Well, I didn't quite make it in time for Easter, but it'll be okay. You guys won't care, right? lol Anyway, another pervy holiday story for you all. Don't know where my mind comes up with these ideas, but I sure do enjoy them. :D Thanks to my great pal, Nicole4211 for fixing a large part of this after I realized that I'd changed from 3rd person POV to 1st person POV. Love her to pieces!

Remember, Hiro Mashima owns Fairy Tail. I simply own every pervy little situation I throw Gajeel and Lucy into!



The banner hung high in the Fairy Tail guild, its bright happy letters setting the tone for the event of the season. Mira had planned out everything from the food to the decorations, but the one thing she was most proud of was the game she'd come up with for her guild mates. She'd grown tired of waiting for her friends to pair up and shower her with romantic gossip, so she was well on her way to creating some of her own.

The trick had been to get them all interested in her game, and there were some that she knew would be difficult to convince. But Mira was nothing if not persistent, and through bribes and threats and a few well placed tears, she'd roped each and every one of them in.

Now, the day had arrived, and everything was going according to plan. She'd made certain everyone had dipped into the slightly altered punch, and all there was left was to wait for them to start feeling the effects. It was a simple potion, one that would make the drinker more apt to reveal their hidden feelings, their secret desires, and Mira was about to make good use of that when she took them all out for their very first game.

"Alright everyone!" she called out, suppressing a squeal of excitement. "Time for the egg hunt!"

Groans shot up all around the room, the men of course finding the notion completely juvenile, but Mira refused to be deterred. She narrowed her eyes at the offending souls, and gaining their silence, once again smiled brightly at everyone. "It's not your traditional egg hunt. This one has a little twist to it, one I think will be a lot of fun," she gushed, ignoring the cringes that swept through the crowd. "Besides, you've all agreed to it, so there will be no backing out!"

Seeing everyone nod their heads in assent, Mira clapped her hands and cheered. "Wonderful! Now, the first round will be for the girls. You boys will stay here in the guild and wait your turn." She turned to the women of the group and explained, "Okay girls. Your job is to find three very specific eggs, one blue, one green, and one yellow. Now, you can search any of the areas outside that surround the guild and any of the back rooms here on the bottom floor. You'll have only 10 minutes to search, and you can't open your eggs until everyone is back here. Understand?"

The white-haired woman waited for each of the females to nod their understanding, and then she pulled out a stop watch. "...And...go!"

Lucy took off out the back door, deciding to forego the inside spaces and simply look outside. She figured a great many girls would be searching there, and she didn't want to get stuck and end up as one of the stragglers.

She had to admit she was a bit nervous about this game. Mira's schemes were generally always covers for her matchmaking tricks, and most of the time, they ended in complete disaster. But no one was foolish enough to tell the woman no. She could be downright frightening about her love plans.

So Lucy had signed up, and just like everyone else simply hoped for the best. She could only pray she didn't end up tied to someone she felt no connection with for the entire day. That had happened to her last time, and things had been positively awkward between her and Jet for a week after Mira had forced her to sit in his lap.

Lucy shuddered at the memory, then pushed it out of her head. She had a job to do. So, pretending there was no hidden agenda, she threw herself into the game, and within 5 minutes had found all three colored eggs Mira had instructed her to find.

Taking her set back into the guild, she found several other girls already lined up behind a row of table, their eggs sitting proudly on display in front of them. She moved down to the end, right next to Cana and sighed. "I have a bad feeling about this."

"You're telling me...last time she planned a game for all of us, I ended up half-naked in Droy's lap," she complained quietly. "Maybe I'll get lucky this time and get one of the hot guys. Ohhh...maybe Laxus. Now that would be a fun surpise."

Lucy giggled at Cana's pervy smile, and couldn't help thinking of which guy she'd like to end up with. She let her eyes roam the group of men Mira had lined up opposite of the girls, and came to an abrupt stop on one most of her guildmates would be shocked about. Gajeel...

She knew how crazy it sounded but the man was sexy in a dark and delicious way. He was big, but not overly large like Elfman, and he had all that long dark hair. And holy hot flash, those piercings... He just go to her. Even now, she could feel her body light up for him, and she looked away, trying to push those sensations down.

But her perusal hadn't gone unnoticed. Cana's eyes were wide with interest, and she leaned in to the blonde with her mouth gaping. "I cannot believe what I just saw. You have the hots for..."

Lucy clapped her hand over the loud woman's mouth just before she was able to reveal her startling crush. "Shhh! Don't tell everybody!"

A laugh sounded behind Lucy's hand just before something wet laved over her skin. "Oh gross Cana!" she whined, scrubbing her palm over the rough fabric of her short jean skirt.

"Serves you right for getting all handsy with me. Now...about this crush..." Cana smirked, her expression turning decidedly wicked. "Is he what's got you acting like a horny devil all the time?"

Lucy's eyes bulged. "What are you talking about? How am I acting like a horny devil?"

"Oh please, you think I don't see when you start squirming in your seat? Then you slip off to the bathroom like you've gotta pee, but when you get back, all that fidgeting is gone." The brunette's face was smug as Lucy's face flushed with color.


Lucy couldn't even manage a single sentence. She was well and truly flabbergasted at Cana's statement. She couldn't believe that someone had figured out what she'd been doing, and now she was wondering if anyone else had come to the same conclusion. Oh God, what if Gajeel had known what she was doing?

"Oh relax cupcake...that man's oblivious. You're safe," Cana consoled.

Lucy however pouted at that. She didn't want him necessarily oblivious...well unless he didn't like her too. "You know that doesn't exactly make me feel better, Cana."

"Eh...I'm no good at this shit. Now...you wanna learn how to go down on a man, I'm all the help you'll ever need," she boasted, tossing a salicious grin at her blonde friend.

Before Lucy could even think of how to respond to that, Mira cleared her throat. "Okay that's the last one. Now, we get to the fun part." She giggled, then got down to business. "You're going to open your eggs in order, going from the yellow, then to the green, and finally to the blue. By that time, I think you will have figured out what you're supposed to do," she said with a wink.

Lucy nearly groaned at the barmaid's excitement. She just knew she about to get something truly awful. Exchanging a look of defeat with Cana, Lucy cracked open her yellow egg and read the slip of paper inside. "1 minute?"

Turning to her friend, Lucy found Cana shrugging. "I've got 30 seconds."

"And the green ones!" Mira announced.

Reaching for the appropriate egg, Lucy pulled it apart and found another strip of white. However, this one was nowhere near as innocuous as the last. "Lick?" she whispered.

Cana burst out laughing at Lucy's horrified expression, but promptly shut her mouth when she read her own. "Suck? What the hell is that demon woman up to?"

Lucy swallowed hard and crossed her fingers. She knew what she would find in that final egg. It would be a name, and everything inside her was hoping it would be Gajeel. The thought of putting her tongue on any other man in this guild was just... Oh God, she couldn't even think. What was she going to do if she got someone like Gray? Juvia would kill her!

"And the blue!" Mira chirped happily.

Taking a deep breath and offering up a silent prayer, Lucy opened the last egg and almost passed out at the name she saw printed across the tiny scrap of paper. "Oh my God..."

"Hot damn!" Cana cheered from beside her. "Now, this is what I'm talking about!" The brown-haired girl scooted closer to Lucy, and seeing her stunned expression, leaned over the blonde's shoulder to see who she'd ended up with. "Holy shit!" she whistled. "We are some lucky ass bitches today!"

Snapping out of her stupor, Lucy scolded the slightly tipsy girl. "Would you hush?!"

"Oh come on...tell me you're not excited to lick all over that fine ass man."

At her accusation, Lucy began to imagine doing that very thing, and she felt her body heat. Looking over at the man in question didn't help either as it supplied the perfect visual to her current fantasy. She bit at her lip and shook her head. Seeing the knowing smile on Cana's face, Lucy relented, "Oh fine...I am. But we have no way of knowing where on...them we're supposed to do this stuff."

"Ah Lucy...excellent point," Mira called, somehow hearing the pair's conversation. "That is the best part. It's completely your decision. Of course, you have to keep things above the belt for certain things, but other than that, it's girl's choice."

Several of the guys exchanged nervous glances at her explanation, and then Natsu yelled out, "Oi Mira! What are you having them do to us?"

The white-haired girl giggled at their uncertain expressions, and said, "Oh nothing too bad! Your honor will be perfectly safe, I assure you."

"Yeah but will our dignity?" Laxus muttered, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Aww...she said above the belt. That woman is always spoiling my fun," Cana grumped, her lips turning down into a pout.

Lucy blinked at her friend for a moment. "You wanted to suck his...right here in the guild?!"

Cana howled at the exasperated question and waved her arm. "No, but I knew it would get a hell of a reaction from you."

"You're so mean!"

"Alright girls, go get your man!" Mira squealed, clasping her hands together in glee.

Down the line, Lucy watched some of the girls begin to move. A few of them were obviously excited about it, and several others were just plain mortified. She could see Levy making her way to Gray, her face already bright with embarrassment, and Lisanna was heading towards Jet. Juvia was fuming and yelling at Levy not to taint her precious Gray-sama's body as she went to stand beside Bickslow.

Lucy shook her head in amusement before facing her own man. This was either going to be absolute heaven or a perfectly awful slice of hell. She hoped he wouldn't be too disappointed that he'd gotten her, because she didn't know if she could bear it if he looked upset at all. Taking a deep breath, she followed her sauntering friend and walked towards Gajeel.

She watched as he studied her slow moving form, and she saw when he realized it was she who had been paired with him. She waited for his face to fall, for some sign that he didn't like the choice that had been made, and she was ready with an apology if it came to that. But it didn't. His eyes held only a twinkle of curiosity and maybe even a little interest.

Releasing the breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding, she moved to stand before him and bit at her lip in uncertainty. "I um...have you."

"Okay," he said easily. "And what does the demon have you doing to me?"

Lucy's face heated as she mumbled the answer to his question. "I'm supposed to lick you."

His eyes widened at her response. "You're gonna lick me?"

"For a minute..."

"So that's why she gave us the stop watches." He was silent for a moment, and then he grunted, his voice sounding slightly lower. "Where?"

"Wherever I want..." she answered before she could really think it through and then felt her face burn again. "I mean-"

Gajeel cut her off with a chuckle. "And where do you want to lick me?"

His question caught her off guard as did his amused attitude. He didn't seem the least bit disturbed by all this, and that sent hope spiraling through Lucy's chest. This could be her chance. She could finally show Gajeel that she was interested in him.

But the idea of just going after what she wanted was still so nerve-wracking! More than anything, she wanted to tug his shirt off his body and lave her tongue over every inch of his perfectly built chest, but could she actually do that? Would he let her?

Deciding that discretion was the better part of valor, she opted for something safer. "Um...your neck?"

He looked down at her and gave a short nod before dropping his arms away from his chest and tilting his head to the side. "I'm all yours."

Lucy's body simmered at his words, everything inside her longing for that to be the truth. If only he knew how much she wished he was all hers. Oh the things she would do to him... Shaking the lust from the forefront of her mind, she stepped forward and leaned up on her tiptoes. "You got the stopwatch?" she asked hesitantly.

"Yes, I'll start it when you start on me."

Heat pooled in her belly. She pressed her hands against his chest and leaned in but couldn't quite reach the side of his neck. "I...I think you might be too tall. Maybe we should get a chair."

Before she could take two steps away to find one, Mira was in front of her. "Here you go!"

Lucy took the stool from her and shook her head at her insanity. Had she just been standing there watching them? Turning back to Gajeel, she found him with much the same reaction, only he had no problem voicing his opinion. "She's completely nuts."

She giggled at his statement and handed him the stool. Turned out, it set him at the perfect height for her, almost as if Mira had planned it that way. Lucy gazed back at her suspiciously, but she simply smiled and carried on about her business.

Gajeel grunted as he leaned back on the stool and spread his legs. Then he beckoned to Lucy with his hand. "Here, you should be able to reach now."

Slowly, she moved into the space between his thighs. She couldn't believe she was standing so close to him, to a part of his anatomy she'd been certain she'd never be near, and now...here she was, right up next to him and just about to put her mouth on him. How had she ever gotten so lucky?

Setting her hands on his shoulders, she waited for him to angle his head away, and then she leaned in. The air froze in her lungs as she opened her mouth and slicked her tongue over a spot high on his neck. He stilled against her, but she didn't stop. She flattened her tongue and dipped in again, laving a slow deliberate path over his pulse.

He tasted so good, a hint of salt and something earthy, and before she knew what she was doing, she hummed in appreciation. Her mouth came down on him again, and she inched her way up his neck, sliding the tip of her tongue along the edge of his jaw and marveling at the way his breathing had changed.

Did he like what she was doing? Was he getting turned on?

God she hoped so, because this was wreaking complete havoc on her own body. She was so hot she felt like she would combust, and she didn't want to be the only one.

Her hands slipped over the muscled expanse of his shoulders and moved to the base of his neck, holding him steady as she eased her way up to his ear. She couldn't believe how bold she was acting. Maybe it was the fact that she'd wanted him for so long or maybe it was just that she knew this might be her only chance. She had no way of knowing. She was just running on instinct, letting her body do what it'd always wanted to do.

Reaching his hairline, she nuzzled beneath the dark tresses and flicked her tongue over the bottom of his ear. Releasing a sigh, Lucy licked along the shell of his ear and all but ached to draw the lobe into her mouth for a long slow suck. She pictured herself nibbling at the fleshy bit, soothing it with her tongue as she lifted herself up and down over his body.

The image was so strong that she moaned, the sound soft enough to sneak by the people around them, but obviously not quiet enough for Gajeel not to hear. There was a rumble in his chest, and then, before she could even register that something was happening, Gajeel's hands were sliding up her legs, his strong fingers wrapping tightly around her thighs.

Lucy gasped at the feel of him touching her, even if it wasn't anything even remotely erotic. The fact that he was touching her, willingly putting his hands on her body was enough to send her heart pounding in her chest. She wanted those hands to slide up her hungry form, to move over every inch of her skin, but they stayed still, the only movement his fingers flexing every now and then.

He felt so good, and he tasted even better. Abandoning his ear, she pulled back, wondering if she had the guts to go further. She wanted a real taste of him, but did she have the nerve?

Noticing her stillness, Gajeel leaned his head back and studied her for a moment. He opened his mouth as if to ask what was wrong, but the one small movement drew Lucy's gaze down. She glanced up and caught his eyes, searching for an answer to the silent question she was asking.

He stared back at her, his expression unerringly calm, but there in the depth of his eyes was the truth. He was affected by her. She could see it in the slight flaring of his nostrils, in the way his jaw clenched every now and then, in the way his own gaze dropped to her mouth.

Dipping her head down, Lucy hovered over his mouth and looked up once more before closing her eyes. She sighed as she leaned in, tracing a path along the curve of his lower lip. The skin was surprisingly soft, supple, and she couldn't resist a little sigh as she licked across the seam of his mouth. How she wished to pressed her lips to his, to slip her tongue into his mouth and kiss him the way she'd longed to for months.

He was so close, so very close, but she didn't dare push this game past the boundaries Mira had set up. Right now, she was free to do as she wished, but very soon, their time would be up. The game would be over, and they would go back to what they'd been before. She could hope that Gajeel would want to make something of this, but she couldn't guarantee that would happen. She had no way of knowing if he wanted more from here or if his reactions were simply a product of the stimulation she'd caused in his body.

Lucy began to draw back. She knew the timer would be going off in a few moments, and with all these doubts swirling around in her head, she wasn't sure she wanted to continue. Hopes were great, but they couldn't give you the world.

Before she could go any farther, Gajeel's hand came up, tangling in her hair and yanked her forward with a low growl. She was so stunned that it took her a moment to realize what was happening. Gajeel was finally kissing her, and in a matter of seconds she was sinking into him and angling her head to deepen the contact.

His lips moved hungrily over hers, his arm banding tightly around her waist as if he couldn't pull her close enough. But that was fine with her. He could hold her any way he wanted to as long as he kept kissing her like this. She had wanted him for so long now, and everything inside of her was screaming to never let go.

Lucy's heart pounded in her chest at the attention he showered on her, and though her lungs shrieked for air, she didn't want to stop. No, she wanted more. She wanted to climb into his lap and wrap herself around that insanely ripped body he had taunted her with every single day for the last 6 months.

Distantly she could hear the sound of their time running out, the annoying little beep of the stop watch Mira had given them telling them their fun was over, but Lucy couldn't find it within herself to care. She didn't want to stop...ever.

She was hot...so very hot there in his arms, and from the hardness pressed up against the front of her body, she could tell he was too. It was all so incredible to her, that she had elicited such a reaction in him, that she had caused him to lose control like this. And she wanted to do it again and again and again.

But they had forgotten something. They were still in the guild, and every one of their friends was right there beside them. Several whoops and hollers went up around them followed closely by a squeal that anyone would recognize as Mira's, and they jerked apart. Lucy's face flamed at the attention they'd gotten, and she wondered if Gajeel was having the same trouble. Glancing back at him, she could see a scowl drift across his face, his eyes narrowing with annoyance.

Was he upset at the big deal they were making or was he bothered by the whole thing?

Biting her lip, Lucy scooted away from him, feeling it might be wise to give him some space. But she got no further than arm's length, and he was tugging her back between his legs. He looked down at her with a frown. "Where're you going?"

She blinked up at him and couldn't help the grin that skittered across her face. "I thought you were aggravated about everything."

"I'm not aggravated about it all," he said with a smirk as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "There's definitely some perks to this dumb ass game that I'm liking a whole lot."

Lucy giggled at his explanation and leaned forward to brush her lips against his again when a call from Mira made her pause. "Alright! Boys' turn now!"