealous.

Having had enough Aoba sighs, turns around and reaches out to grab Rin's arm "…Let's go already." He all but demands with an annoyed expression on his face. Continuing to blush, both from Koujaku's coolness and Aoba touching him, Rin stutters out a sure and follows Aoba. As both boys turn their backs and begin to separate from the crowd a lone voice brings their attention back to the crowd.

"Aoba? Rin? Is that you guys?"

Shit…Aoba thought.

Jealous Aoba is Jealous! Haha and poor little Rin he can't help but fall for Koujaka's suaveness! I know I've been on a super long hiatus and I honestly have no excuse for that so thank you everyone who stuck with me and my laziness and welcome to all my new reader out there! I'm going to try and stick with my original plan to update every other Sunday but if I don't (and I have a good reason for it) I'll upload a message or something say why but if I don't have a good reason get on my ass! I'm far too lazy! .

Oh hey by the way, did any of you attend the Supernatural con in Phoenix AZ this year? I did and it was great! If any of you did go I was the one who asked the salt hula hoop question! XD

Here's your random Rin fact for the day!

Rin is not gay he is bisexual, however he has never been on a day with a women before (he claims they can be too scary!).