THE SEQUEL IS HERE! AND IT'S HERE EARLY! Ya"ll excited? You better be! I couldn't finish writing All Of Me, because it would be all effed up after I already started it on the computer, and that's still not working and I'm a major perfectionist when it comes to my stories. Therfore, that has been postponed. Anyway, I got a great story going for you guys this time! And someone has a master plan for the Puckentine couple! Plus, we get to see Sam lose her mind for real! Everything you read and thought of in the first story is NOTHING compared to what will be in this! Hope you guys are ready for some serious darkness xD So many exclamation points because i'm so excited! Lol, enough stalling! On with the story!


She hated her. Hated her from the start. The minute her name was mentioned, she wanted to drive a stake through it. Dark, but to the point. It wasn't fair. How could she get what she wanted? How could she take what was rightfully hers? But it was fine. Totally fine. She wouldn't have it for long. No. She'd be out of the picture soon enough. A knife was driven through a photograph of certain tiny redhead. Yes... Soon enough...


They were cuddled up on Cat's couch, Cat nuzzling her face in the crook of Sam's neck and Sam resting her cheek on Cat's head. The TV was set to the Dingo Channel, but they weren't paying attention. Their eyes were closed. They were only focused on the other's company. Cat sighed contentedly, smiling.

"What?" Sam chuckled, opening her eyes and looking down at Cat with an amused expression.

Cat shrugged, smiling wider. "Nothing, you just smell good." She buried her nose deeper into Sam's neck for emphasis.

"And what do I smell like?" Sam asked.

"Hmmm..." Cat moaned. "Like vanilla and Axe. You use guy cologne?"

Sam shrugged. "I'm not into that girly stuff. 'Sides, if that stuff makes you do this I'm gonna use it more often."

Cat giggled and sat up to kiss Sam, leaning into her. Sam returned the gesture, wrapping her arms around Cat and pulling her closer. She smirked, backed away for a short second. Her fingers brushed a stray lock of red hair behind Cat's ear. "I love you, Kitten."

Cat nudged Sam's nose with her own. " I love you too, Sammy."

Sam grinned. "I have a surprise for you."

"Really?" Cat asked, her head tilting to the side. "What?"

Sam reached into her pocket and pulled out a medium sized box, handing it to Cat. Cat stared at it, her mouth hanging open.

"Go ahead, open it." Sam said, then added teasingly, "It won't bite."

Cat took the box and opened it, revealing a silver chained necklace with half a red heart attached to it. Engraved on it was the word "Forever", the rest cut off by the false crack down the middle. Cat looked up at Sam and Sam smiled back, reaching into her shirt and taking out her necklace. "& Always" was written on hers. She took Cat's half and connected them, puzzling together the phrase.

"Sam, I-" Cat couldn't finish.

Sam held up Cat's half. "May I?"

Cat nodded and turned around, holding her hair out of the way for Sam to fasten it around her neck. Cat gazed down at the necklace, her fingers brushing over it. "I love it, Sam."

"Good, because that's only the half of it." Sam stood up and stretched.

"The half of it?" Cat asked. "What's the rest?"

"You'll see." Sam said. "Just be ready by eight, Kitten."

"Is this a date?" Cat asked from her seat.

"Maybe. You don't have to dress up or anything." Sam said. "Just a casual skirt and some earrings should do."

She bent down and kissed Cat, grinning as she headed out the door. Cat pouted, but stood from the couch and went to the window soon enough to see Sam drive away on her motorcycle. Her fingers drifted to the necklace and she looked at the clock. It was six thirty. Well, why waste time? She hurried to her room to gather her clothing and hurry into the bathroom.


Cat stood in front of her full length mirror, humming a song as she put on her favorite pearl earrings. She smiled to herself, eager for what Sam was going to do for her that night. Cat managed to find a frilly black skirt that came just about mid-thigh with a long sleeve but not too thick dark blue sweater. She stared at herself in the mirror, grinning. Sam would be there to pick her up soon. Her necklace caught her attention again, sparkling from the ceiling light.

She didn't hear the footsteps behind her. She just saw a quick flash of movement in the mirror's reflection, then felt two arms snake around her waist and heard someone breathe in deeply.

"Mmm, you smell like strawberries."

"Sam!" Cat scolded, though not really mad. "You scared me!"

"Aw, I'm sorry baby." Sam said. "Thought I'd let myself in this time." Cat heard the jingle of keys being put away.

Cat turned around in Sam's arms and Sam pecked her on the lips. "Great outfit, by the way. But it's missing a little something."

Sam peeked over Cat's shoulder and grabbed something off of the dresser next to the mirror. Cat felt pressure on her head and her hands tatrailed upward, coming in contact with furry ears.

"My cat ears?" Cat said, confused. "I thought this was a date."

"It is, just not the kind of one you're thinking of." Sam grinned mischievously. "No fancy dinners, no fancy outfits."

"Then..." Cat didn't finish.

"C'mon." Sam took her hand. "Your surprise awaits."

Cat followed Sam out the door to her motorcycle and got on, putting on her helmet and wrapping her arms around Sam's waist. Sam started up her bike and they left.


"Sam, can I look yet?" Cat asked in a whine.

"Just a second." Sam said. "Keep walking."

Cat did as she was told until Sam pulled her back. She took her hands away from Cat's eyes. "Alright, you can look."

Cat opened her eyes and looked up, gasping in surprise. "Mystic Mountain?!" She turned to look at Sam, who was smiling. "You brought me to Mystic Mountain?! But-"

"I remember you telling me that it was your favorite place to come to as a kid." Sam said. "So, I figured why not?" She linked her arm with Cat's and kissed her. "Happy one month."

Cat beamed and she was barely able to restrain herself from rushing into the amusement park while dragging Sam behind her. But she still skipped by Sam's side eagerly while they browsed the rides, trying to figure out which ones to ride first. Sam told her to save the Ferris Wheel for last, and that they could go on any of the others. Cat immediately picked the Go-Round Coaster, which took the riders around the park. It wasn't very exciting as a ride itself, but it was a great romantic start. Sam agreed and they headed to the gate. The man let them in and they choose the middle car, Cat sliding in first then Sam taking her seat beside her. She snuck her arm around Cat's shoulders and Cat relaxed into her, laying her head on Sam's shoulder. They received a great view of all the rides and pointed out all the vendors where they could get a quick snack or drink before their next ride.

The Go-Round lasted all of five minutes and they got off, going to the nearest vendor to get themselves a couple of sodas to sip on while they discussed their next ride. Sam chose the Devil's Domain, which was a roller coaster that stayed mostly inside this wide bright red and black tunnel. Cat confessed that she'd only been on once, when she was seven, and didn't want to go back on again. The name itself had terrified her.

"Aw, c'mon." Sam said. "I'm going on with ya. There's nothing to be afraid of."

Cat, knowing that she could trust Sam, said, "Okay. Let's go."

Sam brought Cat to the Devil's Domain's gate, and the woman standing there let them in. Sam said it was best to sit in the back rather than the front and lead her to the final car. She took Cat's hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. The cars jolted forward on the track and in they went.

Though the ride wasn't as bad the second time around, Cat clung to Sam the entire time. She did close her eyes a few times (okay, nearly the whole time), but when it was over she laughed.

"I guess it wasn't that bad." she said.

"See, I told you!" Sam said. She looked at her watch. "C'mon, we might as well go to the Ferris Wheel. This place is closing soon."

"Kay-kay." Cat said.

Sam walked over to the Ferris Wheel with Cat in tow. Cat went in first, not noticing Sam whisper something to the operator. He smiled kind heartedly and nodded. Sam climbed into the chair with Cat and tugged down the bar over their laps. The ride started and up they went. The wheel went around a good two times before stopping at the peak. Cat looked down; she was never a big fan of heights. "What's going on?"

"Relax." Sam said. "It's cool."

"Did you set this up?" Cat asked.

Sam nodded. "Yeah. A friend of Spencer's other friend Socko works here. He's the one operating this thing. His nickname is Crank."

"What's his real name?" Cat said.

"Heck if I know." Sam said with a shrug. Even with the lack of light, Cat could tell Sam was blushing. "I'm sorry we couldn't get on all the rides, and if this is too cliche-"

She was silenced by a pair of soft lips pressing against hers. "It's perfect, Sam." Cat said. "This has all been perfect. Thank you."

"Anything for you, Kitten." Sam said, smiling. She took her and Cat's necklace and put them together. "Forever-"

"And always." Cat finished.

They laid back as much as they could, snuggling up to each other and gazing up at the stars and moon above them."


Nothing like a bunch of fluffy Puckentine sap to get this story started right! Chapter two will be up soon!