Hey,... I may have gone overboard with SkyeWard love for this one. Ward is definitely not like this (I hope he is but ...sigh). Just bear with me in this difficult SkyeWard times ok?
Salkri Kachemench? Breathe.
Hugs for Everyone. Shout outs soon.
Disclaimer : I do not own Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D
Summary : A SkyeWard talk that we need.
"Is there anything that you can't do?"
Skye asked Ward as she strapped herself in the seat beside him in the cockpit. Given that he is a Specialist, she was not surprise that he could fly a plane. He could probably pilot a submarine. Hide in the shadowy waters of the deep. Lying in wait for the right moment to strike. Then, launch an attack on the unsuspecting target.
An apt personification of his current situation, Skye thought.
Ward paused at getting the Bus to gear up, to turn his gaze on her. Even in wanting to hate him, Skye could not deny what she was seeing in his eyes, at that moment.
But the question was: to who? He did say that he needed to keep her safe. He said he wasn't going to take her to Garrett. Can she trust her own judgement about his honesty. After all, he had hidden his true identity all this while.
Ward moved his hand towards her. He hesitated to touch her, leaving his hand suspended between them. He finally took a deep breath and let his hand rest back on the controls. In a voice rough and low he gave her his answer.
"I can't undo regrets."
When they were at a cruising altitude, Ward keyed in the coordinates of their destination and put the Bus on autopilot. He then motioned for Skye to follow him out of the cockpit.
"You hungry?" He asked.
"Skye, you need to eat. I'll fix something for you."
"Don't bother." She mumbled as a sudden rush of anger enveloped her at the irony of him being kind when he was downright cruel and traitorous.
Ward suddenly stopped in mid-stride, making Skye bumped into this back. He reached out and steadied her. He didn't expect her to flinch away.
"Get away from me!" She pushed his hand off her shoulder and took a step away from him.
Ward grabbed her arm and pulled her up to him.
"Don't make this hard on both of us." He told her in a mild voice despite his rough handling of her.
"Are you serious?" Skye rasped as she tried to pry his fingers off her arm and struggled to get away from him.
"Skye, stop struggling. I don't want you hurt."
"What the hell do you care?" Skye yelled defiantly. She swung her fist out to hit him but he easily caught her move and captured her wrist which sent her into a rage.
"Damn you! I trusted you! I believed in you! I put my faith in you! You gave me hope! You made me think that we could have something! Or at least I have found myself a friend in you!" Skye vented out at him as she grabbed the front of his shirt and shook him as much as her captured wrists allowed. "You made me feel accepted and wanted.
"After I betrayed you, I worked my damn ass to gain your trust back. I did everything you told me to do. I wondered why your anger for me was more than what the rest felt. It was more than just anger towards a team mate. I thought it was because I meant something to you. I damn believed that it was what made the rest more forgiving than you were. I pushed everything I have to make you see who I really am!
"You let me care for you even when you want me off the team! Simmons told me how you went off your rocker when I got shot. She insisted that it had nothing to do with me being a team member or you being just my Supervising Officer. You let me think you care for me. But it's all lies, isn't it?
"They were all a lies! FUCKING DAMN LIES!" Skye screamed in his face. "You were playing me from the start! That Berserker staff should have clued me in of how you exactly feel for me. It clearly showed just how much you hate me!
"I drove you crazy with my talking. Talk! Talk! TALK! It must have drove you insane to have to put up with me till your orders come through! But stupid me, still didn't see that!
"Garrett told me that you are a changed man. You've got something to fight for. For someone."
Skye let out an humorless laugh.
"Silly me thought, that it was me that he meant." She shook her head. "I was wrong. He was talking about himself, wasn't he?"
Her clench on his shirt was so strong that she managed to pull him down to her height.
"You are fighting for Hydra. For The Clairvoyant," she whispered in defeat. "You were laughing at me the whole time, weren't you?"
"Don't lie to me anymore damn you," Skye implored as tears ran down her face. "Do what you need to safe me, if there's any truth in that. Just don't lie to me anymore."
Ward had never seen his Rookie looked so defeated as she said, "You are not the last person who I expected to lie to me, Ward. Do you know why?"
Ward shook his head with the slightest movement, afraid to know the answer.
"It's because I never expect you to lie to me at all. That's how much I trusted you."
Ward had never felt so crushed in his life. Even though his life was tough and lost before Garrett found him, never had he felt the despair and emptiness upon hearing her words.
He knew things will never be the same between them. But he knew that his feelings for her will never change. He knew he had to tell her the real truth, even if she threw it back in his face.
Loosening his grip on her wrist, he cursed himself for the redness that surrounded the tender skin. The grip she had on the front of his shirt was released but she let her clenched fist rest against his chest. Ward could feel the fight in her gone. He looked down to see Skye had set her eyes on her fists. He wished himself dead when with a tear filled voice, she begged him again.
"Don't lie to me, anymore. Please."
To Be Continued...