Benign Dominance

Genre: Angst / Romance

Rated: M

Pairing: Wolf / His Imprint

Words: 500

Disclaimer: All things Twilight belong to S. Meyer. I only play with her toys.


He gently swept her hair out of his way and pressed his lips to the pale silk of her skin. She tried to pull away, but he knew her too well and the warm, strong hands she loved so much were already around her waist, holding her fast in his embrace. "Let go. I'm still mad at you."

"I'm not exactly thrilled with you right now, either."

That brought her up short. It was the first time he had shown any sign of anger. But this fight was a long time coming and her shock quickly turned back to anger. "I don't need you telling me what to do. I'm –"

He spun her around in his grasp. This would be the last time they would have this argument. He would see to it. He would make her understand. "Fuck me; I am so sick of hearing this! I'm just a dumb rez rat, a lowly senior in high school, and you're the worldly wise college freshman."

"I've never said that! You know I don't think that!"

"Don't you? Why else would you continue to do what I have asked you repeatedly not to do? No one had any idea where you were for almost eighteen hours."

"I sleep! I eat! I was in the library! College freshman, remember? I study from time to time."

"Glad to hear it. I hate dumb girls. That doesn't explain why you didn't check in with someone. We were all worried."

She rolled her eyes. He hated it when she did that. "Oh, yeah. As if privacy wasn't becoming enough of a joke in real life, I now have to keep my boyfriend AND the La Push Pound Puppies apprised of my every move. This is beyond ridiculous." She braced her hands against his chest and pushed with all her might. "Let me go!"

"Make me."

She looked up, startled by the chill in his voice. "I don't want to hurt you."

He laughed, amused by her concern. "I'll heal. Show me what you've got, little girl."

Pissed off beyond measure now, she brought everything she had with a vengeance. And failed spectacularly to cause him any discomfort, or to escape. She rested her head over his heart in abject surrender.

The sob that he could no longer contain took her breath away. "Do you get it now? How terrified I am of losing you? You can't save yourself from the monsters who want to spread you on a cracker and have you for a snack, and I won't live in a world that doesn't have you in it. "

She wrapped her arms around him tight. "I'm so sorry. I didn't think."

"I know how much your independence means to you. I don't want to be your master. Just, please, don't make it hard for me to protect you."

"I just want to warn you; you're going to get sick of me."

He pulled her close to kiss her. "I'll take that bet."