Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Inuyasha characters that are trademarked by Rumiko Takahashi. However, other characters in the story are rightfully mine. I am merely writing on the basis of entertainment and for S/K fans.
Author's Note: Sesshomaru has both his arms in this story.
Chapter One
The heavy air held a mixture of dust and a mist of purple miasma which crackled against the pulse of purification power. A landscape that was once covered with green trees were now splattered with fresh blood and the healthy green grass were no longer visible to the eye, due to millions of dead youkai body parts covering every inch of the ground.
A figure stood before a body lying on the floor; the body that once belonged to Naraku's. The figure seemed to be like a female warrior, wearing modernized haori attire, from a painting that portrays an ended war. The haori that was designed to cover her arms and legs, but showed off all the figure's feminine curves and muscles, were ripped and revealed bleeding in various places. With the haori being navy coloured with patterns of silver flowers, it made the figure's ocean blue eyes stand out and contrast with the blood red surroundings. Black silky hair that reached the figures hips swished elegantly side to side as the figure silently crouched down to pick up a glowing black object which immediately turned pale pink.
It was over.
Five years from gathering the shards had brought them here; at the final battle with Naraku. The years of shard hunting had helped Kagome increase her skill with the bow and arrow, even in close combat. Kagome's miko powers have become stronger yet still untrained to use at command. But, Kagome's skill at fighting was still weak; she'd therefore surprised everyone when she had been the one to give the final blow that purified Naraku. Kagome tightened her grip around the Shikon no Tama with mixed emotions. She had thought to be feeling joy at their victory. But it was a victory that cost many people's lives.
"Thank….you…." Kagome heard Onigumo whisper with a slight smile before turning into dust. Onigumo's whisper had brought Kagome back to reality. Quickly turning to look over her friends she saw that everyone was already standing behind her. Looking back down at the Shikon no Tama she knew she had to make a pure wish to rid the pain and hurt that it had caused to so many precious to her.
Looking at Inuyasha, who was leaning against his sword from the wound on his side she saw him shake his head and say, "I don't need it. You make the wish Kagome." Kagome couldn't help but feel proud for her dear friend that has become so mature over the years. She had come to accept that Inuyasha would never look at her as a lover; she'd decided to remain his best friend and sister. Sango and Miroku were holding on to each other as Sango was still struggling with the loss of her little brother, Kohaku, and Miroku weak from the fight and shocked from his void gone. Both were staring at Kagome with trust that she would make a pure wish. Kagome turned her attention towards the thick trees wondering if Sesshomaru would return back from hunting down Naraku's incarnations once they saw Naraku being purified. Shaking her head, she knew he had no reason to return back. He was neither an ally nor enemy. Kagome had no idea what to think of him; he was a mystery to her.
"Mama?" Shippo whispered quietly, grasping Kagome's attention back to the group. "What will happen after you make a wish? Will you be able to use the well?" Shippo asked innocently, hoping that Kagome would not leave him.
Kagome smiled warmly at her son, and said, "I told my mother before jumping through the well one last time. I will be staying here, forever, my son."
Kagome looked down at the old well before turning to look at her family one last time. Kagome guessed that once she wished upon the Shikon no Tama the well would stop working. So, she decided to stay in the feudal era.
She saw her mother trying to hold back tears, hiding her grief at her daughter's separation. Kagome knew her decision hurt her mother the most, but she could not live in the modern era anymore; it held no future for her. A grown Souta still held child-like characters that made tears fall rapidly down his face. Looking towards her grandpa, Kagome saw a frown that was hiding his sorrow.
With a sad smile she said, "I will miss you all. I love you all so much." Kagome felt tears swelling, so she looked away from her family to hold it in. As Kagome looked away, she saw a glimmer of silver hair in between the leaves of their Goshinboku tree. After a blink, she saw the silver hair disappear. Shaking her head convinced that she was hallucinating, she turned around towards the well and jumped in.
End of Flashback
Gripping on to the Shikon no Tama even tighter, she thought, 'A pure wish…what would be a pure wish?' The years of gathering the shards had allowed her to see the pain and hurt many people were inflicted and caused by the Shikon. As Kagome closed her eyes memories of the journey flooded her mind. 'So many hurt by the Shikon… I … I wish… I wish for the Shikon no Tama to disappear.'
The moment Kagome wished upon the Shikon no Tama, a bright light erupted from it, causing everyone to cover their eyes.
As Kagome opened her eyes, pure white filled her vision. "Where am I?" She said out loud, hoping that someone would answer her. "Foolish child," said a gentle feminine voice, "your wish was foolish."
Angered by what the voice said about a wish that would avenge the pain everyone went through Kagome yelled, "Foolish!? It was not foolish! Wishing the Shikon no Tama to disappear was for all the people that were hurt by that vile creation! Who are you to judge such a wish!?"
A pale woman with similar black silky hair dressed in a miko garb and armour entered Kagome's vision. "Who…are you?" Kagome whispered.
"I am Midoriko, child" answered the woman.
Kagome's eyes widened in shock at the person standing before her, but quickly furrowed her brows in confusion. "What do you mean by the wish being foolish? I thought…" Kagome's question was quickly cut off.
"Why do you think Kikyo never wished upon the completed Shikon no Tama?" Midoriko asked bluntly while boring her eyes into Kagome's.
It was a question she had never thought of before Midoriko voiced it.
"She knew not to wish upon the Shikon no Tama" Midoriko said. "Did you think you accidentally broke the Shikon no Tama into pieces? No, I made sure that it was broken in order to prevent anyone from wishing upon it. But…someone finally made a wish upon the Shikon" Midoriko said. A sprout of doubt and fear began to grow within Kagome.
"Why…must no one wish upon the Shikon no Tama?" Kagome voiced in confusion. She had believed that a pure wish would make the Shikon no Tama vanish.
Midoriko sighed in defeat of Kagome's destiny she had tried to prevent. She knew the great pains Kagome would need to go through and a powerful foe she would need to face.
"The reason the Shikon to Tama was created was because I was not strong enough to defeat Neikan. Neikan is a fallen angel that lusted to become kami himself. After failing to kill and replace Kami-sama, he was sentenced to hell. However, after a few centuries he escaped hell and began to destroy the earth in anger, knowing that it was precious to Kami-sama."
"So, you used your soul to seal Neikan?" Kagome questioned.
"Yes, the Shikon no Tama will always be half evil and half pure; it was created so. Even if anyone made a pure wish upon the Shikon no Tama, only the pure half side will grant the wish and the evil half will corrupt it. This is why Naraku didn't even wish upon the completed Shikon no Tama. He knew the truth behind the Shikon no Tama's creation" Midoriko answered.
"Wait, what truth?"
"How do you think Naraku became so powerful, child?"
Kagome remained silent.
"Naraku knew that the Shikon no Tama was used to seal Neikan. So, Naraku used the Shikon no Tama to manipulate Neikan's power. Kagura's power of manipulating the dead, Naraku's regeneration, the miasma, the curses, the list goes on" Midoriko blurted out. "You are from the future, so I am guessing you can associate Neikan's power similar to the 'grim reaper'. Neikan is a demon that causes and controls death."
Realization dawned upon Kagome. It now made sense how Naraku was able to wield such deadly power. No matter how many low level demons were absorbed, it couldn't make Naraku wield powerful powers. They were all from the Shikon no Tama.
"That's why even a shard of the Shikon no Tama can corrupt people" Kagome stated rather than a question.
Midoriko nodded along as Kagome began to realize the truth behind the Shikon no Tama.
"You, on the other hand, wished for the Shikon no Tama to disappear. In doing so, you have released my soul from the Shikon no Tama from your pure wish" Midoriko voiced her thanks.
"But..." Midoriko began with dread.
"Since the Shikon no Tama is made up of half evil from Neikan's soul..." Kagome whispered hollowly in fear.
"Yes, Neikan's soul has also been released from the bondage to keep him sealed. The Shikon no Tama will not fully disappear until you destroy Neikan" Midoriko concluded for Kagome.
Kagome's complexion turned pale white. Her wish would be the cause of many deaths, sorrow, and pain.
What had she done?
Shutting her eyes tight, grief filled her heart. Flashes of dead hollow eyes, blood, and massacre's ran across her mind. Kagome couldn't stop the tears that leaked through her tightly shut eyes.
Midoriko saw this and placed her hand gently upon Kagome's cheek in comfort. "Child, all is not lost. Kami-sama have given you power beyond any other" Midoriko stated while staring with determination into Kagome's eyes that began to open, "You must defeat Neikan."
Frozen by Midoriko's statement, fear raked through Kagome's body like a rush of waves. How was she supposed to defeat a foe Midoriko could not even defeat?
Midoriko, knowing Kagome's worries said, "You are a powerful miko, Kagome. More powerful than I. You must learn how to wield your powers."
Closing her eyes, Kagome calmed the fear instilled within her. She would not run away from a mistake she had made; no matter how much her mind screams to run away to the modern era.
No, she couldn't run away.
Not when many people would be in danger because of her.
Opening her eyes, her deep blue eyes revealed determination.
Bowing before Midoriko she said, "Thank you Midroiko-sama, and forgive me for undoing the sacrifice you made in keeping Neikan sealed."
Seeing Kagome's fear vanish and replaced with determination, the look of surprise filled Midoriko's face. How could a human be so loyal in order to stay in the feudal era to protect others and be so brave as to face a foe that once fought against Kami-sama? Midoriko's eyes looked towards Kagome, filled with admiration and awe, as she saw Kagome disappear back to earth.
"Why must Kami-sama be so cruel to such a sweet and pure child?" Midoriko whispered to herself.
"You are questioning Kami-sama's plan, Midoriko?" boomed a voice behind her. Turning towards the voice she sneered, venting out all her anger towards the poor victim, "Don't you think forcing the poor child from her own era to the feudal era was enough? Now he uses her as a tool to defeat his own foe? For heaven's sake! She thinks this is her mistake, when it was Kami-sama who ensured she wish upon the Shikon! You of all people should despise this plan, Taisho!" Midoriko saw Taisho's face harden at her last statement to hide the sorrow.
"We can only hope that things do not end as Kami-sama has planned" Taisho whispered with a heavy heart.
"Urgh" Kagome grunted before opening her eyes to reveal all her friends surrounding her with worry portrayed on their faces. Standing up from the ground she seemed to have fallen on, she dusted the soil smeared on her haori.
"What happened, Mama? Did the Shikon no Tama really disappear?" Shippou asked filled with worry.
"The damn thing wasn't here when I opened my eyes, so it must be gone idiot" Inuyasha barked at Shippou.
Sango stared into Kagome's eyes and asked seriously, wanting to know if she felt the Shikon's pulse, "Is it really gone, Kagome-chan?"
Kagome saw that all her friends were looking at her in hope that the Shikon was gone. At the same time, Kagome saw their eyes were filled with weary from the long years of looking for the Shikon shards. She couldn't tell her friends what Midoriko told her. How could she? How could she ask her friends to help her defeat an enemy stronger than Naraku? She knew it was crazy of her to try and defeat this enemy without her friends, but she couldn't ask them for help; not when they looked at her with weary and hope. Placing a fake smile on her face she said in a fake happy voice, "yes!"
Kagome saw Sango and Miroku embrace each other in joy that the Shikon no Tama was finally gone. Inuyasha looked towards the sky, as if sharing his joy with Kikyou who had passed away before the final battle. Shippou began to jump around and yell with joy at the top of his lungs. Kagome's fake smile faltered a little to reveal a sad smile.
No, she couldn't ask her friends to help. She would fix this mistake on her own, even if it would cost her life.
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