It took twenty minutes to climb to the top of the Wayne International Plaza from the fortieth floor courtyard to the roof. It took half an hour of breaking down mental walls to get Bruce to be on my side again. And it took just a few seconds to fall from his grasp back down to the fortieth floor courtyard of the sixty-one story skyscraper.

When Bruce's grip loosened and I slipped, I panicked.

Falling was a feeling I loved. The wind in my face, the adrenaline pumping through my veins, the sensation of the ground getting closer. I especially loved halting the fall by flicking my whip with ease and latching onto a nearby gargoyle or ledge and swinging through the night sky to my destination.

But not tonight.

I gasped as I fell, feeling helpless. No whip to save me, and not even a Batman to swing by and catch me. Struggling to catch my thoughts, I tumbled through the air, spinning and flipping. And just like a cat falling from a curtain rod, I had an idea.

Although Bruce had told me 'no suits' I wore my gloves in case I had to do any climbing, and luckily enough for me, I did. Almost without thinking, I reached out for the glass windows of the skyscraper. Everything in slow motion, I extended my fingers to trigger my claws, and made contact with the glass with a screech. Dragging my claws through the glass, I attempted to slow down my fall. A few windows were already broken from the explosion shocks, and they didn't slow me down, but the intact ones did. But not quite enough.

Landing on pavement with a loud thud and a groan, I shielded my face from the falling glass. I rolled onto my side and looked towards the horizon. The big black cloud of smoke I saw before I fell had engulfed all the sky I could see. Clutching at my side and my undoubtedly re-broken ribs, I limped my way to the edge of the landing, although very cautiously. I didn't need another altercation with gravity.

I tried to see what was happening, but the smoke was so dense I almost couldn't see the half built skyscraper next to me. Looking down, I could see random civilians running wildly, trying to get to their cars, and some trying to find cover while screaming for help.

And then, out of nowhere, the Batmobile went roaring past. With a smirk, I made my way back to the smashed windows and climbed through. Hobbling down the empty halls of Wayne International Plaza, I kept my ears peeled for any people still in the building. Not willing to risk the stairs, I entered the elevator, but before I could chose a floor, the lift was already descending.

Purely out of annoyance, I started pressing the ground floor button, but nothing happened.

"Don't stress, Miss Kyle. I'm bringing you downstairs." Alfred's voice suddenly came through the elevator's speakers. With a sigh of relief, I smiled at the security camera in the corner, and slid down the wall to sit on the floor.

When the elevator came to a stop, the doors opened to what I could only assume was a hidden Batcave under the new Wayne International Plaza. With a smirk at how convenient it was, I hoisted myself up and walked through the cave to a large desk chair in front of a few computer screens. Looking around me, I noticed that it was less like a cave and more like a lair. The large space was set out like a smaller version of Bruce's cave at Wayne Manor, except there were no exposed rocky surfaces with bats making themselves home, only industrial concrete walls and steel beams holding the ceiling up. There was still a vehicle hangar, and a costume vault, but it was all in pristine condition.

Smiling, I looked for a way to turn the computer screens on. While pressing a few random buttons, I noticed one of the smaller screens was flickering. I stopped and waited, and soon enough, Oracle's logo popped up clear on all the screens.

"We were going to test this cave out tonight after your chat with Bruce, but I guess now is a good time as ever." I heard Barbara's electronic Oracle voice say rather disappointed.

"What's going on?" I asked, as the rest of the screens refreshed with news coverage of the fire across the island. Two screens showed Batman climbing out of the Batmobile and storming into a building, presumably Amertek. The others were displaying thugs causing havoc.

"Explosion at the Bank of Gotham, as well as at the new Amertek building that's still under construction." Oracle replied.

"Penguin." I sighed.

"Penguin? He's still in Arkham City." Oracle said, and even through the auto-tune voice, I could hear some distress.

"His contacts aren't all in Gotham. I'm sure they're robbing the Bank for money to get Penguin out, and robbing Amertek for weapons." I stood up and walked over to the costume vault. Despite the pain I was in from my hard landing earlier, I knew I had to get out there.

"Selina, don't. Robin and Nightwing are on the scene too."

"I don't really care who is out there. No one knows the Bank of Gotham like I do." I smirked, finding a costume drawer with my name on it. Taking out the black catsuit, I changed quickly. Adjusting the side straps so they were a little tighter to hold my ribs in place, I collected my weapons from the cabinet and strolled towards the vehicle hangar. Picking up a helmet from the rack, I grinned at my reflection in the visor.

"I'm sure Bruce won't mind me using one of the cycles?" I asked out loud to Oracle.

"Oh I don't think so, so long as you return it." She replied with slight amusement.

"Who said anything about returning it?" Laughing, I climbed onto one of the cycles, and before I knew it, I was racing through the streets of Founder's Island towards the Bank of Gotham.

"Oracle, can you link me up to Dark and Brooding?" I asked, pulling up outside the Bank. Giant neon ram head silhouettes lit up the exterior walls of the building, but nothing could mask the armoured truck that was backed into the main doors of the tower. Still undergoing redevelopment, the entire top half of the building was just exposed scaffolding, swaying in the wind. Parking the bike and taking of the helmet, I tried to make up a game plan. With too many variables, I decided to wing it.

What's the worst that could happen?

I manoeuvred around the truck and peered inside, scouring for any thugs nearby. The inside was filled with smoke from the flames of the explosion. Flicking my goggles down, I activated my thief vision and scanned the environment. Taking a cautious step inside, I admired the marble floors of the lobby. With a smile, I remembered my early bank heists, and all the gems I had pinched from the undeserving owners from the secure vaults.

Ha, secure.

Trying my hardest to keep my steps light, I wandered around the ground floor of the bank. No one. Not a thug in sight. Just lots of smoke.

Walking slowly up the inactive escalators, I turned my head to make sure there was no one following me. With all the partitions on the ground floor, I knew if I needed a hiding spot, there was plenty. Disappointed by the lack of thugs, I continued to the second floor.

I had visited many banks. Both during and after hours. And almost none compared to the Bank of Gotham on Founder's Island. It was extravagant, and completely over the top. Each wall was perfectly sculpted, and no marble tile was the same as the other. Decorated with real gold, it was almost shocking that no one had tried to steal any of the many golden ram's heads, or door frames. I on the other hand had taken my own fair share of diamond ram eyes from a few decorations.

Shaking me out of my thoughts was a faint shouting from the back corner of the second floor, right near the elevator to the unfinished higher levels. Ducking for cover, I slipped into a floor grate and made my way towards the voices.

"They're distracted by the Amertek break in."

"Penguin's a genius!"

"I wouldn't call him a genius. We still gotta pull this off."

"Do you think he'll notice if we take a cut?"

"Don't be daft. Penguin always shares. Why do you think I moved from Two-Face's gang?"

"I thought Two-Face had dental?"

"Nah, that's just a sign up invite."

Bored of their chit chat, I exited the grate behind where they were crowding. Four of the thugs were sweeping jewels and cash into duffel bags, with another two piling already full bags at the door of the safe room. All wearing gas masks, they were well prepared.

"Hey, do you guys think you could put all that back?" I asked coyly, drawing the attention of the two thugs at the door. Quickly, they spun around and made a move for their hidden weapons. Just as fast, I jerked my wrist and my whip latched around the two thug's necks. With a tug, my whip tightened and pulled their heads together, knocking them both down. As they fell, the other thugs dropped their duffel bags and tried to get out the doorway all at once.

Laughing at their stupidity, I sprinted down the hall and pounced onto the top of one of the partitions. With as much effort as I could manage, I jumped swiftly onto one of the many gargoyles that decorated the main floors.

Selina, why are you taking them on your own?

Batman grunted in my ear.

She's working with us again?

Nightwing questioned, and I could hear someone cry out in pain in the background.

"I am. And if you don't mind, I'm trying not to get caught." I said aloud, dropping from my perch onto one of the thugs that managed to get out of the safer room. Crunching his collarbone with my heels, and using him as a platform to backflip myself onto the next thug, he fell to the floor. The poor second thug didn't stand a chance.

I landed on his shoulders with my hands, and for a split second, we looked like acro-yoga posers. Completely hand-standing on his shoulders, I swung my body backwards and gripped his shoulders. Using my momentum, I flipped him over my head as I landed and he went flying into another thug.

3 down, 3 to go, I smiled to myself.

Sprinting towards the last three thugs, one shouted "I'll make you meow, bitch!"

In a few rapid but smooth flips, a few high kicks to the jaw, a perfectly executed boot to the crotch, and a claw beat-down, I was left with only one thug left. The one that called me a bitch.

I smirked before I flip kicked the crown of his head, upper cut him, gripped his arm tightly, and used his imbalance to knock him flat to the ground. Straddling him, I paused and looked him dead in the eye.

"Don't threaten me with a good time." With a hard twist, I dislocated his shoulder and broke his elbow. Howling in pain, I stood up and dusted myself off.

Remind me not to call you a bitch. Oracle joked, and I smiled at the security camera in the eye of one of the rams, knowing she was watching.

I hauled the unconscious and groaning bodies of the thugs I had just beaten the pulp out of to one of the secure lock up cages and locked it from the outside. Unlike Batman, I didn't carry any handcuffs on me, so I couldn't handcuff them to a table or to a pipe.

"FYI boys, I am perfectly capable of handling them myself." I retorted, walking back to the entrance of the bank. "Oracle, they're ready for pick up."

I'll contact my dad and let him know to send a squad. She replied, and I knew I had to get out of here before the cops showed up and arrested me by mistake. I ran across the street to where I left the cycle, and rolled down into a nearby alleyway. Within a few minutes, both the local fire crew and cop squad were on the scene. Satisfied, I spun out of the alley and headed for the Amertek building where it sounded like a massacre.