Disclaimer: Do not own.

Three separate 200-word drabbles - Enjoy!

"Oi, watch where you're going…You're gonna hurt someone. Or worse, bruise the inventory."

Tetsu groaned, laying face-up on the ground outside their family grocery store, a dull pain shooting up through his back. The real pain, however, was his broken pride. Across the street, at Fujiwara Flower, he knew that she was in there, watching him.

And he hated making a fool of himself in front of her.

But she was just so damn perfect, you couldn't blame him for being distracted. She had been leaning on the counter, surrounded by an assortment of soft pink flowers (most of which, he didn't know the name of, even though for years she had been trying to teach him), quietly arranging a bouquet for old Tanaka-san. She had looked up when the delivery truck pulled up, waving to Tetsu when he came out and laughing into her palm when he tripped trying to get inside the back of the truck.

No, he couldn't tell his brother that his once little crush was getting worse – but as he groaned again when Takako came running out to see if he was okay, he heard his younger brother snort under his breath, signaling that he already knew.


After a long day of practice, you would think that the last thing Tetsu wanted to do was commute via train for twenty minute.

But you'd be wrong.

Captain and manager would tumble onto the almost empty train carriage, taking a seat far from the doors. Tetsu would take the window seat, scooting over to prop his tired body against the window, and Takako would slide in next to him, yawning and making Tetsu yawn in turn. Soon, as the train lulled forward, Takako would lean over, too fatigued to care, too isolated to be embarrassed, and rested her head on Tetsu's shoulder, closing her eyes and trusting Tetsu to wake her before her stop. Tetsu would furrow his brows, wondering how in the world he ended up in this entirely too perfect situation, and would try his best not to move, hoping his shoulder was a nice enough pillow for Takako.

When her stop came, he'd shake her knee until she awoke, she'd yawn at him, tell him to finish his homework and kiss him goodbye.

And as the train pulled forward again, leaving her behind, Tetsu couldn't help but to look forward to tomorrow's ride home.

"Do you like him?"

"You're an idiot."

"You like him, don't you?"

"If you ask me again, I'm going to smack you."

Back when she first met Tetsu, she would have never guessed that he was the jealous type and, normally, he wasn't. But after returning from watching his cousin's basketball game – and maybe there had been a few careless comments from Takako, saying how cute it was that said cousin was so nervous around girls – Tetsu wouldn't shut up about how she had fallen in love with his cousin.

"If you start dating him, family gatherings are going to be awk –"

Takako couldn't take it anymore - It had been cute at first, having an out-of-character Tetsu, but her patience quickly worn thin as he refused to drop it. And if Tetsu opened his mouth one more time, she really was going to dump him.

But she didn't want that, so she lunged forward, pressing herself against him, hooking her arms around his neck, pulling him down to her eye-level:

"Tetsuya, shut up. I don't like him. I like you." She leaned in, pressing her lips to his. "Plus, stupid, I don't like basketball players."

I just really love Tetsu/Takako and omg, I know everyone loves Tetsu/Jun but I just love Captain/Manager so much.

Thanks for reading