A/N: Please note that there is a lengthy lemon in this one, so please be aware.

Part IV: Moving Away

As the last of his life points dwindled down to zero, Kaiba had to resist the urge to swear. He was angry, but invigorated all at the same time by dueling and losing to Atem. Things had certainly been interesting since returning to Japan together. For starters, Atem had moved into the mansion with him and Mokuba since there hadn't been a spare room for him at the Game Shop and it was better than sharing a room with Yuugi. There had initially been much protesting from the Yuugi-tachi, but Atem had largely ignored it, much to Kaiba's pleasure. It made him feel good that Atem had been willing to choose him over them; it gave him more confidence in their relationship if nothing else.

Whatever label Atem wanted to put on them was fine with Kaiba, so long as he got to be with his rival in an intimate capacity. Even though Atem had his own room in the mansion, he spent every night in Kaiba's room, more often then not falling asleep only after a round or two of incredible sex. It made Kaiba feel so close to Atem, closer than he had ever felt to anyone previously in his life. At one time it might have scared him, but the thought of losing Atem scared him more. Sometimes he woke up at night from a nightmare that Atem had crossed over to be with the priest for all eternity and it was a comfort to realize that he was sleeping soundly next to him. Never again did Kaiba have to worry about that meddling priest taking what was rightfully his.

His thoughts were brought back to the present when Atem came over to him with a triumphant look in his crimson eyes that set Kaiba's very soul on fire with passion. "You've become a true duelist," Atem praised him, having enjoyed the fight far more than their last one.

Roughly pulling Atem to him, Kaiba dominated a kiss that left Atem breathless when they parted. It wasn't the response he had been expecting and he was pleasantly shocked. "You're not mad you lost?" Atem asked in surprise.

"Of course I am," Kaiba irritably said as he glared at Atem for good measure. But somehow that feeling waned when he was in Atem's presence. "I hate losing."

"You played really well, though," Atem told him, hoping that Kaiba could learn to focus on that aspect rather than the loss.

"You still won," Kaiba irritably said, even as he slipped his fingers under Atem's shirt to touch the skin hidden beneath it to calm himself.

"Barely," Atem stated, knowing it had been a tough victory to achieve. Only his aibou had ever been able to challenge him as much as Kaiba and he had no doubt that one day he would lose to his lover.

It was still somewhat surreal to Atem that he and Kaiba had moved on to that point; he had fully expected to never be forgiven for leaving after the way the reincarnated priest had acted upon his initial return. But it had merely been a case of too many mixed emotions colliding into a mess and time had tempered their reactions to the situation. They had both recognized their errors and moved beyond them to the point they were currently at, which was in a contended relationship. Kaiba was surprisingly affectionate toward him once Mokuba had given his approval. Some part of Kaiba was always needing to touch some part of Atem as if reassuring himself that he was still there and present. It pleased Atem more than he could put into words and he indulged in the simple touches as much as he could.

Atem had been surprised at how naturally they had fallen into a rhythm together; he had expected it to be harder to get along with a personality as forceful as Kaiba's, but that hadn't been the case. Atem quickly grew to realize that the Kaiba he saw at home was very different from the Kaiba that everyone else saw. That suited Atem just fine, too. He liked his private Kaiba that wasn't afraid to show the depths of his feelings behind closed doors. He never said anything about it, but his actions were more than enough for Atem. Atem felt cherished whenever Kaiba held him in their quieter moments and kissed him tenderly, felt important whenever he would arrange his work schedule so he could come home earlier to spend more time with him and Mokuba. The resistance he had expected to experience based off of Kaiba's initial reactions was mercifully absent and Atem was more than okay with that.

"Hn," was Kaiba's only reaction before he was trying to dominate another kiss, just so he could claim a victory in some kind of duel. Atem gave himself over to it entirely, although their Duel Disks were in the way. They quickly removed them and Kaiba started on Atem's shirt next, the adrenaline rush of the fight serving as fuel for his desires.

"We can't," Atem protested as he tried to stop Kaiba's hands from making any progress. "Mokuba will be home soon from school."

"Door's locked, don't care," Kaiba brusquely replied as he continued his quest of stripping Atem.

Once again stopping Kaiba, Atem continued trying to rationalize with Kaiba, "We don't have anything for—"

"Fine, upstairs then," Kaiba decided as he bent down and scooped Atem up and tossed him over his shoulder. It caused Atem to yelp in surprise as he continued protesting, but Kaiba ignored it as he exited the rec room they had been dueling in for the past few hours.

"Put me down!" Atem demanded as he struggled in Kaiba's grip.

"Keep it up and I'll drop you," Kaiba warned as he continued walking toward the stairs to head to their bedroom.

"Kaiba!" Atem called out, but his commanding tone was ruined by his laughter at the situation. It was truly absurd and yet Atem couldn't help but be turned on by the sheer strength that Kaiba possessed and how easily it could be used to pin him down on a bed.

Making a pleased sound at hearing his name said in such a way, Kaiba continued heading toward the stairs when he was stopped by hearing his brother calling out, "Nii-sama, Yami, are you home?"

Even though he loved his little brother dearly, Kaiba was not pleased by his sudden appearance and interruption. Kaiba was aching to be buried inside of Atem intimately and his brother's presence meant he was going to be delayed for hours until they went to bed. Unless he managed to find a way to silence Atem and they could continue…

"Yeah," Kaiba confirmed, trying to keep the disappointment out of his tone as he started to head toward his brother's voice.

"Told you," Atem muttered, earning him a slap on the ass that made him moan with want instead of the intended punishing effect Kaiba had been aiming for with his action.

"Stop that," Kaiba ordered, the sound having shot straight to his cock, which was already starting to stir to life. Forcing his body to calm down, Kaiba put Atem back down on the ground so he could walk on his own volition and not raise suspicions with Mokuba. Even though he had given his approval of their relationship, there was a limit to what Kaiba wanted him to understand about it. There were just some things that Mokuba didn't need to see and walking in on them in the middle of an intimate moment was one of those things.

Mokuba was waiting for them in the kitchen with a broad smile and it made some of Kaiba's irritation ease. "You look like you're in a good mood," Kaiba commented as they entered the room.

"I had a great day!" Mokuba cheerily exclaimed. "My friends and I nailed our presentation in history class."

"I'm glad to hear it," Kaiba praised his younger brother, feeling proud of him.

"How was your day?" Mokuba asked as he started to make himself an after school snack.

Having cut out of work early to duel Atem and lost said battle were all reasons why he should have said, "Bad," but Kaiba didn't have the heart to say that to his younger brother when he was in such a good mood. "Good," Kaiba answered with a small smile at the way his younger brother beamed at him.

"Yami?" Mokuba questioned, not finding it strange anymore to include him in on conversations that had once been private.

"Excellent," he replied with a smile of his own. He had always been fond of Mokuba and that feeling had continued to grow as they had lived together. He truly was a good kid and he reminded Atem a lot of Kaiba. "Congratulations on your presentation."

"Thanks," Mokuba said as he offered food to them both. Kaiba declined, but Atem took a little for himself as he took a seat at the counter along with Mokuba, having worked up quite an appetite while dueling.

"Thank you," Atem appreciatively said as he began to eat along with Mokuba.

It was the quieter moments when Kaiba saw how well Atem and Mokuba got along that made him happy. He could only imagine how much harder things would have been if Mokuba hadn't approved of him being together with Atem. Kaiba knew he wouldn't have been able to give up Atem even if his brother hadn't approved and he was grateful that ne never found himself in that position.

Mokuba continued chattering about how his day was and Atem did most of the replying as Kaiba merely observed. Part of him stubbornly still insisted on taking Atem upstairs and resuming from where they were interrupted, but he knew that having Mokuba in the house and awake was going to curb Atem's urges.

Kaiba was paying just enough attention to hear Mokuba say, "So I'm probably going to leave to hang out with Jounouchi and Honda in a few minutes. Do you guys want to come with me? We're probably going to an arcade."

"No, but thanks," Atem declined, his mind going the same place that Kaiba's was.

"Aww, really? It'll be fun," Mokuba continued, trying to change his mind.

"Maybe next time," Atem promised, knowing that he had to hang out with his friends some time. As tempting as it was to spend all his time with Kaiba, Atem knew that he still needed to get out sometimes. Things had initially been a little weird between him and the rest of the Yuugi-tachi after his return, but they had quickly forgiven and forgotten that he had ever left at all. More awkward was their reaction to the news that Atem was dating and moving in with Kaiba. Jounouchi had taken it the hardest, although Yuugi had been the most disappointed since Atem was living apart from him for the first time. It had been hard to be apart from his aibou, but being with Kaiba more than made up for it.

"Okay, but I'm holding you to that," Mokuba warned with another smile that softened his words. "It's been awhile since we've all hung out together."

"Yeah, we should do something," Atem agreed, wondering if he could coerce Kaiba into agreeing. He would certainly enjoy making a persuasive argument, if nothing else.

They continued making plans while Kaiba silently observed and soon Mokuba announced that he was ready to go. "Is it okay if I take Isono?" Mokuba asked his brother, more out of formality than anything else.

"Of course," Kaiba granted, knowing that he would have no need of his dedicated employee for the next few hours. Besides, he could drive himself wherever they needed to go afterward.

"I'll see you both later, then!" Mokuba happily exclaimed as he put away his dish and scurried off in search of Isono.

Atem looked at Kaiba with heated eyes that made the taller teen burn with need, a need that would soon be satiated. Kaiba didn't say anything, but Atem could see the smoldering want in Kaiba's expressive blue eyes that usually managed to tell him what words could not. Everyone else may have seen them as cold and calculating, but Atem knew better.

Neither of them moved until they heard Mokuba leave the house and then Kaiba was on Atem in an instant, the last of his restraint disappearing with the sound of the door closing. Atem wrapped his legs around Kaiba's waist and pulled their bodies closer together, gasping when he felt the hardness pressing against him. "That certainly didn't take long," Atem teased in between kisses.

"Shut up," Kaiba growled, swallowing the sound of Atem's laughter with another passionate kiss.

"Yes, sir," Atem replied in a sultry manner that made Kaiba bite back a groan at the sheer sexiness of it.

Once again picking Atem up and draping him over his shoulder, Kaiba started to make his way back to their bedroom. "Why do you keep carrying me?" Atem asked in exasperation.

"Are you complaining?" Kaiba asked in a tone of voice that cut straight through Atem and made him shiver with want.

"Never," Atem replied, the single word laced with his desire.

"Good," Kaiba said as he started up the long staircase. It felt like forever before they reached their bedroom and Kaiba shut and locked the door just to be on the side of precaution in case Mokuba came back before they had finished.

Putting Atem down, Kaiba chuckled when eager hands were quick to get rid of his shirt. He returned the favor with pleasure and together they made quick work of ridding each other of their clothes. "Atem," Kaiba said with need as he backed them up toward the bed. Atem reassured him with a kiss that was interrupted when they bumped into the bed. Taking control of the situation, Atem shoved Kaiba hard onto the bed, causing him to bounce onto it with surprise. Atem quickly clambered on top of Kaiba and began kissing him breathless. Kaiba multitasked by caressing Atem's body, sending shivers through the former pharaoh.

The teasing touch served to stoke Atem's need for Kaiba and his hips thrust against the answering hardness that had been so quick to make a reappearance. "Oh, Kaiba," Atem sighed, needing more.

Kaiba said nothing as Atem started peppering his beck and chest with kisses, slowly working his way down to the rigid member that was in front of him and demanding attention. Atem took it in hand and lightly teased it with his fingers, making Kaiba growl lowly in the back of his throat. The sound of it caused Atem to groan in response as he felt that hollow ache inside of him that only Kaiba could fill. But first he took Kaiba's member into his mouth and began to go down on him enthusiastically, using his lips and tongue to perfection in Kaiba's opinion. He never grew tired of the feeling of Atem's talented mouth on him and Kaiba did his best not to thrust into that welcoming warmth and gag him.

When Atem began to deep throat Kaiba, he couldn't hold back his protracted moan as he arched his back in pleasure. It felt amazing and for that reason Kaiba had to put a stop to it; he had even better things in mind for the moment. Reaching down and easing Atem off of him, Kaiba received a pout for his actions. At one point Kaiba would have hated himself for finding the reaction adorable, but he had already come to terms with the fact that Atem had bypassed his normal reactions.

Instead of explaining himself, Kaiba reversed their positions and reached for the lube that was never very far from hand with Atem around all the time. Unable to resist the temptation, Kaiba returned the favor as he began preparing Atem for penetration.

Atem embedded his fingers in Kaiba's soft brunette hair as he spread his legs further apart to accommodate him. It was rare for Kaiba to fellate him and Atem enjoyed every moment of it. He about came undone when Kaiba did that little trick with his tongue that drove Atem wild and he tried to tell him to stop, but the words wouldn't come out right. With the feeling of Kaiba's fingers toying with him at the same time as his mouth, it was almost more than Atem could take. When Kaiba ghosted over that spot inside of him that never failed to make him come undone, Atem tried to stop him from continuing, but it was useless. Kaiba wasn't going to stop until Atem had reached completion and when he applied the right amount of pressure to that place while sucking hard, he couldn't hold it in anymore and came hard with his lover's name on his lips.

"How is that fair?" Atem protested, even though he felt amazing. When Kaiba smirked down at him while wiping his mouth on the back of his hand, Atem took advantage of his unbalanced position and knocked him over onto his back. Once again returning to his place on top, Atem reached back and steadied Kaiba's cock so that he could ease himself onto it. He slid down with a sigh, stopping only once he was fully seated.

Even though his need to be filled had been met, Atem still ached for more. It drove him to start moving as he braced himself on Kaiba's firm stomach for balance. As he built up a rhythm, Atem tossed his head back with a loud moan of pleasure that made Kaiba thrust up hard in appreciation of the sight. Kaiba rested his hands on Atem's hips and helped guide them as they continued.

It was an amazing experience for Atem and he didn't hold back any of his reactions, becoming more vocal as they progressed. Even Kaiba failed to hold back his sounds of satisfaction as Atem rode him hard and fast. He couldn't get enough of his rival and Kaiba let his hands wander along heated skin to further heighten the sensations, although he avoided touching Atem's member for fear of it being over too soon. Kaiba wanted to overthrow Atem and continue on top, but he allowed his rival to have his moment. Besides, it all felt good and that was the only thing that mattered.

Atem called out to Kaiba repeatedly, which pleased the reincarnated priest greatly. He never got tired of hearing his name on Atem's lips; it brought great satisfaction to his male pride to reduce his rival to that single word.

The sight of Atem on top of him was a glorious one and Kaiba growled appreciative. He had been an idiot for ever thinking he could have given up on his rival; every day he fell deeper and deeper into Atem. There had been no turning back once he had decided to commit and Kaiba didn't regret it for a moment. No, the only thing he regretted was that he had almost condemned himself to a lonely life without his rival to brighten his days. The very thought of it made his chest tighten painfully and Kaiba did his best to put the thought of it his mind since it did him no good to think of such things now. The only thing that mattered was the beautiful creature above him that looked so divine in all his naked glory.

Their bodies ceaselessly moved in search of the ultimate pleasure and it was starting to become too much for Atem to handle as his pace started to falter. Kaiba took that as his cue to start stroking Atem's member and it made him shout as he bounced down hard in response. He tried knocking Kaiba's hand away, but ended up wrapping his own around it and moving in sync together. Atem didn't last long and came shortly thereafter. The tensing of his muscles encouraged Kaiba to do the same, but he held out as long as he could since he wasn't ready for it to be over yet. Atem valiantly tried to keep up even though his body was protesting the overload of sensations. Finally Kaiba gave in to the feelings and climaxed, moaning lowly as he did so. It made Atem learn forward and hungrily kiss Kaiba, deepening the kiss when he felt fingers pulling him closer by his tricolor hair. Somehow it felt like it would never be enough, no matter how many times he was satiated.

Atem groaned when he pulled off of Kaiba's spent member and lay down on top of him despite the mess between them. "So good," Atem sighed in contentment as he snuggled closer still when Kaiba wrapped his arms around him.

"Mm," Kaiba agreed, letting his fingers absentmindedly trail along Atem's skin and send shivers through his rival.

They lay in silence together, enjoying the peace of the moment. Eventually Kaiba's thoughts began to meander and drift back to what his life would have been like if Atem wasn't as stubborn as he was. The thought made him chuckle to himself and it prompted Atem to ask, "What's so funny?"

"You actually out stubborned me," Kaiba replied, still laughing. "I never thought I'd live to see the day when that happened."

Grinning at that, Atem kissed Kaiba's neck as he said, "I fight for what I believe in and I believe is us."

"How can you say that with a straight face?" Kaiba wanted to know.

"Easily, because it's the truth,' Atem replied. "I just wish we both had realized it earlier."

"There's no point in wishing for such things," Kaiba told him, his tone softer than his words.

"No, not when we got what we wanted," Atem agreed. "For what it's worth, I'm glad you gave in when you did. I expected to have to wait a lot longer for you to change your mind."

Even Kaiba was surprised by how quickly he had come around, but it had just been too hard to fight against his instincts and desires. He had wanted Atem and it was painfully obvious; resisting further would have made him look foolish and he hated to look stupid. "So did I," Kaiba responded with a laugh before indulging in a sweet, unhurried kiss that made Atem melt.

"I'm glad you changed your mind," Atem murmured when they parted for breath. "I couldn't bear the thought of being apart from you."

"You have me now, that's all that matters," Kaiba reassured him in a rare moment of comforting. "Now let's go take a shower."

Nodding in agreement, Atem forced his tired body to move off of his comfortable position on top of Kaiba.

Atem led the way to the bathroom and Kaiba took advantage of the view to appreciative the sight of his cum marking his rival. It made him wonder if Atem felt the same way and he looked down at his stomach with a scowl at the mess. It wasn't a question Kaiba felt he could ask, so he kept it to himself.

Getting into the shower once the water was hot enough, Kaiba was on Atem in an instant, embracing him and groping his ass hard. It made Atem release a moaning laugh that amused Kaiba as he started kissing his rival's neck. "Just can't help yourself, can you?" Atem asked with another laugh.

No, not when Atem looked too irresistible when wet. Instead of saying anything, Kaiba merely ran his hands along Atem's nubile body, enjoying the wet warmth of his skin. "Not that I mind," Atem continued as he returned the favor.

Any further words were stopped by Kaiba kiss Atem to the point where all other thoughts ceased to matter. No, all that mattered in the moment was that they were together.

A/N: I can't believe I've just concluded my thirtieth story on this site! Thank you to all of you who have stuck with me along the way, it means the world to me.

My next story will be the much mentioned Prideshipping Kitten fic, although I still don't have an official title for it yet. I will be posting it on Sunday, June 15th and I can promise that it's a fun one.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this conclusion and I hope we all meet again in the next story!