Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ
"Well…this has been boring," said Gohan as he put his hands behind his head and leaning back on his chair legs. "Do you think it's a touch odd that Hercule's late to the party, considering he organized it and all that?"
"He's probably hoping that you crack under the pressure," said Bulma quite infuriated with their yet to arrive opponent. "Bright lights, better part of fifty reporters who haven't said a word since we arrived and a painful to seat to sit on; if they're trying to intimidate you they're sorely mistaken."
Gohan chuckled at that as he wondered just what Hercule would try to accuse him of. Arguably it had been his own fault for leaving his bag in the change room and allowing Hercule to have this chance. He shouldn't have thought that Hercule would be adamant enough to let the embarrassment slide; especially when it had been his dojo and pride that had taken the brute of the impact.
While he and Hercule had shared the front page the day after, a few pages back had been an article stating that the share price in Hercule's company had dropped eight percent. While it didn't really affect Hercule directly it did create some cracks in his otherwise unflawed armour. Social media was abuzz as well and while some Hercule fanatics had threatened him online he saw it as nothing more than entertainment. There had been some interesting theories about what would happen however if he were to open up his own dojo once he left school and what the resulting fallout would mean.
Thankfully he had no intention of stepping down this path anytime soon.
"You reckon Vegeta's watching this?" Gohan asked of Bulma.
"He bought himself a six pack of Hetap yesterday so I imagine he's perched in front of the television now."
"He give you any instructions?"
"I believe it was something along the lines of my verbal lashing should be brutal enough to leave physical scars," said Bluma with a smile.
"So you're going to play it like that?"
"At the moment I think the best course of action is just to let Hercule utilize his arsenal and we just sit back and defend, take no damage whatsoever and then when he's run out of weapons strike him when he's vulnerable. Reckon you can follow that plan?"
Gohan's eyes sharpened as he looked towards the side where the entrance to the stage was located. "We're about to find out," he said, all joking around having been thrown away. Bulma couldn't help but admire the look in Gohan's eyes, so similar to when his father knew to take something seriously.
She truly missed those days.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, the champ is here!" shouted a voice over the sound system garnering a round of applause from the journalists. True to form, Hercule burst out into the open, his cape fluttering in the wind behind him as he help up his hands in victory signs.
"YEEEAAAA!" he screamed at the reporters, all eyes on him as he bathed in the attention. For some peculiar reason it reminded Gohan of the Ginyu Force and their flair before battle. It was also just as ridiculous.
As the applause began to settle down Hercule took his seat at the opposite end of the conference table, not even having had the decency to look at his verbal opponents. In between the two parties a middle aged man sat down, the theoretical judge in this kangaroo court affair.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for coming this afternoon and thank you for your patience. I am the anchor for Channel Four news, Kotachi Atako and in front of me I have all of the questions that you have written out for both Hercule Satan and Gohan Son. If there are any further questions we will have a brief period for them after the initial questions. Mister Satan has requested this panel as opposed to a courtroom where such criminal charges should be tried. This does not mean however that I will stand for any highly provocative and aggressive comments between parties."
Gohan nodded his head in understanding and was thankful that this man seemed to be behaving in a professional manner. A quick glance at Bulma however and the half scowl she had on her face made him worry somewhat. She clearly knew something that he didn't and it all likelihood it wasn't going to be good for him.
"First and for mostly, Gohan, you have been accused of using and possessing illicit drugs, how do you respond?" asked Kotachi.
"I can honestly say that I have never taken any illegal substances in my life," said Gohan calmly.
"Hhmp, the boy's a liar and a cheat," grunted Hercule, his words getting all of the reporters to start jotting down points. It was obvious that they cared a lot more for what Hercule was saying than Gohan.
"Would you care to elaborate?" asked Kotachi.
"One of my pupils alerted his friends to something wrong in the changing room whilst this boy was fighting my students. They quickly discovered a bag of small white pills located in the boy's bag, clearly something that granted him temporary strength and speed but he's so weak that he was only able to tackle my weakest students before his skill turned into nothing."
"Very well then, next question…"
"Hold on just a minute," said Bulma slamming her hands on the table.
"And who might you be and what part do you have to play in this accusation?" asked Kotachi.
"You know very well who I am," said Bulma struggling to keep her cool. "I am Bulma Briefs and here as a friend to the Son family."
Hercule froze momentarily as he suddenly realized what he was actually up against. Looking down the table he spotted the President of Capsule Corp currently glaring daggers at the Channel Four anchor. Composing himself, he internally told himself that it was nothing to worry about as it was still his word against theirs and who would honestly not believe in the champion of the world.
"Do we have any proof to what Hercule's students claim or is it just their word in which this entire fabrication is based upon?" asked Bulma.
"So much for defending," said Gohan under his breath.
"That question has long since passed and we have now moved on," said Kotachi dismissing Bulma. As the anchor directed his next question at Hercule, Gohan couldn't help but chuckle as he felt Vegeta's power surge from so many miles away.
"Gohan, the next question is for you," said Kotachi after Hercule answered his question regarding the dojo. "What is your relationship with Videl Satan?"
"We're classmates and after class one day she asked if I would be willing to train her," explained Gohan. "As such I see our relationship as Sensei and student."
"And nothing more?" asked Kotachi.
"I guess we're also friends," said Gohan with a shrug of the shoulders.
"It's just that rumor has it that this 'training' that you and Miss Satan complete is not of the martial art variety, care to comment?"
"What are you suggesting?" asked Gohan dangerously.
"Your background indicates that your family was once quite wealthy, your grandfather was the fabled Ox-King after all," said Kotachi looking at his notes. "Suggestions have started to appear indicating that your 'training' with Miss Videl is nothing more than a rouse for you to court her and gain access to the Satan wealth."
Gohan inhaled deeply as he contemplated his answer. "There are more things to life than money," said Gohan slowly. "During my interaction with Videl there has been nothing scandalous in play and our relationship during these periods is of a professional manner. I am not one for rumors and over exaggerated truths. I have spent time with Videl and have rarely done so without the company of others. She has learned much under my tutelage and if anything I've taught her has helped her improve and helps her survive her next clash with criminals in the streets of Satan City then it has been time well spent."
A general murmur spread about the reporters and unexpectedly Hercule remained silent in reaction to the comment. A quick glance at the champion showed that Videl's father had nothing to refute against what Gohan had said and while nothing was said Gohan could sense that he had earned a touch of Hercule's respect.
Just a touch.
"Hercule, do you have anything to say in response?" asked Kotachi.
Hercule's eyes sharpened as he contemplated what to say after Gohan's statement. "Kid, ignoring everything that happened in my dojo there are two ways in which I can look at your training with my daughter. Firstly, if your training has mucked up her technique or results in something terrible to my baby girl then I will come down on you with anger unlike anything you have ever seen before! Alternatively...if what you have taught Videl helps her and ensures that she comes home safe at the end of the day...then you have my thanks."
Once more the reporters started murmuring to themselves and one another, clearly taken aback by the honesty that the champ was putting out there. At first the interview had been the champ talking exactly as he did in every interview. Now though they were not seeing Hercule as the World Champion, but rather as a doting father.
"Alright then, next question is..."
"Hold it Kotachi, what if I have a question?" stated Bulma.
"Miss Briefs, this is highly unorthodox," started Kotachi but got no further than that as Bulma slammed her hands on the table.
"This entire session is unorthodox you dolt, your bias opinion and your determination to get a response out of my friend is solely for the purpose of providing a story for the media," proclaimed Bulma.
"If you continue this outburst I will see it that you are escorted from the venue as you are attacking both myself and my profession," stated Kotachi calmly.
Lighting up a cigarette, Bulma took a quick inhale before glaring daggers at the man. "Just like how you tried to attack my profession and home life you pompous bastard," declared Bulma.
A smirk appeared on Kotachi's face as he signalled for security. "Please escort Miss Briefs from the venue, her presence is no longer required."
"Gohan, if one of those men so much as touches me I want you to show off just what you can do," stated Bulma loudly as the security personnel closed in on her. A glance from the teenager at the burly men caused them to freeze momentarily but it was the other member on the table that actually preventing anything from happening.
"I don't know what the beef is between you two and I simply don't care," Hercule said as he stood up. "I came here today to question this boy about illicit activities which enabled him to defeat my students. He proclaims that the pills found in his bag were not of an illegal substance and my students may have found some prescription medication for all I know and assumed the worst."
"I take it this is the part where you challenge me to a fight to test me once and for all," said Gohan as he stood up and looked Hercule in the eyes.
"I no longer care about how strong you are cause there's no way that you are stronger than me," declared Hercule. "What I do care about however is your skill as a trainer and whether what you are teaching Videl is detrimental to her abilities or not."
"Then what do you propose?" asked Gohan as he casually crossed his arms over his chest.
A smirk spread across Hercule's face.
Hope you enjoyed