So this is a Crossover between Supernatural and Harry Potter, and I don't own either of them.

Summary: When Sam looks back to his earliest memories, he can sometimes see this girl, around 6, when he was about 2, but no one ever mentions her, so why should he? All he can remember is a girl with bushy brown hair, but he can only remember that. He doesn't ask questions about her, most of the time he forgets that she existed or maybe she didn't. He didn't really know what to think, until a 19 year old girl turns up by the Impala and wants to talk to them.

A/N= OK this popped into my head and I thought I could do it. It's going to go from before Dean was born to about when he was 6, then switch to Hermione at certain points at Hogwarts, though you'll see why. It will have Sam reflecting upon her as well as John. I don't know where it will end.

I'm also not sure when Dean's birthday is so I'm going to be using Hermione's instead which is the 19th of September, 1979.


Early February 1979

Mary Winchester had just gone to have a check-up. She didn't tell her husband John, it was nothing really, just a virus.

She walked down the road to the Hospital, shivering at the cold that had settled about Lawrence, Kansas, it wasn't cold enough for snow but definitely not warm enough to go outside without a coat on. Mary walked up to the front desk at the Hospital to ask for just a regular check-up and was directed down the corridor and to the third door on the left.

She was told to take a seat by the Doctor who had a gentle voice but still managed to be firm. Mary told him what had been happening.

"I've just been sick, vomiting every morning for a week or so and I've been more tired then usual, it's just a bug right?"

"Of course, it should be nothing, but these are also symptoms of early pregnancy. Would you mind telling me when you last had your period?"

"S-six weeks ago. I just remembered. But how? We used protection and everything! Oh God, we aren't ready for this!"

"Mrs Winchester it is possible, nothing is 100% affective. I'm sure you and your husband will be fine at the end of 8 months, you are 5 weeks pregnant. If you want to confirm it, you can have a pregnancy test at home, and I can schedule and ultrasound test for you in the Maternity Ward for around 2 weeks' time, if you'd like?"

"T-That would be great, thank you. I think I have to get home now." Mary was nervous, she was going to have a baby, a little child just hers and John's. John. Oh God, how was she going to tell him this?!

She left hastily, rushing out the door, down the corridor, out of the hospitable, back through her front door, up to her room and fell lazily onto the bed.

She planned how to tell John. Should she just come out with it? Should she drop subtle hints? No, he probably wouldn't get them. Oh God, she had no idea.

Downstairs she heard the door open and John walked upstairs. Mary was laying on the bed so her husband came in and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"So, honey how are-"

"I'm pregnant."


She could have done it better than that.



Mid February 1979

This time Mary went to the hospital she brought her husband, just for support, and also, he wanted to see his child. It was only last week John had adjusted to the idea of having a kid. He was really happy, he would smile anytime he looked anywhere near Mary or her stomach. He was completely devoted to her, she could say she wanted anything in the world and he would go get it for her, just to keep her satisfied. She knew that it was going to get harder, more aches, more tiredness, sickness and cravings but she just couldn't wait until she first felt the baby kick, or the first time she'll see it, or the first step, or word, first teeth, nursery, school, loosing teeth, high school, first relationship, first heartbreak, first car, first house, and first grandchild. She wanted to be here for it all, she wouldn't want to miss a thing that happened in its life, no matter how trivial or sad, or happy it might make her. She knew this might not happen as her old occupation as a hunter might affect this, but it didn't matter what kind of demon, werewolf, spirit, hell, even God himself, but no-one would touch her children, not as long as she was around to stop it. Mary was only 24, but that wouldn't stop her, she had only given up hunting 3 years ago, when she had met John, her reflexes should still be sharp.

She could imagine their baby now, with John's hair colour but her curls, his warm chocolate eyes but her facial structure. Or her eyes and blonde hair, but John's structure. Whether her baby will be a boy or a girl, they will be beautiful, and hers.

"Right this way Mrs Winchester, have a seat."

She was brought out of her train of thought by a different Doctor this time, a woman. Mary did as instructed and lifted her top up, exposing her still flat stomach. The Doctor added a cold gel to her stomach and then turned to the screen, and placed an odd contraption on her abdomen. John sat on the chair next to her, holding her hand as she turned her head to the screen. Moving the scanner she said, "And right here is one."

Mary was too busy admiring her child to notice what the doctor had said, but John caught it. "Wait, what do you mean one?"

"Well, you're having twins. Didn't you know that from earlier? Here you are, baby no.1 and over here," She moved the scanner again, to a different position on Mary's stomach. "And here is the other." The couple's faces were the picture of shock. Twins, two babies! They were going to have twins!

"We can't tell the gender yet, it's too early, you are only 8 weeks pregnant. You will have to wait for a month or so. When can we next have an appointment?"


Early March 1979

It's a boy and a girl. A baby boy and a little girl that will no doubt be spoiled by their parents and their Uncle Bobby, who they have decided will be the godfather, not that they've told him yet. They didn't really know who should be their godmother but they had another six months to figure that out. As well as names, they still couldn't decide on names. For the boy they fought between Aaron, Dean and Noah. They just couldn't decide. Mary loved the name Aaron but John was insistent on the name Dean.

For their baby girl, Amelia, Scarlett, Reagan, none of the names fit. They had looked in so many baby name books but none of them seemed to work. No name seems to ring quite right, always sounding a bit off to their ears.

Until Mary was looking at her quite large bookshelf and saw Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale and remembered the name Hermione. Hermione Winchester, Her-my-oh-knee Winchester. It fit, as well as it being one of Mary's favourite characters!

"John!" Mary shouted to her husband who was currently trying to focus on the game on the TV. "John! What about Hermione?"

"Hermione….sounds good. You can call her Hermione if I can call our son Dean."



18th September 1979

The nursery was finished, done in all pastel colours with demon traps in the rungs, on the ceiling, under tables, in wardrobes, wherever they could fit them. They had two cots set up in white, next to each other and only a short distance from the master bedroom. A while ago, to be thoroughly prepared, Mary had gone shopping with John to buy a double pushchair, nappies, and (a stroller? And diapers for those who don't understand) clothes and bibs, bottles and everything they would need for a few months.

John was terrified when she bought all this stuff, at the mere thought of changing a nappy, but Mary had told him to get over it soon because she was not doing it all herself.

Mary was heavily pregnant, in fact her due date was two days ago and she was getting worried. That was until just after dinner when her water broke. John panicked grabbed the bag by the door and helped Mary into the car to get her to hospital while instructing her to breathe. Mary would have found his flustered state very amusing, if not for the fact that contractions were gripping her at odd intervals and made her have to concentrate with the quick bursts of pain.

They quickly got to hospital and into a room where a midwife was waiting for them. The nurse told John to wait outside the room when Mary was in labour, which he felt very strongly against. Why couldn't he be there for his wife? He sat down outside and either thought or paced. He fell asleep once or twice. It was 21:13 when Mary's water broke.

At 6:26, almost 10 hours later, Dean Winchester was born. That was when John was brought into the room. He walked in nervous as he heard the loud cries of his first child. He wondered slowly to Mary who was smiling tiredly with a new-born baby in her arms, a baby that was then quickly thrust into his father's arms as Mary let out a quick scream of pain, their daughter was coming.

At 6:32, six minutes later, Hermione Winchester was born. Mary held here daughter while John held his son. Dean was perfect and beautiful, all pink and soft. He looked so small in the hands of his father. He had very fair blond hair that he could see he got straight from his mum and the most amazing green eyes ever, the colour of a forest when the sun shines. He had a very powerful set of lungs too. This was his son. Mary looked up from coddling a small pink bundle and smiled at him.

"They are perfect and amazing and ours. Do you wanna swap for a bit?" She held out their daughter who he took quickly and passed over his son.

His daughter was even smaller then her brother, if that was possible. Where her brother looked like his mum, she very obviously took after her dad. She had dark brown hair, the same of his, and a lot of it which surprised him. She also had his eyes, a brown that seemed like melted chocolate. He had a feeling that he was going to be chasing away boys with a baseball bat in a few years. As if he would let them anywhere near her.

"Dean and Hermione Winchester, hello you two."


Mid November, 1982

Hermione and Dean were the closest sibling that she had seen in a long time, granted they were only four. The years had gone by fast, they had taken their first steps when they were 14 months old, which happened to be towards each other, which John and Mary found amusing and adorable. Their first Christmas was perfect and every year they had gotten more than enough presents, but they couldn't help it. Hermione was daddy's princess and in his eyes could do no wrong, Dean however was a mamma's boy through and through.

Hermione, now at the age of four had long dark brown hair that was sort of auburn as well, her eyes had stayed the same chocolate colour but had gained some green and blue flecks in them. She had golden skin from always being in the sun and managing to keep her tan. She had a button nose that her brother shared as well as the heart shaped face of her mother.

Dean had a dirty blond hair colour with the same candy apple green eyes, same skin tone as his sister but most of the features from his father. He was undoubtedly going to handsome and a heartbreaker when he got older.

They looked nothing alike apart from a few rare features, but their personalities are similar enough. They were both stubborn, and both knew how to beg and cry to get what they wanted. They were both adventurous and reckless and they loved their family. Dean was his sister's best friend and vice versa.

Dean and Mya as he had called her (his young mouth couldn't quite get all around the long name) were playing in the nursery once again when Mary called them down for dinner one night in November.

"Honey, what would you think of getting a baby brother?" Mary asked them while they were eating.

"Cool!" They said in unison. To most it would be creepy but the family were used to it by now.

"I want a wittle bwother!" Hermione said, still struggling with pronouncing her words.

"Yeah it would be awesome!" Dean agreed. Mary and John turned to look at each other and grinned. They had been wanting another child for a while now, not because they didn't love Mya and Dean, but because they wanted a big family. Now, in November, Mary was 3 months pregnant, and the kids had already been asking mummy why her tummy was getting bigger.

"Good because in May you might be getting one! Now, what should we call him?" John said, trying to fight the grin off his face.

"Sammy!" The twins yell out immediately.

"Sammy it is then."


May 2nd 1983

Mary had gone into labour early this morning and once again John had freaked out. It was better than before though, now they had done this once it wasn't as much of a panic.

This time though, they had two very excited and energetic four year old with them. Sam was taking his time, it had been over 10 hours by now and John was just praying that she was alright. As well as thanking God that his twins had finally gone to sleep. Not that he didn't love them unconditionally, but jeez where they annoying when they wanted to be! The questions never seemed to cease, especially for Mya, she was the most curious little girl he had ever met. Dean didn't ask as many questions but John was considering tying him down, he was all over the goddamn hospital! They had started and almost finished pre-school by now and he was constantly told that he had the smartest little girl and the bravest little boy.

But it's true that that can go too far. For the first couple of hours by the door of the hospital room, John had tried to answer as many questions as he could without scaring his children for life. One thought John had while he was waiting was that his children would be starting school soon, kindergarten, only 4 more months and they would be. That terrified him, they seemed to be growing up too fast. It just seemed like they were bringing the twins home yesterday but in a matter of months they are going to school! The thought that followed this was if any boy tries to date my daughter they'd have another thing coming, which might sound silly to you and me, she was only four, but John was incredibly protective of her.

Around 8:12 Sam Winchester was born and John, Dean and Hermione were allowed to visit the new addition to the family.

Sammy which he was immediately called by his older siblings, looked a lot like Hermione did, which surprised him, they had the same colour hair and same features as Hermione had when she was tiny, only same had blue-green eyes from his mother. He was gorgeous, and he could tell that his big brother and sister loved him entirely, the way that nothing in the room could distract them from Sam was a big point. What else could keep two four year olds attention that well?

He went over and sat next to Mary in her bed, who smiled tiredly at him but held Sam, supporting his head. John lifted up the two giggling toddlers and placed them in his lap where they all held the new baby together.

"Welcome the family, Sammy…"


2nd September 1983

Sammy was more spoilt then the twins that was for sure, but instead of just John and Mary, who could be persuaded out of buying something, if the twins wanted to get something for Sammy, then the puppy-dog eyes come out, and occasionally tears, and who could really say no to them. That meant Sammy was adored by his mother, loved by his father, practically worshipped by his siblings. In fact, it was almost like Dean and Mya were his parents and John and Mary just popped in occasionally to help.

John had just managed to put the twins to bed that night after dinner, they had wanted to stay up past their bed time to watch this new episode of Sesame Street that they had fallen in love with when they had first seen it. I mean, brightly coloured puppets that sing and dance? Every kids dream! Mya loved Animal and Elmo but Dean's all-time favourite was the Cookie Monster (I agree with them, Sesame Street was the best kids show!) but John thought it was stupid, he bared it just because it kept them quiet for an hour or two. After that had been done John went downstairs to watch TV.

About half an hour later, Mya had awoken and woken up Dean as well, when Mary had gone to check on them. She sighed lightly through her nose and said, "How about we go say good night to Sammy, and then you go back to sleep."

Her kids were up and out of bed immediately and raced to Sammy's room. Mary walked in holding their hands.

"C'mon, let's say goodnight to your brother,"

Dean and Mya ran up either side of the cot, lent over it and whispered "Night Sammy," then kissed him on the forehead. Mary then walked forwards, bent down and said "Goodnight love." She then kissed Sam on the forehead as well. She picked up Hermione and turned to walked back as John entered the room.

"Hey Dean, Mya."

"Daddy!" Dean ran forwards and into John's arms while John walked towards Mary, gave her a quick peck on the cheek to both the girls.

"Do you think Sammy's big enough to toss around a football yet?"

The question that was quite obvious made the twins laugh and giggle 'no'.

"Sweet dreams, Sam."

They then went to put their children back to bed, read a quick story to them both to fall asleep, and left with a kiss on their heads. Mary went to bed as she was tired from a long day, and John went back downstairs to watch TV and promptly fell asleep in front of it. An hour or two later, the baby monitor went off, waking up Mary.

"John, it's your turn." She turned around to wake her husband but when she saw that he wasn't there she rolled her eyes and went to check up on her baby. She yawned as she stumbled down the corridor from lack of sleep and walked into Sam's room. John was standing there in front of the cot.

"John?" He didn't turn round to greet her so she just assumed it was one of those days and turned back to go back to bed. Back in the corridor a light was flickering, which made Mary suspicious, but she hadn't hunted for 6 years, there wouldn't be an attack now. It was probably just a light that needed changing. She went over and tapped it a few times until the light flickered back on and stayed there. Mary turned around again to finally get some sleep when she noticed the TV downstairs was on. It was most likely just John and he didn't turn it off when he went upstairs. She slowly made her way down and noticed John was passed out in front of the TV with beers next to the chair. For a moment she thought that this was just a normal thing but then she remembered why she was up in the first place.


She ran back up the stairs yelling Sammy the whole time, nearly tripping over her long night gown when she was up the last few steps and caught herself on the banister. She kept running to Sam's room when she turned to look at her child and there was no one there. Had she just imagined it?

A scream filled the house and woke up John immediately. It was Mary!

"Mary!" He shot out of his chair and up to where he heard the scream come from, Sam's nursery. The whole precious seconds he was running up the stair he was thinking, 'Not Sammy, not Mary, Not Sammy, not Mary, Not Sammy, not Mary' like a chant in his head. He barrelled into Sam's room and flicked on the lights. No-one here. Thank God, he thought as he exhaled. John walked over to check on his baby boy and leant over to give him a kiss on the forehead. When he pulled back he noticed a drop of red liquid fall from somewhere above him and onto Sammy's pillow. Blood. He looked up and saw his wife plastered to the ceiling, still barely alive with a big gash in her stomach. Her hair was fanned out beneath her, her arms and legs splayed out to the sides. Her left leg was twisted at an odd angle and he immediately knew that it was broken. He fell to the floor in shock.


A fire lit from somewhere behind her and started to consume the ceiling quickly, then the walls and soon enough, what was his wife couldn't be seen through a veil of fire. He swiftly came to his senses, grabbed his son and legged it out of the room while Sam was crying. He made to the corridor until-

"Daddy!" Oh yeah! The twins! He forgot about them. He rushed over to Hermione who was crying and thrust Sam into her young arms.

"Take your brother outside as fast as you can! Don't look back." They both just stood there incredibly confused. "Now Mya! Dean! Go!" They ran down the stairs, out the door and waited in the garden, both crying. They saw the fire in Sam's room and thought, Daddy and Mummy are still in there! But they managed to hold on, not wanting to upset Sam anymore then he already was so they took turns trying to quieten him by shushing or bouncing him, anything to make him quiet.

John ran out and saw the twins, he sprinted towards them, picked them both up one in each arm and moved them to a safer distance then what they already were. The room exploded like in films, just as they got away.

10 minutes later the ambulance had turned up and was checking over their injuries. The fire department had turned up as well and were trying to no avail to put out the fire. The police were here too as they were going to decide whether this was a murder or an accident. John knew what it was, he knew it was some sort of demon, and he knew he was going to get revenge. Sitting huddled up on the 1967 Chevy Impala, Dean on one side, Hermione on the other, John looked at his son in his arms and kissed him on the head. From that day onwards, they were going to be hunters. They were going to find that demon and send him back to hell.


July, 1985

"Dad sir, where are we going?"

Dean and Mya were 6 now and had grown up a lot in the past two years, they both knew how to handle a gun, and they had learnt last summer. They both knew what dad did when he went out and it was not being a travelling salesman. They knew dad was a demon hunter and they had learnt to defend themselves already. They had never been on a hunt yet, dad says that's for when they're 14. For now, they can handle a gun but they're not allowed access to one, they know what demons are and how to get rid of them, they just weren't allowed to do it yet. Sammy was only two now, and he was walking and babbling, not quite talking yet. His first word was Mya and his first steps were towards his brother, not that dad cared. They had just come back from their dad's case in Minnesota of a coven of vampires. They were now heading to Sioux Falls in South Dakota, only a state over.

"You're going to stay with Uncle Bobby with Sam while Mya and I are going on a little trip."

Mya started crying, she knew why she was going. Daddy didn't love her anymore. She remembered when he did but not after mummy died. It's because she could do things. She didn't know what they were but Mya could do things. Once she made a table flip over without touching it because Daddy was shouting at her. She also makes her favourite clothes grow so she doesn't have to throw them away. Little things but she can't explain them. Magic was the only thing but magic was bad and magic was evil. Daddy was going to get rid of her now. She didn't know how she did it but it happened at now she's going away and she won't see Dean or Sammy or Daddy ever again.

Dean looked at her funny and Sam crawled into her lap to try and cheer her up. She sniffled and stopped crying but just continued to listen to her dad's classic rock.

She hadn't told Dean that she was going away, or why she was going. Her dad told her not to, it would be easier that way and she believed him.

When Dean got out of the car she rushed at him with a great big hug and said bye while sobbing. Dean didn't know she was going away forever so he just patted her on the back and said, "Don't worry, Mya! I'll see you soon!" She hiccuped and nodded before hugging Uncle Bobby and saying goodbye to him too. Then she went over to Sammy, picked him up and spun him round. "Bye-bye Sammy!" She said and kissed him on the forehead. She put him down and got back in the car. John drove off not even looking back while Hermione waved back to her family. Dean was holding Sammy in his arms, smiling like nothing was wrong. God, she would miss them. She didn't know where she was going but she wasn't going to argue with her dad. Hopefully she could come back but Mya doubted it. Her dad didn't like magic whether the person wanted it or not.

When the car was out of sight Mya cried and sobbed because she would miss them, her big brother who she loved very much and her baby brother who was too young to remember her. Hermione hoped that Dean would tell Sammy about her but she didn't this John would let him. She cried and sobbed and screamed at John to turn around and take her back once she saw where they were going. The airport.

John was sending her off to another country to go live. This wasn't fair. John took Hermione through baggage control and security, they were suspicious but John just said that she was going to visit her Aunt and Uncle in England for a few weeks and that was enough for the security guards. She still didn't know exactly where she was going, only that it was in England.

"Don't cry on the plane, you'll draw attention to yourself. Stay with your new family, and don't come back to us." Those were the words her father said to her before walking away quickly as if she had a disease. Mya wasn't silly so she wiped her tears away, shouldered her bag, put a forced smile on her face and kept to the story like she was trained to for her father's hunts.

It was a tortuous 10 hours on the plane, she spent most of it reading or sleeping. When she got off, grabbed her suitcase she went out of the doors at Heathrow airport and saw a sign saying "Hermione Winchester" in bold writing. She wondered over with a smile as she greeted the couple standing there.

"Hey there, we're your new family. I'm Jean Granger and this is my husband David."

"I'm Hermione but you knew that already."

Hermione, she was Hermione now. She didn't tell anyone to call her anything different and no one did. Mya was a different person.

She was Hermione Granger now.