Note: Well after some proding from Thedogo I have written my first fan fic to help satisfy my DWOCD. I've never done anything like this before and it has been too many years to count since I have had to write in any format.

The story is complete and I will aim to post a chapter a day.

A massive thanks to wenwalke for reading through it and correcting my mistakes, and picking up any English expressions that slipped in, any left are my mistakes.

Disclaimer: I do not own Hawaii Five-0 or the characters.

Spoiler Warning: Some reference to episode 4.19. No Catherine.

Chapter One.

Danny smiled as he looked at his daughter in the back seat of the car. They had just spent an unexpected weekend together after Rachel called and asked if he could have Grace. Rachel, Stan and Charlie were in Hawaii for two weeks and the plan had been for Grace to spend most of her time with them. But when Danny received the request on Friday afternoon he was more than happy to oblige. He, Grace and Amber had had a lovely time playing roller hockey and relaxing on the beach. He and Grace had even surfed for a few hours, while Amber sunbathed. Danny giggled to himself when he imagined Super SEAL's face when he told him that he had actively chosen to surf.

Danny wasn't sure why Rachel had given up her precious time with Grace. Since the custody hearing Rachel spent most of her time in Vegas, flying back every few weeks to spend a week with Grace. So these 2 weeks should have been much wanted time together especially since Stan had joined them at the last minute. Grace had mentioned that she heard them arguing, so perhaps they didn't want her around to hear them. Whatever the reason Danny was just grateful for the extra time and was glad Grace and Amber had had more time to get to know each other. Danny was doing his best to keep his promise to Steve by trying to be more positive. He was spending as much time with Amber as possible, and she and Grace were certainly hitting it off if the make over evening they had spent the night before was anything to go by.

Danny pulled up outside the Academy of Sacred Hearts and got out to open the door for Grace, "ok monkey, have a good day" he said leaning down and placing a kiss on her head.

"Thanks Danno" Grace sweetly smiled and then headed off to her friends who were waiting for her on the other side of the road.

Danny watched her go with a smile on his face, but that changed when he suddenly got a strange feeling wash over him. Whether it was his over protective father senses kicking in, or his awareness as a cop he wasn't sure. All he knew was the hairs on the back of his neck where stood on end and he turned his head in time to see a car headed straight at Grace, full throttle, as she crossed the road.

He didn't even take a second to think, launching himself at Grace, grabbing her up and wrapping himself protectively around her. He knew there wasn't enough time to get them both out of the path of the car, so he braced himself for impact.

The car slammed into Danny's right side and threw them both up on to the hood. His shoulder connected hard with the windshield and they bounced over the roof of the car and landed hard on the ground. They rolled to a stop as the car raced off away from the school.

Crowds of school children shrieked in terror as they watched helplessly as Danny and Grace came to a stop. Danny still tightly wrapped around Grace doing the best he could to protect her. Then they watched nervously as neither of them moved.