Well, I'd just like to say that in this story Ganondorf isnt fat he's muscular and very tall and large but not fat xD Um..Link has a feminine kind of body in this story. No he doesnt have boobs or a vagina so dont worry xD Um...Basically in this chapter, Ganondorf was getting annoyed with everything Zelda was saying so he's gonna give it to her straight! Go Ganondorf! Hope you enjoy reading!

Ganondorf leaned down and gave Link a kiss before getting up and walking over to the cell Zelda was in. He had on a black pair of boxers so Zelda didn't have to worry about seeing something she never dreamed of seeing and will never ever dream of. Zelda was actually quite nervous as Ganondorf walked over to the cell. She felt as if she was getting smaller and smaller but of course compared to this man she kinda was. When Ganondorf got over to the cell he sneered down at Zelda and put his hands on the bars, glaring her down.

"I'm getting quite sick of the shit you're saying. Not because it's insults towards me, because I don't give a damn about whatever the fuck you say about me but the fact that it's bothering my baby is what pisses me off." Ganondorf opened the cell and stood infront of Zelda who stood up and looked up at Ganondorf. She tried her hardest to put on a tough face but Ganondorf could tell she was scared out of her mind.

"Heh. Not so tough when I'm this close, huh? Pathetic." Ganondorf punched Zelda in the stomach, hard. Zelda had the wind knocked out of her and she tumbled to the ground in pain. Ganondorf snickered evilly. "As weak as I thought you'd be."

"You..You...*gasp pant pant* bastard!" Zelda screamed, clutching her stomach. Now thinking to herself, how the hell did she survive a blow like that.

Link whimpered and called out to Ganondorf. "Ganny! Please, don't hurt her..p-please..."

Zelda glanced at Link and smirked.

So he's still on my side, huh? I knew he wouldn't betray me. I'm the Princess of Hyrule after all and he has no right to betray me. Zelda thought to herself.

Ganondorf looked over at Link and smiled warmly, making Link feel safe and loved. Link smiled back slightly. Zelda watched in disgust but then an idea popped into her head. She stood up and began taking off her dress. Once she was completely naked, she walked past Ganondorf and out of the cell. Ganondorf was about to step out but she slammed the door shut. The door could only be opened from the outside. It was a hard iron barred door that even Ganondorf couldn't escape from. It didn't allow anyone inside to use magic either. Ganondorf cursed and shook the bars but they didn't even budge. How could he have fallen for that?

Zelda walked over to the bed that Link was sitting on. He backed away and whimpered, still covering himself with the blanket. Zelda climbed onto the bed and leaned down on top of Link, who was shaking.

"Now, Link. You don't really believe that he loves you, do you? I know you had your eyes set on me for a long time. You don't have to be with him to try making me jealous..." Zelda chuckled and pulled the blanket off of Link and lied him down on to his back. He kicked and punched at her but she dodged every attack and laughed.

"Well, now your dreams of being with me can come true and-"

"NO! I never dreamed of wanting to be with you. I didn't have my eyes set on anyone until I first met Ganondorf. Ever since I lied my eyes on him I knew he'd be the one. I never liked you! I-I hate you! I-"

"SHUT UP! You don't have to lie to me, honey." Zelda positioned herself over Link's penis.

Ganondorf was going crazy mad not being able to get Zelda the fuck off of his uke! He never thought this woud have happened! It was making him go crazy!

"Link! Don't let her do this to you! Help me out of here and I'll kill her and we can be together peacefully! I know you can do it, Link. Push her off and open this cell door. Come on, baby." Ganondorf looked at Link as calmly as he could but he was going crazy not being by Link's side and protecting him from this evil bitch.

"Link. He doesn't really love you. It's obvious. He's using you as a sex toy. Why would the king of evil love the hero of light? Doesn't make sense, huh? So.." Zelda lowered herself slowly so that the tip of Link's penis was nearly touching the opening of her vagina. Link thought things through quickly and with all his force, pushed her off of himself. Link quickly ran over to the cell and opened the door. Ganondorf stepped out and pulled Link close and gave him a big kiss.

"Thank you, gorgeous." Ganondorf smirked at Link in a perverted way which made Link blush. Link slapped Ganondorf lighty and blushed hard.

"Please. Just..put her back into the cell. I don't wanna see any bloodshed, my big daddy." Link kissed Ganondorf who found that when Link called him 'big daddy' it was seduce-full and sexy. Ganondorf sighed.

"I'll...Fine. I won't kill her. I'll just throw her back into the cell and never open that door again. Okay, little mama?" Ganondorf said. Though very upset that he couldn't just kill Zelda. Link blushed. He actually liked how Ganon caled him little mama. It was a good response back to when he calls Ganon big daddy. Ganondorf picked Link up and put him on the bed. Link covered him self with the blanket again and smiled up at Ganondorf. They kissed, then Ganon cracked his knuckles. "Alrighty."

Ughhhhh...I don't feel good about any of these chapters! :( I just don't feel any confidence when I finish writing them...Well. Hope YOU GUYS liked it! Thank you for reading!